904371 tn?1242259115

What is going on?!

I had a decompression for my Chiari 1 malformation on February 2nd, 2009. At my pre-op, my neurosurgeon told me that my recovery would be difficult but short. Well, he was correct about it being difficult, but not about it being short.

Everyday, I wake up with back/neck/shoulder pains. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc. I've become immune to. So that has been a little upsetting. But about a month ago, I realized my right foot twitching and that my short-term memory was not as good as it was before the surgery. When I went to my neurosurgeon, he didn't even comment on these side effects (if they are side effects). So I've kinda walked head on into a brick wall, (bad thing to do with a Chiari Malformation), and I would like to know if anyone else has had similar side effects.

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Hey there. I had my decompression surgery on February 25, 09.  My tonsils herniated 13 mm and I had a very large syrinx. I've since had an MRI and shows a slight reduction. I have another one scheduled for next week. About 2 weeks ago I started to get a mild headach that would last all day and has been daily. I'm also experiencing these weird painful burning feeling on my toes and fingers. I have not told me doc about this since my appt is next week. I have been suffering from short term memory loss but my doctor is convinced it has nothing to do with the Chiari. I suffered from this pre and post surgery.  I am concerned about the feelings I'm having and teh fact I can't remember anything.
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Hi, I had surgery Dec30th'08 and I still have some shoulder, neck and arm pain but it
seems to be improving. Have you been over doing?  I find that when I overdo or not rest good at night is when I have problems, I also had my hands going to sleep at night not
long after the surgery, that scared me, but it has not happened much since then. I am
improving and my Dr. told me that it could take up to a year or more for nerves to repair.
I just hope that I didn't wait too long. Try to be positive and I hope that you get better with time.
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555358 tn?1292532061
Basic recovery is usually around 2 months, but it takes a year or so to be "completely recovered". I wouldn't be too worried about things yet.

The memory problems are pretty normal. I know I have them.

Keep in mind that Chiari can effect the central nervous system, especially if you have something like a tethered cord or syringomyelia. Mild nerve damage can repair itself, this could be related to the leg twitching.

Is your doctor considered a Chiari specialist?
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi and welcome to the Chiari forum.

We do have a thread here titled how many zipperheads, where u will find info from our member's that have had the decompression surgery.

I wonder if u have a chiari related condition like a syrinx, tethered cord, EDS......As u must know there is no cure for chiari, so it is possible to continue to have symptoms.

I do hope u continue to share ur chiari experiences , questions and concerns.

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