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Medical records arrived

Ok something caught my eye on the surgical report. I was planning on skipping the report when I saw that they couldn't do anything about some fluid. When I read the post op mri it said there was fluid on the duraplasty. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the complications that happened. My doctors obviously didn't believe so. They sent the psych team complaining about my inability to cooperative and blamed me. Anyone have this result post decompression surgery?
9 Responses
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620923 tn?1452915648

Well that does take time to feel stronger in fact I could see an increase of strength over each yr that passed.....this summer my 3rd post op, I felt the strongest....so u do have a way to go...and considering ur other health issues too...they can play a role in how long it may take for u to heal and feel stronger.....keep looking and moving forward : )
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Still weak. I'm using my walker outside the house and my pt appointment isn't till the 25, and the insurance has restrictions on how long I can be rereferred to them. Last time insurance did that I had a bill for a months pt because no one told me they stopped paying.
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620923 tn?1452915648

  The most important thing is how do u feel now?
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I doubt it was caused by what the psychiatry tream tried to say. The odds are it was from the meds. What I don't get is why there is any fluid at all. The report says they couldn't do with the duraplasty anything so they left it.
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620923 tn?1452915648

  I do not think some fluid there is a big issue as many times when there is a fluid filled sack they allow it time to see if it will absorb....so if u did not have a sack  and it was not a substantial amount they may not have felt it necessary.....

Mayb ur issues post op were med related? I do not know, I am not a Dr, just taking guesses here.
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What still bothers me is I still don't know anything about the fluid still being on the duraplasty. The mri and surgical report show it is there. The surgical report shows why it's still there. They didn't do anything about it. They didn't even tell me that. I think the complications were caused by the fluids not by everything the doctors tried to justify away.
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Just know that was their opinion and not fact....u have the info that proves other wise so I would not let it bother u.

It is sad that they do not look at the whole patient b4 making an assessment, that that seems to happen all the time.
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I was found anemic the day after the psych team showed up. How am I supposed to cooperate with pt/ot when I'm too tired to move? They blamed the fact that I was sleeping in the daytime and not able to sleep at night. They forgot to find out why I was sleeping in the daytime first. It was actually written that after the blood transfusion I was cooperative.

The fatigue is still here but I'm back to sleeping at night mostly. I think the real reason I had trouble in the morning was because they wake me up for the blood draws and they couldn't take no for an answer if the iv didn't exist. I was actually declared unprickable by the ivad team and the IR team had to do the picu (not sure how to spell it) just to keep getting blood.

It still maddens me that the psych team thought I was the reason I wasn't home from the psychiatric point of view.
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hi...not sure what u mean by ur inability to cooperative?

How were u feeling, what was the issue for u?

And is that issue gone now?
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