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Chronic hives

I have had hives for almost three years now. Every antihistimine and stomach pill (that has a histimine blocker) has been tried. The only relief I have gotten was when I went on Cyclosporine for six moths. This is an antirejection drug. I do not want to stay on this, but have been off of it for five months now, and hives are starting to return. Sometimes they are red splotches on my skin, other times they are thick welts, both itch unreal. My eyes, lips and feet swell also. My eyes and lips swell till I look like someone has beat me...Any sugestions???
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I have been suffering with chronic idiopathic urticaria (hives) since 2004 without any insight from doctors.  I have been prescribed every allergy, immune suppressant and steroid available with no relief.  They pretty much come every day but I have noticed that right before my menstrual cycle they are the worst.  The only thing I do for relief is dope up on sleep medicine and try to sleep through the discomfort.  Pressure hives has also been an issue to the point that I can't wear heals, tight pants or even cry to hard because my eyes will swell from the pressure.  It's bizarre and very frustrating.  I started an online journal of my battle with hives and if you are interested you can check it at www.***@****.  
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It is sad to say but finding this site with others with this horrible problem was great. I live in Australia, my urtucaria started about 40 years ago. I will have periods of years without any sign of it, however, I do have a lot of allergies and food intolerances, but you learn to live with them, right!. But this is something you can not live with. This "attack" started about 8 years ago, and I haven't been free of them completly in all that time. Now they have gone crazy, I either look like 'Daffy Duck' with swollen lips and my eyes swollen shut or like the 'Goodyear Blimp". I have recently been told to try Singulair , but have noticed many of you dont think it helps, Im praying it does some good. Do any of you have pain inside as well? I get pain from my throat down through my chest, it makes you hope it is a heart attack, because at least that will stop one way or another. The pain is unbievable, Doctors certainly dont believe it exists! I have even tried adrenalin, with some relief at least. I do take Thryoid meds as mine does not work, and had to have a complete hysterectomy at 37. So I also can relate to some of the stories there as well. Do any of you get relief from very hot baths or showers when the hives are bad? The pain seems to be when the rash isnt so noticable which is strange. Any way, here is hoping there is hope for us all, if they can go to the moon, you would think someone could find a way to help us, but they have to understand how it affects our lives first, and that is not going to happen soon!. Good luck to everyone, keep on trying!
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For many of you here, the cause of your hives may quite possibly be due to a food additive called maltodextrin.  It's in thousands of products from snacks (such as Pringles and Doritos), frozen foods, vitamins, Splenda, and many, many other things.

Check all food labels with due diligence.  Avoid all products with maltodextrin.  If your hives go away, you can safely assume that maltodextrin is the cause of your misery.

Believe me, I know what you are going through.  I don't know if there is anyone who can help us, but I have hope.

Maltodextrin is the cause of your hives.  Avoid it all costs, and good luck to you all.
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I wanted to give an update: I have been receiving acupuncture for almost 2 months now and it has really helped with my hives. I am only having very small breakouts which do not require me to take any antihistimes! Also, I am taking some herbs she " prescribed" me which seem to help. I went into acupuncture thinking how will this help me but I can honestly say that it has helped a lot!
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One more thing I forgot to mention. I'm from Wisconsin and my hives seem to happen at the change of the seasons. Right now Wisconsin can't make up it's mind what it wants to do and I have a feeling that is why they have been so bad... Has anyone else had this experience?
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I started getting hives almost 10 years ago during my freshman year of college. I saw a doctor at the campus clinic who told me it was from dander in my grandparents' house, which I had recently moved into. I knew this wasn't the case because I visited their house weekly my entire life and had frequently stayed overnight. I was given fexofenadine (Allegra) and the hives went away. They didn't come back for about a year or two and within the last 10 years this has been the pattern. At one point I saw an allegist who literally said, "There seems to be no rhyme or reason to why you're getting them - I wouldn't even know where to begin testing you". So she gave me Xyzal and told me to take that in addition to the Allegra. In the past, that combination worked and they had lasted more than a week or two but this time I'm going on over a month. The Allegra/Xyzal combo isn't working. I've resulted to Benadryl, but even that isn't helping much anymore. I'm very frustrated. I don't know how some of you have lasted years. I sometimes break down crying because I itch so bad. My lips swell up at times and I've gotten hives on my eyelids. It's affecting my life; I don't want to go anywhere because I'm constantly itchy. I take Benadryl (2-3 every 4-6 hours) just to get me through work, but it pretty much turns me into a zombie and I hate it.

I was diagnosed with hypothyroid at age 7 (I'm 28 now) and have a routine appointment with my endocrinologist tomorrow and will definitely be talking with her about these terrible hives.

One thing that was recommended to me by a friend was to spray rubbing alcohol onto the hives. I use the 70% and it does offer some relief from the itching. I can't imagine that it is real good for the skin, but at this point I'm just content that it helps. I've also recently started going to accupuncture. I have only had 2 appointments, but it has offered some relief. The accupuncturist said I should see more relief as time goes by. She recommended coconut oil (topical or oral), but I haven't gotten to the store to pick that up yet. Also green tea - which I HATE, but I'm going to try it anyway... I'm desperate.

It's somewhat of a relief to know that others are feeling the same way. I've felt a bit alone lately - and if one more person tells me that it is stress related, I may lose it! Does anyone else feel this way?!?! If anyone out there needs to talk or anything, feel free to email me: ***@****

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