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3211536 tn?1359385569

Guns Banned?

I cannot imagine how Griz would have dispatched the 2 pigs he slaughtered the other day...with a knife?Much suffering it would bring the poor critter.
Many times we hace had to use  different calibers of guns for different things throughout the years.Animals that stalked my little girl and killed my dog and  30 plus chickens.Living where we do we have them for self-protection,(the law takes forever to get here).We have also had to end the suffering of an animal a time or 2,without something what would we do?Hit it in the head with a rock and hope we killed it?
The saying say "Outlaw guns and then only criminals will have guns".Stricter application for permits required safety classes locked cabinets when children are residing there.Wait a Minute! Why weren't her Guns in a locked cabinet?she failed her son greatly and indirectly caused the life of the children to be lost.She is guilty also,she had to have known better.If my child had a problem I would know and seek help.
98 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
I was referring to the military style assault weapons, that don't belong on the street; I was not referring to semi-auto or auto handguns or other rifles that might have a use in civilian life, such as target practice, skeet shooting, etc, including personal protection.  After all, if I'm attacked by 5 bears in the forest or 6 thugs on the street, I want to get them all with one pull of the trigger.  Too bad I'm probably going to be surrounded and won't have a chance to get more than one or two, if that, before the rest close in on me.  
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There you are.... Another guy who says guns are bad, makes not qualms with being anti gun..... then gets popped trying to hop on a plane with a loaded semi automatic hand gun?  Are you kidding me????  That is a frigging felony!!!!!  Just watch nothing happen.
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It might be tool late and it sure is a sorry sate of affairs when people want to make decisions based on fact, then when given the facts they go against the grain.  That's America..... and this will not come down to a national vote amongst the people.... By the way, an anti gun politician was just arrested for trying to get on a plane with a loaded pistol...

How the hell can this guy be anti gun and get caught with a pistol... "semi automatic pistol, no less".  Ill find the link....
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973741 tn?1342342773
Brice, I'm sure the NRA will soon have a major campaign explaining the facts.  I just think it is too late----  it seems the tide is turning and more are clamoring for gun control laws that are more strict in nature.  That majority thing might end up ruling the day with whether automatic or semi automatic guns/rifles are allowed to be sold to the general public.  

Hey, I'm this way about other issues.  It bugs me to no end that so many want marijauna to be legal.  But what can I do if that is how peoplle are voting or voting in lawmakers to make this issue go a certain way?  it stinks, but I deal with it.  
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Thanks gene.... there is a big difference and the world needs to know the facts.
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Thanks for the compliment.  I'd like to address a couple of things you said.  About being scared around guns.  I too was scared around guns, the first time I pulled the trigger 40 years ago.  My instruction on gun handling started off just like this..."This is a .22 caliber semi automatic rifle.  It is a potentially dangerous gun and can cause injury and or death.  The person handling this gun needs to be responsible all of the time while handling this gun."  Then he handed it to me.... 5 years old with something than can kill somebody!  Great, and now it's in my hands!  Great again....

That is a lot of pressure for a 5 year old.  Its a lot of pressure for a 40 year old too.  An accident can cause death or severe injury.  But that is where the tutorial began.  At the end of that day, I was mildly more comfortable and the stuff about injury and death was repeated every time I was around my dad into my 30's...pretty much until the day he died.  If we were around guns, I got the talk.  Its the talk you can't hear too much of and its one thing you always need to remember around guns.

Your comfort level will rise around guns if you handle them more often and learn everything about them.  (If you allow it to rise.)  

And I am with your husband 100%.  If I thought giving my guns up would save 1 little baby's life, I'd get rid of them.  That is not the case though, and I totally understand the need to do something.  I also understand the comfort from "thinking" that you're doing something about the situation.  But a lot of the cries are not addressing the problem head on.  

There is no difference between a semi automatic rifle and a semi automatic assault rifle.  Capacity, the amount of rounds a weapon can have seems to be the issue.  Truth be told... AR 15's can be made to only hold 5 rounds.... are you aware of that?  Would a AR 15 be tolerable then, if it could only shoot 5 rounds?  Why or why not?  (Get back to me on that. I'd like to address your answer.)  If the amount of ammunition a gun can carry is the problem, you can make smaller magazines and by the criteria being used now.... that would be okay.

There is a certain amount of psychology involved when hearing about guns.  The informed don't buy it... lesser informed do.  For instance, my dear old mother.  She heard the term 9, because a friend of mine (a Vegas cop was shot and killed and a 9 was found on the scene).  My mom was terrified of 9.  (Mom knows I carry.)  My mother had no idea that a "9", "9mm" and a "9 millimeter" were the same thing... See, the news didn't offer that up for education, so my mother was afraid of the number 9.  (My oldest kid used to be afraid of pumpkins (not jack-o-lanterns) so I get it.)
"9" this and "9" that.  She just kept it up.  I straightened her out on that.  She didn't believe me at first, but then took the facts for what they were.  (She may still be afraid of the number 9, but not so much the 9millimeter.  She doesn't want to be around them, but is not afraid.)

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1494170 tn?1361750860
Well stated Brice.
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I think what you're really concerned with the the magazines or the capacity there of.  There is not a difference between a semi automatic rifle and a semi automatic assault rifle.  Capacity.... yes, otherwise... no.
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Respectfully, what is the real difference between an assault rifle and a semi automatic rifle?
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480448 tn?1426948538
Wow, very powerful post, brice.

You presented the info with facts, with statistics, and there is a lot of truth in what you say.

It boils down to the same argument...the criminals will find a way no matter what.  I agree with that.

The emotional part of me is okay with a ban on automatic weapons, or "assault weapons", whatever you call it.  The logical part of me says...you're changing the line in the sand, where does it end.  If the next mass murder is committed with a shotgun, do we ban those?

I FULLY respect everyone's opinion on this issue too, btw.  From the people who want to ban them all, to people like brice.  They're all valued opinions.  This is a debate that will go on forever.

Like I said, personally, I don't have a big comfort level around guns because I wasn't raised with them at all, but at the same time, I've watched my hubby and all of his guns, and like you explained brice...he knows his way around a gun...he respects them completely.  He treats every gun as if it were loaded, even if HE unloaded it himself.  His guns are locked up in a gun safe, only HE has access to it.  He loves to hunt, to target practice, and feels safer that he could protect us and our home.  I respect that and feel he deserves his rights.

This issue has been hard on him.  He actually joined the NRA yesterday.  He's outaged about the call for gun control.  He HIMSELF said he'd hand over every damn gun he has if he thought it would prevent this kind of thing from happening, but he's like many others, and feels it just wouldn't make one bit of difference.  Our son is this man's world...he's 7 and in first grade, like so many of the kids who were killed.  He watches the news coverage in silence, and the ONLY thing he has said about it to me is, "There's nothing more unimaginable than something like that".  I KNOW this has cut him to the core.  So, it goes without saying that those who are passionate about their gun rights don't hold onto their stance because they don't care about what happened...far from it.

Just a difference of opinion on a heart-tugging issue, like so many others.  I think doing SOMETHING is okay...I think it's more symbolic than anything,...people need to feel as though they have taken some kind of action.  I think you could ban fully auto guns without severely affecting the gun rioghts of the people...but it has to stop there.  To do more and more TRULY places the 2nd ammendment at risk.  That being said, I DO understand how people like brice and my hubby feel that even THAT is too much.  I get it,

It's an impossible situation, without a doubt.  Thanks all of you for the great info about guns, btw...you're all very knowledgeable!
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You're very welcome.  Glad that I could contribute.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Nobody is (or at least, I'm not) advocating a ban on ALL semi-automatic or automatic guns........ the topic of this conversation was Assault Rifles, and that's the "only" thing I would support a ban on. Assault Rifles are simply not needed in civilian life.

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You do know your stuff Brice.
I want to thank you again for contributing so much to the learning process about this issue.
I am going to let it all simmer a bit before I comment further.
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So... there you go with the facts on guns.  
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"What if that majority goes in the direction of banning semi automatic and automatic weapons?"  It will make a criminal out of a million law abiding citizens.  

I don't even have a speeding ticket on my record.  But by me owning a semi automatic .22, I will be labeled a criminal.... a felon, no doubt and so will hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens.  I think that's wrong.

My guns are no concern to you.  In fact, you wouldn't know I had a gun (guns) if I didn't tell you I did.  I've got nothing to hide about my guns because I am a law abiding citizen.  I enjoy recreational shooting.  I've competed in shooting events, and I enjoy that.  My grand parents shot guns.  My dad shot guns and started me out on gun safety.  My kids both shoot on occasion.... nobody in my family has committed a crime with a gun.  Nobody has killed anybody.  Hell, nobody has shot at anybody.

To me, that is part of gun ownership.  That's how I was taught.  The most important thing about gun ownership is being a responsible gun owner.  I am that guy... so was my father before me, grand parents before him and my kids after me.

With the responsibility of owning guns comes the responsibility of safety.  That responsibility is transferable and every gun owner should be held accountable for the highest level of gun safety.  When I am around others shooting, I am not afraid to tell someone that they are not acting responsible and am not afraid to ask them to move away or check what they are doing.  At the gun range, often I am surrounded by 20 other shooters.... all with those mean and nasty semi-automtic guns and nobody ever seems to get hurt.  In an afternoon of shooting, I may go through 500 rounds by myself.  So will the others around me.  Thousands of rounds will be sent down range, and nobody ever manages to get hurt.

There are rules at the range.  If you are unsafe or exhibit a lack of safety, you are sent packing.  In 40 years of recreational shooting, I've seen 2 accidental discharges.  Because of the safety guards put in place and exhibited by the people holding the guns, nobody got hurt.  One accidental discharge was because of a faulty firing pin that was frozen out when a gentleman tried to load a round into the chamber.  It happened 3 feet from me.... because I knew where I was and was nowhere near the barrel, and because that barrel was pointed down range.... nobody got hurt.  A nice shotgun was destroyed, but no injuries.  The other accidental discharge came from a person hopping out of a car with a loaded hunting rifle.  (Gun should not have been loaded, gun should have been on safety.)  The safeguard that was in place is that the barrel was pointed down, away from anyone.  The gun discharged when the person hopped out of the vehicle.  No injuries.... more importantly, no death.

The more you handle a gun, the better a chance that there may be an accident, same as the more you drive the better a chance that you will be in an auto accident.  Safety knows no holidays and because of the safety that I was taught, my friends were taught, my parents were taught and my children were taught, I've never seen anyone get injured with a gun.... Were talking a 40 year span of my life.  In 40 years, nobody I know has injured another person.  (I do know a gun smith who accidentally shot himself in the hand while working on a malfunctioning gun.  The guy was back to work after a trip to the emergency room, and he got injured so his client would not... yet another safe guard.)

So with all of that being said, you are willing to make a criminal of me and my friends and thousands upon thousands of other people I do not know, simply because we own a semi automatic gun or two?  

I respect anyone who does not want to be around guns or is against gun ownership.  It is a lot like parachuting.... it isn't for everyone.  I've been in gun classes with people who have never been around a gun, never even seen a gun before.  In one particular class, we had 3 people who were "anti-gun" people but were open minded enough to better educate themselves on guns.  They took a week long shooting course to get their education.  (All 3 were women, by the way.)  At the end of the course, 2 of the 3 had changed their opinions on guns entirely.  In fact, 1 is a competitive shooter these days and the other is a semi automatic gun owner who frequents our shooting range with her husband (who was also "anti-gun").  The lady who remained anti gun left with an education on all things guns.  She even admitted to having fun at the range shooting all of the different guns, but said that gun ownership was not for her.  

This woman is confident.  She now knows how to check every gun to make sure its safe and is confident that she can handle that.  This woman now understands that a gun can't kill anyone, but a person with intent or a person who commits an accident can surely kill somebody.

Any of you who may own a gun are of no concern to me.  I don't care what kind of gun you have.  I rest assured that you won't be "gunning" for me anytime soon.  I rest assured because you probably came from the same gun handling school I did.  Maybe you learned from your dad.  Maybe you've taken a course (or 20).  We as gun owners aren't gunning for anybody.  That's what separates us from the criminals.... we aren't out to harm anyone.  It goes against our nature. We are not the people who are out committing crimes.

More people die a year from accidents than die from homicide by gun.  In fact, accidental death by guns is #7 on the list of accidental deaths.  More people suffocate a year than die by accidental shooting.

Homicide is ranked #15 cause of death in this country according to the CDC.  (I can't remember the model year but) 16,799 homicides were recorded in the model year and 11,493 of those were caused by guns in general.  I wonder how many of those homicides were punk gang bangers shooting each other?  That's besides the point.

According to stats gathered by the CDC 42% of all households have a gun.  In the model year above, guns were used by civilians 989,883 times to stop crimes against them or someone they know.... almost 1,000,000 times!!!!!  That's what, roughly 8 times as many homicides a year and almost 9 times as many homicides by guns a year.  9 times as many crimes stopped from guns than committed by guns in just this one model....

So now there is a rush to make criminals out of law abiding citizens.  I'm never going to understand that.  2.5 times as many people die in car crashes as there are all of homicides a year, let alone homicide by gun.

I know you're minds are probably made up.  I do think all of you are smart enough to just look at the stats and let them speak for themselves.  There are 14 other causes of death a year that take a higher toll than homicide (not even counting homicide by gun) and there are 7 other things that cause more accidental deaths a year than guns.  Suffocation, burns, drowning, poisoning, falling, and car crashes are all in front of guns in the accident department.... drowning, more than guns.... How many Americans swim a year, and you aren't willing to take that away?

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I hate to be the one to tell you but if it will help, Santa Claus is real.

Funny funny man. (I am *not* laughing at OH's expense-I totally get what she meant) but that was just classic Glass. You must have your family rolling with your humor.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Arm more people, and allow CHL-carriers to conceal-carry, and you'll cut down on mass-killings/massacres.

MORE gun education, not less guns.

Ban AUTO's by all means, but draw the line there.
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1747881 tn?1546175878
As pointed out by Brice in a previous post you can buy a semi-auto shotgun that holds 8 rounds which falls below the limit proposed, it is easy to reload on the fly and causes serious damage, it is actually my weapon of choice for home defense, so what happens when the next mass shooting involves a gun like that, do we take those away too or do we just get rid of all guns at that point
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973741 tn?1342342773
Are there hunting guns that are semi automatic that shoot 10 rounds or less?  Those aren't part of the bill I don't think.  
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973741 tn?1342342773
The ban is going forward so what is there is there.  People just couldn't get new ones.  Still lots in circulation----  I know.  But it would cut down on the amt. in circulation going forward. ???

Automatic is a for sure from me and I'll read more about semi automatic.  
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1747881 tn?1546175878
All semi-auto guns would include popular bird hunting/skeet shooting shotguns as well, don't see that happening
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1310633 tn?1430224091
A ban on FULLY AUTOMATIC guns, I don't see a problem enacting or enforcing.

A ban on SEMI-AUTOMATIC guns... you might have a bit of an issue.

There are A LOT of semi-auto pistols out there, in the hands of civilians AS WELL AS law-enforcement (not to mention military, etc).

Are we basically saying that a ban should be enacted on all auto & semi-auto guns? And if that's the case, will the only guns available to purchase/own, be either bolt-action rifles or 6-shooter' "c-o-c-k the hammer'like" pistols?

I think a ban on FULL AUTO guns is in order. The "semi" auto is where I may have to draw a line in the sand, not because of the way I personally feel, but because of the impossibility of being able to enact/enforce such a ban.  
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1530342 tn?1405016490
The answer above was to Sm's questions: "  What if that majority goes in the direction of banning semi automatic and automatic weapons?
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1530342 tn?1405016490
Speaking as a gun owner myself, If this saves lives, I am all for it!.....I personally don't need a Auto or Semi Auto gun....
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