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Jawline sore

I'm 26 and tanned a few years in my early twenties.  I saw a derm about six months ago, and my skin was fine.  Since then, I've developed almost cystic like acne on my right-side jawline, which has since gone down.  However, there was a bump I must've picked which left a sore that scabbed over, went away, became irritated and came back, not healing up after what seems like a few months.  Now that I've just started tanning (about a week) it has started to dry my skin out (good) and the same scab in question fell off today, but left a pink almost begging to get irritated sore spot/shiney scar? And I'm wondering if I should see the derm ASAP (a 2.5 hour drive) or see the derm if it doesn't look good after a month of tanning, or see the derm in 6 months (at a yearly check up). And no skin cancer runs in my family.  Well?
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I do not think this is skin cancer. You have a case of acne before and this is most probably a scar. You may observe this for a while. However, I do understand you will be having more tanning sessions. At this point, this does not sound like a contraindication however, tanning may further irritate the skin especially areas wherein the skin is quite thin. The skin over the face is quite sensitive. If this is the case, you may have this assessed by your dermatologist so as to give you proper advise on how to protect the area.

One option is ,you may opt to postpone the tanning sessions until you have observed the scar for at least two weeks. If any changes like redness or discoloraton appears then you may need prompt dermatologic consult.
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Thank you.  The same jawline sore is half healed half not and scratching it accidently today sure did hurt/sting.  And a nonmelonoma cancer sore/ulcer usually does not sting, correct? And the sore has not enlarged any, so I guess that is good.  So it is best to see the derm at a yearly check up? And it seems the only changes with this sore is the problem with healing. It appears pink and I don't know what discoloration is?
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Some chronic inflammatory reactions may present with a thin pinkish or reddish rash that may last for quite some time. This may also recur given the proper triggering factor like heat , weather and stress.

An initial evaluation by a physician will be able to help. Your dermatologist will advise you with regards to this. Just refrain from repeatedly picking on the area. As with your tanning sessions try to avoid this until the skin condition has been properly assessed. If this is a dermatitis , this may recur and persist for sometime.
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