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My Dog Died from his Vaccinations

My healty, almost 9 year old standard poodle received his annual vaccines on Friday, May 27.  Saturday, May 28, he was unable to walk.  Over the course of the next 8 days, we visited 3 vets (5 visits) and 1 vet neurologist (2 visits).  The official diagnosis was "vestibular disease from vaccinosis."   Every medical professional told us he would snap out of it and get better.  Initially, we were told to wait it out, then he was put on a steroid regimen, and was on steroids with a holistic support approach and, in the end, immodium.  We finally put him out of his misery on June 5.  With all the professional help, I felt helpless as I watch my first born die.  No one seemed to acknowledge he was so sick.  I'm struggling for answers as to what happened and how it happened.  I do believe it was the shots that killed him.  Has anyone heard similar stories?  Was there anything we could have done to save him or make him comfortable?  RIP OSCAR.  
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My fiancé and I lost our 8 week old golden retriever just shortly after he got a 4 or 5 in 1 shot that the vet told us he needed, even though he was given shots prior to us getting him. He was having cluster seizures and was having them every hour.. ending up to having 6 a day. They told us that vaccines do not cause seizures and that there was no evidence to prove that he was having the seizures due to vaccines. I believe to this day that it was the vaccines he was given and being that he was so young. The last day we had him he was in a constant seizure and not even the medicine (Valium) could pull him out of it. I am doing research and making sure I am more aware of what vets are giving our pets.
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I am so glad I found these posts. I am so sorry for your loss of your young 8 week old retriever. I am completely grief stricken and heartbroken. My Golden Retriever , Lily Anne was 14 years old. So she was older, and had some health issues, but she was walking, barking, eating prior to getting her two vaccines on July 30th(flu and bodetella) She was barely able to walk when we returned home , and in two weeks we witnessed a fast decline. The Vet said the vaccine"may have triggered existing medical issues" We had a panel of tests done, and shots for nutrition. She refused to eat, couldnt stand, we had to provide paliative care, they offered hositalization which was beyond our ability to pay.  On August 13, she had a bowel movement that looked like a bloody internal organ, and she passed aways a couple hours later. In my heart , I knew, it was the vaccines, either the flu or bordetello .
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my daughter`s dog Ralph 7 year human was really healthy, took him for vaccinations on saturday 28 april 2018 at Tampa free vaccination promotion and died today, five days later without no apparent reason. ***@****
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I had a 13 week old shitzu.. she just had her second vaccination for parvo yesterday morning. Last night at 230 am I went for ten minutes to drive my friend one block away. I came immediately back and my Annie was passed away in her bed with blood discharge around her nose. When I left she was on the floor and showed no signs of sickness or anything. The emergency vet assumes she had a head trauma jumping onto other off of my couch but my couch is very low and she never jumps off of it. There was 2 drops of blood on her blanket by her bed and she was found on her bed. Another vet the one who gave her her needle assumes it was a convulsion or a"turn". I know her she never jumped off my couch and blankets cover the surrounding of my couch. I feel so uneasy about it being her jumping off of something. It just doesn't make sense for a ten minute time span.she potties on my couch if I lift her on due to never wanting to jump... what was anyone else's symptoms to their pup/dog dying after a vaccine
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My 6 month old maltese pup fainted minutes after having a booster jab. She died 4 hours later. I was sent a letter from the vet saying she was due a booster. I wasnt told it wasnt optional and that she could have the booster at 12 months. So very very sad
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My 6 month old maltese pup fainted minutes after having a booster jab. She died 4 hours later. I was sent a letter from the vet saying she was due a booster. I wasnt told it wasnt optional and that she could have the booster at 12 months. So very very sad
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My family and i just had to make the decision to let our beloved girl go.She was a 6 year old British Bull / Pitt mix. When we rescued her 3 years ago we were told she had Vertigo. We were told that some dogs get it from a untreated ear infection.  She's fine and it was something she's probably had all her life. She was also blind. She could see shadows but that was it. When ever she shook her head she would fall down dizzy. Her eyes would dart side to side like she was just spun around or some times they would roll back in her head and her eyes would look solid red. It scared me every single time. This was part of Vertigo,  I was told. She had allergies so bad. She would lick her paws raw. They would be swollen and bleeding. When they would get infected she would be put on Prednisone and then allergy medication. It Would help for a little wail then she would start licking all over again. That last allergy flerup was so bad her paws swelled up 3 times her normal size. She was put on Allbaquil.  For a whole year her allergies were gone. One day we thought she had a ear infection. He was digging at the side of her head. Took her to the vet they cleaned her ear out and said it looked fine. She started getting a dent in her head just above her left eye. The vet took some blood from her and wail we waited on the results it started looking like a huge sink hole. It took 2 weeks for those results to come back. She was getting worse really really fast. She was falling down every few steps. Not falling because of her dizzy spells but because the muscles in her whole body started to detereate. She would get tired of standing and just fall. She lost so much weight. The test came back clean. They tested her for MMM. They tested her for a couple more things. They were negative.  They were wanting to keep testing but we couldn't come up with that much money in a days times. They don't let you pay later. This would of cost thousands we didn't have. This estimate was a little over $2,000. The last night we had with her was Sunday June 5. She cried and whimpered all night. We thought she had a tummy ache from a goodie she got earlier. That morning she couldn't move her legs at all. You could stand her up but she could move them. She would stand on top of her toes. She had no feeling in them at all. The was a very brave girl with a beautiful and kind heart. God I miss her. Please excuse my spelling errors.  It was so hard to type this.  
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this all makes me sad and scared i came to this page because we just took our5 month old german shepard to the vet last friday its now monday evening and this dog has totally changed she will not eat a thing i mean nothing shes gulping water by the bowl which is the only positive thing i can say her pupils are dialated she now lost 5 pounds in 3 days ribs showing all of this occured friday after she got her yearly shots it included bortala rabies distemper there was sevral shots like 7 in all they gave her in 2 shots we are scared for her the vet refuses to believe it was the shots all they said was give her this for stomach sickness which i went and paid for they did weigh her at my request and did see she lost 5 pounds why does this not scare them they clearly seen the dog was so happy and thriving 3 days ago so scared any advise?
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Hardly ever will a vet admit that vaccination boosters can cause illness.
This enrages me.

I had a similar experience when my dog became ill 24-48 hours after her boosters one year. I called the vet, who said unless there was swelling and redness at the vaccination site -then it was highly unlikely to be a vaccine reaction !
My dog had terrible lethargy and diarrhoea and could hardly walk or stand up.
I called a big b/s on that idea. She recovered, and from that moment on had her "Titer tested" each time her vaccinations were due.

I hadn't realised....but you know, she was immune for Parvo -having contracted it and survived before I rescued her. That was on her veterinary records! And yet they still gave her the Parvo vaccine in among the other hotch-potch!
I would have expected more intelligence from them. As soon as I realised I was horrified. That was just dangerously overloading her immune system. And they didn't appear to care.
Of course I wished I had thought of that sooner....

I am so sorry your dog is ill like this. I'm sorry I don't have direct treatment  advice, beyond careful nursing, and if possible, consultation with a vet who understands vaccine reactions. My opinion is she doesn't need stomach medicine, but probably hospitalisation with IV fluids to stabilise her right now. What drugs can be given to help her....I am unsure.

It is also possible that you will be able to get a medical exception for her vaccines in future, as she has suffered a very bad reaction. If your vet won't listen, speak to a vet who will, and interview them by phone until you can get someone who understands.
At the very least, in future you could have her "Titer tested" instead of just routinely vaccinated.
My dog Roley died days after his vaccinations.   He developed hemolytic anemia. I do not vaccinate my dogs now. I searched online and saw all the damage vaccines can do.  Wish I Knew This Before He Got His shots.
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My 6 year old pit bull got her da2pp booster on11/03/14 and then vet asked if I take her outdoors alot and I said yes,then vet suggested leptospororsis shot not waning me of any of the side effects.O10/24/14 she recieved 2nd shot -this vet always sends reminders emails phone calls ect to pad up the bill. On10/27/14 I came home walked hernightly walk and fed her and my other cattle dog the same food.1 hour later she vomited only once which had happened times before.1 hour later i tried to take her out for another walk and she was weak and lethargic and stumbling around and I thought she just had a bad bug.20 minutes later she was slipping into shock I put her in car for 45 min ride to emergency vet .She died on my front seat .I even tried to revive her.Leptospororis is an inffective killer vaccine It killed my dog and it will kill yours too . I had a schnauser on chemo  for thyroid cancer and I never seen a dog get so sick so fast .I think of her every day and put her in an urn with an angel overlooking her picture. She was special and i will always miss her. The vet denied any negligence which I expected and I saved another shelter dog and am getting better but I fired my vet and got a new vet . Don for Roxie in Cincinnati,Ohio  and I feel your pain.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
The first problem you will encounter is proving the effects were from the vaccination. You mentioned rabies vaccine, deworming and distemper, which are three different vaccinations/treatments. The symptoms could quite easily be from any of them - or none of them. Turning it into a legal matter would cost you thousands of pounds, with no guarantee of success (actually, it's very likely you would lose the case, as vets usually have professional indemnity insurance, so can hire the best barristers).

Sorry not the info you were probably hoping for, but right now I would suggest concentrating on finding another vet and one you trust and like and which has come to you from recommendations. Then take your dog to see them straight away, if they are still showing any ill-effect symptoms.

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Sorry for your loss! My Cane corso mastiff is now suffering from same vaccine reaction. This is the second time he's reacted right after his rabies bordatella deworming and distemper vaccines. I took back to vet soon after lethargy symptoms did not go away and only got worse where my dog had no strength to move around. He has trouble walking, sitting, laying down, standing up, reaching down to pick up something from floor and trouble squatting down to poop. Hes not exercising and is still losing a lot of weight. To my surprise, vet is denying is from vaccine. they are giving me run around and is only upsetting me more because my dog went from being extremely healthy to total opposite right after shots administered. Is there a way to hold my vet accountable for not giving me an informed consent for my pets adverse reaction? Other owners who have taken their pet to her had same outcome but unfortunately their pet was put down. They are giving me non existing email address to contact doctor and today told me they couldn't give me her email. I would like to know if it's worth the trouble to turn this into a legal matter? What can be done? I'm a little lost.
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I just took my puppy to the vet.. He was fine.. He had the distemper shot.. Took him home got a reaction from the shot.. He had seizures went into shock.. Took him to emgerceny clinic.. Cost me over 3000.00 .. Now he on seizure medication.. For the rest of his life.. It s the shot they gave him..Im sorry about your dog.. But it either the vaccine  itself thats bad.from the company.. . And yes giving them to many vaccine at once .. Could cause a reaction..I just might take this up with a lawyer.. It ***** to watch your poor pet suffer.. Because of a vaccine they gave them..
My 15 year old dachshund was in perfect health until our vet required him to get the lepto vaccine to board him there when we went on vacation.  When I picked up my dog, he was blind!  He began losing the function of his right limb shortly thereafter and then started his decline to kidney failure.  My vet denied it was the vaccine administered while under his care.  I subsequently read that this Lepto vaccine is extremely toxic!  Especially in dachshunds and smaller breeds.
My 15 year old dachshund was in perfect health until our vet required him to get the lepto vaccine to board him there when we went on vacation.  When I picked up my dog, he was blind!  He began losing the function of his right limb shortly thereafter and then started his decline to kidney failure.  My vet denied it was the vaccine administered while under his care.  I subsequently read that this Lepto vaccine is extremely toxic and can cause blindness/kidney failure.  Especially in dachshunds and smaller breeds.
When a dog has an allergic reaction to a vaccine, its usually a reaction to the Leptospirosis in the DHLP-P. That's what the "L" stands for. My female Boxer had a serious allergic reaction to the Lepto. She was able to still get the vaccine, they just left out the lepto. In a DHLP-P vaccine the lepto part is the liquid that you mix with the powder. We just mixed the powder with a sterile diluent.
1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi. Obviously, I am very sorry that you have had this dreadful experience and believe you have lost your best friend as a result. At the very least, they should have issued you with information (many vets do this by handing or posting out a leaflet in advance of the vaccinations). If that wasn';t done, then the vet should definitely have explained the risks involved.

I think vaccinating has become almost routine to vets, who perform them probably a hundred times a week in large cities and towns - and owners are rarely informed about the small number of problematic potential health risks. There are actually a large number of other risks too, including injection site cancer, which is something I have discussed with other posters on this forum.

I am certainly not against vaccinating ... and strongly believe there are many very good reasons for it ... but I also believe, in some circumstances, we are over-vaccinating our pets, without first checking whether or not they actually need these vaccines.

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Thanks Tony. We did everything possible to keep our dog safe. Your answer provided some comfort in knowing the vet should have went the extra mile in explaining the risks and the other options you could take before administering the vaccines. What hurts us the most is their (the animal hospital) failure to own up to what has happened. We know the answer to that--THEY NEVER WILL.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi. Sadly, vets rarely explain this to dog owners, sometimes because that's just the way (traditionally) other vets have always done things, so new vets do things exactly the same way; and secondly, maybe to help protect owners from the financial burden, because titer testing isn't particularly cheap and can sometimes add to the cost of vaccinations, if they are still deemed necessary. There's also the argument that most dogs are fine with vaccinations, while only a minority have "issues" with them ... therefore, some vets feel the addition of titer testing is unnecessary. I am not of that opinion and believe owners have a right to information, so they can then make an educated choice.

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Should the vet tell you this should be done because titers is something I've never heard of?  I was relying on the vet to do what was right for my dog. My dog was only 6 years old.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
There are good reasons to have titers done before any vaccinations, and more so in elderly dogs or those that may already have an infection or illness. Titers are a way of deciding whether the dog already has enough immunity to serious diseases in their system, making any booster vaccinations completely unnecessary. There are risks with vaccinations (just the same as with humans), and there are times when the risks may seem worth it - but vets make a vast sum of money from annual vaccination boosters, even though much of the time they are not required, because the dog has enough immunity built-up over time.

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Same identical thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. My wife and I are devastated. We haven't been able to function since. We just can't accept what has happened. Our little Shih Tzu Antonio is greatly missed by us.
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Our sick little girl Maci just died from being Vaccination .It is hard to discussed it right now she was diabetic and was having some health problems ,the vet gave here her yearly shots two days later she was gonewe are so sad
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I am an engineer and well versed in neural system issues. Unfortunately, the pharma industry, FDA, and the medical profession are in an unholy alliance. Btw, this sad state of affairs affects us humans too.

I have three Maltese babies ... two of them about 15 years old and they never go to kennels. We only walk them around the block. So probably no more Bord shots. And maybe no more vaccines ... period.

I am so sad for all of you who've had bad vaccine issues.

Be well.

Mitchell Loebel, San Jose. CA
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I am so sorry for all who lost their babies because of vaccinations. March  of this year I lost my mini doxie Peabody, she died from renal failure at 15 yrs. old. In all my 15 yrs. with her I learned so much about vets. They DO NOT tell you what you need to know, you have to research. I never let her outside, she used pee pads, because I did not want to give her heart worm, poison in it! And also ONLY the rabies shot , none of the other CRAP!!!  I heard that vets make most of their money from vaccines. The vet also knew I cooked for Peabody but never told me I needed ground eggshell in her food because of the phosphorus. She was diagnosed with kidney failure in Jan. of 2014. I then realized I should have been giving her the eggshell powder in her food all along. But I kept her alive for another 15 months by researching about her diet with kidney failure.  One other very, very important thing you should do is get those annual BLOOD TESTS, which I did not do, because they show up almost everything about your dogs health. Also my vet said she does not do cholesterol tests on dogs. WHY NOT!!! When Peabody passed away she had high LIPIDS. What are lipids, same as cholesterol, fat in your dogs blood. We did get another dachshund, I was so heart broken and lonely and we already started blood tests for him. So how to beat this STUPID "WE DON'T TEST A DOGS CHOLESTEROL" COMMENT FROM MY VET, AFTER THE TESTS COME BACK ASK THE VET  HOW HIGH THE ----LIPIDS---ARE AND YOU WILL FIND OUT HOW MUCH FAT IS IN YOUR DOGS BLOOD, HOW HORRIBLE THEY DON'T TELL YOU THESE THINGS!!!  I hope I helped someone, please research everything do not trust your vet and do get those BLOODTESTS yearly and when they are seniors(7+ YRS) 2 TIMES A YEAR. I SWEAR BY THEM NOW!!!  That is why I am a sorrymom
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi Janet. I am very sorry for your loss. There's not much else I can say, other than please do not feel guilty about what happened. Most owners, like yourself, do everything within their power to do the right thing, to love and care for their best friends. Sometimes, the advice we get is inappropriate or incomplete, but that's just the way things are. All vaccinations and medications involve risk - and it's really down to the vet (and owners) to make a reasonable risk-assessment about these treatments. Maybe with hindsight, things would have been different, but then most things are easy with hindsight.

Molly was in the twilight of her life. Please try to remember that - and the many years of love and happiness you provided her with.

Run free Molly.

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My sweet girl, Molly, age 13,died yesterday after going into cardiac arrest approximately 45 minutes after receiving the rabies/liptospirosis/bordatella vaccines.....I wish I had seen this site earlier as I would never have taken her in to have these vaccines.  She had cushings disease, we chose not to put her on medications for that as she was doing okay for a number of years with it...she was doing well for her age, and was quite happy to go for a ride and go to the vet...oh how I wish I could turn back the clock.  She had the vaccines, seemed fine when we left, but when nearly home, she deteriorated...panting heavily, lost function in her legs...I phoned the vet and told them to be ready for an emergency as I was bringing her back in...once there, her temp was 103.8, panting bad, they rushed her back...I waited for about 5 minutes when the vet came back out and said that they had administered epinephrine 3x, but she had crashed and they did chest compressions and brought her back....at that point I went back with the vet and they were again doing chest compressions...my heart just broke....she died there and then.....my heart is literally breaking and the guilt I feel is enormous....I wish with all my heart I had researched this...I trusted my veterinary office and their expertise....if anyone can learn from this...please,  please, please do not give elderly dogs the liptospirosis or bordatella vaccines....and definitely not all together with the rabies shots....I miss my sweet Molly so much...she was my child I could never have....I pray her spirit runs free now....thank you...I needed to get this out there to help unburden my heart a little and to help those who are searching for answers...Janet
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675347 tn?1365460645
I used to get my dog titer-tested for immunity every year when her boosters were due. That is almost unheard of here (UK) It also costs considerably more.
The only one apparently which doesn't 'titer' well (according to my vet) is the Leptospirosis. I don't understand the biochemical side of this, but always had to let her have the Lepto shot.
I thought she needed it really, as we live in the countryside with lots of standing water, rodents, etc about.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi. I am so sorry you went through all that with your fur babies. Vaccinations and follow-up boosters are a hotly debated subject. In the UK, we do things slightly different to the US, so it's hard for me to give any precise suggestions. Vets here still do give annual boosters as a routine, but not the same vaccines - so in other words, not all vaccines are given every year, which is how many problems arise. There is a good argument for some vaccination boosters not to be given at all after a certain age, because the dog by then usually has more than enough immunity. However, this is not the case for all dogs or for all types of infectious diseases. Much depends on the risk-factor of where the dog is living, the prevalence of a particular disease or infection and the cleanliness and control (restriction on roaming) of its home environment.

It is fair to say all vaccinations and boosters have their risks. Equally, there are risks in not giving the vaccinations. An owner, in conversation with their vet, needs to consider the level of risk on both sides and reach a rational conclusion. Some vaccinations, such as for rabies, are mandatory in many parts of the world, so failing to have your dog vaccinated under these circumstances will often mean you are breaking the law and leaving yourself open to having the dog confiscated and possibly euthanised if the authorities find out.

Most owners simply aren't aware of the facts on both sides of the argument, which means we often leave it to our vets to make the decision for us. Maybe we should spend time making ourselves more aware of the facts and the risks, and ask questions of our vets, before we blindly inflict annual vaccinations on our dogs.

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Reading all these posts makes me wanna start to cry again... It's been almost a year, still searching for the answers WHY.. My 11 yr old Bichon, best boy Simon , one week after having a Lepto Vaccine for the first time , had a heart attack in front of me and died.. Vet never instructed me about new vaccine, why offer an older dog something new!!
At the same time, my then new born pup also given the vaccine had to be returned to breeder because he started to develop signs of retardation after the shot... From two to none... We are proud owners of now 9 month Sammy and Lilah brother / sister Havanese... This doesn't replace the heartache I have over losing my best friend.... Naturally the vet will stand by his belief that he did anything wrong to the dogs
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