6246858 tn?1382269276

The Death of my Beautiful little Sugar

My beautiful Sugar and her brother Spike were Shitzu mixes.  Sugar and Spike were more attached to each other then any love that I had ever witnessed!  They were both just 10 years old.  Spike was in the final stages of renal failure.  I gave him sub Q fluids for over a year.  I did everything to keep him alive.  Sugar, who was healthy, was so upset over her brother's illness.  She understood and never left his side.  
One day Sugar barked at the mailman and began to scream in terrible pain!  I ran to her, she was upside down and crying.  She looked like she was having a heart attack.  She never showed signs of heart trouble.  She was active and healthy, (so I thought).  I ran her to the vet and he couldn't give me a diagnosis without testing.  He suggested that I wait to see if it happened again.  The next day, it did, but this time, (again when the mailman came and she was excited), she screamed and screamed, then she got quiet and stopped breathing!  I did CPR with chest compressions for two mins. and she began breathing on her own.  I was in shock that I had just saved her life.  My vet thought that I was exaggerating.  He said that he had never been able to bring a dog back with CPR!  He ordered an Eco Cardiogram and a Sonogram.  They did not find anything significantly wrong with her heart, she did have a murmur
but, the vet said not to worry, she's not dying from it!  He insisted that at her age, she probably had a brain tumor!  I could not believe it, she DID NOT have any symptoms, ever and she would not be screaming in pain when she got excited.  
The next day, 9/11/13 she got excited, collapsed, started screaming, stopped breathing and turned blue! I didn't do the CPR this time because I believed that she wouldn't die from the seizure that the vet said she was now having!  My little girl died from something i"ll never really know.  I swear it was the heartbreak of Spike being so sick.  I WAS DEVASTATED!  So was Spike, he cried and laid on her nose for two hours!  I put him to sleep with her, it's what he would have wanted.  They were a true Romeo and Juliet story.  I lost my two babies in one day.  CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME TO find some peace and answers in my beautiful little girls death!  I'm crushed......
19 Responses
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612551 tn?1450022175
Your story is very sad and I don't understand why you put the healthy dog down, but I have never had two dogs at the same time, so I do not have any experience.  I would think having one alive would help you.. maybe not.

The only way forward I know works is to give another dog or two a home.  You maybe be able to find a pair of rescued dogs that are looking for a person willing to take both dogs.  I have seen such cases and it is sad to think some of these dogs get separated or don't find a "forever home".
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6246858 tn?1382269276
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for your kind understanding.  I did not put a healthy dog down.  Her brother had renal failure and he was in the final stages.  I kept him alive a year and a half long then the vet said he would live.  I gave him IV's at home and homeopathic medicine and a special diet.  I gave him the longest quality of life that anyone would.  I devoted my life to his care.  I was going to put him down that Fri., but when Sugar died so suddenly and he slept on her nose for two hours.  I knew that Spike did not need to wait until Fri. and live one day in pain without her.  It was Wed., and I had to let him go just one day sooner then I was planning.  He was suffering and he would have died on his own that night without her.

I have another little Maltese that is lost without his family.  He is also sick.  He had diabetes, I also kept him alive much longer then anyone could.  I have spent over 20,000 to get him to recover from pancreatitis.

I have always had at least two dogs, but although they are close, I have never seen a connection like Sugar and Spike!  Their love was like no other.  They were lucky to have the opportunity to spend their lives together.  I was blessed to have them and to witness such a beautiful love and respect for each other.  Now, they will spend eternity together.  

One day I will get another brother and sister and give them the same beautiful life together, living on the water on Long Island, home cooked meals, special beds and all the love that any one of us dream of.

Hope this explains why I put Spike to sleep.
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612551 tn?1450022175
Thanks for the explanation, again as I recognize what you are saying you had said in the original post.  What you did was in fact loving and very understandable and I sleep better knowing and understanding the love story, which includes you.

I see you are new here, and I hope you will continue to visit and contribute your help to others who have questions and sadness.  

I also see you have posted pictures in your profile and I'll look more closely next.

We have another contributor and leader on this Community who goes by the handle "MisFits4me" you may enjoy reading her profile information and I suspect will find much in commonness with her.

Wishing you many happy days ahead and that more dogs benefit from your loving care.
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6246858 tn?1382269276
Hi Jerry,
You're very sweet.  I did read your profile and I hope you are feeling ok>  You seemed to have been through so much.  

Stay well
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462827 tn?1333168952
Oh My......God bless you & your little ones! What you did took tremendous courage and was well thought out! That was a very unselfish undertaking and my heart goes out to you....

I'm so sorry for your loss! I have read & re-read your post & I personally do not know what caused your Sugar's problems, I'm sorry to say...Seems very unusual to me.....Has your Vet got any ideas?? If nothing else, to ease your mind?

Again, my sincere condolences to you and your sweet Maltese.....Please stick around and join us here...It may help ease your mind even if for only a few moments......Karla
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6246858 tn?1382269276
Thank you for your condolences.  I have been devastated and can not get over the emptiness in my heart and in my home.  They gave me all of the love that I needed and I feel so lost.  I'll never know what really happened to Sugar.  The vet says, 100% it had to be a brain tumor.  My father had Three and I know the signs and symptoms.  I respectfully disagree with him.  It WAS a heart attack, inspite of the tech finding nothing significant on all of the tests!  She was heart broken over Spike and maybe that level of stress would not show in an eco cardiogram.  I don't know.  She was so smart and that morning she knew that Spike was struggling, she came to me as if to ask me something.  I stopped what I was doing and sat with her, I said, "what sweetheart, what's wrong, you look nervous and upset?  Are you worried about brother?  I know it upsets you to see him so sick, (I had just taken him off another IV).  I have to put him to sleep soon baby.  He has to go to heaven and get his wings." I cried and cried with her and said, "I'm so so sorry, I know how much you love him, I do too and I did everything that I can to save him for me and you"!  She ran away as if she understood, I went looking to see where she ran.  She went to find Spike, dug herself under the couch to be by his side and laid down on him!!  I knew that she understood EVERYTHING that I said.  I even took pictures of that moment.  I called my priest and took all three to church.  I left the Maltese in the car and just took Sugar and Spike in.  The priest began blessing Sugar, while not noticing Spike in my arms.  Sugar was bouncing around saying hi to everyone.  While Spike lay quiet in my arms.  I said, "no Father, she's not the sick one, he is!"  He replied, as he got a kick out of her sweetness, "that's o.k. I will bless her also."  We spent the day out all together, I picked up some lunch for them and I was hoping that we missed the mailman!  He came as soon as we got home and began to have lunch together.  She barked at him, ran to me and collapsed!!!  Screaming in pain, I began to comfort her, thinking it will pass.  She was now on seizure meds, two days.  The vet said, she's young and she will not die, don't worry!  She did, as you know....Spike was so scared, he sat at the front door shaking.  I called him over to be with her and he laid down next to her and put his nose on hers!!  The tears flowed for TWO hours.  It was time to bring her in....although, my heart was ripping out of my chest, I knew that Spike would die that day too.  She laid on my lap as I sat talking to him for another two hours and told him that she was waiting in heaven for him as she always led the way for him, everywhere!  It was the most difficult decision that I have ever made in my life... Those little babies of mine were in love, together in birth, together in life and now together for eternity.  UGH!  My heart is so broken.

It hurts even more to see my little Maltese suffer the loss of his whole family, his pack.  I never thought that he would be the last one.  He was the sickest!  He now cries, sleeps by their photos and also sleeps in the spot where Sugar died, with his nose in the crease of the wall.  Sugar was the Alfa dog, the leader, my Maltese needs that direction.  Spike was so sweet to the little guy, it was his buddy.  My Malt was in the middle, now with no lead and no one to lead.  He lost and so depressed.  He's quiet and walks in circles with an old stuffed animal in his mouth.  I take him everywhere now, but he's scared and wants his family, his security.  I don't know what else to do.  We're both in shock, but I can get distracted, even to vent on the phone, he doesn't have that option and just stares at the door, waiting.
Sorry, for the long post.  It nice to be able to speak to someone with a heart that can understand.
Thanks Karla
p.s.  My priest was so shocked to hear that Sugar died, just two hours after he had fun with her!
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hello. Wow ... that's quite an emotional story. I am a bit late getting to your post, and can't really offer more than what others have said ... but please accept my most sincere condolences. That was a horrendous event - and I completely understand why you helped Spike on that day. Sadly, renal failure in its final stages is so dreadful, for the sufferer of course, but also for the pet owner. It's heartbreaking.

I can't advise you how to get over this ... but you will, in time. The thing to remember is what a wonderful, loving and adventure-filled life you gave to both of your dogs. The end may not have been as you would have preferred it might have been, but it was a small part of their lives and not the part they would remember, if they could. They would remember the happy days, the carefree days, the times you gave them.

How to help your remaining best friend is a difficult one. Dogs (as you probably know) don't grieve like us humans do, but they do suffer loss, particularly when they were in a pack. They are also incredibly intuitive to human emotions, so if you are upset, anxious, depressed and tearful - your boy will undoubtedly soak these feelings up and react to them. The best way of helping him is to try (as hard as it might be) to bring the emotion of the household back to a normal level, give him lots of reassurance, times outside where he can sniff and stroll and create new memories to cover-up the ones he might have at the front of his mind.

In due course, the best help you can give him would be to introduce him to new pack friends ... that day may not be here yet, but in time, any dog you offer a home to would be one of the luckiest dogs in the world ... and your boy would be so happy to have a new friend join the family.

Again, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in good company here, so please keep coming back to let us know how you and your Maltese are feeling. Much love, Tony x
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6246858 tn?1382269276
Thank you for your caring thoughts and comforting words.  It helps to get it out and maybe someday I can help some one as well.  Life and death is not always the way we hope to plan it.  God had his plan, I just didn't know it.  So many of us loose a loved one suddenly, with no illness evident, but hopefully they can get those answers to give them the closure that they need.  I will never find out why Sugar died and I am frustrated that I never had a chance to cure her.
I will try to make thing better for my little guy, as you suggested, however, he will not let me leave the house without pure panic!  He is not used to being alone.  I have taken him to work, but he barks too much.  I have taken two weeks off just to be with him and help him adjust.  He is a diabetic and is not eating much because he's scared, nervous and confused.  He needs two insulin shots a day.  I can not regulate him at this point, but I am trying.
Thanks again
I truly appreciate your time and kind words
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hello again Dianne. You really have got your hands full caring for your little guy. Is there anyone that can help? Maybe a good friend, neighbor or relative? I'm a bit concerned that if you continue down this route, with you being ever-present, he could become very anxious when you are not around 24/7 ... and maybe, from what you have said, that's already happening. If he develops separation anxiety, it will be a nightmare to resolve. It is of course much more complicated by him being diabetic (I am actually an insulin dependent diabetic myself, so I know the complications), but if he could come to terms with perhaps you not being there all the time, but perhaps someone else taking over from time to time, I think he would develop confidence and get back to a more normal behavioral kind of routine.

My thoughts are with you. Let me know how you are coping and what changes you might be able to make. Much love, Tony x
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6246858 tn?1382269276
Hi Tony,
Yes, you're right, the separation anxiety will get worse.  I left him to go to a networking meeting.  I am a realtor, and I called my cell phone from my house phone, left the house phone off the hook and keep my cell phone tucked in my shirt.  I can here him screaming the entire time that I was gone.  I always gave them their favorite bone when I left so that they would look forward to me picking up my keys.  I did that, but after he finished it the barking with a pathetic pitch began!  My daughter is in from med school for a week, he loves her and is desperately trying to communicate to her that he wants his brother and sister, as if I am not understanding him.  It just so tragic.  She has been keeping him company while I get some things done.  We both will leave him today for a short period to see how he does.  He won't eat much and I worry about him BG levels, as you know.  I take his BG from the flip side of his ear, as you do on the finger.  Sometimes it's so HIGH, (400's) or so low that I can't leave him.  He has been through so much, pancreatitis almost killed him and other complications from the diabetes, but he was always a tough fighter that refused to go down,  Even the vet couldn't believe it, but now, he doesn't seem to want to go on. He too depressed to be tough.  I don't want to loose him too, so I have to get him through this.  I'll post a picture of him, he's so cute. lol
thanks so much
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1916673 tn?1420233270
You are doing an amazing job with him. There will come a time when you will need to start a sep anxiety withdrawal scheme ... which will be more complicated with him being diabetic, but you sound as if you have a lot of insight into his diabetes and know to be cautious if BG is unstable or going low. Withdrawal starts with small amounts, leaving him perhaps 5 minutes every few hours, then some days later increasing this to 10 minutes and so on in very small degrees.

Let me know how you get on. Tony x
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6246858 tn?1382269276
Thanks Tony I will take your advise and let you know.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi Dianne. Just checking in with you to see how things went today. Hope you and your best friend have been ok. Tony x
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6246858 tn?1382269276
Hi Tony,
Honestly, I could not leave him today, he is so sad and depressed that It, was hard not to take him! Ahhh, so my daughter watched him, (he loves her), while I went to a meeting and then I cam home and took him on the rest of my errands.  He is still confused and a little scared.

Next week my daughter will be gone and he will feel the loss even worse.  I bought him some new toys, he picked them out himself! lol But, he doesn't play an more.  He.s so sad....

Thank you, I will try again tomorrow
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Avatar universal
I am so very sorry for your loss.  I lost my Chihuahua very suddenly Aug.31st very unexpectedly.  Ill at 3am gone at 10am and absolutly no known cause.  I cry at least 2-3 time daily, I cannot even tell our story as it hurts too much.  But you losing two in the same day is unreal...I cry for you and your little Maltese.  These little fur babies are so vulnerable even when they have someone that loves them and are willing to sacrifice for their happiness and good health.  I was looking at the Ohio chihuahua rescue and noted a pair of brothers,Felipe and Pedro,in desperate need of a loving home They wll be going to a pound soon and will probably be euthanized. I cannot consider taking them until I am more stable..  I just cannot even think of adopting in the state I m in at the present, but thought I would pass the information along.  The foster mom they are with has 5 other fur babies of her own and cannot keep them.   Her phone number is 937-798-0744  Amy Heiler.  Good luck to you I will remember you and your fur baby in my prayers.  

They wll be going to a pound soon and will probably be euthanized.  cannot consider taking them until I am more stable
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi Dianne. You are in my thoughts. If you can keep his physical condition good, I think he will slowly but eventually overcome the anxiety issues. It's hard, I know, but you are doing so well with him. Lots of reassurance is needed, except when you are leaving the house - because too much reassurance at that point will actually turn his anxiety up a notch. Make leaving the house a very natural thing, just a quick pat or 'be back soon' is enough. This will teach him that everything is fine and there's nothing to get worried about. Tony
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6246858 tn?1382269276
Thanks soo much, Tony,
I will keep you posted.
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6246858 tn?1382269276
I have been devastated over the loss of my TWO babies...Sugar and Spike. Un-explained illness and death to both of my young dogs.
I have determined that Spike's Renal failure and ultimately his death was due to CHICKEN JERKY TREATS MADE BY CANYON CREEK, HEALTHY HIPS made in China!!   Please let everyone in this pet community get the word out and contact your state FDA complaint line to report any illness from your dog or cat eating these treats!  My vet agrees that this is now solving the mystery!

Sugar, who was a healthy 9 year old, full of life and fun, began screaming in pain.  When I took her to the vet, we did a blood panel that determined dangerously high liver levels.  The vet asked me if she had eaten any poison.  He asked if I had given her any flea medications, (drops on the skin which are doses of rat poison to kill fleas).  Was she on any medications that would indicate such a high level.  We could not figure it out.  Sugar was NEVER out of my sight.  I cooked organic foods and only gave them filtered water.  They were the best taken care of dogs in the world....She had many tests.....had three screaming episodes and ultimately passed away within one week!

Spike's story was:
I was away for four days last year, Spike was so sad he would not eat.  My "baby sitter," said, all that he would eat was the CHICKEN JERKY TREATS!  So, she gave him an entire 30.00 hugh bag of CHICKEN TREATS!  The back of the bag even indicates no more then two a day!  When I got home, he had been vomiting and drinking a lot of water.  When I took him to the vet, his blood work up indicated renal (kidney) failure!  I had no idea why until now!  It all makes sense.  He also died on the same day as his beloved sister, Sugar.  I did all that I can and never knew why I lost two beautiful young dogs....I'm devastated beyond belief.


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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hello Dianne. Yes, that probably does answer at least one question, though it's also fair to say it could have been just the final thing, a build-up if you like, it would be hard to say for definite. You are quite right though - ANYTHING from China should be considered suspect and is certainly best avoided, even in small quantities. There have been a huge volume of reports recently where dogs have died due to foods and treats originating from China. In fact, I have very recently posted several warnings to people on Facebook about the very same thing.

We do our best for our dogs, and sometimes even our best intentions aren't enough. There are also treats that are made in China and packaged in a 'safe' country (thus labelled as being from USA or the UK for example)  ... so it's almost impossible to stop mistakes happening, even amongst the most informed of owners.

Legislation is probably needed to prevent this kind of thing happening. Everyone should complain to their local and national government representatives. Eventually, maybe, something will be done.

Tony x
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