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BIle Reflux - looking for some answers..

I had an endoscopy a couple days ago and my GI specialist diagnosed me with Bile Reflux.  He showed me photos of my esophagus and stomach that had green bile in them (gross).  He perscribed carfate for me which is supose to coat and protect the esophagus and stomach (4x per day on empty stomach) and told me to continue with my Kapidex for acid reflux (1 x/day before breakfast).  He did take biopsies of both stomach and esophagus.  They looked pretty irritated in the photos from what I can remember (I was still pretty loopy from the meds for the procedure).  My questions are:  has anybody ever taken carfate?  If so, how long does it take to work?  And, did it work for you?  My symptoms are a burning / gnawing sensation in my upper stomach and sometimes in the esophagus.  I also have a cratchy voice and what feels like tons of mucus in my throat.  Also, I understand the bile reflux is different to treat than than acid reflux.  Is there anything that can be done to totally cure bile reflux?  Does it come and go or will I have this forever? Looking for any comments/ helpful suggestion from anyone else with this problem.  I;ve had acid reflux on and off for about 6 years.  Always on different PPIs here and there when it would flare up.  It was hard to control at times.  Other times it would go away within a month.  This is the first time I've even heard of bile reflux.  Thank you!  
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I've had severe bile reflux for some time and as a medical professional I sought medical help first. All of that failed to the point of making me far worse. I've had my gallbladder removed, and I have a hernia. Both can aggravate bile reflux. All the over the counter meds and the meds given by my doctors made me worse by design. Their design is to stop production of acid which then slows the emptying of the stomach. So, the bile sits there, and then begins to build, and build, and build some more. I had read a article by another person who realized the same thing and stopped all meds for a few days and then started over with certain supplements and diet. I decided to do the same. It was a week of agony for sure. I relied on saltines and water, no salt. I began using milk thistle 250 mg two in the a.m. and one at night. Milk thistle normalizes liver enzymes. Bile is a function of the liver. I've also heard about slippery elm, and marshmallow (not the candy), and I'm looking for dosing on those. Bland diet, probiotics, and keeping the bowels moving are essential. As your system normalizes you can begin to add foods back one by one. All the blogs I read make it clear that diet may be individual to a degree. Certain foods are common. Spicy, vinegar, citrus are off most people's list.
If anyone has dosing information on slippery elm and marshmallow please let me know. I have capsules, not tea.  Thanks, and good health!
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Can you give me some information about your support group for Bile Reflux?  I was just diagnosed with Bille Reflux and taking Cholestyramine which helps almost completely with the symptoms.  I would like to explore other remedies with other refluxers.

Thank you.
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Hi you said you had bile reflux after gallbladder surgery, I am feeling the same at the moment. My surgery was two months ago but I would like to ask you if this symptom went away with time I mean If you no longer have it. Did it get better with time?
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329165 tn?1515471990
Hi there,

I also had bile reflux (lost my Gallbladder a few years prior) and what really helped for me was Gaviscon Plus.  Not the normal Gaviscon.

Something that you can try.

All the best,
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I have recently ,2 weeks ago, been diagnosed, finally...with Bile Reflux. Luckily I am having great relief with the Carafate...some constipation ,but stomach pain  is almost completely gone...I am hopeful that this is the ticket.I have been through every test ,myself believing I had heart problems. So I am now concentrating on doing my part...weight loss,exercise..
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HI, I am a 39 year old man, gall bladder removed, initially had severe irritation of the stomach and then it cleared up for ariound 6 months before returning on and off. I am also in the UK and my specialist just prescribed sucralfate (Which is the UK name for Carafate I believe).

Of course the pharmacist at Lewisham Hospital has now told me that Sucralfate is not available in the UK anymore for the foreseeable future!! Absolutely incredible, I cannot get the medicine the specialist prescribed due to a supply issue!! Now I just haven't got a clue what to do.......this country and the NHS is a joke. My specialist says it is not worth worrying about but I feel that it will ultimately lead to Barretts and/or cancer. Not sure why he keeps fobbing me off...........I suppose he just isn't that bothered but I do know that my 6 year old daughter is bothered that I am now feeling depressed, in pain, nauseous and very very grumpy. I just can't believe that there is no cure or treatment for this even though according to the net it is very serious. As far as I know Josie PPI's (Omaprezole) is for acid reflux, not bile reflux and PPI's can make bile reflux worse. I am not a doctor obviously but I would check it out for yourself online as your doctor will just give you the first thing on his list after he has googled it, take control yourself and MAKE them help you, they are duty-bound and should try to help. I spent 2 years trying different PPI's and got nowhere. If I can ever get my prescrioption I will let you know how I get on with suralfate. Good luck. Paul
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