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Can acid reflux & a hernia really cause all of this

For 8 mths now I've been suffering with pressure, burning, feeling like I can't breath right & those are just the primary symptoms.  I have had other bizarre symptoms like dizziness, feeling like I'm going to pass out, burning up into my throat & left ear, & I could go on but I'll cut it short there.  I have a small hiatal hernia & several have told me this could be the very thing causing my problems.  Lord knows I've had every other test run including a full cardiac workup & to my dismay nothing conclusive other than the hernia.  Can a small hernia really hurt this much & cause this many problems?  I'm afraid my surgeon won't operate since the hernia is small & he has set me up to have an esophageal PH done before he will even consider operating on me.  If you have had any of these symptoms or similar problems please post & share your knowledge & the treatment advice you received from your doctor.  Thanks so much.
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Anyone had any updates lately on a conclusive diagnosis?  Just checking in to see if everyone is still unfortunately suffering in the same way that I continue to do.  Any input is much appreciated, thanks guys.  
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Well, it was not a pleasant day for me. I received the results of my Barium meal and it states.

A small polp is in the gastric fundus and gastrocopy is recommended to exclude a gastro-intestinal stromal tumour. Would you believe that we have been trying to see a specialist to and I can't get an appointment until May 19th. Right now I feel numb. I don't what to do or think.

worriedone84 my gallbladder surgery was about 6 to 7 years ago.
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In general, drinking aloe vera juice will help with any gastrointestinal issue. It will sooth a burned esophagus, neutralize stomach acid, therefore eliminate gas, and help heal you. Also activated charcoal capsules, available at health/vitamin shops will soak up acid and gas and eliminate the sour stomach/ belching/ reflux. Simply neutralizing and eliminating the acid should help most of you. My husband, an ex-reflux sufferer will attest to the effectiveness of aloe juice and charcoal.
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How long has it been since you had your gallbladder removed?  I had surgery December 9th and felt pretty good for almost a month.  Now, I'm having symptoms that I had prior to the surgery, plus many new ones.  How long did it take before you started experiencing symptoms again?

Seems as though lots of people have problems after gallbladder removal so I too am wondering if it is all related somehow.  Prior to the gallbladder surgery, I had never had heartburn before.  Now I've experienced it a few times recently plus other symptoms that may be related to acid reflux.

PPIs don't seem to help me much or really at all.  Also, I'm doing everything diet wise to help but it doesn't really seem to matter what I eat/don't eat.

Please post and let me know what you find out!  Hope you feel better soon!
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Sorry I should have read your entire post before commenting. It seems to me that we all have had Gallbladder surgery is that correct? Wonder if the stomach problems are in someway connecting to the surgery? We are all complaining of the exact same symptoms, and nothing is working to relieve it. I think it is a point to bring up to the doctors not that they will agree. :(
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Did you say Gallstone? Did your doctor not explain to you the complications of having  Gallstones? Maybe that is why he referred you to the surgeon because it sound to me that maybe the cause of all your problems. I had Gallstones for many years and did not know it until I started suffering the same symptoms you described. I really think you need to speak to your doctor about the Gallstone issue ASAP.

All my symptoms went away after I had my Gallbladder surgery unfortunately they are back now so there must be another issue to deal with. I had my barium meal on Tuesday no results yet and the new meds I was giving have stopped working. I am at my wits end right now I really need some answers. :( :(
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While I wish that you were not going through this as well, at least we both know that we are not alone.  When I tell my family and friends some of the weird symptoms I'm experiencing, they just look at me like I'm completely crazy.  It is really worrying me that I don't know for sure what is causing these issues.  Based on what I'm learning about hiatal hernias and acid reflux, is seems as though it could be what I'm dealing with.

Went to my primary care doctor last week because I was convinced something was seriously wrong.  He also thinks my symptoms may be acid reflux and a hiatal hernia and that I need an upper endoscopy.  Well, the appointment that I was supposed to have yesterday with the gastroenterologist was to schedule just that.  However, the doctor was called away due to an emergency and now I can't get another appointment for 3 weeks!  I'm so frustrated that it would take 3 weeks after they cancelled on me.

When I first went to my primary care doc in November, over stomach issues, he referred me to a general surgeon to have an upper endoscopy.  Never went to him for that because an ultrasound revealed a gallstone so I instead went to him for the surgery.  After still having problems I went back to him at the end of January.   That's when he said it sounded like acid reflux and hiatal hernia.  I took Prilosec for 2 weeks and after no improvement he changed it to Nexium and said if things were getting better soon that I needed the EGD.

I still was having problems so I decided that instead of going to him, to go to a gastroenterologist.  Everyone recommended her so I thought I should go there.  It took a month to get an appointment, March 17.  A few days before the first appointment I ran out of the Nexium I had been prescribed.  For some strange reason, my symptoms seemed to ease up quite a bit.  We decided to wait before ordering any tests but she told me to call back if I was experiencing issues and they would get it scheduled.  Well, I called back a week later and was told that she would have to see me again and that it would be three weeks.  Well my appointment was supposed to be yesterday, April 13th.  An hour before I was supposed to be there, they called to cancel because she was called to the hospital.  Okay, so you would think they would work me in soon...nope!  Three more weeks to get an appointment (May 3rd).

I'm so frustrated.  I called the general surgeon's office (the one that did the gallbladder surgery) and got an appointment there for April 26th.  The only reason they couldn't see me sooner is because the doctor is going to be out of town.  Not sure if I should be going to a general surgeon for continuing stomach problems but I can't keep waiting, it's driving me crazy.  I don't know what to do and am very frustrated.

Prior to this last 8 months I've never really had any health issues.  Now I'm starting to feel as though things are never going to get back to normal. Plus, I absolutely hate going to doctors.  I get so incredibly nervous and don't do a good addressing my concerns and asking questions.

Sorry this was so long, I was just needing to vent.  I'm having a bad day with this. Prevacid is not helping at all.  It doesn't matter what I do/don't eat, I'm still having problems.  My diet consists of low fat foods, no chocolate, no peppermint, no carbonated drinks, no caffeine.  Why can I not get any relief from this?  When am I ever going to get answers?

I really hope you get to feeling better soon!  Maybe we'll get answers and fine relief from these symptoms soon.  Best of luck to you!
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Hello WorriedOne84,

Your name sums it all up.  So sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well.  All of the bizarre symptoms associated with a hernia and reflux are very worrysome.  I did not list all of my symptoms in my original post but yes I too get extreme pressure/achiness and burning in the upper back, particularly in between my shoulder blades and it continues up the back of my neck and I have random hiccups everyday and some days I do have nausea.  Who would have thought that one little hernia or that digestive problems in general would cause so many bizarre symptoms?  Hang in there and hopefully your GI doctor can help solve some of the mystery.  Just be persistent and don't stop seeking help until you start feeling better.  At this point I'm sure my doctor gets tired of hearing me say that I don't feel any better and that my symptoms are the same with no improvement and that they are so bad that they are ruining my quality of daily life but the truth is the truth so don't minimize your symptoms when describing them to your doctor, I did that for quite a while and that's why I am 8 months into dealing with this and still no relief.   Hoping that you will receive help and relief.  Please share your findings from your doctor visit and whether or not they conclude that your symptoms are related to the hernia and reflux.  
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Sorry I did not answer your question regarding medication. Yes I have been taking Antenolol for quite some time now. I read on the net that this can cause some problems with reoccurring acid reflux but for some reason my doctors don't believe that this is the case, however, I strongly believe that this medication may be the culprit. I really do hope we finds some answers with the Barium meal.. I really do.
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I've been having issues for 8 months as well.  Had my gallbladder removed in December but now I'm having issues my doctor thinks may be a hiatal hernia and acid reflux.  I've been having some really strange pains recently that I wonder if may really be due to a hiatal hernia.  I have abdominal tenderness, burping, hiccups, some chest discomfort, and some slight nausea.  I've had some really weird experiences after eating or drinking recently.  One time, I had pain in the upper part of my back and the back of my neck.  Another time, I drank water quickly, and my back and shoulders started aching pretty bad.  Battling random bouts of back achiness but I've done nothing to bother my back.  Not sure what the heck is going on. I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist tomorrow.
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Hi SelmaS

Thanks for reply. I am on a number of medications and nothing seems to be working. I am now trying to figure out what to eat and what not to eat and how this will help. If you have any suggestion I would be happy to hear them.

taralg7 I am very sorry to hear that the Barium meal made you feel worst. I am be no means looking forward to it. I hope that the problem is not made worst since one has to fast before taking it, therefore, all the acid would be there. Please let me know what your results are if you don't mind and how you plan on treating it.

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Yes I agree with selmaS on the barium test, I had one done this past Friday and this weekend my pain was even worse, a tremendous amount of reflux and burning, I did try changing my diet but with no improvement in my symptoms.  This is for selmaS, what type of changes did you make to your diet that gave you the improved results?

Tara G.
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi..sorry u r dealing with this..may I ask, have u been on meds yet for this?....have u been advised to modify diet and lifestyle to help calm the acids?

Do u take ne other meds?...sometimes meds can cause a flare up....so can stress...


PS- Drink a lot of water......after ur barium test !!
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I don't know if I have a hernia but I have been having acid reflux for the past month. It has been going on since before but for the past month nothing has made it better. The acid just keeps coming. I have been to the doctor twice in the last two weeks. My stomach and throat felt as if they are on fire and every time I burp I can feel and taste the acid in the back of my throat. I am due for a Barium Meal tomorrow to see what's going on. I hope whatever it is it can be fixed and give me some relief. It has been absolutely awful.
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620923 tn?1452915648
HI...yes, I too have a small Hiatal hernia and I can have a flare that is just awful...but, with diet and lifestyle modifications u can get it to calm down.....really reconsider the surgery for this....try meds and the changes in diet and all the other tips first...so many have difficulty after the surgery and consider it as a last resort.

Please see the Health Pages for tips and foods to avoid...

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