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Different ppi

I had a bad case of Reflux a few weeks ago,and since then I have had inflammation.My doctor prescribed me 20mg of omeprazole.I seem to have improved since taking the pills,but I can still feel some reflux now and then.I lost about 10 pounds and have changed my diet drastically,but was wondering if I should double up on my ppi or possible try another one that would help me better??Thanks
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           Let me correct myself. Digestive enzymes as a supplement aren't necessarily food derived, but make up for the shortage of the body's own enzyme production. So these supplements are mostly the same enzymes already produced by your own body, or the equivalent of those.  
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      Digestive enzymes, as far as I know, are natural and what is normally found in the foods we should be eating but don't get enough of. I don't think they will interfere with your medicine, but just to be sure, ask your Doc. and in the meantime, don't take them at the same time as the Nexium. Wait a couple hours before or after. It doesn't say anything on my bottle of enzymes about warnings or anything.
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   That's the thing with PPI's. My husband's reflux never went away completely on those, and anyway, have you read about how they work? They shut down acid production. Now, over the long term, how are you suppose to digest your food without any acid? Not very well, I'm afraid. Give your body what it needs, and it will heal. By the way, I don't know if you have ever suspected a hiatal hernia, but if you have one, where your stomach has shifted position, that might mean you will always get reflux if you don't neutralize the acid somehow. If you eat PH balanced meals, that will help greatly. Look up "chart of alkalinizing foods" online. It will help you plan your meals and avoid further reflux. Yes, my husband had back pain from the reflux. Wierd how the nerves are all interconnected. He also thought he had heart problems because of the remote nerve pain from the reflux.
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Thanks for the info.I always like to find natural remedies if I can.I feel like the ppi is doing ok,but I still feel reflux from time to time.Just wish this inflammation would heal faster.It's been three weeks and I get pretty impatient.Did your husband experience reflux pain that he could feel in his back?
Ive heard good things about aloe vera,and will buy some tommorrow.Thanks for your help!!
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1050938 tn?1311553578
Here's a trick that we learned will give you the effects of Nexium (very expensive heartburn med) over the counter. Take either 1 or 2 Omeprazole alongside 1 or 2 tablets of Magnesium (around 400mg per tablet). Magnesium is instrumental in healing the esophagus. My partner had acid reflux so severely that his esophagus hemorrhaged. A friend recommended this combination and he has since healed up completely!

Hope your symptoms improve!
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620923 tn?1452915648
HI...Never change ur meds as many can cause side effects that u do not want...like Jangela said...stopping a PPI too quickly can cause rebound...which is basically the GERD symptoms back worse than b4 u stopped the meds. And these meds also cause mal- absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Always talk to ur dr regarding meds...if u feel the PPI's r not working u may want to try a H2 blocker...I had an issue with the PPI's cutting out on me too.....and teh H2 blockers r working great along with modifications to diet and liefstyle.

Please have a chat with ur dr b4 adding ne new suppliments as well as they can interact with ur meds....I am not sure if u r on nething else other than the PPI's.

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          OOOH, I definitely would not double up on the meds! This is just my opinion, based on my husband's experience with reflux and PPI's, but I don't believe they should be taken long term. If you read up on PPI's on various online articles, you will see that sometimes there is a rebound effect . Here is what my husband did, and he now has his reflux completely under control:
         After taking Prilosec for 3 weeks to help his esophagus heal, he stopped  completely. I then began giving him as follows:
         1) One broad spectrum digestive enzyme with each meal, everyday ( Even now- As we age, our bodies don't always produce enough enzymes on their own to fully and quickly move food through our systems)
         2) Aloe vera juice before bed to neutralize the acid and soothe the entire digestive tract. It seems to get rid of my husbands belching and gas really well. Read up on it- You will be in awe of it! Also, wheatgrass juice (health food store) is stellar.
         3) Activated charcoal capsules as needed, but not to be taken with meds. My husband takes these whenever reflux or heartburn threatens. They soak up gas and acid and are extremely effective.
         My husband has been on this regimen successfully for years now, and this was after suffering with heartburn/GERD for probably ten or more years. He eats and drinks pretty much anything he wants now. Good luck!
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