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Pain in upper right quadrent/ nausea / vomiting / weight loss

After reading multiple posts i too am suffering from some sort of pain my doctors cant seem to put their finger on. In April i began feeling nauseous, had a considerable decrease in appetite and started loosing weight as a result. my symptoms began getting worse until it seemed like everything i ate felt like a lead brick in my stomach and i would vomit. Soon after that i began having pain in my upper right quadrant that would radiate around my rib cage to my back. I finally went to see my doctor in May and had lost 10 pounds. Convinced that i had an ulcer she sent me to a GI specialist who agreed with that diagnosis and set me up for an endoscopy and started me on Nexium. the results of the the endos, were normal no ulcers and that following week i called him and he was surprised that i was still in pain. I do have a small hiatus hernia but he said it was insignificant. Thinking that i was maybe having spasms he added bentyl . after a week on that nothing changed i was still vomiting after small meals, constantly nauseaus, and had radiating pain and was loosing sleep. After another 10 pound weight loss he decided i ( even though i had my gallbladder out in 2007) had a stone in my bile duct, ordered an mrcp and a hida scan. Both tests were normal. My lfts are normal, kidney functions and wbc normal, dehydration is the only abnormal thing on my blood work. I am so discouraged the pain is still there. Pain meds make me sicker. They referred me to see a GI specialist in Boston, just not sure what to do. It is now July and i have lost a total of 30 pounds and feel awful.
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875426 tn?1325528416
Well, I think they should do cancer markers, just in case.  

Also, have you ever been tested for celiac disease?  

It is possible for kidney stones to cause pain, nausea and vomitting.  

And have they found no evidency of pancreatitis? (which I believe can refer pain) and a number of the symptoms sounds like what you are describing!

If the pain didn't start first, you're right, costochondritis would not have caused a lack of appetitie, which you say was your first symptom.  However, pain itself can cause stress, can cause nausea and even vomitting, and stress also can cause more acid production, causing sour stomach.  

My costochondritis was on the right side and my gallbladder, which I still have, and my liver were suspected and looked at.  But when those were ruled out (though I do have two non-giant hemangiomas on my liver) the doctor did a physical examination where he pinpointed that I was having musculoskeletal pain and diagnosed costochondritis.  The costochondritis pain (and maybe some gas in the transverse colon thrown in) and the stress of not knowing what the problem was and the stress of the pain itself made me nauseated.   I also have gotten nauseated and vomitted before with migraine pain.  Pain can also raise blood pressure- has that been up lately?

Regarding this pain in your back- since they feel it is musculoskeletal- have you considered getting physical therapy to do some ultrasound on it?  Once when I pulled a muscle in my back really bad when I went down with a clothes rack I was moving, I went to a chiropractor, actually, and part of what they did was use ultrasound and I felt it really worked wonderfully!  Physical therapists typically can have access to using ultrasound to heat the muscles as well- you might check into it.   Some acupuncturists use not only needles in their medicine, but also the modality of massage, which is very nice.

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I just want to clarify that i have been so sick for so long that i did start looking myself online for answers and stumbled on this website. I began feeling sick in April and did not see my doctor until May.
They have never check my kidney as far as i know, as they didn't feel that it would cause any of the digestive issues i am having (which began first).
the pain was secondary starting in mid may (which prompted me to see my dr) i did have my gallbladder removed in 2007 after my third baby ( the pain that i am feeling is identical and in the same location as i remember from the gallbladder ). they have not commented on anything that you have mentioned except for costochondritis but eating issues, upset/ sour stomach and vomiting are not symptoms. I did not start with any pain, just loss of appetite that sort of snowballed.  My thyroid levels are fine i just had them checked i do have a thyroid issue that i take medication for but my levels are all perfect.the dehydration/ muscle pain and headaches they believe are all from vomiting and lack of eating.  They will be calling me back on Wednesday, hopefully i will have more answers. Incidentally i did address an area on the inner side of my spine in my back that is extremely painful when touched, however the dr thinks its just a muscle spasm and that its tight. Favoring my right side may have caused that. my pancreas levels were also fine.
Thanks for your post. Very discouraged. I am definitely suffering from some serious stress over this, I have never had medical issues before and still not sure what to think.
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875426 tn?1325528416
First a littly levity to lighten the moment- one might interpret your opening statement as: after reading multiple posts you started to have pain yourself!  

Seriously, it must be very scary losing all this weight and not knowing what's causing the pain.  Besides your liver and duct work I believe they would have looked at with the MRCP, did you also get any imaging done of your right kidney?  Did they see a lot of gas in the transverse colon on abdominal x-ray?  Did they probe to see if you might be suffering from costochondritis on that side, which can be extremely painful (I got nauseated with it myself)?  Did they try running any blood tests for cancer markers?  

Do you feel you are extremely stressed, which can worsen pain and cause nausea and vomitting?  Have you had your thyroid function checked?  The dehydration can have to do with vomitting.   Have they checked your female hormone levels, to see if they are off?  Have they considered referred pain- like from your pancreas?
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