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ARS symptoms but not HIV positive?

Hello everyone,

Are there people on here who got all ARS/primary HIV symptoms, i.e. fever, rash (itchy occasionally), sore throat, nausea, diarrhoea and oral thrush post exposure (especially unprotected oral sex performed on your manhood) and yet tested NEGATIVE after the window period ( of 3 months)? In other words, could people be negative and yet present all these symptoms post exposure? Mere coincidence? Anxiety-driven symptoms? Guilt-driven symptoms? Please share your stories so some of us can calm down. Anxiety seeing these symptoms will probably kills us before we get tested! Please help
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YES YES AND YES. Anxiety can produce all those symptoms and many more, and it usually fits to whatever it is you are worrying about at the time. I suffer from health anxiety. I also had an HIV scare as well, and took a long time to finally get myself tested. I had some symptoms about 5 weeks after an exposure which included bad sore throat, fever, light night sweats, no rash, but I also had some common upper respiratory symptoms with all of this, including a runny nose and sneezing, which do not mean anything in regards to HIV. Of course though, back then, I attributed it to ARS. Spent a few years quite worried about this. Finally took a test, and it was negative. Felt immediate relief, but then OF COURSE doubted the results. So took another, and negative. It's a vicious cycle, anxiety is.

Regardless of all of this, I see you mentioned unprotected oral sex performed on you. Was this your exposure, and only exposure? If so, there is no risk to begin with, so relax! Take some time and read through some of these forums, you will see that not one person who stated their "exposure" was from oral sex, turned out to be positive.
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* Anyone who continues to post excessively, questioning a conclusively negative result or no-risk situation, will be subject to action by MedHelp. Conclusively negative results or a no-risk situation will be based upon the criteria established by MedHelp’s doctors. Action will be taken as follows:
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Please Fran what was the outcome of the test after six month I have the same problem no pls let me know please am afraid now please thanks
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Hi, I tested at the 13th week mark with a duo test and it came back NEGATIVE. For some reason, I was unable to accept the result considering that I had all the classic ARS symptoms. In view of this, I went back to the doctor and asked for Mononucleosis (EBV) and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) tests to be sure what was causing those symptoms. These two tests were done 14.5 weeks post exposure. Results:


---HSV IgG         ---NEGATIVE

Unfortunately, it is still not clear from these results what caused/is causing my problems because the positive EBV VCA IgG and EBV NA IgG test according to the interpretation of the results meant that I was exposed to EBV in the past (i.e. as stated on the results, more than 3 months ago) but not recently. Only a positive EBV VCA IgM would have indicated a current/recent infection. Notice however that these tests were indeed taken more than 3 months after the exposure, i.e. 14.5 weeks after exposure, so I am unable to tell if the positive EBV VCA IgG tests were suggestive of the fact that I was exposed to the EBV during the encounter which took place 14.5 weeks prior to the tests. I suggested to the doctor during my 3 week HIV tests to test for EBV but she declined. If she did, and the test was repeated 14.5 weeks post exposure, then these positive results would have probably confirmed that I contracted EBV during the encounter and not many months/several years ago.

Also, I am told a negative HSV IgG test 13/14 weeks post exposure does not necessarily mean that I do not have HSV. Therefore, it's still difficult for me to tell what's going on with me and what caused all those symptoms. Perhaps, I might have to repeat these tests, including the HIV tests at a later date.  

By the way, I am still having to deal with WHITE TONGUE and tingling/burning sensation in my feet and occasionally in the hands at the moment. I treated the white tongue initially with nystatine thinking it may be oral thrush but it could only resolve partially. At the moment, I am treating it with Fluconazole. I don't know how it will end.
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Hi franc how are you? Read about your encounter and anxiety Did you have your 13 week test.? Hope every thing is fine and you came out clean? Please let all of us know on this forum. Thanks in advance. Keep well.
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i also encounter those symptoms, wihtout oral trush, i still have itchy skin though, i have undergone 2 test and they both nonreactive, i tested for gnorrhea and syphils and it was also no reactive, i even tried to check if i have UTI since i feel some uneasiness in my lowerabdomen.  i tried to move on, i even stay away from websites, try to  put your mind on something else my friend, it will lessen your stress... i know its hard, sometimes im still thinking about it... i just pray and do something else aside from search more info...
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480448 tn?1426948538
Read this:


Last thing...your posts scream anxiety.  You're clearly dealing with guilt and regret, which is causing a lot of anxiety.  Severe and chronic anxiety can cause all KINDS of very real physical symptoms, including what you describe.  You need to STOP searching the internet, as that is only fueling your anxiety.  I would strongly recommend seeking out professional help to assist you in putting this behind you.

If it helps, you can pay the fee and post your concerns to our expert HIV doctors, but I can tell you ahead of time that they too will tell you that you don't have an HIV concern.

Expert community:

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480448 tn?1426948538
You have been told you never had a risk for HIV, you have been told symptoms are meaningless in assessing a person's HIV status.  We give advice based on scientific facts.  This forum has rules about excessive posting because it is a very busy forum and if everyone who was anxious was permitted to keep repeating their questions for emotional reassurance, a lot of people would never get their questions asked.  I am going to post a link to a health page I created explaining why we say that oral sex is not a risk.  You've been given our assessment, it's up to you to accept the info or not, but it is time to move on.
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Repeating questions over and over after they have been answered is abusive and uncalled for. Now move along.
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Teak, this is not to disrespect you, but this kind of reaction to posts by people in distress is not always helpful. Furthermore, it prevents forum users to know how people have ended their stories. We have been reminded that since the inception of this forum, NO ONE has ever come here with no-risk situations to be assessed and ended up being positive. But does it ever occur to you that it is this kind of reaction that might have prevented many people from returning to tell us how their stories actually ended? Odd things happen. So while you might regard some situations as no-risk situation, you might never know the surprises embedded in some of the so-called no-risk situations. You may never know. The world is a strange place. I hope you allow others to update us on their progress. There are many things we can probably learn from them. I am only venting my disappointment in myself and how I have probably crushed my own future (and the expectations of those looking up to me) through a one-off event that was not well-thought through. Apologies to you if you consider my updates as "questioning a no-risk situation". We are all still learning. In science, you never say "never". I hope and pray I am healed from all these funny symptoms, and remain negative. I trust in God for a miracle.  
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OK. My 6 week test Antigen/antibody test is negative. But my symptoms have been very defining of ARS. I am now dealing with oral thrush, and a skin condition (candidiasis)? Actually, I have had all the classic symptoms of ARS. What is worse, the escort agency where the lady came from is now out of reach. Their phone is no longer reachable (probably disconnected). And a few days after my consistent complaints and they insisting their girls are all clean, they decided to pull down their online adverts, particularly the one with the profile of the lady who came to visit me. The lady however later put up the advert (but no longer as a worker for the escort agency). But then, calls put through to her phone are never answered. I have tried this with several phone numbers, but the calls only go to the voice mail. Some friends have also tried to reach her but no answer. This itself has heightened my suspicion that the lady is indeed HIV+. I am still wondering what has caused all these symtoms. I am certain I contracted HSV from the affair anyway because I have been having cold sore outbreaks since then. I pray to God for a miracle
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* Anyone who continues to post excessively, questioning a conclusively negative result or no-risk situation, will be subject to action by MedHelp. Conclusively negative results or a no-risk situation will be based upon the criteria established by MedHelp’s doctors. Action will be taken as follows:
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Curiosity has killed the cat.....now, I've got to figure out how to deal with my oral herpes, and how to live with the shame.....my loved ones will forever be detached from me. Most significantly, I now (2 weeks after exposure) experience severe night sweat on the sole of my feet, with tingling sensations alongside what looks like foot-rot. I also experience numbness in my calf muscles...( peripheral neuropathy?) and some red rash at some few different points on my body (together with the dry itchy skin rash defining my oral herpes rash). I am heading for seroconversion...Yesterday, went to the ER. They took my blood samples and said everything from the blood work shows I am ok. They however refused to do the STDs, claiming that since I got negative results in all of them 3 days after the exposure, there was no need to repeat these tests as they were bound to be negative at this point (17 days after exposure) and that I should have to wait for the 3 months. I suspect they wanted me to focus on the last lap of my studies which should end in four months so I can go back to my country. The test result would have been available just one month before the end of my studies. I would have made significant progress. But the truth is, I cannot really concentrate right now....I cannot do the labs as I look at the bleak future that awaits me, and the big shame I have brought upon myself and families and loved ones. As a student living in a foreign country who failed to keep his head properly screwed on till the end of his study, I am no longer able to concentrate on my last lap of studies. It's likely I will go back home without accomplishing the purpose for which I went abroad. But not only that, but the fact that I might be going with two serious diseases --- HSV and HIV......A big shame and disappointment to my parents who trusted me so much, to the family of my longtime girlfriend who will now have to look elsewhere for a future partner although we were planning to get married in a couple of months after my studies, to my nation, and to my work place. I will have to perpertually keep my head bowed in shame. A young man who is just 29? How am I supposed to live the rest of my life?  
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This forum is HIV specific.
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If you look up on google, typing in is HSV 1 considered an STD...you can read that information. They technically don't consider it an STD, but HSV 2 is, the genital kind, which is the one that can increase the chances of HIV transmission if the partner is positive, and if there was an exposure.

You did not have one to begin with.

If this is the first time you have ever gotten cold sores, if you kissed your partner, and she has HSV 1, even if no cold sores are present, it still can be transmitted that way (HSV 1). Still not considered an STD, as I said, it is a very common ailment, not life threatening, more like a pain to deal with. It is a virus, and once having it, you always have it, but that can also mean you may never have a cold sore again. Even if you did, as I said, it's more of a pain, there's nothing dirty about it.
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You really mean oral herpes caused by HSV 1 and resulting in cold sores is NOT a STD?  
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Please take the advice given on here. You did not have a risk for HIV based off of what you stated your exposure was, which wasn't an exposure anyways. Cold sores on the mouth are yes indeed HSV 1, which is not an STD. I believe 1 in four people have HSV 1. If you ever get a cold sore on the mouth, you have HSV 1. My husband gets them from time to time. It's nothing to worry about. You have no worries for HIV.
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...15 days after the exposure and I have two early cold sores on my mouth, an indication that I contracted Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV 1?)....Now, I am only hoping that it stops at this. I would not expect a co-infection with the deadly HIV....This would end my world immediately if it turns out that way. I have made a big fool of my self...What a world!
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Thanks Teak. If I am infected by something else other than HIV, that would be less stressful for me. I can handle it, and move on having learnt my lessons. Yes, so I hope it's NOT HIV. This one would have shattered my world. I would breakdown completely. I took this risk after 1.5 yrs of staying away from sex because I am now faraway from home in another country. It's not worth it at all. I have been so silly. But I am trying hard to forgive myself. Let it not be HIV, I pray.
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You might be infected, but it is not from HIV. You never had an exposure. HIV is not transmitted by oral sex.
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Thanks Teak. I hope I am not infected! Thanks for your reassurance!
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You never had an exposure and don't need testing.
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Thank you for the reassurance. I hope it ends well for me!
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Well, the sore throat you had appeared the morning after the act. This in no way can be attributed to HIV ARS infection. This takes a few weeks to develop. HIV is not a concern, I assure you. You didn't have a risk, SERIOUSLY. The sore throat I'm sure came from just a virus that was going around.
So hard to do but really, try and relax. Take comfort in the fact that you had NO risk with stated activity. In regards to HIV, further testing isn't even warranted, but for your peace of mind, you certainly can, but NOT NEEDED.
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