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10250676 tn?1408811484

Does age have anything to do with symptoms?

I'm 60 and on week 4 of sovaldi/ribaviran 600mg/400mg.  I take the pills with breakfast.  About 30 min later I have to sit or lay down.  I have a hard time getting stuff done without having to again rest.  I work full time at a call center so no real physical activity but have had to take off one day/week due to total exhaustion.  Usually by about 4pm I start feeling more like myself and then around 5 I take the afternoon dose.  Sometimes I feel ok, other times not.  I'm not sure if I should push myself through these urges to rest or really give into them.  My healthcare team (dr & pharmacy) tell me that these symptoms should ease up soon but  not feeling that so dies my age have anything to do with it?  I'm on a low dose thyroid and beta blocker too.  I've started cutting my BP med in half taking half in the am and half at bedtime.  I'm trying to drink more water ... Not feeling any change.  Please help.  
24 Responses
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1654058 tn?1407159066
I too feel like age and also liver condition has a lot to do with side effects. It sounds like you have got a good attitude. Honestly, endurance is the name of the game. I know that others are going through the same things and you got some great responses.
All my best,
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10250676 tn?1408811484
Week 6 and almost felt normal yesterday!  After fixing dinner for work later, had to lay down for 45 min and then lasted until about 8:30pm and got the nausea/foggy thing so that was pretty good compared to what it's been like.  I'm recognizing some blue feeling creeping in so will have to watch that.  My hemoglobin is a little low.  I'm finding that doing some deep breathing helps with feeling and attitude.  Hope this info is helping others :)
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I had wondered about the age thing myself. I am 60 years and today is the 8th day on sol/oly and am doing just fine! I also have fibro and DDD. I have not felt anything close to a side effect yet. But I do understand that the riba can be different on a person. I am just doing what I should drinking water, using sun screen, and eating smaller meals more often. Best of luck to you and we can be thankful the treatment is just 12 weeks instead of 48! Listen to your body and get some exercise in too.
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Oh my....So sorry you are having some unwelcomed Sx.   The beta blockers and thyroid meds that you are on can also cause fatigue.  I did the same regimen with the Sovoldi and Riba, and exhaustion was fairly present.  This has not been documented to my knowledge, but felt while on Tx that my endocrine system was somewhat askew.  I also feel that these meds do effect our neurotransmitters which are responsible for elation, or lack of, our mood regulator.  That would include serotonin, dopamine, endorphins ect.
This is one of the reasons so many of treaters are warned about depression.
In essence what is happening is that these strong meds can and do alter our body chemistry.   You may want to talk to your Dr in regards to monitoring your thyroid levels, and heart rate.   Beta blockers are synonymous with energy levels and fatigue.  Think its more apt to be the Tx, and not your age that is creating havoc.
My best advice would be to listen to your body and rest when needed.  Try to keep your blood sugar stable eating many small meals throughout the day with protein included.  You actually need to keep moving to ward off the exhaustion that you experiencing.  Try not to focus to much on the negatives, as that in itself will cause a lack of energy.
Hope this helps you to better understand why your lack of energy is so very present.   Keep the faith, and picture the new you healthy and virus free.  It's somewhat of a mind over matter and you are steering the boat.   Know that it's temporary, and in the end so worth the effort.
Take care and hang in there!
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Stay on your soapbox!   Spirit and attitude is everything.
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I am starting second week tomorrow. I am 65 and also take thyroid med. So far symptoms are light, apart from exhaustion, slight headache and a bit of an eczema like rash.  I am starting a blog diary where I will post my day-to-day experience worth sovaldi/olysio. I refused interferon, was treatment naive, and have had it for over 41 years.  Here is my take on it:  we heppers have lived in fear and sometimes shame, but when you get to a certain age it is time to live in the light, and now we have a real chance.  Everyone gets some side effects, but we can get help for them. Some sides come and go, but keep your eyes on the prize of an SVR.   We are here and we have made it to this day when there is so much more for all of us to get better. Even those who are very sick can get better.  None of is knows what time we have left, but my doctor is treating a 75 year old who just beat it.   Whenever I read of one of us clearing this thing, I cry with happiness.   I he to soon be crying for your success!

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10250676 tn?1408811484
Thanks Jules!  Praise be to our mothers!  They set a good example!  
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Hi dont be hard on yourself and dont be to proud to ask for a little help when needed, just pace yourself the world won't end if you don't hoover for a day!! Hubby knows all that light headed somedays it would take him 5mins just to walk up the stairs! the doc but him on folic acid turned out that tx had made him anemic. I agree with aging thing to. My mum who is 4ft 11.5 inches tall and 77yrs young as just come back from Britains coast 2 coast on her on and pitching a tent after a days walking and on her 70th birthday she was coming down everest after getting to base camp and for her 80th she is going to do a parachute jump!! She's a nutter a 77yr young NUTTER!!! take it easy and don't me hard on yourself you will get there and we all here to support you. Love& best wishes Jules xx
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10250676 tn?1408811484
Thanks Pat.  Well I felt just fine prior to starting treatment and two Drs said side effects were minimal to none I just had to ask!  I agree on the aging thing.  My Mom is 93 and still lives on her own; has a full life.  I felt fine the first week and it's been worse every week after so I didn't realize this would be happening and I don't like it.  I try to imagine smiley faces on my pills though and I'll just do what I can when I can I guess.  Also thanks for reminding me to take the help when offered.  
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Hey, recognize the need  to take time AND am never far from something I can hold on to, but my attitude is a little different....I just tell people not to write the year in the dust on my tables when they write their names.  lol

Seriously, some things will need to be done less often, others can wait a while.  Prioritize what is really important to you.  And, if you have a friend or family member you says what can I do to help, tell them a small, finite job, then let them help.

Take care of yourself. I thought 6 months was a long time in the beginning, too, but it really is passing quickly.  So quickly, in fact, that I told you I would,be completing 9 wks Monmand it is really 10 wks - it will be day 70!

As for age, I kind of look at that as we could blame everything on getting older, but that isn't necessarily true.  On the other hand, like hepcandme said,
there are certain things that are affected by it, but how we look at it matters, too.  Don't make yourself old before your time by thinking that you are old.

I tell people, I know you think I'm a little old lady-- well, I am definitely a lady - and we can all tell by looking that I am not little, but I'm not old yet...I'll let you know when I get there.  My maternal grandfather was the 'youngest' man I knew, even when he passed at almost 95.  i truly believe that his

His attitude was why -  'well, I haven't tried that, guess I will'. Old is when we quit learning and having an interest in our 'world'

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.  Just trying to say that don't blame aging for everything, although as we age some things do change, and don' for these few month, try to hold yourself to your usual standards.  Take care of yourself, and take time to heal from this awful dragon of a disease.  Pat
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10250676 tn?1408811484
Thanks for writing.  I'm glad you made it through.  5 mid of this seems like a long time when I'm feeling this way.  Ugh!  But right, it's not 4ever and I have a lot going for me in so many ways.  Just can't seem to get much done!
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10250676 tn?1408811484
Thanks for responding.  I've increased my water intake & take meds with food.  My tests are normal so I'll stick with the regimen.  5 mos to go.  Took me all day to dust & vacuum one room yesterday.  I get so lightheaded when I get up sometimes have to lean on the counter.  
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683231 tn?1467323017
Yes there are warnings on the Olysio prescribing information sheet about sun exposure

Photosensitivity: Photosensitivity reactions have been observed with OLYSIOTM in combination with P/R, including serious reactions which resulted in hospitalization. Photosensitivity reactions occurred most frequently in the first 4 weeks of treatment with OLYSIOTM in combination with P/R, but can occur at any time during treatment. Photosensitivity may present as an exaggerated sunburn reaction, usually affecting areas exposed to light (typically the face, "V" area of the neck, extensor surfaces of the forearms, and dorsa of the hands). Manifestations may include burning, erythema, exudation, blistering, and edema.
Use sun protective measures and limit sun exposure during treatment with OLYSIOTM in combination with P/R. Avoid use of tanning devices during treatment with OLYSIOTM in combination with P/R. Discontinuation of OLYSIOTM should be considered if a photosensitivity reaction occurs and patients should be monitored until the reaction has resolved. If a decision is made to continue OLYSIOTM in the setting of a photosensitivity reaction, expert consultation is advised.

Just for the record I am a 56 year old woman just lucky or good genes or I dunno why but I haven't had much in the way if side effects.

Sure I have some aches and pains I guess it comes with the territory but as hepcandme said it sure beats the alternative!

Good luck everyone
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6708370 tn?1471490210
Out for a stroll around the lake with my hiking buddy today. We were talking about this very thing - but not relative to treatment but just about getting older.

I read a post that was one of those lists about how to tell that you're officially "old". My faves - your doctor/dentist/nurse seem like kids and you have an irresistible urge to garden

My friend responded - it's how much you hurt everyday, the increased pain you feel as you age

So, it's not just us. Older people have health issues and new pains every day.
It s**ks but it beats the alternative
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You're right. Maybe I hear more women complain because women are more at ease admitting difficulty. Or, more likely I hear myself complaining all the time. :)
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not sure I'd generalize the women thing on that one.  I knew a very fit firefighter that was having to be on an awful lot of bedrest when he was on the SOC.  He was really fit, but became a wimp on treatment.  Fortunately, for him, he had a wife to wait on him...
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Oops! Sorry about that!  As I was saying,

2.  And, are you eating a mean w/protein, and good fat when you take our pills. That seems to make a difference to me.  The 'good' fats are the ones which come from yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, avocado, nuts, etc.  The protein seems to give a a little energy.

As hepcSandi mentioned, other health issues, CAN affect your overall health.  You might want to talk to you hepa to see if WHEN you take our other meds has any affect.

Finally, I have found  that if I work my schedule so that I have 10 a 30 minutes to sit down after taking my pills, that seems to get me past the weakness so can do a few things before I have to sit again.  

Hope some of this helps, and as flyinlynn, said, it is not forever -'it is doable.

Good Luck on getting past the problems and on to SVR.  Pat
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I am also Gt3, on Sol/ RBV , age 72 soon t/b 73, and now about to complete my 9th wk of 24 wk course.  First wk did fine, even had additinal energy.  Then like you, around the time I took my meds, got all weak, had to sit and rest.  

A couple of things to add, in addition to the hydration, hydration, hydration! and slight excercise as you can that Flyinlynn mentioned, when you feel up to it:

1.  The RBV can definitely affect your Hmg and, if it gets below the 'norms', it can definitey affect your energy level.  Have ou had CBC Lab done recently.  Might want to ask your Dr about this.  

2.  As
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7469840 tn?1409845836
I am 64, finished Sovaldi/Interferon/Ribavirin 15 weeks ago. Yes, do stay out of the sun. Drink lots of water, half your body weight in ounces (140 lbs = 70+ ozs). Keep your calorie intake up up. Water and food will help your energy. I also take a beta blocker. My energy level stayed about the same throughout Tx, got more tired at week 10. I think your overall health has more of an impact than age. I work at a computer all day too, and worked 5 days a week during Tx too, but worked at home and could take breaks if I needed to. Hang in there, like Lynn wrote it is not forever, and doable! Good luck.
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10250676 tn?1408811484
Thank you.  I have been trying to take short walks.  Yesterday my Dr suggested I stay out of the sun.  Looking forward to feeling better!
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10250676 tn?1408811484
Lol side affects showing... I'm genotype 3
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10250676 tn?1408811484
Thanks.  I held off treatment for the last couple of years.  Felt good until treatment started :).   G1 stage 2
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683231 tn?1467323017
Hi Eagleplady

Sorry you are having a rough time with side effects. Sides are different with everyone my guess is age could be a factor but so are a lot of things like having multiple medical conditions and your overall health.

The only thing I can suggest is to hang in there treatment is not forever but the virus will be gone when you are done. Like you said keeping up with water can help so can getting a little exercise. Just taking a walk can brighten your outlook and help you get better rest at night.

Anyway good luck on treatment
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I believe age makes a tremendous difference. I'm 67 and have yet to do any kind of treatment, but I feel much like what you have described here and think it is a combo of hcv, cirrhosis, and age. It also seems like the drugs take more of a toll on women. That's just my thinking but it seems like I recently read it somewhere also. I do my best to listen to my body and when I am tired I rest. I used to try and push past it but it didn't really work. :)
Not much longer for you. Hang in there!
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