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Flu and pneumonia shot....anybody else get sick after them? ALSO malpractice ?

Hi All,
I got my shots (like doc recommended) and ended up with fever (101.6) Friday, achyness, sore body, and etc. I couldn't even move my pneumonia arm. It was swelled and red as big as an apple. Felling better today but now it feels like it going into my lungs (just in time for Thanksgiving :O}).

Did any of you have problems and were you on tx and what was you bloodcounts?

Also, does anybody have tips on getting medical malpractrice lawsuit going? Or any other tips? I am having a hard time and with my info, it seems clear it was. I truely believe my SVR rate dropped because of his timelessness.

Please use this for other threads too!

27 Responses
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I am so glad you are okay!  I was really worried about you getting pnuemonia...

Glad you were able to enjoy Thanksgiving, sounds like you did an awful lot!  I hope you are not going to end up in bed for overdoing!

Thanks for letting us know you are okay!

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My doc told me I needed to get all the vaccinations,...flu, pneumonia, and he had me go ahead and do the hep b shot (part one of a two part vaccination) I did not have any ill effects from any of them, although I would be lying if I said I was'nt just a little worried when i got all that done.

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Hello, After the flu, I started in the chest burn and pain. It is subsiding.....maybe part of flu? But, afterward felt better than the enitre time I have been on tx.LOL!!!!

Even helped prepare Thanksgiving Day meal.....alot! And didn't even fall asleep until after the 3 hour ride home and watching Polar Express (although I think I may have dozed for a sec during movie). Of course, it was shot day for me so we made it home just in time for that, the Peanuts special, and then our movie.

What a day! Glad I have no leftovers except candied yams (yum-yum). Next holiday, we are staying home and having TV dinners! Wow....what a holiday! I thank God for the strength he gave me cause I went to a friends house who is blind, has brain and spinal tumors and hubby has bad heart. We fixed most of thier dinner but the hubby helped quite a bit.....and mine was wonderfull too! Did dishes ALL day!

God Bless,
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92903 tn?1309904711
Yeah- what she said! How are you, Dana? Things settling in since the flu shots I hope?
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86075 tn?1238115091
Yes, I agree with you, there are prob a few too many herbs in that combo treatment. It's not like they are chinese herbs where the herbs are synergistic and made to be taken together, some of those herbs are pretty strong all by themselves.
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Hi Dana:

Just thought I would check in here and see if you're feeling any better today?

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Most people do get both Hep A & B shots as far as I know.  I've had my first two and go in March for the final one. My doctor said it was imperative to get them just IN CASE.

Hey I didn't figure I'd haVe or wouldn't get HepC either!

As far as the flu shot I had it and no problem whatsoever. I did not get a pneumonia shot though.

I am on PegIntron, 1,000 Riba and 80,000 Epogen a week.  In addition I take plenty of vitamins to help with the whole process (except A, K and Iron I do NOT take any of them).

All in all once the hemoglobin was raised a bit from 9 to 11 I feel MUCH better.  At 9 I thought I was going to die (dropped from almost 15 to 9 in a little over a week).

I don't know anything about med. mal practice.  I wish I could help but I am sure someone will!
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See if you can get in a trial with the new meds coming out. I don't know how the same meds at the same dosage can exert a different result with you. Since it did not work the first time. Has this dr treated people in your situation, folks that rebounded and not responded again no matter how long they stayed on tx? If he has, have they responded to the same meds and dosage? If he has not, please seek a second opinion.
best to you
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Boston, you win the prize behind door number one. A years supply of those herbs. My experience was EXACTLY like that. after that 1 month of feeling great, I started feeling worse. I started getting lower back and gall bladder pains (when my bilirubin was spiked), and started to feel worse. My enzymes never went down though, and my vl went from 3 mil. to >7.5 mil. And, she told me something similar.

Cougar, I have at times had a low grade fever, as noticed when I'd go for a check up and they would take my temperature. I totally concur.

Forsee: If you are allergic to ragweed, that may explain your allergy to milk thistle. This is why individual-based drug therapies will hopefully be the way of the future. We all have different body chemistries, but drugs are designed for the masses, not the individual. That might be way off in the future though. My doc did feel that what probably was a factor, was there were too many herbs. I will say this, I had a MAJOR healing crisis the first 4 days. I felt like I had a major case of the flu. Then by day 5, I felt great. When on God's Remedy, I did have certain muscles ache and burn quite a bit. A similar thing happened when I first started taking the ACV. Must have bee a cleansing reaction.
Good luck with the ACV. Hopefully, you will get used to it.
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86075 tn?1238115091
I agree with some here, that remedy looks a bit too intense for me. I personally did not do well on a few of those herbs, pau de arco for one. For me, I did a lot of trial and error on herbs. I also titered up, I would take a little bit, than work up to maybe a half dose, I have a sensitive system. We are all different, and certain herbs and things can be fine for John but not for Mary. Unfortunately that's why I don't do combo herb remedies like that, because there are a few herbs that don't agree with me and with a lot of preparations you can't control doses, content, etc. It costs more to do what I do, take things seperately, but I have more control that way.

I also monitored with blood tests, etc. There are some herb combos that I have heard much positive feedback on, that Nu=Liver remedy, a few others. It was too strong for me, but that's just me. But you have to know what you are doing with this stuff, if youre going Chinese, go to a good practitioner. Misha Cohen's website will let you know someone in your area. Or go to some other expert for your beginning consultations. And it's funny, I know ayurvedics who swear by their stuff, and the people who do Chinese swear by their stuff, if you can find something that works for you, that's great. It's good to go through someone because a well qualified person with a good reputation will offer you more assurance that youre getting untainted herbs, etc. There are also good companies, and if you don't know who they are, youre at a loss. Even with medicinal mushrooms, I can take shitake and maitake, but no Reishi.

I know many people who just do the tried and true simple plans for people with viruses, Milk Thistle, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, B combo, NAC, artichoke and Schizandra berry. I know many who just do these with nice results. I personally can't take milk thistle, I did for years but then developed an allergy to it. I feel off when I take it. I swear by shizandra berry though. If I take dandelion I get a little sniffly, it "is" a weed. Others can take it no problem.

The regimen I take has really worked well for me. I have been taking it for years now. And yeah, it won't cure me, I'll have to go to the more conventional meds for that, but I do believe I'd be  worse off now if I hadn't been on the regimen. I proved it to myself summer before last, (I've told my story so often, I can actually hear the snoring out there, ha ha!) I know many many people who have felt much better, had a better quality of life, with some of these formulations, regimens, etc. And they were non-responders or relapsers and they had no other options cept to do nothing. If something works for you, many times you'll end up being convinced it'll work for everybody else, I used to think that way, but I know better now. I don't know if the problem is so much that they can make some people's immune systems go into hyperdrive, although that maybe the case with some, I'm agnostic in some regards...but I do think that some of these herbs are just too intense for some people.

My alts go down when I take them, go up when I'm off them (plus I feel worse), really simple. Problem is you have to keep taking them for these results, and take them religiously. Sometimes I talk to people who say they didn't work, they felt no difference. Then I quiz them on their routines, they'll tell me oh, they'd tak it one day, then next day not, they went away for the weekend, etc. Compliance goes for these regimens as well. If you'd like to know what I take personally, you can do a search here, or go to janis site and email me, they have my email there. Hope this helps and this is only my opinion. Sorry I didn't have the addy for that study, couldn't find it, but like I said, it's at the Pub Med site, type in Melhem A in the search space, it'll pop right up. I take everything in that study only the licorice very occasionally.  Hope this helps! (oh and I've added the dreaded ACV!! ha ha!
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       I was on the exact same regimen you just listed. It is called G*D's Remedy, correct? I too, felt pretty good when I first  began to take it. My enzymes went down to the low 40's, hemo up, and platelets up, ect. Lots of energy, heck, even my skin looked better. I was seeing an Alternative doctor at the time. Although he had never used GR on any of his patients, he approved of all the herbals in GR because they were all liver friendly and it seemed like a good regimen.

But, I've got to tell you and every one else that is reading this post >>> after many months on that stuff, I did not feel good at all. I got really sick. I contacted the lady who runs the company. Told her my story and that I was getting sicker and sicker ( by this time I had stopped taking it) She made it a point to remind me that Hep C will flare up in cycles. Dah. She said that I should just keep taking the remedy, get through the flare up and that things would calm down eventually. As I mentioned, I stopped taking it and I continued to feel badly.

I believe by taking all those immune boosters, it actually triggered a very bad autoimmune response in my body. My Cryo went crazy on me, thyroid hyper and my viral load spiked up to over 55 million. Previously my PCR would average 2.5 to 5 million.

I think that we really need to be careful when it comes to herbals, especially immune boosters. We do not have normal immune systems. Yes, many herbs are good for our livers and do help to lower enzymes, ect. But putting the immune stystem into Turbo mode for months on end can & will be dangerous to some of us. I share this story because I do not want anyone to go through what I have experienced with this G*D's Remedy. ((((((( Sue ))))))))))
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Feel free to fill me in on the particulars of the antioxidant program, it is probably a lot different than what I have done. Here are some of the things I have tried:

Lots of green tea, decaf. Don't know about my numbers, but I think it helped.

A series of herbal liquid extracts (I will leave the name out). It was loaded with antioxidants, probably 30+ herbs. It included Burdock Root, Cat's Claw, Red Clover Blooms, Echinacea Root, Yellow Dock Root , Dandelion Root, Blessed Thistle, Schizandra, Olive Leaf, Astragalus Root, Milk Thistle, Ginseng ,Oregon Grape Root, and Psyllium Husks in distilled water, Milk Thistle, Nettle, Plaintain, Horsetail, Yarrow, Golden Rod, Chamomile, Feikhoa Batsu, Fern, Ekala, Pau D
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Would you mind posting that link? I would be interested in reading it.

Thanks for your input.
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86075 tn?1238115091
Hi, I made a post to you up there, just pointing that out to you in case you miss it.

Jim: How many times, how many times, was I sitting on a bean bag or something equally ridiculous...listening to Harem's "Salty Dog", my particular favorite. Traffic figures in there pretty heavily as well...somehow....those bands seem to go together for me. Of course I will not go into how my listening experience was "enhanced" but follow my eyes....he he he.
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Good point Boston, actually our immune systems are probably already in overdrive due to dealing with a chronic viral infection. I'm not sure of anyone else, but if you think about you've probably experienced alot of intermediate low grade fevers over the course of many years; depending on how long infected. Looking back I remember so many times I thought I felt a little feverish and I was coming down with something; then to never get sick. Fever is a by product of your immune system kicking in, that's also why some of us run low grade fevers while on interferon.        Peace
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I got the pneumonia shot about 4 years ago and I've been getting the flu shots every year.  This year when I got my flu shot, I was feeling absolutely wretched the day after it.  My flu shot arm hurt bad, too.  BTW, I am on daily Infergen, 8 Riba's a day and Procrit.  I'd still get the flu shot even with this experience that I had.

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well i should be on shot 2 of 96 but ins says no wont pay for it becuse i just did 55 weeks. any tips on this, Rearfang i missed your post great to hear form you. how is the snookmister
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86075 tn?1238115091
hi, sorry about your troubles, but troubles have a way of righting themselves, I hope they do for you. Youre asking for particular experiences, I'll just tell you mine. However, I know other people who have hep, on and off treatment, and they were fine with the flu shot. It put me into a flare up and I'm not taking another one until I rid myself of this disease, but this is only me.

I can only speculate, because I got sick almost the second day after I got one. What I don't dig is the additives in those things, but I'm not an additive kind a gal! ha ha!

What's weird is that since I've been diagnosed in 01, I have been taking a rather comprehensive vitamin and herbal regimen. I had been on one before diagnosis but this is pretty individualized to immune system enhancement. Anyway, since I've been on this, I have not gotten nary a cold. Not a flu, not a cold, not even sniffles, nothing! It's weird. I used to have mild allergies, but I don't even have those anymore either, even in spring.

For awhile I thought I was going auto-immune, that this might be some sign, but blood tests say no, for whatever they are worth. So I of course don't know what's going on exactly, and I probably will get one because I'm saying this, just kidding, but it seems these regimens are working for me at least in this respect!

I read yesterday that you had tried some herbal treatments without much success. Anyway, have you tried an aggressive anti-oxidant regimen? That's what I am mostly on and it seems to work pretty well for my hep symptoms and inflammation (although I'm not 100%, I'm much better.) There was a study I posted a while back (a teaching hospital study) where these particular high oxidant regimes had factored pretty well with hep patients. If you read the study you'll see what the anti-oxidants are. Tallblonde and a few others are on similar regimens. If you go to the NIH site, PubMed, addy is   pubmed.gov  (if it's posted by them, the study can't be that off the wall) just type in (Melhem A) in their search space and it'll pop up immediately. It's interesting to read a lot of the studies and info they have on hep c on that site. Of course, like always with something I post, take what you need and leave the rest behind.

Once again, for the newbies or whomever else, I am not advocating this or any other regimen for hep c as an 'alternative' to conventional treatment. Please run this or any other regimen by your docs before trying them. Also, there are some members here who have had poor results from these types of regimens, I think, because these types of regimens should be handled with a certain amount of expertise.
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there were some claims that hep b vaccined caused autoimmune conditions in some people, including some neurological reactions. I decided against it for my daughter and myself. I am not at risk for hep c or hep b anymore. Unless some dumb provider fails to sterilize his equipment properly.
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i was tested for hep a&b,immunized,then retested at my request-all pre-tx
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I was VERY sick after my flu shot.  It took about a week then I was ok.  It felt like my arm had been repeatedly punched...not good!!  My liver doc didn't suggest getting it done but my primary doc did.  I asked my liver doc about getting Hep B & Hep A shots (I have Hep C) but he said not too get either - he said I wasn't at risk for Hep B and that getting these vacinations could harm me??  Anyone ever hear of that??
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oh gosh Dana, that's very scary...Let's pray you are not coming down with it...Have you called the doc and tried to get in to see about it?

*scared for you now dip*
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Not same doc....this is my liver doc who said to get em. If I am going to get it....I will.....probably coming down with pneumonia as we speak....lol!

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i wasa suppoed to get th flu shot pretx but not available...now they have suggested i wait a bit&stabilize,then get the shot..from what i've read the current product won't be v effective against this years headlining flu-oops!! well the only people who aren't making any misstakes aren't doin anything.....tho does seem as if  many misstakes are being made;including my spellin!!!so the question remains: get the shot while on tx???
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