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Infant Hepatitis C Concerns

My son's girlfriend has Hepatitis C.  My grandson was born last June 2006.  Her doctor said it was okay for her to breastfeed and she did.  My grandson just had his first Hepatitis C test and they say he is testing positive for the Hepatitis C antibody.  We are extremely worried.  He is only 22 pounds and does not have an ounce of fat on him.  What is going to happen to him?  There is no cure, is there?  Will he get progressively worse?  Is it possible he contracted it because of the breastfeeding?  Or was it through birth?  Can he lead a normal life?  
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96938 tn?1189799858
It means that the kids was exposed to the virus.  It does not necessarily mean that he has a chronic infection - that's very important to remember.  To determine if there is a current infection, a subsequent test is needed.  There is a percentage of people 15-25% who fight the infection off on their own with the strength of their immune system.   This is hopefully the case with the little tyke too.   These would be positive for the antibody, but negative on a viral load (hepatitis c pcr) test.  Although it happens, mother to child 'vertical' infection is not real common.  Although I'm not sure, I don't think that breastfeeding was necessarily it either.  Was the child born by C-section?, that might be a possibility too.  There are a very few people around here who were either infected at birth or who have kids who were.  Maybe they will comment too.  I've had hcv for about 34 years and I'm still make quite a bit of noise.  For kids, some doc's don't address hepc until they are a few years old.  Don't blame the mother.
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214582 tn?1194026839
I could be wrong about this, but it is my understanding that a baby "might" test positive due to the antibodies being passed from the mother to the child.. regardless of weather they are breastfed or not. I think it takes like anywhere from 3 to  24 months for a baby to loose it's maternal antibodies!!!

Meaning... when the child gets a little older it would need to be retested for an actual Viral Load.

There is no evidence that breastfeeding alone passes along HCV... (it is blood to blood)... so generally hepatitis C positive mothers are never advised NOT to breast feed except at times when their nipples may be cracked or bleeding...

I breastfeed both of my children & neither of my children ever contracted it!

Wish I could give you a more definitive answer...but the only thing I can think of is.. ask more about this with the health care provider, & test again later!
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Hi, I recently tested HCV positive. I breastfeed all my 3 kids, if I've known I would not breastfeed them eventhough the study show that it is very low chance that the virus pass from mother to child. Like Tater mentioned it might pass through the craked niples..   Only my youngest was HCV positive.  My nurse said that she treated 2 other families which also the youngest tested positive. I hope your grand son has no virus.
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"A few viruses can pass through breast milk. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is one of them. Women who are HIV positive should not breastfeed. Also, women with Hepatitis C may be able to transmit the virus through breast milk, but it is not certain. However, bleeding or cracked nipples on the breast of a woman with Hepatitis C puts a breastfeeding infant at higher risk for getting the virus."
Worried grandma,
Sorry to hear that the baby may be infected. Hopefully the baby will test negative for VL as mentioned by FlGuy.

To everyone else, you know what??
I just don't get it. How can some doctors tell women to take a chance and put their baby at risk (as far as I am concerned) and breast feed. They advise to stop only if nipples are cracked???? Well what if the baby who may have just cut a tooth bites the mother and bites his lip suddenly as he is breastfeeding?. Of course we all know this can happen. This just amazes me!! Where is logic or common sense with some of these doctors.. and unfortunately some people listen to their doctors no matter what. I wish I had that type of confidence in a doctor, maybe I would be better off, but I doubt it. And as far as people saying "studies" show babies don't contract it through breastfeeding,,,,you mean to tell me that there have been actual studies that have put children at risk when prior to the study the doctors didn't know what the outcome would be? Or,,, are doctors just telling women that "in their opinion",
or from what they have seen, babies don't contract HCV from breastfeeding. Either way, "a study" or from what doctors have 'noticed' both answers are wrong. If ONE baby contracted HCV from breastfeeding, that is ONE baby too many and for that reason I believe doctors should tell everyone NOT to breastfeed.

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All babies with hep c mothers are born with their mothers hep c antibodies, however these antibodies will disappear within 18 months in 95% of cases.

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I agree with tator up to 24 months they can still carry moms antibodies, thats what they told me when i went to test my 2 and half yr old when i found out i was positive, they can always take a viral load test to see if he has one..if he dont chances are you check him again in a year  he will be negative..and if not he can live a normal life just have get  more blood test than most kids..and there are some terrific new meds coming out that will raise his cure rate higher..
worry06---Im thinking the baby of the family are more at risk because our viral load gets higher as we have it longer.....
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208237 tn?1190185605
   I know you mean well. And I respect your opinion, but,,, (saw that comming I bet) ..     When newer poster asks such a question, I would have handled it as above by others.    First responses  from me is:  A.   HepC is blood borne, not other body fluids.  B.   There are others with first hand expierience that will tell there side.   C.   talk to a good hepitologist if needed   D. Do not blame the mother.      
       People come here for support more  than criticisms.
                                                   Aloha,    R.  
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I got hepatitis C in 1981. My 3 children were born between 1984 and 1995. The last one with a C-section. All 3 were breastfed, for a period ranging from 14 months to 21 months. The oldest one bit my nipple once so blood came through the cut. None of them caught hep C. The doctors told me hep C is not contagious through breastfeeding. I would brestfeed again today, it is such a wonderful experience for both the mother and the child.

And yes, I remember being told not to test my youngest for hep C until he was at least 18 months, because before that he would carry my antibodies.
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I know you mean well. And I respect your opinion, but,,, (saw that comming I bet) .. When newer poster asks such a question, I would have handled it as above by others. First responses from me is: A. HepC is blood borne, not other body fluids. B. There are others with first hand expierience that will tell there side. C. talk to a good hepitologist if needed D. Do not blame the mother.
People come here for support more than criticisms.-
You're absolutely right I do mean well and I'm sure you do too. As far as supporting the poster- my opening line was to her, which was supportive. The rest of my thread was directed to the forum. If pointing to an article which states that hep c IS found in breast milk is non- supportive thats your opinion and whoever elses opinion who may agree with you, including the woman that opened the thread. Making a statement that a baby can bite a mother and possibly contract the virus is truth and should not be viewed as negative or non supportive. People need to question their doctors more when doctors make '"Ridiculous" statements such as "only if your nipples are cracked will you put the baby at risk." I would have flipped out in the office if a doctor told me that and then expected my answer to be "Oh okay doctor that sounds like I can breast feed with no problem then and just keep my fingers crossed I don't bleed a microscopic drop. I'm sure I'll see it doctor I have x-ray vision just like superman." I know that sounds sarcastic but I think everyone should be more concerned about the 'ridiculous' than the 'sarcastic.'
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The reason why doctors advise to breast feed when the mother is HCV positive is that the benefits of doing so, far outway the very small risk.

HCV is a BBV and requires infected blood finding an entry point into anothers blood stream. Even if HCV can be transmitted thru other body fluids (this is doubtful) it would still require an entry point into the blood stream.
If HCV was easily transmitted thru body fluids, half the planet would have it.
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If HCV was easily transmitted thru body fluids, half the planet would have it.
Well when half the planet is tested maybe we will find out that they do have it, then what??  Do we then say "oh maybe it is easier to contract than we thought its was?

The above article I posted does mention it has been found in breast milk. Should woman take the risk of breast feeding knowing this just becasue the odds of contracting it may be low?

As far as the benefits of breast feeding, that is questionable at this point IMO. Most peoples diets are pretty bad. That's not being critical or judgemental, just take a look around at the shape most people are in or look at the line at the fast food joints. Doctors pushed formulas way back when until they started to get 99 phone calls from each patient a day saying the formula wasn't agreeing with the baby,,,then all of a sudden the doctors went back to the "oh lets do the natural thing and breast feed." Yeah the women stopped driving the doctors crazy, so the doctors tell everyone breast feeding is great now. Yes it's great, I agree, IF the woman is healthy and eats properly it has advantages, but most people or Americans I should say do not eat properly.  
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214582 tn?1194026839
I can certainly understand the point you are making... but ya know...this sparked another Hummmmmmm...

See if the baby bites his Lip... the infant is bleeding OUT.. Not IN

Point being, & The reason why I go hummm is...

I contracted HCV in 82 with a blood transfusion I received when I lost a baby in my last trimester  ... My Live Birth Children where born in 85 & 88...

I gave birth Vaginally to both my children.. (now 19 & 21 years old) & not only did I breastfeed.. but  (not knowing I had HCV at the time & Due To High Risk Pregnancy's & Delivery) my girls had INTERNAL Fetal Monitors attached to their scalp while still in my bloody birth canal... (& If That wouldn't be bleeding IN... I don't know what else would)...

That monitor is kind of like a needle stick... more like a CORK Screw that they twist into the infants skin & attach to the scalp .... I had both my girls & everyone I had ever had an intimate relationship with tested in 2003... & EVERYONE came up NEGATIVE....

I am sure during that time that I have also shared razors with everyone in my family... & I know I have certainly had sex during "that time of the month" at some point during that 24 year time frame....

I also know of several major accidents that I have had over the years that involved lots of blood & their assistance...

Once I almost cut my lip off with a lawn mower.. & once I have almost cut one of my fingers off with a hatchet, another time I cracked my head open that required 34 stitches ... & another time I cut a different finger down to the bone!

Bottom line is... surely if it where that easily contracted, then someone in my family would have OBVIOUSLY obtained it... & everyone has come up undetectable... so circumstances MUST really have to be just right!

I mean if it where that easy... then why wouldn't we get infected by a mosquito bite... or when my Green Bird bite the stew & blood out of me & then turned around & bit the blood out of one of my kids (within seconds)..????

I don't know.... I guess I'll just sit here & Go Hummmm!!!

In the meantime, I certainly hope that the baby will not have an actual viral load when re-tested... & chances are GOOD that it will NOT...

It could just be the mothers antibodies....  but it is definitely something that should be monitored... but also remember that it progresses differently in all individuals... so even if the baby should actually have it... it is NOT a death sentence....

I had it 23 years before discovering it (much less ever hearing about it)... I didn't have any significant liver damage, & my treatment was OPTIONAL Both Times!

I just thank my higher power that I was never an alcoholic, or surely I would have sustained significant damage...

Soooo, also a toddler is certainly not gonna be drinking booze & all these other BAD things that could possibly lead to more rapid progression.. I just feel like the grandma can put her mind at ease & realize that there is plenty of time to follow up with their health care provider... & that it is too soon to make a judgement call... & Even IF worse came to worse... again.. it is NOT a death sentence... So rather than Panic..Find Out MORE First & allow TIME to determine IF it is the antibodies or not... Then Go From There!
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214582 tn?1194026839
My oldest is 22 yrs old.. not 21 (My Bad)
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Yes, lets hope this baby will not be infected, but I also hope that someone else who might be thinking about breast feeding will weigh it all. "Bleeding out" I really don't know what to say about that because I don't understand how someone can say that,,,- an open cut is an open cut in my book, plus doctors have already said that if the mother has cracked nipples there is a risk. My point is that if the odds were even as low as 1% for a baby to contract it during breast feeding that would be enough for me to say "no way I wouldn't put a child in that situation." My thoughts are why would anyone take that chance and especially with a disease that doctors still don't have all the answers and at anytime they can say they were wrong. Others can and do say "I totally disagree with Myown and as far as I am concerned, that's fine with me- to each his own. I'm not a card carrying member of the ACLU so I do believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am not directing my comments about breast feeding to this woman that opened the thread. I am making a general statement.  As you and others have said none of your children contracted it, and if a person feels confident with their decision because of the doctor giving them the green light and because others have shared personal experiences that worked out fine, then they should feel confident with their choice I guess. But there are mothers whose children have contracted it and they let us know and IMO that shouldn't be kept secret as to not cause panic or whatever the reason. Some may be contemplating breast feeding and everything should be in the open so that they themselves can make their own choice.

Now as far you and others saying the babies are born with the antibodies. I would appreciate if you or someone could explain that to me- really- because I honestly don't understand that and would like to know. The reason I say this is because I do know that a womans blood never enters a baby while in the womb. Many of us don't even have the same blood type as our mothers. So how does the baby wind up with hep c antibodies if its only blood to blood? Is it during delivery this happens? It might be a stupid question but I really don't know the answer and would like to know.

PS I do agree with you that the poster's grandchild will be fine. As you stated this isn't a death sentence, plus I'm sure *real cure* will be here hopefully soon.
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The embryo quickly forms two parts, the foetus and the placenta. The two are linked by the umbilical cord, which contain the umbilical artery and vein.

The foetus's heart pumps blood from the foetus to and from the placenta.

The placenta is where substances are exchanged by DIFFUSION between the foetus's blood and the mother's blood, althought the two different bloods never actually mix.<<<<<<(that amazes me)

The foetus's blood picks up oxygen, proteins and glucose from the mother's blood. The mother's blood picks up carbon dioxide and urea from the foetus's blood.

The mother's lungs get rid of the foetus's carbon dioxide and the mother's kidneys get rid of the foetus's urea.

The mother's blood also gives antibodies to the foetus's blood. This is useful because after the baby is born, it won't have any antibodies of its own, and is therefore vulnerable to infections.
Okay got my answer...gets the blood from the mother, but the mothers blood never mixes with the babies. Thats pretty amazing and I now see the antibodies come into play.
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172023 tn?1334672284
How do you almost cut your lip off with a lawnmower?  That's what I'd like to know, b/c I have an almost impossible mental image...
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214582 tn?1194026839
LoL... I understand you COMPLETELY... & I also KNOW that you are not directing this towards the poster... that this is just generalized discussion!

Okay, first of all.. had I of KNOWN what hepatitis C was... (much less that I had it)..... as paranoid as I am... I might not of done it either....but not having ever even heard of hep c... it wasn't a concern... That was then, this is NOW!
So I really Do Understand!

Okay, the rest of this stuff gets a little technical & tricky & I probably don't have the knowledge to explain it correctly!

It's my understanding that antibodies are transferred to the FETUS during the third trimester... meaning ones doesn't even have to breastfeed for that transfer to take place... that it would regardless.. they actually transfer thru the umbilical cord... the antibodies do cross thru the placenta... (Please somebody correct me if I am wrong)... but it's a natural process & what gives & helps the babies their initial immune system ...

Ya know, I am really Over my head on the technicalities of this, but I am trying..LoL...

It makes more sense actually that this is happening when the child is a FETUS, vs thru breastfeeding since the virus is not known to be in other bodily fluids..

But rmember.. we are talking ANTIBODIES... not full blown Active Virus with Viral Load... just like even though we get SVR... we'll ALWAYS Carry the antibodies... (so if I were to get get pregnant right now) FIGURATIVELY Speaking... & lets say I am SVR... & have been for 5 years even.... then that baby is STILL going to get my antibodies.. even If I don't breastfeed!

Does that make sense??? LoL
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I wondered the same. Foot yeah okay, but lip? I'm going to read Tators explanation about the lawn mower with my one eye closed. I want to know, but the wait in knowing the answer is as scary as waiting for PCR results.
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Thanks Tator our posts crossed. Now we are all waiting for the lawnmower story.LOL
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214582 tn?1194026839
Ya'll would post while I am struggling Typing...LoL

LMAO... ummm errr, well it was pretty STUPID how I did it!

I used to watch my Grandpa work on mowers when I was younger... & I remembered before when the string broke... that he'd just wrap the cord back around the fly wheel.. & pull it to make it Crank.....

Well stupid me... didn't realize that you have to Bolt the fly wheel back down , or put the cover back on, to keep it from spinning Off when you yank it..

I wrapped the cord around that sucker & yanked it... nothing happened... did it again.. same thing..... Third try I pulled with all my might & that metal doo hickey came flying off & hit me right square in the teeth... I just KNEW it knocked my teeth out... It knocked me to the ground it hurt so bad... Blood was pouring EVERY WHERE... & I couldn't touch it due to the grease on my hands... my daughter started screaming... (she was little bitty knocker) & lead me to the sink & rinsed me so we could see what was happening... I split my entire top lip all the way into... or in half... it was hanging there like a flap... she had to hold a wash cloth to my lip while I drove a stick shift to the hospital...

But ya know.. the scariest part of it was.... The 3 fingered surgeon that sewed me up... if you don't align the pick part of you lip just perfectly.. you'll have a heck of a scar & look like you have cleft lip ... I know I looked like a fool & made him uncomfortable with my concerns about that... but the 3 fingered surgeon did a mighty fine job...LoL

Haa... I am glad you found the answer.... I should have did a google so I could have explained it better!
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214582 tn?1194026839
I bet ya'll thought I was sticking my face ubder there with the blades going....LoL

I probably wouldn't of had a face If I had of...LoL
Lets hope I never do anything quite that stupid...LoL
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OMG 3 FINGERED SURGEON!!!!! You must have wanted to run out. Just picture me, Ms Paranoid, seeing a 3 fingered surgeon  come towards me. But he probably is better than the surgeons who have all their fingers because he had to work that much harder to prove himself, with that said, I am not a risk taker as you well know LOL so I will stick with the surgeons who have all their fingers.

And yes I did think you may have turned the mower over and looked a little to closely.LOL So glad to hear everything worked out though.

See ya later.
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Yes seeing teeth is a good time to stop, but mothers seem to breast feed for a long time these days,,,some kids look like they are old enough to have a newspaper route before the mother decides to stop.
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214582 tn?1194026839
Teeth= LoL... Well Said.... I Agree... but many would certainly disagree with us on that issue!
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