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Please would everyone list sx.

Hi Guys I am going to post sx, because I was asked too, with no icing on the cake. I wish everyone here would add to this list, it is not intended to Scare anyone...I made it thru 48 wks. And so can you!

Well, when I first started tx. I did a few shots and a month passed and I thought ...gee what was all the hoopla? This is easy! Then the 3rd month it hit me! And it hit hard!!! We had been outta work because of snow and I had 5 days to rest. Well I wasn't able to go back to work! It was like all the sx hit at once. I was throwing up, running a fever, passing out, and to say the least...I HAD FATIGUE!!!! They said it would feel like you had the flu.......BULL %&*! I felt like I was freakin' dying.

MY body hurt so bad!!!!! I could barely get myself to the doctor appointments. And those were the only days I got dressed. About the 4th month my hair started falling out. So I like some others said...stopped washing it. I would go 2 wks w/o washing my hair..heck sometimes I would barely brush "at it". And bathing was very limited too. When I told my liver doctor I was about to start drinking again to kill the pain...he took notice and started me on pain pills.

I cannot stress the days I laid in the sofa (at home alone) and cried like a baby. My 75 and 80 yr old neighbors were cutting my grass and cooking for me and my husband who was working 10 hr. days. I never would have made it w/o them. I hated the fact that I no longer had any desire to have sex or for that reason be around any ppl at all. _continued-
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-continued- Even though I still loved my family I dreaded any visits from anyone! I really prayed for God to come and take me home! Oh I had riba rage like crazy. I am the one who slapped my new husband of less than a yr., and broke his tooth. He was the one who kept telling me, it's not you, it's the meds. The brain fog was awful too. I would try to make sentences and have to hesitate to really search my brain for the word I was looking for! My skin got dry and my mouth was full of white sores that hurt so bad. I would get upper resp. infections, one after another, my periods became irregular and some months none @ all. I looked and felt like, and there's no nice way of saying it, HELL. I stayed in my Bible for comfort and I came to this forum as soon as my husband would get in from work...(I use his laptop). I had a terrible cough and I had a horrible time with getting out of breathe. I would start to say a sentence and would have to gasp for air, to finish talking. My voice was very raspy??(SPELLING?)

I'm sure I have left out some sx. but these were the worst. The AD's helped some, I also took klonapine for my nerves, something to help me sleep(me @ sleep aids don't get along). I would stay up many, many nites all nite long and read on this forum and read the archives. I hated loud noise and bright lights! And I was so tired of wearing pads because of the cough, I was a pee-pee pants.

The thought of suicide crossed my mind many times, but being a Christian, I knew better than to act on feelings. I can't even start to remember all the meds we tried and all the ones that didn't work! You'll find ppl can be so wonderful, but then some who are supposed to help...like some of the witch nurses could be so mean. I had trouble like many others...platelets dropped to 9 at one time and stayed there for about 3 months.

And then there were the outside...family problems...my daughter was driving me crazy. I found out during tx my daughter and g.daughter were living in a house where drugs were being sold. I have my 10 yr old g.daughter w/ me now. My daughter seems to be doing better. She has move out of the drug house and looked quite "clean" yesterday when I took her daughter to see her. We also had to take in my husband's 16yr old step son. But he messed up here with bringing pot into the house so he is gone now. My dad is bi-polar and that was hard during tx. He also had 3 mini strokes. To say the least it is as hard on my Mother as it is on my Dad.

Well I hope this has helped for the ones who asked me to do this. I hope everyone else will give their in-put and maybe add some things I forgot.

I am 4 months post tx today and waiting on my first blood test results, done on Thurs. since I have finished tx. I was first diagnoised with fibromalgia (after finishing tx.) but since have been told my problems are tissue related. I will find out more about this on the 16th of this month and I will let ya'll know.

I want to thank EVERYBODY here for being so kind and listening to me whine sometimes!!! lol Newbies, IT IS ALLOWED< whinning that is. I love each and everyone of you and I pray nite and day for us all. Please remember don't let the little things take up space in your mind!!! Be kind to one another and never hurt anyone's feelings, enough to make them leave this forum. I STILL MISS RINGADING!!!!! She made me laugh and that's the best medicine!!! So gang hang in there and remember...NEVER QUIT !!!
I almost did many times! I love you all, Sincerely, Cindee
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Awww There you are...you are skipping around the board to day haha  I can not believe on how bad you had it..Man...Its so scary not knowing from month to month on how you are going to feel and I'm only at #8...whew! Long, long ways to go.  You must be some kind of strong lady to continue...I don't know if I wouldn't have just thrown in the towel mid way!  You are the greatest!
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Your posting made me cry.....I cry alot now for no apparent reason......I can watch a game show and someone wins, i cry.....someone dies in a movie and i cry.......i think about being alone and i cry.......i use to be a strong person.....but, i have all these emotional things happening to me...I will do #11/48 Monday......I have had restless nights, horrid dreams, you could never imagine.  My left nostril is so sore.  My nose is so dry from the meds. I use a humidifer at night, and maybe that is the problem for the restless nights, but, i tried to sleep without it  only to find the nose is terribly dry.  The fatigue is terrible.  I still work, i do homecare for seniors and im a part time activity director in a retirement home.  I move like a robot.  I get by day by day.  I get out of breath.  My hemmogloblin (wbc) dropped some last month to 10.6 i feel the same as i did last month.i hope it hasnt dropped more.  GI appt on the 22nd.....My hair is thin, and i have noticed some in the drain, i wash my hair every third day, otherwise it looks terrible. I am gaining weight, doctor said i would loose.....he lied...... Its been a tough battle thus far.....i dont post alot, but, im here daily reading and getting inspired by all of you....Im a 1b......so, i have faith, or i would have never put myself through this, as i was very well before TX.......God Bless everyone who comes here for whatever reason.  I feel i might miss some very important info when im not here.  It helps to vent your problems.....i do have brain fog, but, i had some of this before...lol.....writing myself little notes....i use to come home from work  have energy to do things around here.....BUT, its just me, and the chores will be here tomorrow....i try to do little by little each day to keep caught up....Thanks Cindee for sharing....i think its important for the newbies to know that we are here for them.....Lov Deb  :)~
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First 2 wks sx were the worst for me.....nausea, headaches (migraines), vomiting, loss of appetite.  Had to make myself eat for about the first 6-7 wks so I didn't lose too much weight.  Still had the headaches and got a prescription for Imitrex about wk 8 which has helped tremendously.  Just did 21/48 this past Friday and have felt pretty good once I got past the first 2 months.  I do get fatigued very easily...have to stop and rest frequently when getting any form of exercise.  I do walk 2.5 miles 3x wk and also am now starting to ride my bike a little with the nicer spring weather coming but it's a very slow and short ride compared to pre-tx.

Hope everyone else is doing well and having very mild sx.
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Everything you've listed as far as symptoms I've experienced too.
I haven't been able to work for the past 2-1/2 years.  I've had to deal with spiritual problems as a result of treatment, too.  It's very disconcerting when as a Christian, you've can't feel God's presence, this has happened to me every time I've treated.  I've had a lot of lung problems, weight loss, mood swings, hair loss+it grows back in sticking straight up!  Personally speaking, my husband does not live with me and my son is seriously mentally ill so he lives in the state hospital.  So, basically, I'm alone quite a bit of the time.  So what I'm saying is that I know how hard it is, keep on having faith in Jesus and he'll carry you through the rough parts.
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Oh, my goodness!!!!!  I can relate.   I am now just "coming back" to "normal'!!???!! or whatever my normal is at this time.
I am 40/48 (this coming Tuesday).  I really missed you guys on the HMB..but have had NO energy to get on line since around 30/48.  It looks like I missed alot, and I see many new people.
One day, I just passed out in public, and went downhill quickly.
NOTE to all on allergy meds:  I started taking allergy meds in September for my throat, rash, etc.  Well, it did sort of help, but unbeknown to me, I had an inner ear infection, upper resp. infection that could not drain as the allergy pills stopped the natural draining process...so my infection had a "home".   I started "growing" an infection that just pocketed for months.  Meanwhile it was like I was "unplugged" from any energy source at all. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.  Well, my body gave out....Anyway, I have been on two rounds of antibiotics, and I can finally "do" life again.  So, if you are on allergy pills, make sure you are not doing a "double whammy" on your system... I no longer do allergy pills, so I live with the other sx......
The good news is my hubby has done EVERYTHING for me. (I might get spoiled).....I have a shot countdown on my refrigerator and it is exciting to actually "look forward" to shot night, as I take my pen and mark off another "stab" at the dragon.
Cindee, I have NO energy, cannot breath after short duration (numbers not low enough for procrit, etc) Riba Rash, burning throat, anemia, having the blues, although my riba rage has settled a bit, dry skin, cotton balls in eyes, and stabbing eye pain, (sometimes) I have a very tired body, but my mind is spinning like a top....more brain fog since about 35/48.  Constant ache in left ear, some ear ringing, dizzyness, and sometimes just "falling", running into walls (last night I got up to visit the bathroom, and instead of walking into the hall entrance (I could not figure out why I could not find the door) I was trying to "walk" through my bedroom window...DUH!!!!!(Glad my husband did not see that.....I was throwing the curtains around) My "woman" cycle is crazy, I have four bald spots on the back of my head...still get the "flu" ****, and I cough all the time.  I take meds to sleep (weird dreams)  I can hardly wait until I do not feel like this (will it ever be?)
My husband's "assignment" is to come up to me through out the day and hug me and say "I love you".  He is so cute, he sometimes just does it while I am raging and we laugh. Back aches....I could go on and on but I won't.
I REALLY THOUGHT THAT I WOULD FEEL BETTER AS TIME WENT BY, AND, IN FACT, THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE FOR ME....(everyone is different, though)  I do not want to bring anyone down or scare anyone, but the sx are so varied and change every day...mine are worse now...(but only 9 more shots!!!!!!! hip hip hooray)
I started reading the posts a couple of days ago, and when I saw Cindee's sx request I thought it was a good time for me to say "hello" again.   Though I really only posted a few times before when I was active here.......I do not know if you guys remember me....BUT HELLO OUT THERE, MY FRIENDS...I AM GLAD TO BE BACK.  I hope you forgive my rambling......
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Wow, I feel really lucky as far as sx. go. I had the usual loss of appetite for the first 6 weeks, but mentally I was Wandering farther & farther.  Starting week 7 the only things I ate were ice-cream, twinkies and ice. I crave Ice all the time but that started way b4 tx. I got really forgetful and things kept getting wose through week nine. I was by myself in a town 20 miles from any Dr. or Hosp. and being new I didn't know anyone. My G.I. was 120 miles away and my family at least 100, most of them 200.I got so I couldn't drive(2 fender benders) couldn't judge distance. So I didn't refill a couple of important scripts, and missed 2 weekly Dr. appt.I remember telling my self that if I could Juust hold on til my hubby got home he'd have Mon. off, get me to the Dr. and take care of my scripts. I hadn't cleaned house or did dishes in 2 weeks and was barely taking care of my dogs.  I never felt so week or helpless in my life.My hubby got home Sat. night and I finally told him how bad off I was, so he was ready to take care of things Mon. Then the G.I. called Fri. and cancelled tx.(Can't blame him, they were worried.) I had 2 shots left, I did 10 Fri. afternoon b4 the call. We called
my original Dr. and she said get there as soon as possible. (120)miles. My Dad came and got me and I was hospitalized for 5 days.The only thing Dr. Anne did was take me off 225mg. of effexor and put me on 10mg. of Lexapro and gave me a shot of B-12. She kept me on my riba and lowered my dose of xanax. Within 48 hr. my mind was back(mostly)and my appetite started coming back. Still not great, but I at east eat 1 good meal and have a carnation instant breakfast every morning. I just did shot 15/24 last night and am staying w/ my Dad. My platelettes, which were dangerously low are back up and I no longer have to do weekly blood-work, just monthly, and I haven't missed a shot.I  still feel tired and lethargic most of the time, but about 1 day a week I get a burst of energy and feel great all day. I'm itchy, but nothing like it was w/ jaundice and a couple hives now and then, but very little hair loss and 10 lb.s weight loss. I knew thered be rough times, especially being alone, but I wasn't prepared for how bad it got. So my advice is if you have to be alone most of the time, have a support group that you don't hide things from cuz you don't want to worry them. My best to all,  Love, Joni
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Okay - thats it - now I'm terrified - after reading these side affects that consultant aint coming anywhere near me with a needle on the 18th of this month!!!! Do many people pass out on this stuff - geez I hate passing out - I am tired at the moment - but I feel quite well - I would be crazy to put myself through all this???? Dont know my genotype yet - I have bridging fibrosis so I figure I have a good ten years.........**** I am only 40 and I have a five year old.I have got to take this **** havent I - can I please hear from all the people who havent passed out????? I HATE being out of control - flu - aches - hair dropping out - barfing - I can cope with that lot but passing out????? Why does it make folks pass out?  Do I sound like wimp or what - apologies to all you brave heppers out there - but this hepper aint happy at the mo!!!!
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My thoughts go out to everybody on this board, but especially those who are going through this alone. My own wife started making herself distant and put me out under bad circumstances in my second month of treatment ( now in fourth).She has never apologized or checked on my welfare. Reading about one of the people here having difficulty giving herself the first shot alone a while back choked me up a bit. There are some brave souls and their spouses here.
Sorry to ramble. As to my sx, I can only try to remember. Flu ,chills, bad cough, blurred vision, hearing plugs up so I can't always understand voices at times, hair getting very thin (shaved it bald the other day),almost total exhaustion to the point of barely being able to get out of bed for as much as a week at a time,mouth sores and constant itching, bone and joint pain, dizzyness, but haven't passed out yet Happyhepper! I've had my riba reduced 20% due to blood problems. Very rough this week. But I do have to say the Lord has never given me more than I could take as last week was excellent and I felt really good (Thanks).God Bless you all and thanks for your help.
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I guess I missed on the point I was trying to make. Most of my side effects were caused by too much, or the wrong type of other meds, not by Pegasys/ Copegus. Also I was told by this forum and by the Dr. I came back to, that this was to hard to try as isolated as I was. It' my stubborn Irish that decided to ignore everyones advice and come hell or high water, I  was gonna do this. Thankfully God spared me(I was  on verge of liver failure again)and now am doing it right.
  But if my liver had not been as bad as it is, if I had years, I still would have treated because I take personally these millions of little basta*** in my body whose sole purpose is to kill me. I'm a  survivor, through alot I'd never discuss on this board, I'm not about   to let anything destroy me as long as I have God on my side and his strenght to pull me through. If I die from this disease, it'll be because it was my time, not because I didn't fight w/ all I had.    Love , Joni
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I did shot #9 last night.  Today, I got up at 9:00 a.m. and attended my son's Little League baseball game, went shopping for some home office supplies, went to Target for some cheap clothes for my kid that won't stop growing, came home, took an hour nap and got up and washed my car.  Trust me, this stuff affects everyone differently.  I used to be incredibly fatigued and had to take 2 hour naps every day.  One weekend I was in bed for 36 hours straight.  But, since about week 6, I feel pretty danged good.  I do still get a little short of breath, but I know what causes it (going up steps, too much exercise) so I take it easy.  I lost about 5 pounds, but have gained 3 back (dammit!); I work full time, I am a mother and wife.  Occasionally I get tired and irritable, but for the most part, I exist without too many of the sides.  You just won't know till you try it. Expect some side effect, hope for the best and roll with the punches.  If the sides get to be too much, talk to your doc and see if you can get some help.  But, give treatment a try and see how it goes before you totally dismiss it.  It's 10:30 p.m. and I'm going to take a nice bubble bath and go to bed.  P.S.:  I've never felt like I was going to pass out, never got dizzy, never vomited, never had bloody noses, and have only missed 2 days of work in 9 weeks.
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LOL  Wow your posts sounds exactly like me!  Just got out of bubble bath and was sooo relaxing.  Same here..after 6 weeks...things are seeming normal here.  I'm looking up to the sky as I say this and hoping I don't get struck down LOL
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My husband "was" a 1a.  He cleared and has been SVR for almost 2 years.   I am a 3a.......and I am hopeful.  I did a lot of research and felt that combo was right for me, and I still believe this to be true, even with the sx.  I am not a masochist, but would do tx again if I had to.  I hope I did not add to your apprehension.  If I did, I apologize.  There are many people who have little sx on tx.  I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and if I am SVR after tx, all the much better.  I remember someone posting (quite awhile ago) that sometimes we on tx just need to "unload" about our sx, and in retrospect, it may sound more dire then we intend, and I quite agree with that.  I commend you on your path....you are informing yourself....that is really wonderful.
Good luck, this site is a fantasic place to receive knowledge.
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My first 4 weeks I was barely functional. I THINK I still feel very bad, but the truth is I go to the grocery store again, I take my grandson to school, I clean, I do laundry, I made it to the hospital when my daughter went into labor with my new grandson, (and this was 16 hours after shot #4) I hired a lawyer to represent my othger grandson in my attempt to help him get into a theraputic (sp?) school ...

In other words I am living my life. Somewhat limited, not a happy camper too often, but I am still living my life. I cope by telling myself, "just for today you can do this Audrey. Just give it one more day, one more shot, one more dose of riba. You can get through a day, right?"

I learned this way of thinking in AA and NA and it serves millions of us well. Maybe I cannot take 48 weeks of this. Maybe I can't take 12 weeks of this. BUT, I CAN take another day. And that is all I have to deal with. I swear to all of you, that if I let myself think any other way I could NOT DO IT!

I am clean and sober for 18 years and I have done that also one day at a time.

So, by all means,  you can STOP tx.

But can you first just get through one more day?
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I guess I should have said I only passed out 2x and that was in the bathroom at home, when I first started tx. It could have been all the meds I was on in prep for Hep C tx. They had changed my ad's from prozac to lexapro and my liver doctor had my shrink increase my lexapro. Also one week-end that I passed out hubby was sick on sofa. So maybe we had a bug, but it just hit me harder, being on tx. You can do this...WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN !!!!! I didn't mean for anyone to scare anybody, but I think you need to know the truth...first hand!!!! (no pun intended)!!! You'll do just fine. I really looked forward to shot day, because Eyedeas always gives us a great song...I myself, loved The Flintstones song...KIM!!!!! But my friend and I both agree we were lied too, when we were told it would be like the flu! But REMEMBER EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT !!!!! We're here for ya! Much love and thanks to all who is responding. If I had known all the sx. it wouldn't have changed my mind....I was determined to beat the nasty 'ole dragon!!!! I still have a lot to do with my life !!!! Best Wishes and many prayers to you, HappyHepper and all my hep c family. Cindee
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Do you know - you always make me laugh - I am so glad you are there... I hope all your side effects disappear and that you get 110 per cent better real soon - I will have a word with 'the guvnor' and see if he can do this for you.... Okay mum - I will let that nasty ol man with the needle make me better! Gulp...............I feel sooooo embarrassed - I am such a baby!!! I keep imagining the 18th and driving up to the hospital and picturing myself pass out when they get out the first shot...............I'm afraid I am a catastrophic thinker - I am the type to expect an allergic reaction to the first shot - you know the type of reaction - the one not known to man type of reaction - the type that no one else only me will have had...............Just listen to your self hepper!!! I can do this!!! I can do this!!!! Hey - do you weant to know something real funny???  About 15 years ago I used to act and I was working in a theatre in York - that is Oold York NOT New York and I was cast as..............The Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of OZ!!!!!! HOW APPROPRIATE! DID MY DIRECTOR KNOW ME OR WHAT????  I do believe in spooks I do believe in spooks...........dooooooooooooooooooah!  Okay Hep C - PUT EM UP! PUT EM UP!
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Thanks Cindee for taking the time to reassure me - I am just a big ol baby!!!  I hope you and your family are well and that whingers like me don't p---s you off too much!!! I guess everyone feels like this sometimes - especially at the start. I just worry about my five year old -
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Hello there - Thank you for taking the time to reassure me - I like your sentiment - I know what you mean about having anger at these little B'S running amok in there!!! Go on shooo - clear off you m----er f------s!! You carry on whupping its bum! I will join you on the 18th!
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Hiya - I do have a hub - he is not a bad man but he is a bit emotionally stunted sometimes - he just says  something like 'oh stop worrying all the time'  - and 'stop going on the internet' - The kind of guy thats sticks his head so far up his arse he will disappear!!!! He is often out of the house as he is starting up a new business - fast food takeaway - hes out in the day and night whilst he is preparing to open and he will be out  from about 2 pm to 3 am when it is open. I am VERY blessed in the fact that
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Hiya - I do have a hub - he is not a bad man but he is a bit emotionally stunted sometimes - he just says  something like 'oh stop worrying all the time'  - and 'stop going on the internet' - The kind of guy thats sticks his head so far up his arse he will disappear!!!! He is often out of the house as he is starting up a new business - fast food takeaway - hes out in the day and night whilst he is preparing to open and he will be out  from about 2 pm to 3 am when it is open. I am VERY blessed in the fact that I have a 17 year old son who is fabulous with the little one - I just don't want to put on him too much - he will want to go out with his friends and I cant expect him to stay home all the time...........mom died on December 22nd so all in all not much chance of outside help....hey listen at me - some people live completely on their own - my 17 yr old will help me - he is a real diamond of a kid called James. Hope you are well - thanks for the response - it realy does help to talk to other people in the same boat - wish you werent though if you know what I mean!  Lots of love  Sue
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Thanks fubarcat for your posting - hearing about the hectic day you were able to have has eased my anxiety somewhat. It is just that I am such an active person - I run my own business - luckily from home so I guess I am in a lot better positionj than the poor souls who have to travel to work every day..........Lots of love and light to you and yours. And thank you.
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Hiya showboat - thankyou for your kind words - your husband cured and you WILL BE TOO I just know it!  Just cannot figure out why all these strangers - people who don't even know me are being so kind........off to have a blub - you have all made me feel so much better.....thank you very very much and I promise to try to be brave and not to whine too much while on the treatment - I will do my best to make you all laugh!!
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Hey, A "BABY"?????? Gee that is sooo funny, when I was at my worst times I saw my liver doctor and I asked him if other's had bad sx. or was I just being a "baby"????? He sorta smiled and told me "NO YOU ARE NOT BEING A BABY"!!!! So he knows how it is to go thru all we do to fight this nasty ole' dragon!!! And "WHINE"...it is allowed here! "Pity parties" are allowed too! So don't you worry....you can say anything at anytime!!! Nothing pisses me off...well maybe I can think of 2 things:

#1 Hep C  pisses me off!!!!!!!

#2 PPL who run others off the forum pisses me off. We're here to help each other. I stay outta those "silly" fights. LIke the old saying goes....>>>>>Oppinions are like "butt holes"...we all have one!<<<<<<<<<

Best of luck to you on starting your tx. I'm so glad we didn't scare you away. One day soon I'll print a copy of "Don't Quit". I have posted it 2x already...it carried me thru tx and I think all the newbies need to hear it! Much love and many prayers to all, Cindee
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