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The lost of some members , a reason for concern............

Just read the post by 52tele about not returning to the forum.  Since the thread was maxed out, I decided to start this one instead of taking away from someone else's thread.

Tele I'm sorry you won't be posting anymore and wish you will still return here when you need too.
I do agree that there are some here that seems to attack others, or post things that offend others.  Who knows why some members do this, maybe riba rage, maybe feeling ill or maybe it's just their personality.  
However, this forum has been a life saver for me and others, as I'm 4 weeks post tx I'm not on as much as I use to be but I'm still here to try and help those who need it, like I did.
Some times we all need to ignore those that post things we don't agree with or dislike and try to understand where it's coming from.  Some just want to hurt some here and others just want to get a rise out of us.

I just hope that we don't lose any more members because of this.  This forum has helped many and needs to continue to do so.

May the stronge continue to carry the weak through this ride of a life time called tx..........May God speed and show use away to over come this.

Beagle :)
49 Responses
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You guys do know this thread is four years old right?

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233616 tn?1312787196
the more things change, the more they remain the same...
you can't alter human nature, the humans have to do that.
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Just maybe we are all just human.
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I'm not leaving (can you tell) even though I initially said I was. I did get my feelings hurt from the very first post, but even that didn't really stop me from posting. I think I'm capable of ignoring the bad apples. And maybe even not reacting.

I still feel that I have to carefully word everything -- especially since I accused "coast" of not being able to spell, now I spend more time than I care to at dictionary.com.
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Well said my friend, how are you doing?

All the newbies please listen to what we are all saying and please post when ever you want and don't worry about what a few angry people have to say.  We are all here to help.

BTW-- Where is FLguy and cando man?  Hey guys where are you, been looking for ya's.

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I too was snapped by someone when I first entered this board.  I thought the way it was handled was rude and childish.  I did not get into a conflict over the matter.  I did not want to go to that level.  I also left the site because of that for awhile, before I came back to post.  Now, I only respond to what I think will help anyone and to the people that respect me, and I just ignore the rest.


When this happened to me I left the board for awhile and I took the same outlook you did.  I have got to keep my life going and can not let it get overwhelmed by HepC.  I know exactly where your head it at right now.


I see you showed up with a vengance this weekend.  I would think you would know by now, that if you are hurting and are angry with life, this is the place to be consoled by friends.  We all have the problem of this disease and some of us have more that just tx and hepc.  We have alot of new people on this forum and the last thing they need in their life is more DRAMA!  Try and seek some help for your anger.  As long as you are angry with life; you will never be happy in life.  Anger and hate destroys you to the point you are not a whole person anymore.


Sometimes we get conflicts here, especially from a certain few.  Just ignore them and do not let them discourage you from coming back.  This place if very important to tx and being able to vent.

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Wow, your almost done.  Well, I'm 4 weeks post tx and feeling really good.  Yes, I was told to that it would take a few months to feel better but for me it started to get better by the second week.  My HGB is 11.5 now and I have no problem eating, going in the sun, doing things around the house, etc.  It's a great feeling and your'll be there soon.  I've been off the procrit almost 2 weeks so I bet this week my HGB will be around 12.5 or close to it.   I was down to 145lbs while on tx and now I'm 162lbs and it feels good, now I have to slow down on eating. LOL
This is what you have to look forward to my friend.

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108191 tn?1199599905
Mr.  BB, so how have you been doing?   I am going on my 23/24 shot this wednesday.  I can hardly wait.  Just getting through treatment was an experience, but now I am wondering what after treatment is like.  My NP says it will take another couple of months to feel better.  What has been your experience?

I like to read everything on this board, side from the negative personal comments.  Those that have treated and gone on, those who are treating and those who have just stopped treating are all very important information for me.  I hope all stay around and realize that it is easy to get fired up if you have personal issues to deal with.  God Bless!
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LOL, don't worry about the spelling, just be here.  We had the same person over the Memorial Day week end upset many here but we decided to stand down and he just faded away.;)  Glad your staying, you'll find most here will help whenever they can.

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Glad your hgb is better. I posted above to you.

Skin Cancer Post TX - ALGERNON 07/17/2006
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I agree with you all, and it's sad that some will leave because of what the mental case has said.  Us old timers are use to this but I fell for the newbies and the young ones coming on in their teens and twenties that will not come back and really need to be here for help.  This is a virus that knows no borders or age group.  
Please anyone who was offended by what was posted the other day, know it's not something that happens here much.  Those that care will always be here to help all, so please think about returning to the forum.  You all are needed here.

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We've certainly had some looloo's that have tested our patience in the past huh?  I wonder how some of them made out with treatment (especially the one who was sure us stupid people could cure ourselves with herbs...and that all skinny people SVR LOL).  I think some of the people DO have real mental problems that are aggravated by the tx or the stress of the treatment and it's sad that not only do they cut themselves off from tx but...they hurt the others who really WANT to be here.

Mental illness (and in some cases a good case of I Know It ALL) is a very sad thing.

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116701 tn?1210259164
If you leave and don't return over some people with mental problems - they win! Just recommend they go to the mental health section of Medhelp. That is obviouly where several need to be. Just don't fuel and idiot's fire. Tele52 you've been a good addition to the forum and shown great compassion for people. We lose if you go. Dale
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And how do you think we would have learned anything if not for folks like you and Jim and Cuteus...?  It's our turn as the "new old timers" to pay back what you so GENEROUSLY gave to us.

The times I just felt like giving up = how easy it was to look to a few special people and say wow...after all they've done for me how could I do that?

There will always be problem people on forums...we just have to ignore them (which for girls like you and me is almost impossible...we are sure not shy wall flowers are we?)


My hemo might be down to 9 again but my spirit is high so that is what matters.  :)  I didn't mind coming to work today because with the heat outside...it's much better to be here in the morgue freezing to death!
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i am doin fine thx for askin. Gonna go off to bed here --gotta get up early for work. Hope you are doin ok as well...Good night!
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Thanks for the info and I think your right about who it is.  Everyone here needs help, some more then others and when someone like that posts it turns people away.  Now I understand what is going on and it's sad.  I hope the newbies don't stop posting questions because of this.  How are you doing?

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I just want to say that as long as I"ve been here there have been two very different types of arguments.  One where it is a disagreement and the people involved would NEVER take it personally at ALL - and the 'other' where people ARE condescending and mean spirited know it alls.

It is VERY difficult to avoid the second type. I don't know what happened but personally I found 52 TELE to be a GREAT addition to this forum and it really bothers me that without even reading I can assume it's the same old same old.

TELE don't let ANYONE chase you off this forum!  We NEED YOU as much as you need US.

You have to nkow and understand that.

Please talk to me or my evil twin Beagle...we don't want ;you to go!

(PS I didn't even read the rest of the thread because once I read Beagles post my eyes turned so RED that fire started shooting out!)
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I have been coming to this board since 2002. Some of the things that were said back then would make what goes on today look like a love-in. Yea I know, I've been here a long time. I can recall back in the day a guy telling sick folks that they must not love Christ or they would be healed. This stuff went on daily as well as vulgar crude insults and name calling. He finally got bared or just went away. The point I am making is that when you get a lot of people together there are going to be creeps, "know it alls", kind and intellegent people and scared and uninformed people. Our job here, as in life, is to sort the good from the bad. While I hate nastiness it doesn't trouble me nearly as much as misinformation does. Nastiness is obvious and we can simply ignore it but misinformation is not as obvious and it can influence members to act in ways that are detrimental to their health. When it comes to solid information this board is far and away the best forum I have found. I have learned so much from my experience here and I continue to learn. Back in 2002 and 2003 and even early 2004 people here didn't know a fraction of what most of what our current members know and I felt is was my responsibility back then to educate. But now, there are so many well informed members that I know I am not needed for educational purposes except in very rare circumstances, and maybe not even then. But, I come here to learn and add support and share in our triumphs as well as our dispair. Some people will leave and new members will come but this place will endure because it is essentially the best place we have. I, for one, am so glad I found Medhelp and I can deal with the occasional creep or "know it all" as long as the information is sound and it is for the most part. Mike
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Hello, I am now 2 weeks post Tx (48 wks) and feeling a little more spry and a little less achy:) I have been around as an infrequent poster for about a year now and have seen a lot of things go down here too.

I have seen people here allow HCV and Tx dominate their identity. I have seen "inner circles" form and get attacked here. I have seen forum "gurus" rise and fall, come and go. I have seen life-changing love and support shared here. Here I have seen homemade videos and songs lyrics that had me howling. I have seen people stomp off after not hearing what they want to hear here. I have seen people stress to newbies that there are no doctors here, then give them four paragraphs of medical advice, er, observations. I have, in turn, taken some of the suggestions I heard here and enlightened my own gastroenterologist with them! I have seen people with the guts to make tough observations about Tx and HCV and ask the tough questions. I have seen people "whistling in the dark" through Tx and HCV here while others feel the need to detail EVERY ache, pain and lost hair. I think its wonderful that some people have been here for years, whether they have cleared the virus or not. I sure do gain from their experiences. I can see too how some people want to get away from HCV and everything related to it as soon as they finish Tx, clear, or are putting Tx on the back burner.

Except for dealing with HCV and for some, the Tx experience, we're all quite different. Guess thats what makes this a public forum and NOT a therapy group, chat room, medical advice board, mutual admiration society, courtroom, or place to flame others. Or at least, so it seems to my slowly de-fogging brain  - Lee
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I read this forum everyday and probably spend too much time here as some others feel they are. I do feel like so early in tx and I have so  much to learn... it's "homework" for my tx.

You guys are like family and the level of understanding and compassion here is wonderful. And that is lacking big time at home.

I still have alot of questions and afraid to post because of ridicule AND getting ignored. I don't want to waste anyones time with something dumb. That is still residually left over from my first posting when spacecoast made fun of me. It wasn't just about getting my feeling hurt--it's just that I'm reluctant to be a part of something that's not real supportive, and the more love and support I feel the more I will post.
I do try to always post to a newbie asking questions that I feel I'm qualified to answer.

One other thing, food for thought and of course just my opinion.  You all have been, as of late, discussing giving advice and qualifying it as such and backing it up with links to studies or whatever. I don't come here to be given a link. I think anybody who is here is probably smart enough to do a web search. I come here for the support and advice of someone that is going through or gone through it. Now if someone tells me to jump off a cliff-I WILL check with my doctor first. And BTW If I ask for a link (and I have before) it's because someone has said someone one else could perhaps provide it. And if they can't thats fine too.

I would never expect anyone here to translate my entire lab but there is such a wealth of information here that I will take advantage of from time to time -- I will post certain numbers here if I get back labs between Dr visits.

I'm getting my 4 week pcr back Friday!! So cross your fingers!!

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     As a wise person once said to me.  If you argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference.

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i like that.

i also like

Save your Drama for your Mama.
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Just checking to see if you're doing alright. haven't seen ya in awhile...
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Hey Way,
Keep on posting!! Don't worry about anyone "trying" to make fun of you, it can't be done. You're my hero, just because you said you would defend the newbies. Proves you have courage!! Keep on posting!! Don't let anything or anyone hold you back.

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