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Could this be an outbreak?


I have posted here before, and was given sound advice that I am doing my best to try and take -- the advice was move on with my life.

I am having issue with doing this, as symptoms still persist some 8(or so) weeks later.

You can read my other posts for a full history; but since then I have had 2 cultures. One came back negative but it was quite old -- the nurse had to scratch whatever is is to get a sample (could be false negative due to the liesion's age).  I since had another clister type thing above my belt line -- once I noticed this (a Saturday) I put a bandaid on it so it would not burst, in hopes for an accurate swab on the Monday at the STD clinic.  I went in, the blster stil had not popped and the nurse broke it and took a swab -- I am still waiting results.

I want the type specific blood test, but the STD clinic does not offer then and I have a 4 week wait for my fam dr (love canada).

My original diagnosis was impetigo for rash/cuts down either side of my groin fot which I was given Fucidin. Since then, after applying the fucidin ointment to the groin folds - as well to my penis (not sure why - precaution?) I noticed what look to be similar to sebaceous glands on my penis. Mainly on the bottom right hand side of the shaft sporatically dotting it's way to where my foreskin begins (i'm cut). Some grouped, some on their own. They are under the skin and are like tiny white pin heads. Under the skin only, and they move freely, along with the skin when I move the skin up and down. I am now noticing, they are spreading around the other side in the same manner and even up onto the top of my shaft (top, not meaning near the end).

Aside from the newer ones on the left side, the originals are completely unchanged. 1) Could a herpes blister/pimple remain like this for so long? Without healing or changing/growing in some way?

Now, I also notice something very similar under the head of my penis (top of shaft, below head when I pull the foreskin all the way back). Just a little bigger but like very small pimples - 3 of them. They have remained unchanged for about 2 weeks now. 2) Could this be herpes related too? There has been ZERO change in 2 weeks.

Thanks to Grace and the others for their previous replies ... it actually did help me mentally. Quite a bit. But with these recurrences I have a hard time getting it out my head and would appreciate someone weighing in on my new findings.  Blieve it or not, since my last posting I have NOT spent all my time checking my genitals, and surfing the net ... I have just happened to notice the news symptoms.

Thank you so much to all.
13 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
Just be careful you don't have so many cocktails, you make "bad" decisions and end up back here again....he he he

Drink one for me :)

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Shouting hoooray doesn't even come close to how relieved I am!  A whole bunch of celebratory cocktails are definitely in order tonight!!

Thanks so much for all of your advice Grace! I wish I would have taken it in the first place, rather than having to go through the stress I've caused myself in the last 3 months.  You were a big help in calming me down when things were getting rough ...

For anyone in a similar situation please learn from my mistakes. I drove myself absolutely insane thinking I had contracted herpes and possibly spread it to the love of my life. To me, the symptoms fit very well with herpes and I had convinced myself 300% I had contracted it.  3 Months of Drs visits (all telling me it wasn't herpes, but I just figured I was showing atypical symptoms), 2 swabs and 4 creams and 2 powders later I finally convinced a Dr to give me a type specific blood test. Results came back today, NEGATIVE. NO HSV Antibodies detected in my system ...   I feel like such a fool; like I've lost the last 3 months of my life; which I basically have considering I've done nothing but think/worry about this on a constant basis.

Thanks again to Grace and whoever else has replied to my questions in the past!
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101028 tn?1419603004
antibodies develop regardless of when symptoms start. It's time to shout - hooray no herpes  :)

If your doc is stumped, follow up with a dermatologist.

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Well, I got my blood results back and they found NO anti-bodies!!  I'm absolutely thrilled! I'm still dealing with all of these issues below the belt, but conisdering it's not herpes I'm not even really concerned about it. Nothing the right cream won't fix I figure ......

One final question:
Given my possible exposure was about 4.5 months ago now, and my first symptoms started about 3 months ago, would I defintley have developed anti-bodies by now?

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101028 tn?1419603004
it really doesn't sound like herpes going on.

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Just wan update ...

I am awaiting the results of my igg (and IGM) test, this should be early next week.

BTW - this is yet another new dr, but he seemed to be pretty knowledgeable of HSV.

I am still having the symptoms mentioned above, with some additional issues.

I developed a very bad rash in between my legs, basically covering the whole perineum and in between my cheeks (it also start to come up around the base of my scrotum but not too far up my groin folds). This rash has a very defined edge, and basically appears as bright red scaly skin -- the skin seems to be completely peeled in this area as I can see a bit of a ridge of normal skin where the rash stops. I am thinking this is some form of jock itch as was the dr. This was extremely uncomfortable.   Went to the docs, and he prescribed me some anti fungal cream w/ hydrocortizone in it. This seems to be helping the new rash, about 1 week in today.  I am still experiencing sore type thing in the folds of the groin on either side; these don't ever blister or crust. They just start as sort of a rash with an open face (don't know how else to describe it, seems as though it just appears as if the top layer f skin is missing).  These don't really cluster, but appear kind of sporadically up my groin folds. I had been applying powder to it as you suggested, which seemed to make things more comfortable but I have since stopped since I have the new anti fungal cream. The only reason I have stopped is because of how I mentioned that the jock itch (wishful thinking) was starting to come up just a bit in to the groin fold so I applied cream there as well.

I have also noticed, some red dots under my foreskin ... these don't have a white head, or puss or anything. About 4-5 of them ... they have since gone, but were there about a week and was slightly painful. Again, not if i was to touch them, but just throughout the day if it rubbed on my underwear or something.     Could this be a yeast infection? Given I have what I hope is jock itch I am wondering if all this is due to a male yeast infection ...

Does any of this sound to be herpes?  I was counting back, and the very start of this occurred 40 days after my possible infection. I know some people go years before they have a noticeable OB, but from everything I read the common window from infection to OB is up to 20 days.  Can I at least take some assurance that this may not be herpes since it took 40 days to show?

I would just like to hear more of an opinion as this is has been a long week of waiting for my results and I still have one to go.  

The last thing the Dr. said to me who ordered the tests was that the test may not give me the answer I'm looking for as 70% of the population has it. If I come back negative I will be dancing down the hallway out of that office, but with such a high percentage of people having it the odds are against me.  If this is herpes, and i never have blisters or oozes to the point I can get a good swab how will I ever know if this is HSV in my groin area??

Thank you everyone.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
I'd try just plain ole cornstarch out of the kitchen actually.  You can also buy baby powders that are corn starch based too.  

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Good idea ... I don't think my groin becomes overly moist though. I will certainly try it.

I will keep you posted of the results on the latest culture.

Could you recomend a good antifungal powder to use?
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101028 tn?1419603004
why not try sprinkling corn starch based powder on your genitals every morning before getting dressed and see if that helps? It'll absorb extra moisture as well as reduce the friction from your clothing rubbing too.

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Sorry for the spelling, doing this in my iPhone and it auto completes improperly sometimes.
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Will do Grace, sorry about that.  I'll post any updates here from now on.

LOL - I'll get in changing that icon ASAP!

I'm glad to hear you don't think this sounds related d to herpes. I just dnt know what the heck to think anymore ... This has gone on do long, it really is getting tiresome. Plus it's freaking me out due to my possible exposure.

I really felt this wasn't related ... But these things, on top of the burning that comes and goes in the genitals,  I just don't know what else to think.  I find my penis head to be very sensitive when brushing against my boxers at time. I am also finding my skin in general is dry - with little bits of rash (like very small pimples) popping up all over. Mainly on my thighs (below my boxers,
barely above knee) and arms and chest.  They never burst or crust and rarely itch ...

I have not applied fucidin in some time.

Thanks so much Grace, I really appreciate all the help/advice you offer.      

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101028 tn?1419603004
since you have male plumbing, might want to change your icon to male instead of female ;)

As is outlined in our read before posting post, it really helps us help you better if you just keep adding any new updates/comments/concerns to your original post instead of making a new one each time. Just keep adding any future updates to this one so that we keep it all in one - thanks!

What you are describing as having now doesn't really sound like herpes.  I'd return to the clinic for another exam.  Could be a folliculitis type infection still going on, fungal or any number of things including completely normal things that you are just noticing more than usual due to all the time you've been spending thinking about your nether regions too.  You aren't still applying the fucidin are you?

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I want to add, I notice these pimples things under my foreskin to be sensitive, where as the shaft ones are not.

When I lightly brush them with my finger they seem fine, it's sensitive throughout the day - brushing against my boxers etc.

What makes me nervous re: misdiagnosis is things like this: on my 1st visit to the STD clinic I showed the local STD "expert" what I thought to be 3 small warts just below the foreskin. She looked very closely, and said "I think they're normal variances in your skin". Being they were new, I went to a walk in clinic and showed the dr. There.  Not telling him of the previous diagnosis. Right away, "well those are warts".  Had chryo and they have since fallen off.

Now, I know it's a matter of their educated opinions, but I don't understand how a supposed expert can miss something as simple as warts.    
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.