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Herpes in Throat?

Hello Doctor,
I am concerned about my boyfriend. He developed a sore throat late last week. After 3 days of his aching throat, he began to develop white pimple-like blisters on the back of his throat (mostly on the left side). He's noticed an increase in size for some of the blisters and that more have developed. The back of his throat is also red and has difficulty swallowing. He went to a free clinic and the doctor told him that it does not look like strep throat and that it looked more like herpes or a viral infection. He got blood work for herpes and is still waiting for the results. They prescribed him amoxicillin and its been his second day taking it and there is no sign of improvement. He feels worse and has developed a fever. Overall he's felt lousy all week and has stayed home. Just to add to his health, he had his tonsils removed as a kid, is a heavy smoker and drinker. As for my medical history, I am a type I diabetic that has had an (first) outbreak of genital warts while with him. I am highly susceptible to bladder and yeast infections, and recently was treated for them.

My question is
1. Is it clear that he has oral herpes? Are there any other viruses or bacterial infections that have similar symptoms? If he did have oral herpes, wouldnt it first develop (or spread) on his lip, inner cheek, and roof of mouth? How common is it for oral herpes to first develop on the throat?

2. Since I have a weakened immune system because of my diabetes, wouldnt I show symptoms of it upon transmission?

3. As mentioned before, I recently had a yeast, vaginal bacterial infection, and a UTI (during first 2 weeks of July). When he first developed his sore throat (before the blisters developed), he performed oral sex on me. Is there a possibilty that he might have contracted something then? Could it be an oral HPV (if there is such thing) infection eventhough I dont have an outbreak?

Im so confused and afraid! Ive been with him for over a year and I havent had any other sexual partners while with him. Although he denies it, I have suspected him of being with other women during our fights. Please Help!!
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I forgot to add that I recently got tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphillis, and HIV. The results came back negative. I also do not have any signs of herpes.
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101028 tn?1419603004
antibiotics do not work on herpes or viral infections. Why they would tell him that they think it's viral, not do any viral swabs of the throat and send him home on antibiotics is beyond me. Did they even test for strep throat?

blood tests for herpes aren't going to be very useful at this point.

If he has a fever he should call his doctor and ask if they think he needs tested for influenza or anything else.

have either of you ever been tested for herpes before with type specific herpes igg blood tests?

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That didnt make sense to me either...I dont understand how they would prescribe him an antibiotic for a bacterial infection, especially since the doctor was so convinced it was a viral infection. SInce he is uninsured, he went to a free clinic...so who knows the quality of it. We both have not been tested for herpes, until now. Still waiting on the results. He has made a full recovery (although he has developed a little cough) and the sores are almost gone now.
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101028 tn?1419603004
Probably a good idea to wait a few months and then both of you follow up with type specific herpes igg blood testing. Call around to see who offers it cheapest in your area if you don't have insurance.

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So my boyfriend got his results back and it ended up being the type of herpes that causes cold sores. Nothing severe. The doctor said it will go away in a week. I guess what happened was that he had a cut in his mouth and it came into contact with something or someone. I can finally sleep now. Case closed! Thank you for your help!
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.