750172 tn?1256147076

Full day Pre-K

Hello all, I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on full day Pre-K.  In OK they started making kindergarten full day about 2 years ago.  I've noticed now that they are starting to make Pre-K full day(optional). My kids aren't old enough yet for either, I have a two year old and a 9 month old.  But, I was curious to see how many are for and against full day Pre-K, and what benefits or negative aspects you think there are for each.  Personally, I am against full day Pre-K and against Pre-K altogether.  But, I am a stay at home mom with a very good support group of other moms.  So, we have playdates one to two times a week.
25 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
Maybe for the older kids a few days a week before Kindergarten but only for the older classes to prepare them.  the younger ones don't need it IMHO, the mom's do as a break.  I was SAHM for 10yrs and worked 8 yrs full time with my first 2 children. Just my personal thoughts as I tried to relate to myself when mine were toddlers.


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657315 tn?1319491387
Oh, I'm so glad you added that last part, Angelinthemorning!  That's so what kindergarten and PreK is all about!!!  Not only free daycare for the parents, but the school makes money, don't forget, for every child they get in there!!!
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750172 tn?1256147076
Forgot to add...
My father-in-law was on a school board in OK 20 years ago when they first started discussing full day K.  You know why it was suggessted???  So it would save parents money on daycare fees.  Absolutely nothing was brought up about it being better for the child at that time.  Just that it would "help" parents out financially.
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750172 tn?1256147076
I've decided Pre-K is really just for parents who aren't at home.  Quite frankly there's nothing taught in Pre-K that I can't teach them at home.  It seems everyone really pushes "social" time.  Which is funny to me b/c isn't that what playing with the neighborhood kids is.  I do live in a small community so, it is more tight knit.(Drive down our street in the afternoons and you see all the kids and parents out congregating and playing).  While other countries may be ahead you'll also notice more specialized schools.  Here (US) everybody gets shipped to public school.  It's a broad range of learning.  You have to pull your kid out and like twehner's daughter, they have to be taken to another school if they're advanced in one area. A lot of times if I child is advanced in one area and you want to encourage that, here in OK you have to pay a nice tution or hope your kid gets a scholarship to put them in a school that caters to their learning.    
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229760 tn?1291467870
I am a first grader teacher at a Catholic School. We have a full day Pre-K and believe me those are some of the smartest children I have ever taught.  I began my career at a Public School were Pre-K was not offered and you can tell an enormous difference from those that went to Pre-K and those that did not.  I know at our school the little ones have some down time, were they are allowed to work on social skills, play and rest.  These children come fully prepared for K and on.  I am a big fan of Pre-K and I will send my children to full day Pre-K without even thinking twice about it.  

It is not like they are expected to sit there all day and do drill sheet after drill sheet.  These children are provided with a full balance of activities and enrichment that totally instill learning and a love for school!!!!
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599170 tn?1300973893
kids are indeed high tech mine can text real fast areexcellent on keyboard and get me outta jams on the computer...but they grew up that way remember our first video games that stupid tennis one pong...it didnt get good till the first Mario came around...LOL....and you may be right about the schools Im not sure our district keeps fixing whats not broken we are going to trimesters instead of half years classes and in MI starting with next years graduating class the students must complete and pass one year of forgein language,,,,theyve already taken away library...gym is only 1/2 year ...I dont know what it will be for trimesters and art or band are electives.....I dont have the answer as to whats better in school but I firmly believe the cellphones, computers , xboxes etc are bad for our kids they should be riding bikes playing basketball etc....wonder why we have so many obese children...oh well sorry for the tangent
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657315 tn?1319491387
Schools want us to think that kids are being taught more these days...that's part of the propaganda to sweep them away younger and younger.  My 8th grade daughter is 2 years ahead of her class mates in math, yet she's in the same math I took in 8th grade (geometry).  So, who's foolin' who?  (I graduated from HS in 1982.)  Next year, at great cost to the school district, they will bus her to the high school for math and then bus her back to her JH school.  She did this in her final year of elementary school year, too.  (This is the child who DIDN'T DO kindergarten!!!)

Parents can purchase age-appropriate computer games that will teach very young children enough computer skills to be on par with their peers.  They will catch up, it not.  It's mostly hype.  We didn't have a computer for the longest time, and my son was teaching his friends how to do things on THEIR computers - kids just KNOW.

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599170 tn?1300973893
your right on many points bullying is an epidemic..my son got picked on for being chubby I went to principal, school counselor, teacher not a spec of help I finally told my son he was gonna have to hit the bully very sad but it worked now nobody picks on him the bullies have moved on to the next victim..tolerance for teen pregnancys sex, and so one contributes to lack of innocence,,,,I dont have an answer other than it begins at home...I threw a fit when they wanted to teach Darwins theory with out also teaching creation got on the band wagon with like minded parents we got it banned,.
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203342 tn?1328737207
That's true to a point but then why are we so far behind other countries, especially in things like Math and Science?
I think kids are more stressed today not because of the work load but because there's just so much more temptation out there and bullying, etc. It just seems worse than when we were kids, you know? My daughter was bullied all through middle school.
And kids are experimenting with things at a much younger age, things like sex and drugs. They've lost their innocence way sooner. I blame TV, radio and the media, but that's a whole other topic.
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599170 tn?1300973893
children are getting pushed harder and harder what used to be taught in 4th grade is being taught in 2nd and K isnt just for socialisation your learning computer skills and lots more...anyone wonder why our kids are stressed???
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479581 tn?1317757488
I have two kids who went to full day preschool and have been a teacher for 29 years.  I voted for but...each parent knows their child best when deciding on preschool.

In my school district....small, poor, urban....we have full day pre-k for 4 year olds.  I think they really benefit.  Kids who haven't been to any preschool and start kindergarten are often very nervous (some cry everyday for several weeks).  

With No Child Left Behind, kindergarten is more academic and structured than it used to be.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
I agree with teko parents is best at this age..
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326352 tn?1310994295
My 2 dd's will be old enough to attend a school (where both can go) that does 3K, 4K, and 5K from 8:30 to 12:00 then optional daycare setting in the afternoon with loosely planned activities of the non-school type.... gym, movies, reading circle, group activities.

I'm actually excited about it, the morning hours, when kids are most alert, is dedicated to school A-beka curriculum and the afternoon (if you choose or need to leave your kids there) is more like semi-scheduled free-time with monitors to keep control.  It's the best of both worlds, academics and socialization.  The school is run by the local presbyterian church so there's chapel one day a week and choir one day a week and the standard field-trips for kids this age.

Youngest daughter did awful in Mom's Day Out last year but eldest daughter has always done well.  We've already discussed our youngest with the director of the new school who has offerred to give us every extra advantage she can think of to help my youngest.  She seems like a wonderful caring woman dedicated to getting the kiddos adjusted well to the classroom in a very loving manner.  We'll see!

Eldest daughter somehow got put ahead at her current school so we are taking opportunity to transition her to the correct age group this fall.

Both girls are excited about the new prospect.  I'm excited because the after school care is optional and not very expensive.
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Where I lived, both K and pre-K were full day for many years. There simply was no other option, and honestly, I didn't even give it a second thought.  I sent both my girls and they loved it and learned alot!
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657315 tn?1319491387
Glad you asked, I realized I should have said.

I have 37 children on my afternoon route:  11 are 4K, the rest are regular kindergarten.  Four of the 4K children all have to sit in car seats and NONE of the 5K children do.  All of the children are assigned these seats at MY recommendation because of behavior/safety issues.  

I also have seatbelts on my bus for children and it's only 4K children who I'm having to place in them and it's because they WILL NOT STAY SEATED.  I have NO such problem with my 5K students.  I don't know why there is such a difference in them, though.

Also, I drive a route of ONLY 4K children to school, arriving at noon.  Every day, the same 2 or 3 are asleep when we arrive at school.  That tells me that THOSE PARTICULAR 4-year-olds still belong at home, IMHO.

On my afternoon route, there are 2 children who always fall asleep on the way home and they are 4K students (mind you, they arrive at noon and leave at 2:45).  I really think some of these children would do better to just wait one more year...

I probably could think of more stuff..., but this is right off the top of my head.
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173939 tn?1333217850
I`m curious - what`s their difference in behavior on the bus?
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657315 tn?1319491387
I drive a school bus for kindergartners AND for 4K.  LET ME TELL YOU!!!  There's a BIG DIFFERENCE in the two groups of children!

Those 4-year-olds need to be home with Mom if they have a Mom that wants them home with her!!!  Like Teko said, the longer a child can stay with his/her parents, the better.  Those little ones just aren't ready, and our school district has half day ONLY for the 4K.  

If a child has a Mom who talks with him and takes him for walks or to the store... If they color or read just 1 book a day...  That's preschool!!!

I home-schooled both of my older children Kindergarten and first grade.  My now-8th grader wasn't ready for kindergarten, AND we had already waited a year.  We didn't do much of anything but we were together.  Guess what, she's in 10th grade math as an 8th grader.  My now first year college son completed Calculus 3 as a senior in high school (had to go to the local college campus). I home-school primarily so that my children COULD stay home with me just a couple of years longer...not because of academics (I even gave my dau. kindergarten "off"!)

Kids don't need early academics to excel in academics.  They just need to be treated well by those they love and trust.  Believe me, kids at school aren't going to do that!
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518031 tn?1295575374
my grandson goes to pre k from 12:30 to 3:30 and i think thats plkenty for that age  today they arent letting kids stay kids long enough.. i still beleive at that age they need the nutruing trhey get from mom and ada at home...soon enough they will be at scholl all day
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I think the longer a child can stay with its parents it is better for all concerned. I vote against it.
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173939 tn?1333217850
I voted against it too.
If we do have a choice to have our children home, at least half day, it is always the better solution. That early childhood is for exploring and free play, for experiencing the real world, for moms and dads to be the leaders and the persons to bond with.

My son entered a Pre-K daycare at age 2 1/2....he spent almost 9 hours there each day. The academical part was sprinkled in throughout the day with a couple of outdoor breaks. Mainly though the kids are just swirling around each other all day with constant interruptions and more or less tied to a chair or a carpet or a computer.
Even though girls seem to do well with this, most boys are not ready to sit still that much - and there are some books that claim boys are getting programmed to hate school early on if they are forced into this little academical world before, say age 6.

Back then I went easy on my son with my expectations and now in Grade 1 he finally enjoys writing and reading. I think he would have prefered to practice writing letters with a stick in the mud during Pre-K times... And I did not even start any kind of school until age 6 and did well. I think we are going wrong with today`s education.
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189069 tn?1323402138
I'm nervous about full day Kinder since they do that at my son's school too, but I'm okay with it.
Full day Pre-K  I don't agree with. I too think it's too soon to just throw them into a full day of school; they're too young. In my opinion, kids need a smooth transition into school and 2 or 3 hours a day four days a week is long enough to start off :)
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93532 tn?1349370450
My son did full day last year but this year they opted for something different. Now they have it split into two groups. One group does all day Monday and Wednesday and every other Friday. The other group does Tuesday and Thursday and the opposing Friday.

BTW, my son never went to daycare or preschool and did really well in all day, full-time Kindergarten. I was also concerned, but my concerns were unfounded.

I will say, they have come out and found that while all day Kindergarteners exceed their part-time peers academically and socially, they also found those changes level out by about 3rd grade.

I am happy Jonathan did full day, but happy that Tristan will not. Different kids, different needs.
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184674 tn?1360860493
I'm neither for or against it. Like April said, it really depends on the child's maturity and personality, and also the circumstances of the parents.
I'm a single, full time working mom to a four year old boy. He has been going to daycare full time since he was six weeks old. Not that I've ever wanted it that way, but I have no choice.
However, he is beyond his years in social maturity and advanced in his verbal skills. He can make friends with anybody, he doesn't know what it is to be shy. He gets along with babies, children, teens, and adults. He's quite a charmer and people love him. So I actually have a deep appreciation for daycare--well, good daycares, that is. The daycare that he's been going to for almost three years is a daycare, pre-school, and kindergarten. I plan to keep him enrolled through kindergarten, just because he's used to the children, teachers, and routines there. I've been very happy with his education. He's academically where a pre-k child should be just before starting kindergarten. He will probably be in kindergarten by the end of this year, and he's actually scheduled to start kindergarten next year.
A lot of it has to do with parent's interaction with their kids too. I could send my son to daycare and leave it up to them to "raise" him, but I refuse to have it that way. He may be there full time, but the second I have him back in my care, he and I have very close interactions and bonds with each other. I am in the mindset that my child is first and foremost my responsibility to raise and nurture, and things such as daycare/pre-k are just there as a benefit (and that cost an arm and a leg!). ;-)
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495284 tn?1333894042
I voted FOR full day and i didnt mean too!!!!  I dont think Pre-K should be all day.  

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