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periodic warm sensation in lower left leg (Part 2)

The original posted question titled "periodic warm sensation in lower left leg" started on Sept 18, 2006, appears to have been CLOSED Nov 15, 2009 due to the large number of replies(422) to that question.

This posting is an atempt to continue the "periodic warm sensation in lower left leg" discussion with a "Part 2" posting.  

- my posting -
I found the original thread about two years ago when I was having this warming symptom in my lower left leg.
I followed the posted advise that some people had good results from taking a B vitamin complex.
My symptoms went away after a few days of taking the B complex.  I was majorly relieved.
I continue to take a B Complex supplement daily and the symptoms have not returned.

I'm not certain exactly how the B Comlex helped my neurological problem.
Very glad to have solved the warm water flowing sensations - that was really strange/scary/concerning.

All the best to those dealing with this condition.

This discussion is related to periodic warm sensation in lower left leg.
8 Responses
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I'm 20 and I would consider myself healthy.  This month I also started to get the warm sensation in my left leg around the shin area.  Is this a neurological problem?  My job consists of standing at the front desk all day, maybe that has something to do with it.  It's an odd feeling and seems so out of place.  Hopefully someone will have an explanation.
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1054018 tn?1254614684
I to have this. It is in my left thigh. Have had many back injections and TPIs same with cervical. I think it is nerve related to. Have spondlyosis and fibro to go along with heart condition and I am only 39.
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I just started getting a "hot flash" feeling in my left leg from my calf muscle to my foot about 4 days ago. I had a hysterectomy 2 months ago and have been sitting more in the last 2 months than in my lifetime. I am hoping this is nerve related. I will start on the B complex to see if it helps.
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hello everyone,
I too have experienced this feeling. Im an 18 year old university student, so this is very un-orthadox. Mine goes from from below my buttocks in my left leg all the way down to my ankle. Its very periodic but sometimes gets very often up to every 2-3 minutes. I have noticed though, that the use of cannabis has stopped these "fits", and makes them not re-appear for perhaps a day or two.
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1173265 tn?1263496992
had hot flush in left calf about 18 months ago - went docs and said that my vein was inflamed and given ibrufoen gel to rub on the area - seemed to go and no recurring syptoms but last couple of days have noticed the sensation very sporadically and very fleeting, feels like my calf is on fire!   So weird, vein looks ok tho - relatively fit and healthy (37yrs) - am so curious to know what it is and what causes it - have felt reassured by other comments
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I just started having the same issue today. A warm sensation lasting a few seconds on the anterior section of my right calf more toward the midline. I haven't seen a doctor but i am an EMT and my Paramedic partner looked at it, didn't think it was DVT or anything like that. His thoughts were that it had to do with the muscles. I have been driving quite a lot, the day before the symptoms presented themself i drove literally all day, (in excess of 12 hours)

I'm going to go to the doctor when i get off shift on tuesday i'll report back with any new info.
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I have similar sympotoms.  It's like warm water poured on my right hamstring and it runs down to my toes.  It only happens when I'm sitting at my desk and my wallet is always in my right back pocket.

I suspect my wallet is putting pressure on a nerve or vein and when the pressure is released (possibly due to a shift in weight) the blood in the vein or sensation in the nerve comes back.  Of course after it happens I remove my wallet.  I can't recall if it's every happened without my wallet in my pocket...

I'm 31, a non smoker, 6" tall and a healthy 170lbs.
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I feel so relieved to have found this website.  I have been having warm flushes in my left leg for about a week now.  It is a small area in the outer calf .  These flushes come on quickly and unexpectedly.  They only last a few seconds.
I am a sixty-three year old woman in good health.  I have had no problems with my legs in the past.   I exercise and eat ea healthy diet.
I will keep looking on this site to see if anyone learns what this is about.
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