8107477 tn?1396557641

week long off and on leg cramp, tightness and pain on left side

ok, l am un diagnosed still, and for the past week I have had persistant arch of foot, to, calf, hamstring and flank tightness and cramping. Morning leg cramps, and occasional left upper arm cramp. I am due another MRI in 4 days on base of head and brain w/wo contrast due to corner of lip numbness and trigeminal nerve suspicions because after seeing an oral surgeon, dental problems were ruled out as a culprit. This is the strongest and most intense persistant symptom I have had so far other than the facial palsy a few yrs ago, and dare I say the cramping is quite bothersome. If I stretch to relieve one way, I cramp another way. My thyroid levels are normal, b12 normal, iron normal etc.. so not sure what to do. Am hoping the cramps will go away, they have died down just not totally. Is like it feels lime they are threatening to cramp because there is just a general tightness and heaviness now on my left side. It was pretty bad last week, enough that my work mates noticed a change in the way I walked. Do others get this and do you get it for a week, should I tell my GP or neuro? Advice...
6 Responses
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8107477 tn?1396557641
Hi again JJ,
Have decided I'll go see my GP this week.
Yep am peri-menopausal so my doc said .. apparently my age is quite early for menopause. But I have no kids so he said could be the reason.

The "noodle" lol, probs come and go, only had the recent noodle probs last week when my left side / leg was cramping.. maybe it was coincidence?

Wont get to see my neuro till I get a referral from my GP anyways so have to see him anyways.

Bladder issues also include number 2's with urgency, followed by constipation. Will be curious what my GP thinks.

Is just soo frustrating doing a neuro test with my neuro knowing she won't notice much difference because everything has died down by the time I see her.

I would soo love to see what it is she jots down every time.. often I think she is writing down "hypochondriac" though she is pretty cool for a neuro so is more than likely she isn't.. but I think it.

Does anyone get really itchy ears, like inside the ear, mine are driving me bonkers, my GP said no infection, no dryness, normal wax.. so I don't know why they are soo itchy. Left side mainly, think I just scratch the other side just because I get worried it too will act up.

I know 'itch' can do with nerves on the skin, but I have no dermatitis (spell check) and I dont use qtips, which I heard can make ears itchy.

The weird thing is two years ago, I was a perfectly, well maybe not so fit, healthy person with no medical problems, then I had the bells palsy and bam! Since then everything has gone down hill and just gets worse as the years pass.

Am beginniing to feel like an 80yr old not a 46yr old, my partner is 60 and he is in better heaalth than I am!

Thanks for the replies you guys / gals :)
Helpful - 0
Awww chooky, I understand ...
At 48 I felt no more than 32.  Then bam.  Three years of medical crazy.

(Actually my bladder issues started before that but I had chalked them up to age/childbirth/phase of the moon/whatever.)

Ironically my issues started when I decided to get fit.

My first big thing was trigeminal
Neuralgia ... And Tena is my best friend :P.


There will be answers.
987762 tn?1671273328
I think you should see your GP, set up an appointment with an incontinence clinic and find out about your bowel and bladder issues, if it turns out to be neurogenic then that will add weight to what could be causing it but there are a lot of other reasons, so it's genuinely worth getting this aspect investigated and not just su_cking it up and hoping it goes away!

I'd also consider getting your noodle checked out too, although cognitive issues have many causes, and if your retaining you could even have an infection that's making you foggy brained, your of the right age for menopause which might be snowballing things too, so see your GP and talk about what's going on with you, it may be something you can do something to fix, so first step is actually finding that out...

Hope that helps....JJ  

Helpful - 0
8107477 tn?1396557641
Oh.. I forgot to mention, bowel problems ie: urgency, incontinence and having to go again right after I get off the dunny..erm loo / toilet.

Has gotten to the stage Im wearing one of those tena pads during the day (as a running joke between my partner and I, I call them nappies lol)

Hey, if you can't laugh at some things it would get depressing.

And cognitive problems, more like I'm making mistakes at work that I never would have made in the past.

And putting the milk in the oven, kind of things grrr lol, generally I might catch myself out with this though.. like, "what are you doing ya ning nong" as I open the oven door.. again, I haveto laugh.

But at work, it's not a laughing matter, it costs the company money to rectify my mistake.
Though my work mates do like to tease. Lol.
Helpful - 0
Your story parallels mine in so many ways ...
Bit uncanny.
But the main thing ...
All my testing and appoibtments were always 2-6 months after the fact.

The one time I had ptosis, facial weakness, and trouble talking, for about 6 weeks, I was actually due to see neuro 4 weeks in.  Almost exciting :/.  Neuros office called and postponed the appointment until the following month.  By which point, of course, it had resolved ...

I had a dx bladder 18 months I
Into the craziness;
It still took 3 years for a diagnosis.

Ugh.  Sorry you are
Going through this and I hope you get some direction soon!!
8107477 tn?1396557641
Hi again JJ
It is still slow going for me, I think it's because everytime something happens, by the time I get to see my neuro, the symptoms die down, or disappear.

Like the leg cramping, today it has eased off almost completly, still a little tight but no where near what it was, and I wont see my neuro for months. It's like every soo many months something new comes along then goes a little, with only minor random symptoms remaining.. like residual leftovers if that makes sense.

My neuro ordered this weeks MRI three months ago because I was getting numbness in my corner of lip and sharp pains followed by pain from light touch, breeze on my cheek. I was sent to a dentist first, had a tooth pulled as ya do, but it is still happening. Dentist says is not a dental problem.

My neuro wanted to order a PET scan but decided against it cause of the cost I would incur, so ordered another brain MRI. She thinks its all trigeminal related. Now last week the left side cramping etc.

I think the radiologist threw my neuro off of MS because she "thinks" mind you thinks, isnt sure, that it could be small veins in my brain, but symptoms of that, I read is painful headaches. I can't remember the last time I even had a mild headache.

Before then, my neuro was almost sure it was M.S, but she said she would put down possible M.S and investigate further.

I get everything from buzzing in fingers on left side when bending my head forward, pins n needles in left hand and under my left foot. One morning my whole left side of my foot went numb starting from my toes then went up to just above my ankle, was numb for over an hour then gone.

I am just plodding along now with the tests, I think because my neuro doesn't see my symptoms at their worst, she doesnt take it too seriously justs notes it down, and so I am beginning to get disheartened about telling anyone about anything new or old that has been happening. Feel a little discouraged actually.

They haven't really officially diagnosed anything yet, just say possible this or that.
So that's what has been happening.

I will be going for the new MRI as I usually do, and be hoping something comes of it, again as I usually do... but really, I think I'm just trying to settle into this on off again new norm limbo, and try to live with it regardless what is going on with doctors etc.

Sometimes I feel like they are just missing the mark..

Chooky :)
Helpful - 0
987762 tn?1671273328
Hi again,

I actually thought you'd come back to tell us you'd been diagnosed, what ended up happening? I'm not sure who ordered the brain and cervical spine MRI but if your neuro is unaware of your current issues, it would probably be best if you let your neuro know. If this is happening all down your left side, and your neuro was waiting for another relapse before diagnosing, this might be one though please keep in mind it still might not be caused by MS...

Hope that helps..........JJ

Helpful - 0
8107477 tn?1396557641
Oops sorry about spelling mistakes..i miss the keys sometimes :)
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