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complicated migraine or what?

Don't know what else to do but start at the beginning.About 2 years ago i started getting really bad dizzy spells,feeling very tired and a noticable loss of strength in my arms and legs.My doctor did some blood work and sent me to an ent doc to cheack for vertigo as that is what he was thinking it may be .Be fore the ent doc could do more tests for the vertigo i had an "episode" that was extremely scarey!At first i thought i had been poisoned and called my husband by the time he got home about 10 mins i felt parrellized, confused,barely able to comunicate when i could answer it would take all my strenght and come out slurred or stuttered.he took me to the emergency room that was a yr ago and gosh knows how many more episodes later.I am currently on my third neurologist seeking answers.My first one said it was complicated migraine w/o headache and bassilar migraine or combination.he put me on topamax wich only made my episodes more frequent but less severe.my lesser ones meaning slowed thinking,my senses feel extremely heightened,like someone has slipped me a pill .my seconed doctor thought it was seizures of somekind or possibly a combo of the two and proceeded to keep switching my meds with all different kinds of anti siezure meds.during which time i started to also get tingleing in odd places like the tip of my nose,my tongue,my forearms,knees,and just above my knees.This tingling is not all at once ,and sometimes can feel cold like as in cold water but not and not cold to the touch.After a while my neurologist told me it was just anxiety attacks and told me to go on line and read about it.I was crushed like he had given up.still my third neurologist has no answers as yet.I have had a lot of blood work done like 6 paeges worth i've had 3 cat scans,and an mri and mra (although i don't know what that is) and i even went to my ortho surgeon to rule out a pinched nerve.My episodes are all pretty simular they are either my "bad ones" slurred speach,severe loss of concentration/confusion,feeling parrellized although sometimes able to move with help,my movements are very very slow.These ones will be like this for about an hour or two and then slowly come back to normal,although sometimes it can take a day to three days to feel back to myself again.the speach is the thing that always comes back last.my "mini" eposodes are the same without the speech or sever difficulty moving.They seem to be almost "cluster like" as in sometimes it happenes 3-4 times a month and then I'll have a month where i get a break and then back again.Any help would be appreciated
5 Responses
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi there,

Welcome to the forum.  I'm sorry for what you are going through.  It's also difficult to explain what is going on with yourself to others, when you aren't quite sure yourself.

I'll 1st say, start a list of symptoms and tests.  The symptom list should include what you are experiencing now, and ones you had in the past.  Get a copy of all the reports of all the tests you've had run.

Some of your symptoms many of us can relate to.  So, I just have a couple of questions.  When you say, felt like you were paralyzed.  Does this mean that you couldn't move? Or, did it feel like you could not make specific body parts do what your brain wanted them to do?  Does the slowness feel like it takes a lot of time to react, and so, all movements don't happen like a normal reaction?  During these episodes, did you have a problem chewing your food too?

I agree with the Dr, that tingly, twitchy nervousness can be anxiety, however, I know for sure that sometimes anxiety like this can be come on strongly and directly related to what you are going experiencing.  I say this, because it's what happened to me.  

I'm sorry we seem to ask so many questions.  I just think it will be easier for us to offer suggestions and help, if we can wrap our heads around what you are going through.

I'm sorry for what you are feeling too, and know it's horrible.  In the meantime, while you are in between Drs, try to not get overly excited. Steer clear of things that stimulate you to the point of nervousness, including your environment and foods, i.e., caffeine, etc. . . I've found this helpful.

Be well, and get back to us when you can,

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220917 tn?1309784481

Welcome, and I'm sorry you're in such a state of confusion--literally sometimes.  I know how scary that is!

I think the duration is the important thing, and the recovery.  I have been diagnosed with "complicated migraines," but I'm not sure that's what I've got...  The VERY strange aura for complex or complicated migraine should only last about an hour or two.  The aura can be very frightening, I'm sure.  But the recovery should be complete.  Once it's over, it's over.  Either you get a headache, and the aura is gone, or the aura simply fades, and your function returns.

Does this seem to be the case with you?

Let me know, and feel well!

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195469 tn?1388322888
I too, do not not how to answer this quite frankly, but will bump it up to the top of the forum, so maybe someone with more knowledge than me, can give you some insight.

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Thank you for your reply,my mri was of the brain and so far all test are normal including the eeg and ekg that they have done and forgot to mention.Except for slight anemia that they just found thursday while in the emergency room again and some possible blood in( well someplace)it showed in somekind of quick test. Like I said any help or suggestion is welcomed.This has certainly changed my life I miss work I worry to go far with my kids as one of my episodes happened while at the grocery store luckily I can usually feel it coming on and had time to call my hubby.The store was wonderful to me as it hit quick and my speach and thinking all was going,it is the only store i go to now.
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281565 tn?1295982683
Welcome to the forum. Wow not really to sure what to say to you. I'm undiagnosed myself and am not sure what I can tell you. I too have had the slurred speech which lasted 2 months and the tingling you speak of. The MRI that they did, was it of both the brain and spine? Did it say anything at all? Maybe if you could let us know what it says it would help in directing you.

I know that others who have much more knowledge than me will chime in. The weekend can sometimes be slow on here as many are doing other things so hang in there.

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