382218 tn?1341181487

How do you pass the time?

When you're housebound and not feeling well, besides resting what do you do all day?  I've been off work for weeks, feeling like cr@p, too exhausted to do much of anything.  I hate not being productive.  I do try to accomplish something every day, like a load of laundry or a sink full of dishes (I don't have a dishwasher, darn it).  Yesterday I baked some buttermilk biscuits, a huge accomplishment, I haven't baked in months.  This morning I cleaned the bathroom.  Mostly what I do is non-productive: I read tons of magazines, watch a lot of TV till my brain turns to mush, try to read novels but it's hard to sustain concentration fore very long.  I snuggle with my standard poodle, I email friends on Facebook. I don't enjoy talking on the phone and rarely pick up.  I'm alone all day as nearly everyone I know works 9-5.  I'm bored out of my mind.  I'm researching places to travel so I have something positive to look forward to - Scotland and Wales are looking promising - but frustrated not knowing when I'll be well enough to go.  I feel like life has come to a stand still and without being challenged I feel like I'm getting dumber every day.  I know I'm lucky to have sick benefits which allow me the luxury of rest without worrying about my job, but the downside is the isolation and non-productivity.  How do you cope?  What do you do with your time?  I am in need of some inspiration, stat!
14 Responses
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I play Scrabble on Facebook. Keeps the brain (sort of) functioning.

I also read political forums then write long winded angry responses to some of the nonsense other people post. LOL.
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755322 tn?1330269114
What a terrific inspiration thread. Thanks everyone for sharing the way you deal with MS and life in general.

I have finally come out of my "oh poor me" mode after 3 years of being slammed with MS. and am in the process of totally re-organizing my goals and priorities. Instead of fighting it all the time, I am putting my talents to good use and using my energy much more wisely. ;)

I joined Audible.com for books on tape so to speak, download them to my iphone, and listen with a bluetooth headset that can answer the phone as well. It sure beats watching endless mindless TV all day.

I am learning new software and making better use of all my graphics software to create digital art. As a former semi pro photographer, I sift through my old photos and regenerate them with filters and stuff in photoshop, making them look like paintings, print them and frame them. Some I sell. Some I give as gifts.

I make jewelry frames for sale. I persuade my friends to buy old picture frames in any condition at garage sales or at goodwill or resale shops, back them with window screen repaint or stain, decorate with junk jewelry and sell. These are flashy and frivolous and fun and quite beautiful. One 8 x 10 frame can hold up to 25 pairs of wired earrings.Hang the frame on the wall and keep those earring organized and prettily displayed. I work on these until my legs start shaking and back starts giving out, then I turn off the glue gun and go  put my feet up in the recliner and listen to my audible book and relax till later when I can go work on the frames again. Its a great way to forget how much my body hurts and do something artistic and useful.

I write tutorials for my graphic software group and post on line.

Since we are moving later this summer, I sell my old stuff, like high heeled shoes that I won't EVER wear again on Ebay. Amazing what folks will buy on Ebay. Womens shoes in particular seel well. I buy a lot of stuff online since my legs don't allow much shopping so have plenty of boxes to ship in. I buy postage online and print a label then arrange for the mail lady to come to my front door to pick up packages. Its fun and easy and doesn't require much walking. Techology is wonderful.

Also since we are moving, I try to clean out and pack up a little bit each day, putting good stuff in one box and stuff to sell in another. This way the move will be slow smooth and easy. I do NOT want a MS relapse over this move. No thank you.

I spend time thinking about living in the new house with new neighbors, many of whom I have met and like, and all the activities available at the 55+ community. There is a huge pool kept at 86 degrees all winter with water aerobics and lap lanes. Even if I cannot walk far, I can swim! I cannot wait to move!

Travel plans are evolving from riding my motorcycle across the country to getting a motorhome (after we sell this big house) and traveling the country, maybe riding a small scooter for an hour or so at a time in a cool, pretty location. Well maybe a scooter trike, if my balance continues to suck. ;) With a motorhome, I can take my bed with me, be able to visit the restroom while my husband is driving and take all the photos I want out the front window of the motorhome. I can take my pets along too! Homes to go.

I try to remember I haven't changed, just my body has. :)
Above all, I try to look forward to what I can do, and find creative solutions to fit my physical capabilities rather than looking back to what I was and what I used to be able to do.

Chin up folks. Life is good!

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1382889 tn?1505071193
Yeah, great question!  This is the first summer that I am living with an MS dx. Previous summers I hadn't really felt the effect of the heat  but this one I do and I cannot spend too much time outdoors in the heat of the day.

In the mornings before it gets too hot, I usually do some gardening.  Just putter around pulling weeds, putting dead flowers off my plants, watering, etc. Sometimes I even take a walk but there has to be a breeze.

I have a lot of projects that I work on around the house (ie, painting, sewing, decorating since we are fairly new to our house, sorting through stuff, etc). Right now I am trying to decide on some update materials for two of our bathrooms.

There are several friends of mine who don't work outside the home so we sometimes get together for coffee and/or lunch. And we ALL are heavily involved in PTA/school volunteer jobs, just not at the moment due to summer.  We did do some summer packet stuffing for the school and will be helping with registration but those are all indoors and later in the summer.

I cook a lot. Love to experiement with making new stuff for the family. It's so fun and keeps meals interesting.

For exercise I swim, sometimes several times a day. And sometimes if I just can't stand not being in the garden during the day, I work in the garden in the heat of the day for a few minutes then jump into the pool to cool off and do it all over over again. I am looking into getting a cooling vest so I don't have to repeat that routine if I don't want to but so far I haven't pulled the trigger on it.

Of course, I do come online here and read/post.  I also communicate with family and friends often through the internet.  I love reading Vince Flynn books and am currently reading Memorial Day.

We did some traveling earlier in the summer to the Pacific NW, which was perfect as it was cool, even cold at times. I felt so normal!

It's rare that I spend the entire day at home, even if I don't have to go out I go out somewhere.  It's way too easy not to and I think it's important (for me) to get out.  Somedays the heat doesn't seem to bother me too much and I am able to go from place to place fairly easily with the help of a well air conditioned car. There are days however where the heat bothers me first thing in the morning and I know that most of my time will be spent at home. Those are the days I don't mind watching a movie or spending more time than usual on the internet while listening to music.

You have to give yourself permission.  It is such a gift to be able to not have to work outside the home, especially when you are not feeling 100%. And soon, but not soon enough, the heat of the summer will be just a memory and my life will become very busy again with school stuff. At the moment, I am kind of enjoying not being on the treadmill.


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You're right, Alex. Yes, people were called invalids, or worse---shut-ins. How horrible.

We all are none of the above. We have lives and we live them.

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667078 tn?1316000935
I injured my spine thirty years ago and was really laid up. I stacked the classics by my bed. Mostly because with childhood MS I had not learned to read until college. I read all of Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Hugo, Faulkner, etc.

I love books because I can go places in my mind. If I can't read I listen to books on CD.

I love music of all kinds. Music also changes my mood. I may listen to Jethro Tull or may be the Magic Flute.

I look things up on You Tube. I look up musicians or horses or places in the World.

I work on my advocacy. A lot can be done from home. I think of ways to fix things instead of just getting frustrated.

I have bird feeders. I watch the birds and squirrels. At night I sit on the deck and watch the bats. The other day a humming bird hovered right in front of me. I watch the two cats and three dogs. I can watch them for hours.

I love old movies. I have my collection of VHS tapes. I stay one step behind technology and get tapes or whatever technology as others are throwing it out and moving on.

I do talk on the phone. I call others and ask how they are. I have lots of friends who have conditions who keep them housebound.

When I am better able I paint or draw.

I watch the History Channels, National Geographic, PBS,etc. Versus has the international Bicycle races. My husband and I like the cycling and we love the scenery.

There are so many travel shows. I do not get to travel much mostly due to cost. I at least get to see places on TV.

I reflect on how in the past if you were disabled you were called an "Invalid" and life was limited to a bed in an upstairs room. Your only diversion may be someone reading to you.

I feel rather happy with so much freedom.

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1453990 tn?1329231426
Since I run into vision problems, reading tends to be out.  Audiobooks seem to be one thing I do like. Many are free from the library and I get my partner to drive me over and pick a few up.  They also seem to be able to "order in" magazines and technical periodicals I normally read from one of the library for the blind services.

Television sometimes seems better when I don't watch it and only listen to the audio.  I have a tendency to go for the BBC, Discovery channels, news. etc.

Still manage to use the computer, but I make the 32" monitor (TV) the primary and turn on the "mouse over text to speech" so I can make out  what I'm doing.  Guess it may be good practice if it ever gets to the point where I need it for work.

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382218 tn?1341181487
Thank you thank you thank you!  for the inspiration.  What a great bunch of ideas.  I could/should/will do most of these things, now I wonder why I was sitting around doing nothing when I could have been keeping myself quite occupied and even entertained.  Ess, I cleaned out TWO cabinets this weekend, can't believe the stuff that needed tossing.  I went through my baking pantry and there were quite a few items 2 - 3 years past expiration date, yikes.  Now I have all this room for fresh stuff so I can start doing a little more baking.  Funny how such an exercise is mentally cleansing as well, I just felt so much better once it was done.  Tomorrow I'm clearing out all my extra dishes, cups and cookware to donate.  Later this week, energy permitting, I'm going to tackle my frightening closet.  I know a woman who drives out to a First Nations reserve that is pretty remote, and she'll bring out donated household items and clothing, I guess they are always needing stuff as money is tight and transportation to shopping is an issue for the residents.  My husband will be thrilled to have half the closet back, his clothing has all been banished to the guest room for years.
I hope to come up with a few ideas to share as well, it's the least I can do.  I needed this kick in the pants.  thank you all :)
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---Clean out one kitchen cabinet or drawer. Wait a day or two to do the next one.

---Go through your wardrobe and sort out for charity donations.

---Clean out a closet, again, a little at a time.

---Go through that drawer full of old photos and organize it. Same with slides.

---Organize your computer-stored pix and use editing software on the ones that need a little   help to be just perfect.

---Redo your address book, if you keep a paper one.

These are all things I need to do myself but just haven't gotten to  :-}  Not fun things at all, yet I'll feel good about them when they're finally done. But also sit out in the sun for a bit and let it soak into your bones. I'm guessing it's not too hot there in the far northlands.

Maybe more coming,
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987762 tn?1671273328
It is a good question, but when i look at what i do do to pass the time, well it adds upto a whole lot of nothing lol I need a life!

When i'm house bound it s_u_c_ks, i'm a people person, and i've always been one of those busy people thats running around from sun up to sun down. Its taken some getting use to, this being at home person. Family are so upperty about me driving even when i'm not falling over, its the energy of being out that turns it all pair shaped, I so get it but i dont particularly like it. So what do I do? lol

Home school our teen
Visit here, reading and replying to posts takes up a lot of my day :-)
Buy and Sell on ebay, lol its a hobbie right?
Research things of interest online, i'll never run out of finding things that interest me
Find sites of use for home schooling

Interact with friends and family via email, or phone
Dodge the "you've been chosen for a free whatever" people
Potter in the garden if weather permitts
Read the paper (i'd like to read novels but thats getting harder to do, i'm a mad reader)
Prepare dinner, it takes me all day doing little bits at a time

House work, not as much as I use too, I suppose i potter at that too
Stretching/strengthening exercises - 15min 4 times a day
Nap or meditate before dinner, need some energy to eat
I watch TV at night but its really just on, not that i must watch something lol

My son and I are laughing about life, the universe or something i've said or done everyday. He's with me too much and i'm counting down the days when he is ready to go back to school, lol 13yr old boys are so into body part jokes or sounds, i'm over it already!

In summer (its winter here now) its different, more to do, more to see etc. I sometimes escape in my little car, the top down feeling alive, driving along the coast, taking in the sights, sounds and smell of the ocean, something i'll never tire of.

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233622 tn?1279334905
Love this thread!  Very helpful!

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One thing I didn't mention, but it's important. For the time being, take the word 'productive' out of your vocabulary.

Your value isn't based on your productivity, at least not outside of work.

You are not what you accomplish. You are not what you 'do.'

It's okay to just be, for a while. In fact, sometimes it's necessary.

And don't give me any corny jokes about do be do be do, a la Frank Sinatra  :-)

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199882 tn?1310184542
Ess, you seem to have this down pat and I'm jealous... lol... Those are some great ideas... I'm probably gonna try of couple of them... One thing I do that's my favorite is playing with my grand babies... I've got a 3 yr old and 4 yr old grand daughters and they are my life... I always try to see them 2 to 3 times a week... It really wares me out but it's a good wore out...

I have another grand daughter due August 21st... We are so excited and just can't wait to see her... Her mother is taking the first semester off of college and then when she goes back to school we are all hoping I can watch her for a while... I figure up until she starts crawling around getting into things I can do it... Also, my husband is home to help me...

Any way that consumes a big part of my life... The rest of the time I rest or nap, watch TV, computer stuff, and talking with my husband... Unless one of us have a doctors appointment we really don't go anywhere... I can't ride for very long distances so we stay close... My husbands is also disabled so depending on if one of us is having a bad day or not we both try to help each other with chores and house stuff...

On days that I actually feel good and alive we like to go to the creek and fist... I've always lived a pretty simple life so it's not too hard to keep me entertained...lol...

By the way this was a great idea for a post... Thank you for doing this... I hope I can pick up a few tips on things to do!!!

I'll be praying,
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Hey, deebs, this is a great thread. I hope many of us fortunate enough to have leisure time will share their ideas.

You and I have a lot of interests in common, so I'm hoping these will inspire you, or at least provide impetus for you to find something similar.

---Look into the offerings of The Teaching Company. I think this is teach12.com. Don't be put off by the prices, as there are many sale offerings. I have several of their courses and find them to be first rate. Not sure if they still have the one about the human brain, but it's great. Public libraries often have these DVDs, and if yours does, go for it.

---Watch plenty of public TV, or whatever the Canadian version of this is. I really like NOVA, Antiques Roadshow, and lots of the cooking shows. The old Julia Child ones are wonderful. Also watch Jeopardy. All this stuff is very interesting and doesn't turn the brain to mush.

---Read travel-related books. Julia Child's My Life in France is one I highly recommend. Read A Year in Provence and its follow-ups. Read the Tuscany books by Frances Mayes. Fantasize a lot about travel. It's free!

---Dip into a cookbook or two or three. You don't have to actually cook anything. Once again, the fantasy is wonderful.

---Turn your bedroom and bathroom into a spa. Give yourself a mani-pedi. Exfoliate like mad.  Experiment with makeup. Be a little girl again. Try different things with your hair. Ask your friends to pick up whatever products you'd like to try, and give it a go.

---Can you exercise at all? Even 10 minutes, 3 times a day would be good, and you will release lots of endorphins for that feel-good natural high. If you have a Wii system, all the better. Put on an oldies station and dance to the Beatles. Really shake that thing! It's only about 2 or 3 minutes.

---Take glorious naps, cuddling with your critter.

---And of course, answer lots of posts here. You know a great deal about MS and are articulate as can be. People need that.

These are just what I've come up with off the top of my head. Hope they give you ideas.

Many hugs, plus scritches for your pup,


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645800 tn?1466860955

  Sounds like you  are in the same place I have been for years now. It does get kind of tricky figuring out what to do with all of that time on you hands during the day without killing yourself by doing too much.

  I don't read anything at all as that wears me out very quickly trying to keep track of what I am reading. But I do watch some movies on TV if there is anything good one. But lately there really hasn't been anything worth watching.

  As far as travel I limit my travel research to things fairly near me as I know that I can't handle flying to some place. So instead I look up parks, museums, and the like near me so that when I do feel a little better I can make the small trips to them to enjoy what is around. Luckily there are a lot of places around within 2 hours or so that I can visit during those better days. Of course with the heat around here this year I have only been able to make 1 of those trips. Since the middle of may I don't think there has been more than 5 or so days where the heat index has been below 100. And then those days it has been raining so trips to a park have been out.

  The other thing that I do is play games on my computer to work my brain so that it won't become mush ( at least not any faster than it already is ). So what do I play you ask?

  Backgammon: Helps to keep my mind able to count things ( Some times I have a real problem with change when I buy something ).

  Pirates: Good for eye - hand coordination.

  Civilization;  Good for keeping my mind able to plan things in advance.

  Jewel Quest: Helps with pattern recognition and planning things.

  Portal 2:  Good for planning, and just so funny and fun to play.

There are some more that I play but can't think of them right now.


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