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MS? isolated episode...would love experiential insight

Hi everyone, my name is Kathi.

I was hoping some of you could comment based on experiences, as a part of brain is going, aww, that's so not likely, and the other part is going, wow MS does fit a lot of issues, then I go abck to wondering if I'm crazy :)

brief history, I started looking for help because my left ribs felt achey sometimes unbearably soand compressed 24/7, my right hip was getting worse (hypermobile joints). My new doc found elevated ANA, so they then checked lupus, HIV, HEP, etc...and they were all negative...

so I'm kind of a minimalist and think easy, less complication. So I always get tingles the last year or two, and I kind of blow it off,(I have a deep seeded fear of complaining and having the doc laugh and say it's nothing)

I still get (post anorexia for 3 years) extremely cold feet out of no where, I'll be sweating in my sleep but my feet will randomly get cold, especially more last month or two. But on the other hand I am cranky, sweating and miserable in a small amount of mild summer heat...here is where the minimalist in me says, hey i starved off and on for 14 years, the cold feet is leftover. (usually when things in my body are weird this is my first natural dismissal)

I went to an ortho last year for stress fractures and while running those 2 months these cysts (almost like the ganglion cyst in my wrist) would get larger the more i ran and when i touched them it sent impulses down my foot

overall, I don't keep the best track because i write things off and move on, but back to the current I left PT after they made my hip much worse, from problematic to chronic and debilitating, and tried a chiro practor....all across the board they've both said my vertabre are turning left and spine is now curved, left mucle is wated, right side is jacked up from compensating

Today at the chiro,who did an amazing neuro exam, so impressed, he said my incident on the 14th sounded like MS attack, my left arm, leg and right leg (lesser degree) were instantly our of no where heavy, numb but in a weird way, i assumed pinched never, but it was sharp or dull sharp and numb, i had funky sensations going up and down, like someone blowing on my leg hair, a flush, vibrations, etc...i felt scared to drive, the arms set in an hour after legs and it felt clumbsy too, and i didn't even realize how much until i had to lift it tot he key board and then struggled to type....this was bad for maybe 8 hours, then as it felt more "normal" sensation as the numbness and sensations subsided, it left behind this intense ache in all the affected limbs, like i had run for 50 miles without stopping, worse then any high school track soreness, it ached like it would explode and my first thought was man, were all the muscles or nerves excited all this time, micro spasms? and then today he mentioned MS and i was struck by the logic

he said it could have been an isolated incident, and arm and leg must mean it wasn't my bad hip or lower back it would be cervical to brain. He mentioned MS alot, mentioned an MRI (didn't schedule), told me to try taking vit D, 2000mg a day because it helps MS, and told me about how Michael Criton had one isolated MS attack in school etc....

so it sounded like he really thought that was an MS attack and to be honest i can't argue. he  did want to get xrays from the one chiro friend that say me for free and told me to start back in my home state doing chiro over PT, so i don't know if he was waiting until our appt on next friday to see the xrays and then talk MRI, i dont' know if since it's not clinically definite until 2 attacks and 2 sep lessions he wouldn't mri until the 2nd possible, i just don't know alot about this

also obviously not knowing, what does  it feel like between flare ups, ie how do sypmtoms resolve??? I am not near as bad as that one isolate instantaneous onset day, but i still get waves of numb in left arms down to fingers and legs, no pattern i can discern...and my right leg rhythmically vibrates too maybe daily...it's not debilitating, but weird and not comfortable....tonight at church my left arm only got cold and almost achey with an almost ticklish tickle in the hand and fingers...it's annoying and frustrating and honestly as much as i get more analytical then worked up about this stuff, it is still a little freaky since i don't know much, and it seems like a waiting for episode 2 game from what i read.

I'd love it if some of you could share your process to diagnosis and  the in between flare ups, because i don't know what im feeling in between...i don't know if that means it's ongoing or part of a flare up, how long a flare up lasts, all i have is this sporadic daily/almost daily numb funny feelings/vibrations and the one bad day to go on

thanks so much, you guys seem like a friendly awesome community
9 Responses
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hey there,

A few things you've said are ringing bells, not towards MS but away from, but first a question - Have you always been Asperger with comorbid ADHD, all your life!?? Asperger's is my world, both brothers and both children, boy and girl and i've spent most of my life learning, teaching and helping children with Asperger's. Diagnosing Asperger's in adulthood is very difficult with adult males and due to rarity females are even harder, that is unless their behaviors are classic high functioning Autism, the behaviour pattern is still there but just that much harder to see with females, even harder the more functioning they are.

Psych testing is very flawed in dx Asperger's, there is still much debate about the perceived pattern on psych tests to indicate disorders like ADHD, Asperger's etc and people with central audio processing disorders will converlute the findings of psych tests anyway. All 3 of those i've mentioned are stand alone disorders and can be comorbid conditions but the overiding condition would, in that situation be Asperger's! (my daughter but she also has eliments of bipolar too)

Like Autism, Asperger's experience many sensory overexcitabilities, audio, visual, tactile and also alfactory (by mouth and gut) being dx with anorexia is also common but the dx is often missing the usual component of having a mophic view of the actual fat content of their bodies, basically seeing themselves as bigger than they really are. With Asperger's with a fear or aversion to food, it's not often the same as a garden variety anorexic and more to do with textures eg "I only eat crunchy food" just like skin sensitivities and avoidance, food fits the same catagory. Celiac disease is common too and that can play a big role in how food is perceived, sometimes it is the food that is making them feel sick, so food in general or types of food are avoided at all costs and other types of food become the only things they will eat. Inhibiting ritualistic food habbits are very common also in idividuals that have Autism or Asperger's. Food allergies are also very common issues.

Another thing in common with my daughter is scoliosis, she has a double curve of her spine. Muscle spasms, numbness, tingles, cold hands or feet and pain are also sx of scoliosis but having scoliosis doesn't totally exclude MS but it can make it more difficult to dx. In fact with out a brain MRI with classic lesions it would be very difficult to dx MS due to your various already known issues because your sx can be accounted for and MS is a dx of exclusion with no other explanation for the sx.

If you were one of mine, to start with, I would be making sure that you dont have a medical condition to account for the food issues, eg wheat, lactos and things like celiac or chronans (sp) all common comorbid conditions for people with ASD. I'd even get you to write a list of the foods you do eat, foods you crave and foods you avoid, there may be a pattern in it, if you do have a common allergy or intollerance. It cant hurt and may actually help.

I'd also be warry of getting any more chiropractic work done on a back that has scoliosis, if they are not a specialist they can make things worse rather than better, it was after my dd saw a chiro that we ended up finding out she had scoliosis and it wasnt because he found it but because she could no longer stand the pain after a chiro session, just be careful thats all :-)

Anyway just food for thought and maybe some understanding of things you experience and possibly alternate points to explore further.


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thank you Redflame! it was a God healing as far as I'll ever be concerned, at my best 3.5 years ago I was starving during the day and eating light at night because I didn't trust myself to eat early in the day...so sad, I'm about 5'7" (actually 5'6" post scoliosis lol) 130 right now, and a size 4, at my adult worst I was 105, and 90-100 in high school. It's so refreshing to enjoy food, and feel filled and just the freedom of not being bound by something i thought i wanted :) I was driving down a street a week before I found out I was pregnant and was crying out to God deliverance because i hated myself and I felt a huge weight lift off of me, pulled over to sob my thanks for whatever he just did, and then never woke up seized in fear of food since :) so cool!!!!

as for the MS, or non MS. I emailed my GP and he said in round about terms that he thinks truth is good! and to see if I can get an MRI, to see what has happened, is probably better than waiting for a possible second issue down the road, and considering I still feel like I have "restless arm" syndrom the majority of the time, and spontaneous spasm, buzzes etc that pushing for answers would be better for my souls well being :) I do love that guy! haha

so Friday I'll try to be a little stronger in pushing for clarity, I struggle with that because i have this insane fear of whining and finding out nothing's wrong, or acting like a baby. I was one of those insane children who tried to get up and keep playing in the soccer game after breaking my collar bone LOL...thank you so much ladies for your support, for a complete stranger! it's so awesome to know that there are people trying to surround us scared ones and support each other through the tough times!

the upside is if I do end up diagnosed, i can look forward to educating and supporting others and being a voice of peace for them!

<3 love!
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1312898 tn?1314568133
First of all,  I want to congratulate you for conquering your Anorexia.  That is a powerful disease that is so addictive.  Maintaining a healthy weight is wonderful.

You really have alot of different symptoms and experiences.  First, I suggest starting a timeline of your symptoms and their date of onset.  You can look on some of our journal entries to see how some of us have done it.  

You have already began the 'rule out' phase, those things should be in your journal.

If this is MS, diagnosis is usually a long process, so sit back, breath and relax.  Making a timeline and a journal is really going to help.  Also, there is a link on the upper right side of this page that leads to our Health Pages.  Read and study these, they are invaluable.

Everyone has a different experience,  Mine began with a numb chin and jaw, electric shocks from neck to legs, severe pain, fatigue (falling asleep while talking), walking problems, numb tongue, proprioceptive problems, balance etc.  My symptoms never went away.  But I have the type of MS that is rare.  

Hope that helps,  

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1394601 tn?1328032308
It would be easy to find out.  Find out what hospital he has privileges at and call them.
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First of all thank you kindly for the responses, I'm sure you know it's a freaky thing now to be lying there with the same peculiarities yet now wondering for the first time IS this MS? It's helpful to know there are other out there, and a great group of people supporting each other!

He is a Chiropracter neurologist, I actually looked it up because I was curious, he's complete the post doctoral 2 years and was board certified in 1991 (from chiropracter to the addition of neurologist). I don't have a lot of chiro experience but I was surprised he didn't just give me a crack and send em on my way, but tested reflexes, and basically went through all the standard neuro tests, walking, touching finger to nose, balance etc...I don't know if he handles all new patients this way because he is trained beyond chiro care, or if it was because of the incident i mentioned early on.

He mentioned MRI but didn't scedule, don't know if they can or if he'd refer me to strict neurologist for that. My assumption was he might be waiting to get all the stuff from the chiro I saw in VT and he sceduled me for next friday and said hopefully he'll have all the Xrays by then

I did go through some elimination testing actually because I've been hitting such a wall of exhaustion around mid day, i had some cuts that were taking too long to heal, and that's when my ANA (anti-nuclear (nucleic?) antibodies came out postive) which to the best of my understanding is an indicator that there is someplace, from some thing causing an autoimmune response, but the ANA can't tell you exactly what disease, it could be cancer, HIV, lupus RA scleroderma, etc....so i had lupus specific and RA blood draws, HIVE, HEP B/C, syphillis, diabetes (I'm very hypoglycemic and have awful orthostatic hypotension) my GP wanted to eliminate possibilities for the exhaustion (like i could crawl into a coma) mental fog and elevated ANA....so basically although it wasn't meant to rule out mimics to MS i  have had at least some of those rules out this summer

I allways dismiss the mental fog because i supposedly present like i have aspergers according to a neuropsych test, and an auditory processing dysfunction, i get mentall fatigued very quick and my counselor said it could be from the seeming hypersensitivity to stimuli (auditory, visual and touch) She thought the fog was maybe from being to stiumulated, etc....I have felt like  it was getting worse (this year compared to last year, last year compared to the year before) but then again, in classic me style I thought, maybe I'm just more aware of it since the neuro psych? I don't struggle verbally relaying things, but again i assumed, maybe when i speak the auditory distracts my ADHD self and makes it harder to talk...i stumble, mumble, word retreival and get stuck in pauses (not always really bad but i do struggle to talk past it to sound coherent )

so i don't know...haha....that's all I keep saying, I don't know :(

is a chiro neuro still a neuro??? I don't know much about this stuff? I will say that  he did make me feel like he was sharp and a straight shooter, and the fact that a chiro spent an hour with me and never once adjusted me yet made me feel like he wasn't a "crack" addict ..haha but seriously some I've met are so eager to pop things and not as eager to sit and get a complete picture of what's going on. Even my PT was really hurting me w/o xrays and when i told him abotu the 14th said, hmmmm I don't know what that could be that's weird, that's all...I felt like this guys had a better vision of everythign playing together, and maybe was waiting for all my info to come in in Xrays etc to say anything more...ha or he's not and I'm playing devil's advocate too much

hope that answers all the questions, my kiddies are being loud and making it hard to remember everything people wrote...sorry
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Kathi,

I'm so sorry for all you are experiencing. It's so hard with all that seems to be going on to speak in the context of MS.

Best advice I can offer you is to not think of this as an attack of "MS," and take one issue at a time (preferably the worse for you) and go to the Dr.

The chiro (I mean no disrespect to chiros - many are very, very good -I used one who was outstanding) cannot label this as such without any evidence. There absolutely is a category of MS they call CIS (Clinically Isolated Syndrome) but it's not merely based on symptoms.

Thanks for joining us,
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1394601 tn?1328032308
Do I understand your post correctly...this is a chiropractor and not a neuro?  I don't think a chiropractor can diagnose MS.
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1382889 tn?1505071193
  Idk what you dr means by isolated incident. Sounds like mutiple incidents that could or could not be MS.  It's always better to know (in my opinion) so that you know what you have and can treat it (there are treatments for MS IF that is what you have).  
  Not sure what dr is waiting for as far as MRI goes.  You should have one of the head and spine (c and t). Possibly more tests as well.  Of course most drs will rule out mimics of MS first.  Interesting he wants you to up your vit D but not testing you specifically for MS (it's true most people with MS have a vit D deficiency).
  I would insist on MRI's if I were you.  Not fair for him to keep mentioning MS and treating you as if but not actually testing you for it.

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Welcome! My process started with a blurry left eye. This just after getting an eye exam. Then, I had tingling in my feet whenever I would put my head to my chest.

Then, the left side of my tongue went numb for several days. The last thing was my balance was affected. I woke up one day and couldn't walk straight. I kept veering off to the left. I had a total of 3 MRI's over the course of about 1 1/2 yrs.

The neurologist I was referred to was so mean and wouldn't diagnose me even tho I had at least 5 of the 7 symptoms listed, lesions on my brain, my dad has MS...I flew out of state to an MS Center where I was diagnosed with MS right away.

My symptoms lasted only for a few days or a few weeks, but the imbalance stayed. I have alot of trouble walking straight. I have to hold onto someone or something.

I wouldn't be able to say whether it is ongoing or a flare up. You should write down when something starts and stops. I had to have a timeline. Everyone's MS is different. No 2 people are the same.

I had vibrations in my heel that was occurring for several weeks for a few seconds at a time. It stopped. Now, my left leg has an area on my thigh where the skin hurts. It feels like I took a sandpaper to it. I can't even touch it. I think its probably just something wierd that happens with this.

My left hip really hurts too. I am wondering if I should call my regular Dr to have it looked at??
I hope what I told you helps you in some way. Good luck in obtaining a diagnosis, altho I don't wish for you to have MS. I hope to see you on here again!
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