5112396 tn?1378017983

Monday Morning Roll-Call

For those who celebrate Christmas, it's getting crunch time. How is everyone doing? There have been some great energy-saving tips posted on the boards recently. Any plans to incorporate them over the holidays? Alex also highlighted something I watch out for this time of year too: the tendency to have low mood/mood-fluctuations. Making sure to be very mindful of this myself and planning the dead-of-winter-duldrums accordingly.

I finish up work on Thursday, then off for the rest of 2015. We don't celebrate Christmas ourselves, but certainly enjoy the year-end relaxation. To be honest, I'll be using a good portion of the time off to do some slow-paced deep cleaning of the apartment. We've both let it slide for a while!

Other than that, it's just good films, meeting up with friends, and fun with yarn and hooks/needles.
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Finally finished decorating the tree. (Took over a week 18 feet) First Christmas with MS so aside from my monumental Christmas tree, I have taken this holiday season very easy. My husband has done all interior and exterior decorating.

All gifts purchased online and bought lots of gift cards for nieces and nephews. No wrapping, everything is going in gift bags.

Already have my lasagna, meatballs and sausage, and eggplant parm cooked and in the freezer. Just need to make ham, sides and a salad.

Pre-ordered desserts from bakery and decided to relax until 2016.

Not feeling depressed or stressed, just tired.
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5509293 tn?1428531475
So inspired by you all, I ordered some seasonal photo cards - 30 to be exact! - and proudly went to pick them up only to find I forgot to change the template for the names!!!! So we have cards with our photos and random names lol
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5265383 tn?1669040108
We are not all ahead of you ;).  Just so you feel better about things ... !
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5509293 tn?1428531475
Awaiting report on latest MRI and obsessing a bit over that and letting more important things slide. BUT determined to get it together and start prepping Christmas. No tree yet, no decorations but hopefully this weekend. You are all away ahead of me already. Wishing everyone a lovely time with family and friends.
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15288417 tn?1446902183
I finally got the Christmas tree up over the weekend, finished yesterday with putting up some decorations. The decorations may be going further this year though,  as I'm adjusting to having to use a stick for walking at the moment,  my good friend & her daughter have suggested tinsel & lights to help around it, the suggestion brightened what was a bit of a down day & definitely made me smile.  I have done a bit of online shopping too (not that I'm a fan of it though haha) got lots of wrapping to do now!
My eldest son comes home from uni on Friday (can't wait) so I will enjoy Christmas lunch at home with my two sons. A lovely family holiday!
However you are spending your time this holiday,  have a relaxing one.
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I too took advantage of online shopping this year. Mostly done shopping, now time to wrap. We cut back on the decorating in the house and have decided to only bake 4 different goodies instead of 12.  The boys are sad about cutting back on the baked goods but my hips are not. Lol.
We are going to my sister's for dinner and will tag team dinner as she is ill with lyme disease.
Hubby is off for about 10 days and I'm so excited to spend some quality time with him.  Most importantly I'm just trying to stay calm as I tend to really feel pressured from the holidays.
Best regards, barb
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4943237 tn?1428991095
I'm now finished for the year and the students have graduated.  The Christmas shopping is done but not the baking.  I just can't seem to get my head around making a Christmas cake this year - too complicated.  

Christmas is at our place this year but being Southern Hemisphere it 'should' be summer so will be barbecue.  Judging by the current weather (cold, windy and wet) it might be an inside one.  

My daughter gets home from her tall ship experience today and I can't wait to see her.  By 8 am this morning I'd had 10 texts from her telling me about it, with the highlight being 40 kids beating the Navy at a challenge.  She said the trip was worth a million dollars so this makes the huge fundraising effort we put in worthwhile.
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667078 tn?1316000935
I am in a good mood which is new. I am usually in a deep depression this time of year. I started to slide. I made an appointment with my doctor. The appointment got cancelled and by the time it was rescheduled I was fine. The less light gets to me. I have lowered my expectations of xmas. What I should do. We put the lights up. My husband got my big peace symbol wreath out. We put lights on it a put it up. I put up the tree. I have ornaments I have made for years. Mostly dogs but other animals too. My brother will come for a day or two.

I would not want to start with a new counselor. In our area there is a therapist who has a MS group. The therapist has MS too.

I will be cleaning the living room and ceiling fans and such.


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11079760 tn?1483386130
We managed to get the bare tree decorated this weekend. Hubby and I put on lights, and then I let my 2 kids do all the decorating they wanted. It's truly their tree this year, and I love that. I didn't pull out a single one of my ornaments. It was hard at first as I am very sentimentally attached to several given to me by important family members who are no longer with us. However, it was a joy to just sit back and watch the kids beam as they put up all of their ornaments.

Saturday night we drove to look at Christmas lights and the kids did some ice skating in the dark. Sunday my daughter, mom and I we to see a local production of The Nutcracker, which was an annual tradition for my mom and I when I was growing up!

No presents were purchased and the house clutter is growing and groceries were not purchased for the week. I am trying to take it all in stride. We did some really FUN things this weekend. I am exhausted, but working to conserve energy where I can.
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I did a lot of online shopping this year and am thrilled by how easy it made things.

Feeling more than a little blue the last couple of months but my counselor of 5 years is no longer covered by my insurance. I am not eager to try to find a new on that I click with and getting them "up to speed" especially since my insurance will only cover about 5 sessions per year/issue.

I have some of those new coloring books to try out over the holidays and more than a little work reviewing scientific research grant applications for the MS Society here. This is due to being chosen as a Community Representative to provide a layman's perspective on project descriptions and relevance to those with MS. I am quite excited about it but it is a lot of work.

My Christmas is short and sweet. Christmas morning with my mother, brother, sister-in-law and niece an nephew. Christmas dinner later in the day with my mother and a friend at a local hotel. Huge meal with lots of variety and a very good price. This is our 3rd year doing it. No cooking or cleaning. Perfect!

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