271770 tn?1221992084

I hired some wheels!

Hey all,

Well I did it, I hired some wheels to get me around! It's just a standard wheelchair, but it's a nice one - black :-)  I'll be using it for the first time tomorrow. My Dr didn't want me to go to work tomorrow, but I said that I would be fine if I could get a chair to help me get around school.

I don't care if I don't have a DX yet, if I'm to get around at the moment I need help and this will hopefully get me back on track. I'm going to tell people that I've hurt my back if they ask - it's too hard to explain to people and I think that will stop any questions.

I'll let you know how I go :-)

39 Responses
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230948 tn?1235844329
Yeah it is abit complicated with all the benifits available and not as the case may be, i filled in disabilty form but i missed too questions about it so frustrating so they sent it back so i had to tick NO and then send it back why did they not just ring me up and ask!! more time waitng now oh well.

I gave up my nursing course when i became pregnant i always was going to go back to it but i didnt, i did go back to caring and was a ssistant to a manager of a day care centre but to be honest i was happier just being a care less paper work and more chance to be witht he patients and less time in the office.

I was thinking of training to be a hopice nurse as my Mum died in a hospice and it has always been something i wanted to do but since being ill i cant, i think it was just me on my own with my husban on my really good days and not going back to the lob i had i could do some part time work, but its a full time job just looking after my three girls and husband and pets and running a home, i struggled when i well to also fit in 30-40 hrs a week on top and have a social and church life.
Mayeb this is Gods way of slowing me down LOl

Take Care
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271770 tn?1221992084
Yeah, they can be interesting at times those teenagers :-)  Well I studied for 6 years at University but in that time I took 6 months off, then went back part time for a while. I also started a Law degree but when I got sick I couldn't finish it. Ah well hehe Yeah, you do seem to need a bit more training for the older year levels. You have to have studied the subjects for longer if you want to teach Year 11 and 12 (your A levels) for example.

Aww that's wonderful! I have a niece and nephew - Paris (5) and Calvin (3).

Gee, your system sounds really complicated. I'm glad we've got ours - I mean it's not perfect and probably pretty similar to yours. And yeah the doctors are pretty wonderful, except often they don't have a clue.

Mel :-)
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230948 tn?1235844329

I tried a sleeping tablet the first time and it had bad effect on me too so i take a sedaitive instead not that it seems to work but the docotr wanted to stick to a simular medication that id taken beofer instead of trying another sleeping tablet and it having a bad effect i used to take diazapam so she swapped it for temazapam and im ok with that, for the first night in ages i sleep well i just dont know why some nights are different to others!!

Gosh i could not teach that age group, when i was well i taught in sunday and that use to take a age preparing for that and that was 2-5 year olds and that was hard enough, i do miss that but i could not do that know!!  You must of studied hard to get to that level or is it the same teaching nomatter what age group you end up teaching.

My little girl is called Bryanna and she will be 6 my others are Kira 7 and Alicia 9.

We pay for are NHS national health system through our pay packet but i think even if you have not worked ever you are entitiled to it, though if you have never worked you could not other goverment benefits as it goes on the amount of national insurance you have paid through your work pay to receive those benefits.

The system is not good and lets millons of people down every year, i should know iv worked in both NHS and the private care system since i was 17, but its better then not having anything and im luckey to have a wonderfull G.P not too sure about my consultant though but hten iv never met a nice one but as long as he does his job and finds me some answers i dont care about his bed side manner LOL

Take Care

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271770 tn?1221992084
I tried something to help me sleep once and it made me the exact opposite and I had all kinds of hallucinations - not fun hehe

I teach Year 7 - 11, so ages 12 to 16. Planning lessons is a lot of work. I had to go into work this morning to drop my reliefs in and then I hadn't finished so I had to photocopy some other stuff. It meant I had to get up at the normal time and go in about 8am. I finally got home and slept for a couple hours.

Australia has Medicare, which I assume is like your NHS (National Health Service??) but we also have our own insurance if we want better treatment in hospital, like better rooms etc Medicare is our public and private is whatever people can afford. I luckily decided to get full cover back in May and hopefully am now covered if I have to go to hospital.

When's your lil girl's bday and how old will she be turning?

Mel :-)
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230948 tn?1235844329

Im glad you got some more rest today, do you have anything to help you slepp, i take temazapam but it does not seem to work at all, i could believe it when the alarm went off this morning to get kids up, why cant my body sleep when it is ment too!! just dont get it.

What ages do you teach? planning lessons must be hard work especially when you cant concertrate, im glad you dont have to mark my postings LOl my spelling and grammer are the worse!!

I still like counting down to things christmas is my fav time of year, its expensive time too what with our anniversary just gone then my littles girls birthday then christmas itself!!

Does OZ have its own NHS like England or is it all private and insurance based?

Take Care

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271770 tn?1221992084
Well he said there was some degeneration and that they would probably mention that, but he wasn't too fazed about it at all.

I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering now and that you only got a bit of sleep. I ended up sleeping in til midday today, after another disturbed sleep. Luckily I did go back to sleep though. I've been resting most of the day, although I will admit that whilst I was watching TV I worked on some stuff for work on the laptop. I'm meant to be doing a couple of things now but to be honest I just can't concentrate, I'm too tired and my legs ache.

I'm not working tomorrow either but I have to drop in my reliefs for the relief teacher tomorrow morning - I was meant to do it today but totally forgot about it til about 2 hrs ago, yikes! Ah well. I've planned all lessons except I need to write a worksheet for one of them. I think I'll do that in at school tomorrow morning, as it's the last lesson of the day. As long as the others are ok that will be fine. No big deal.

Hehe I love counting down to things - I still count down to my birthday and Christmas, right now I think I'll start counting down to the last day of school!!! Reports are due at the end of next week and I need to mark stuff before I can do them! Argh!

Hope you recover soon from your night out.

Mel :-)
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230948 tn?1235844329

Yeah my pets keep me company, i had a bad night as went out for a meal with my husband all dressed up and my stick at me side very attractive LOL we went to a thai restrant and they were so polite there, but im suffering for it now but it was are aniversary so we could not let it go by.

I only slept about three hours and am so tired now, iv got my O.T coming today to try out my new stick of fun!! lol she is really nice though and is from OZ and going back in december which is a shame as iv just got to know here.

Thats great there was nothing too bad on there when i had mine down they said i had degenaration in my neck and a slightly curved back spine but when i went for the MRI ( without contrast) it did not sure anything that they pointed out.

My little girl says that sleeps, 3 more sleeps till we do this or that, thats very cute.

hope your relaxing.

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271770 tn?1221992084
I don't use the chair at home at all. Apart from it being too difficult because my home is far too small and poky, I don't generally need to get anywhere quickly and can sit down when I need to, so it doesn't matter that I shuffle around.
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339220 tn?1195566174
Wheelchair is good I agree with others saying that you will get more work done if you are mobile, but I think it is also important to move our body still and don't rely 100% on the chair, keep our muscles strong as long as we just possibly can. So when I don't need to "get work done" I'm just moving around the house with no chair!
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271770 tn?1221992084
Awww, your animals sound great! Yeah my little kitten is so cute - he's a bit of an idiot, but very cute when he gets all smoochie hee hee

The chiro read the films today at my appointment and said that there are a couple of things that they might say on the report when it comes back. I think one was about my neck, another about my lower back and possibly something else. But they were all minor things, which was great!

You have the right to ask for contrast, of course you do! You should ask! I will if I haven't been sent for ones with contrast too.

My appt is in 6 sleeps!!! yay!!!

Mel :-)
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230948 tn?1235844329
LOL i read that posting back and laughed so much!!  

I love the way we say trousers and you say pants!!

You know he had pants on just not the ones id ironed  men!!!  though the thought of him turning up at his church course with no pants on is very funny and a image i cant get out of my head now LOL
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Went out without his pants!!!    I have a great visual of that LOL........ keep on scooter-in!
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230948 tn?1235844329

Kittians are the cutest, i have one tabby cat a black lab dog and a staffordshire bull terrier and a rabbit and two fish plus my three kids and my husband. I would have my dog in my bed but she is a fidget ans snores LOL

My O.T said i slide my feet alond the floor in fact she pointed out so many things the neuro did not see then its a while since i see him and im never in there long, i get so excited to see him as i think this is going to be the day when i find out what is wrong and i always go away thinking MORE TESTS still i guess i am lukey to be having any and i have the mose wonderfull G.P ( doctor)

I had two xrays done when i went to the chripractor both different ones over a period of time after two car accidents and both told me i had a slightly curved spine and degenaration in my vertibra (cant spell ) of my neck but nothing came up on the MRI i had done, not that i have faith in the machime as iv heard from nureses there that the MRI misses things as it is not that stronfg somebody who work there said i should get it done with contrast but he has not ordered this next one with contrast and i feel as im not private i dont feel i have the right to ask.

Ironing is a pain, id done all the school uniform and my husband shirts but he wanted a pair of trousers as he goes to a course on monday nights but as it was he went out without them!!

Have a good day, iv private message you as well LOL

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271770 tn?1221992084

No it's not nice - that was my second too, both on my legs. This was on the back of my calf right near the top. I tell you, I haven't had a very good sleep at all. I turned out the light again about 1:30am and I was the one who kept waking up and moving around throughout the night, not my new little kitten for once! I gave in at about 5:45am this morning and got up, reaaally not feeling well. I've put some Nutella on bread, have had a Yakkult and am trying to make it go away. But I've got the shakes and chills, if you know what I mean? I'm kind of shivering but it's very warm here at the moment so I'm not cold. I don't really know what's wrong - maybe it's the lack of sleep? It doesn't normally do this to me though.

Yeah well that's exactly what happened when I went shopping - my hips killed, I was exhausted and I was just kinda sliding my feet along the floor in the end. Yeah, sometimes I need to get up and shake it all out too, or at least I feel like I do.

The x-ray was mainly for the benefit of my chiropractor, who apparently always orders them with new patients, but I'm glad he has done. I have the same problem - sometimes the pain feels so deep it does feel like it's in the bone. I think MRI shows muscle too and x-ray doesn't?? Not sure actually.

I hate ironing, I really do! I try to fold my clothes immediately after I take them off the line, but to be honest they're still sitting in the basket, just thrown in there. Yikes... I'm not a good role model hehe

Let me know how your shopping goes! :-)

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230948 tn?1235844329

Not nice having a mole off, iv had two done one on my face and leg, my husband has had a few done and he gets alot of skin tags so he had them removed too.

Not a good idea shopping without your wheels!! I find it so tiring and my hips kill and it wears me out so much but i also find if im laid up for too long i get so stiff and sore and when i move my legs go into spasm when i try and move.

was the xray to see if there is any damage to the spine, iv had a MRI and the pain i get sometimes is so bone like i wonder if they should be doing a xray instead of MRI im not sure what the difference is?

Im waiting for my kids to come home, im ment to be doing the ironing but it kills my arms so the longer im on here the better lol

You take care sent you private message as well LOL

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271770 tn?1221992084
Well here I am at 11:57pm and I feel so out of it but yet I know there's no point keeping trying to get to sleep. I went to bed an hour and a half ago and I was drifting in and out. I'm on new medication for the pain and I had one with my anti-inflamm right before going to bed. Maybe not the best idea but oh well.

Luckily I had the day off today so have only had one day at work since I got my wheels. I am going tomorrow, health permitting, and will use it again there. I'm hoping there'll be less questions about it then since I've already been to school with it once now. Still, I do have different classes tomorrow than I had Friday so no doubt I'll still get the 3rd degree. Honestly, why do people need to know everything?! hehe

Oh that is so cool! I hope you enjoy your shopping and PLEASE nip some ankles for me!!! hehe I hate it when people don't get out of the way, I mean it's quite obvious that you can't get past without them moving, duh!

Guess what I did on my day off today? Spent most of it either getting an x-ray of my spine or at the Drs! I had made an appointment for an excision of a suspect mole but they stuffed up the time I had with my Dr and so I ended up having one at 2pm for a vaccination and referral, then one at 3:30pm for the excision, which took about 40 minutes. So the site is still numb but it's starting to wise up to the 7 stitches - youch! That plus all the muscle jerkies and pain I've got going on at the moment, so not cool!

Did I mention that I tried to go shopping today, without the chair?? Yeah, not a great idea. I used a trolley as a walker but it still didn't work. I was absolutely exhausted and my steps were getting shorter and shorter. Ah well, I've learnt now.

Mel :-)
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230948 tn?1235844329

I had a bright red funky folding stick once but i lost it when we went out once ( ok now this is sad that at 32 im talking about sticks!!!) Iv a black left handed shaped handle now WOW!!! LOL
My O.T bringing me another on wed.

Off in my wheels shopping tomorrow to do some ankle nipping to people who dont get out my way LOL.

How is it going at work?

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271770 tn?1221992084
To add to my wheels I bought myself a collapsable walking stick. It too is black and FUNKY! hehe I'll use it for smaller distances when it's too annoying to get my wheels out. YIPPEE!! I have yet to use it around town but am really looking forward to it.

Mel :-)
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271770 tn?1221992084
Bumpity bump
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230948 tn?1235844329

The trouble with a stick i find is the slowness and it really hurts your arm!!  My O.T is bringing me a right sided stick next week but i dont get that as its my left sid ethat is weak and she says i drag my foot to and dont walk heal to toe!! The stick i find helpfull indoors on short distance walks but the chair is best to get about even if it does mean getting someone to push you at times.

I hope the six weeks off will bring you into remission too, and i pray that the family will be more supportive to you.

Take Care

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333021 tn?1207759633
Family and friends can be so naive ,  they just don't get it .. they love us, but wow, the things they say..  Last wk. my friend said  " maybe its psychological"  ...What???  and I only mentioned a little of what's going on (testing the waters I guess),    (trust issues .. imagine!! )   ..  
Your family will come around , they're in denial right now , they don't want you to be sick..  they're afraid for you .   It takes time for all of us to process
Good luck with the new wheels...     I'm sure the kids at school will be very helpful , it sounds like they already have been .
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271770 tn?1221992084
I spoke with my sister this evening and she asked me if it was possible that "nothing is wrong"?!!!! Naturally I was REALLY unhappy with this and my Mum just HAD to chime in add to it that maybe I had an "illness" that is all in my head... she tried to explain that she didn't mean it that way but that it's possible that the Drs don't know what causes my problems... ah dear
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271770 tn?1221992084
Hehehehe  Nice
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147426 tn?1317265632
Proposed bumper sticker:

Uppity Women Unite!
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