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Serious? Or no big deal?

Hey all I have another question. I am starting to think that I am having another flare up because of a miscarriage I had a little over a month ago. Some of you may know I posted about color saturation with my eye and my glasses being stolen so not knowing if it was from near or far vision without having glasses. Well now I am having a crazy tremor in my left thumb. Which my left side is my bad side that always gets attacked. My thumb feels like I have been bench pressing with just it. When I bend it my thumb starts shaking uncontrollably and vibrating. My 80mg of baclofen has done nothing. I also thought I have just been having asthma or getting a cold all week cause my chest has been tight and I've bed. Wheezing but have no other symptoms of having a cold. I have an appointment with my neuro a week from Monday. The eye and asthma issues could be written off as something else, but the thumb... Could this mean something that I should call about? As for history I have had a fine tremor on and off in my left hand since my attack in OCT.... But nothing this bad. Thanks for all your help :)
11 Responses
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Ya My neuro and her RN thought the video was great since I had no idea how to describe what was happening and since it was something visual she told me to always do that incase I'm having a good day on my office visits. I wonder if other people have done this since most everyone has a cell phone...I'm sure some do.

As for thr acupuncture, I highly recommend it!! One of my persisten MS symptoms ocular migraines and a different type also but I forgot the name ;) anyways. I couldn't get the Topomax that my neuro prescribed because it was to expensive and I'm a full time student right now and the Rx assistant program never came through for me. My boyfriends father recommended this Chinese clinic where the dr practiced medicine in china for over 20 years. I gave it a shot and the guy was able to tell I had a neurological disease and have had optic neuritis by just looking at my eye and taking my pulse. It was creepy but cool cause he has completely relieved my migraines and has helped with my vertigo and my muscle spasms subside for a few days after treatment. I go to him now 3-4 times a year. It sure beats going on topomax too since it doesn't have the side effect of hair loss. ;) and it's much cheaper! I hope you can give it a try. It took me a day or two after the first visit to realize it had worked.
Cheer and hope you have a great weekend :)

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1936411 tn?1333831849
Belle! I'm so glad to hear that your thumb has finally chilled out. You were so smart to take a video so the doc can still see it! I'm going to remember that in the future.

I haven't tried acupuncture yet, but I have a masseuse that I really trust and she recently partnered with an acupuncturist. I think I will try it because you never know.

Thanks for the note and for mentioning acupuncture. I hope your thumb continues to cooperate for the long haul :)

- Jane
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Hey Jane,
My tremor finally stopped tonight :) but boy am I glad I sent a video clip to my neuro!! This week has been real interesting I never knew how important thumbs are! So thankful I hope it stays away! I was thinking about you feet being numb and I was curious if you have ever used acupuncture ? I have had great relief for some of my symptoms with it. I hope you are feeling well!!!
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1936411 tn?1333831849
Haha! I hate auto correct! My phone always makes me say weird things.

Good luck on Monday and please do keep us posted with what they say. I hope your thumb decides to just calm down and sit still between now and then!

- Jjane
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Haha sorry for all of the errors in my posts I just realized that my auto correct on my phone has done a TERRIBLE job!!
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So I heard back from my neuro's RN yesterday. I accidentally talked ringer in my sleep. :-/ I think I kinds remember talking to her, but I'm not positive. I swear she said something about it being a manifestation of my already existing tremor in my left hand and to call if I had any other new symptoms and they would order and MRI. I can't remember everything she said but I believe that's the basic point and that if I was to come in or something that they would have called. I'm hoping I'm remembering it correctly, if not my appointment is monday so that seems soon enough. :) thanks again for your help
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I ended up calling this afternoon and i took a video of the thumb and emailed it so they could be the judge of it. They are going to let me know if I need to come in sooner than my Monday appointment. Thanks again for all your input. I will let you know what they decide.
:) Belle
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1936411 tn?1333831849
I totally feel you on that. I am newly diagnosed. My first major relapse ramped up in August 2011 and my official diagnosis came in late December. My feet have been numb since mid-December and I never took IV steroids. Here I sit wondering if my feet will ever come back and whether I should have taken steroids to squash the relapse before it got bad enough to leave my feet this numb for this long.

I wish I had something better to offer you, but I think you have an excellent question. It's one of those things where you can't know what you want because you don't know whether it's going to get better or worse if you just wait it out. Maybe some others with more experience will chime in.

I'm thinking that another 7 days until your appointment couldn't make that much of a difference. The thing is, going into your appointment, you might want to have some idea of what you expect from the doc (i.e., are you hoping for meds to calm the symptoms, or are you thinking you might need steroids to squash the relapse, or do you just want confirmation that this is going to subside with time?)

- Jane
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Thanks for all your kind words :) it been a rough 2012 so far hopefully it will be getting better. I just realized that we though I am feeling better on avonex that I could have another flare up from the pregnancy. These symptoms I'm having now are just mostly obnoxious. I called my Dr. About my eye a few days ago but she was full till my appt an that I could see the nurse prac who I'm not to fond of. But i decided that if it for to bad I would just go. The hardest thing about this disease for myself is determining when I should call the dr simply because I know she's a busy woman and she has so many other patients that need help to. That's why I was trying to weigh the serous or not serious factor. Hope you two are feeling well today :) thanks again for thr support I really appreciate it!
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1936411 tn?1333831849
I am so sorry for your loss. I remember you from last week. You've been going through such a run of horrible luck, my heart goes out to you. Did you call the doc last week to see about moving your appointment up? If so, what was the response?

If you didn't call, I think especially with these new issues, it really can't hurt to call and ask if anything happened to open up this week so that you can get in early. You could mention that the reason you were hoping to get in sooner is that you're having new vision problems, an increase in the thumb tremors, and you're also having some respiratory problems. Even if the respiratory issues aren't neurologically based, it might be important for the doc to know because infections increase symptoms for many MS'ers.

I hope you start feeling better soon.

Best wishes,
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I'm afraid I can not answer your question, but wanted to offer my condolences on your loss.

And I hope you feel better soon.

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