873261 tn?1241690021

What else could it be?

I know you probably see a lot of posts like this one, but I'm really at my wits end.  Here is my story as best as I can remember... I noticed decreased strength in my hands and arms probably about 5 years ago, at the time I was expecting my third son so my OB thought it was due to pregnancy.  Not long after I had my third son I became pregnant with my fourth.  During this pregnancy I had to be catherized for nearly half the pregnancy because of retention issues.  My hands continued to lose strength, etc.  About two years ago I had an EMG; results showed carpal tunnel in my hands (mild).  In the past year or so I have had pain in the joints of my hands when I tried using them to open things, etc.  The strength has diminished more and I started feeling these "zingers" I call them.  Electrical kind of burning in certain fingers or toes.  Right now I have them intermittently on my left side down my middle finger and middle toe.  The last few days I have felt a tingly feeling on the left side of my scalp.  I frequently have stiffness in my hands and my legs (on some days) feel as though they are tree trunks that I am just lugging around.  
I've seen a Rheumatologist who at first thought psoratic arthritis but later ruled that out and sent me to a Neurologist.  He sent me for a MRI (in February).  The MRI showed lesions on the white matter of my brain.  This got me a ticket to another MRI for the spine.  The report states that I have minor bulging, some arthritis but no stenosis, oh and I may have a synovial cyst on the L5 portion(? I think).  I've been to the Orthopedic surgeon and he has ruled out my problems stemming from something he would be able to help, stating, it was a much larger issue than that.
My Neurologist has prescribed PT which I started this week and they are working on strengthening my upper body and legs. I've had another EMG in the past month of both arms/hands, legs/feet, my arms did not really show anything but my legs showed some pinched disturbance with the nerrves.  I am currently on Neurontin (100 mg / 3 times a day).  I have numbness in my hands and feet (especially when I sit on the couch, or when I'm driving).  The past year I've had major personality changes such as I can't stand even myself at times the way I snap at people and I can become very upset - depressed at times.  In November of last year I was so fatigued I could not get myself out of bed to go to work it was so bad.  My B12 is low and I have been receiving B12 shots weekly but the numbness and tingling still exists.  Over the past two years I've had dizziness issues - for no reason, even while sitting down at my desk I will become dizzy and the world will spin as if off of its axis.  My cardiologist (I have SVT, tachycardia, palpitations - I take verapamil for that) had me have a tilt table test done and it came back negative.  Medication for vertigo leaves me too lethargic to work, so since the dizziness doesn't mess with me too much I live with it.
Needless to say my memory stinks... I struggle to remember on short term and long term items.  I have been in school for the past five years and noticed my memory worsening over the past 2 - 3 years.  I've gone to the eye dr at my Neurologist's suggestion and she said my eyes look good so far.  But I want to stress that I don't always feel bad - there are times where I have felt much better and energized, maybe that's why I was able to just shrug it off.  

I know to get a MS diagnosis you must have at least two MRI showing brain lesions but I just want to know, does it sound like MS?  What else could it be?  My quality of life is seriously being affected... please help.

2 Responses
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873261 tn?1241690021
Thanks Wobbly; I guess the hard part is not knowing, and not knowing if it'll get worse.  

I'll keep you posted... I see my GP next week, let's see what she says....

All the best,
Helpful - 0
293157 tn?1285873439
Hi there...boy you have alot of symptoms that alot of us here have...but these symptoms could be with so many things... it's difficult for the Neuro to Dx at times....mostly if the MRI's are clear or if you only have one recurrent symptom..

I'm still not Dx... waiting for more testing.. alot like yours.. your not alone here.. I just started PT awhile ago and enjoy the workout... I wasn't walking and still not walking very well...using a cane and walker at times...

hang in there and keep us updated on how things are going.

take care
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