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Woke up and couldn't walk

This all started last evening,I started noticing my legs didn't want to move,thought it was just exhaustion.

Got up this morning and had no control over my legs , they wouldn't even support my body.Finally after crawling to the bathroom----not a pretty site, my son got me my leg braces and they add little help.

Its as if they aren't getting the message from my brain to move.Is this possible.Plus I'm having repetive electric zings and zaps down my right leg and they are painful,thats been going on for 24 hours and my meds aren't helping

I did put a call into my neuro,but I got his answering service,I tried to wait it out to see if it would pass.

I really don't want to go to the ER with having the kids at home,I want that to be my last resort.I know they'd probably keep me.

56 Responses
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222135 tn?1236488221
Sounds though like that's where you need to be. How old are your kids? Can anyone help with them for a few days?

Please take care of yourself. I'm worried about you. Did you have your neuro paged?

Prayers and hugs


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281565 tn?1295982683
I'm so sorry you are not doing well. I'll be praying for you tonight. But if things don't get better going to the ER might not be a bad idea. You need to be checked out.
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I agree, with Penn, although I know how difficult it is to make such tough decisions. Remember you must put the oxygen mask on yourself first before trying to help others. A little airplane analogy.


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147426 tn?1317265632
There is no need to suffer needlessly.  "Sometimes the best care of the children is to care for the parent."  wise, old pediatrician.  

I am so sorry this is happening!  I vote for the ER and the neuro on-call.  The relapse may just be getting started - not to sound the pessimist.  Don't take chances nor should you suffer in pain which will just make all the other MS sx worse.

'kay?  Quix
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You mentioned you called your doc and got the answering service. Did you request a call back?
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Penn ,

My children are 16 and 12 and I don't know if the neuro was paged or not I didn't call until 4.30 pm,I tried to wait it out.


If it persist I may go to the ER,think I could drive myself(lol)

Nanners ,

I liked the airplane analogy.I hate hospitals!!! Sometimes when ya go there they are limited staff,their knowledge on MS is Nill and they look at ya like your a nut job.

I live in a little corn county,they don't keep neuro's on call.

But if I'm no better in the morning and neuro don't call early,some intervention will need done.Gotta beable to go to Friday noghts high school football game.Gotta watch my little man play.

Thanks for the prayers.

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I hear you about the football games, except I go hear my 15 y.o. play in the band. I hope you are well enough to go!!

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230625 tn?1216761064
I'm so sorry you are going through this right now!!  :(

I know how you feel about the ER.  If I were in the same situation, I'd probably hold out until the last resort as well.  I hate hospitals too!

Many prayers that you are better in the morning.   Please keep us updated!!!

Take care!  Pat
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You're correct if I can't care for myself how can I care for my kids.My son wanted to call an ems and I told him no.
Right now pain is an understatement.I'm gonna go to bed and think happy thoughts after a few meds and be optimistic that this will all be gone in the morning.If not ,if its worse I will go directly to the ER.

My x-hubby is staying the night just in case.


I don't recall if I requested a call back,my body was to busy trying to electicute my right leg from the inside out,if that won't make a grown person cry I don't know what will.

Ya know my dog senses something is wrong she has laid right next to my legs for 2 days now,she normally doesn't do that.

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I will pray for you too.  Please call the neuro again in the a.m. before he gets busy with appointments.  I hope he can help you without going to the hospital...Craig
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222135 tn?1236488221
It's funny you say that about the dog. Gordon twice tonight got up and started licking my foot, both times it was spasming and I was trying to pretend it was not. Freaky...maybe Zilla can cypher a clue about it, lol.

Take care please

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266400 tn?1193634481
I got the LESSON 101 last week about taking care of myself before I can take care of the kiddos... easier said than done.. I KNOW!!   But.. its true...Hope you start feeling better.. maybe I can come over and crawl with ya to the bathroom?!?!?  NOW THAT WOULD BE A SIGHT TO SEE!!!!!!!!!!  :)

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199882 tn?1310184542
Please have your ex-husband take you to the ER.  You could have had a stroke or something very bad happen.  You guys made me go to the ER last weekend, remember?  (or weekday I don't know)  Now it's your turn.  God sent your ex there for a reason and it wasn't to crash on your couch.  GO! GO! GO!

I'll be praying,
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   First thing I've done this morning is check on you. I'm really worried that you are not better. The kids are old enough to take care of themselves. They need you to take care of yourself. You can't take care of them, if you don't take care of you. Please go to the ER.

   Prayers upwards.

   (((Gentle Hug)))

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195469 tn?1388322888
Okay, it's Tuesday...has the Neuro called?  How are you doing?  We need an update...PLEASE?

I'm glad you have your doggie there AND your ex to give you some comfort.  The doggie to keep your legs warm and your ex to give you the emotional and phsycial support that you need.

If you are able, please post and let us know what is going on.   As Yorkie said, prayers are going upward.  Be well...

Best wishes and prayers, Heather
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I have talked to the neuro's assistant this morning,she took all my info and when the neuro gets a moment she'll have him call me,which he always does.

The legs are no better,the electrical volts are having there hay-day and fun with me,Darn they hurt.I feel that I swallowed the one Greek God that throws the lightening bolts and he's having a good old time.One heck of a party with my legs.Now theres the on going buzzying.he(the Greek God must have taken a bee hive with him)  I know its no laughing matter,but if I don't keep my sense of humor,I'll lose it over this attack.That won't be good.My pain level has surged well over a 10 today.

I love to watch football,my son is a junior and next year my daughter will be in the high school band.

come on over we'll make it a race to the bathroom,I'm sure that would confuse my dog as she gives me a stupid look when I crawl to the bathroom.Oh,the cermaic floor hurts real bad on the knees but when ya gotta go ya gotta go.


Yes, I should follow my own advice,but in all honesties I will propably end up there for a 5 day stay.Not looking forward to that.But there staff is awesome.


My dog as wimpy , she is she's great comfort and my second X is always willing to come and stay,he gets the extra room upstairs.He's the one that called my neuro's office yesterday.


My kids do an awesome job taking care of themselves,my son started the laundry before school this morning and said he'd finish after football practice.my daughter she said she'll do dinner and dishes,they can fend for themselves.now I wish the DOG would learn to let het self out and back in.


Animals sense things,plus they are great comfort and don't talk back.Hopefully Zilla can clue us in (lol)

thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

I will keep ya all up dated when I hear from my neuro,its nap time for now

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199882 tn?1310184542
Do you have a wheelchair or walker or anything that will help you at least to the bathroom.  You might check in to renting one until this passes.  If your neuro doesn't call soon then call again.  That's what I do, I keep bothering them until they get sick of it and finally call.lol

I'm really worried about you, so please don't keep waiting around.  If he doesn't get back with you soon then just go ahead and go to the ER.

I'll be praying,
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220917 tn?1309784481
Hey, T!

Oh, my gosh!  I haven't been on in a while!  I had lots to do this morning.  Doc's appointments for my boys.

Yes, I do, indeed have a clue for you -- If your legs aren't working, it's time to go to the ER.  No walkie, go dockie.  OK, girlfriend?  That's my big city forensic clue.  

When is your dockie going to call you?  He'd better hurry, or you'd better get your little patootie over to the hospital!  That's happened to me before, and it's no fun.  Like my sage husband says, "It s no fun when it's no fun."  Get back on the phone with your doc, see what he wants you to do, or get that sweet patootie to the ER.  Pronto!

Let us know how you are!  We'll worry from afar.  Stay away from orange jumpsuits.

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No I don't have a wheelchair nor walker,I do have a cane which helps.


have talked to the neuro's assistant and she was a witch I mean that in about the nicest form I can put it.She was very snotty on the phone when I called back.

She stated that since I have an appointment thursday afternoon,to wait it out.She said the neuro stated since I am a new patient ,I seen him 2 weeks ago, he'd have to wait and see me then.

Boy did I open a can of woop a** on her.I told her to tell that neuro that he has all my medical records and its time to open the d*** thing and read it.She's says what do you want the DR to do.

Oh, the wrong thing to say to a person that can't walk,feels electricuted and in severe pain.I told her for starters the pain needs to be controlled,I need to be able to walk,the electrical zapping I can tolerate.I told her fine I'd just go to the ER,she said even if I did the DR would tell the ER attending the same thing.I know this didn't come from the Neuro.He has a very good reputation for taking care of his patients.

She said after the neuro see's me on thursday that they'd start solu-medrol out patient at the hospital,I told her home health can do it in my home ,my safe haven and since I can't walk ,how in the sam heck do they expect me to drive there twice a day.I can't tolerate the 1000mgs at one time.

She did say she'd rediscuss this with my neuro and get back with me.I guess when donkeys fly,cause after I talked to her this morning she said she'd call right back and didn't I had to call them.

I've sat and cried since,and to add to it I have to go to court tomorrow to testify against the drunk that broke into my house.This is gonna be good.If I ain't there they can throw it out of court.

Its not been a good day

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Hi, T.

    I'm so proud of your kids! Good for them! But now I'm going to have to have a talk with that dog. LOL (My Yorkies are the same way, just refuse to take themselves out.)

     Oh, I would so love that Neuro's assistant to be told  to "wait it out". Well, what goes around comes around, someday she'll eat those words.

    When you finally do get to see your Neuro, please make sure to tell him how she treated you. I used to work for an ENT, and believe me, a doctor knows his practice is only as good as his office staff.

   In my opinion, her %*@ ought to fly!

    Any way they can postpone the hearing tomorrow? I don't feel that stupid drunk should get away with breaking into your home.

    Please don't cry, T, it's going to get better.

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220917 tn?1309784481
Is he back in his old clinic?  Can someone drive you to where he is?  You're in my same time zone, right, it's 5:00.  He's not going to be there.  Darn it!

If you go to the ER, you may not make it to court tomorrow?  Or can you?  If you can make it to court, I'd go to the ER, tell them you need some steroids.  I know this will put you off the plan for the LDN, but you need to take care of yourself now.

If you hear from the neuro, tell him his staff is HORRID!  If he wants to keep you as a patient, he needs better people working for him.  You are in big trouble this weekend, and he was unreachable.  What an idiot receptionist.  No compassion.  And to not return your call is irresponsible.  

I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that while you feel so miserable, T.  And on top of everything else you've had to deal with this month.  So sorry.  Your poor kids must be beside themselves with worry.  It's nice of your ex-husband to stick around for you guys.  Good dad.

Please take care of yourself tonight, so you can go to court tomorrow.  You need to show your kids that people can't get away with doing things like that.  I hope you're able to go!  That idiot can't get away with that!  Just to show your kids what's right, how the courts are there to help you.  I know it will be hard.  

Let me know if you hear from the doc.  IF he even gets your message.  Take care of yourself.  Feel better.

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made my mind up I'm gonna go to the ER.I've waited this out as long as I can.I feel they can call the D*** neuro and disturb him.now I'm having really bad pains down the sides of my neck and my left eye is really blurry.I have warped in to H***.Nothing has lessoned and its been since sunday afternoon.

If this isn't treated now its gonna just get worse.

I'll keep ya all posted.
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Ok, do you know if  the courthouse has a wheelchair you can use?  I think with all the federal laws today, they may have a wheelchair for people to have access to, similar to airports etc.  When I was on jury duty in DE, there were wheelchairs around.   If your ex helps you, are you mobile enough to get into the courtroom?.  I think that if the judge sees you and how sick you are right now and you made all this effort to get to court, then I think the judge will have no sympathy for the drunk.  However, if you really can't get in, then call the court to explain the problem.    The courts around here also have transportation for people who need help getting to a hearing or trial.  Maybe yours does too?  Remember you are the victim and have rights.  So hopefully you will have access to transportation and a wheelchair.
Now about that neuro.  My wife says that if you go to the ER after court, they will probably admit you and you could get help before Thursday.  What a horrible evil assistant.  Good Luck and remember your guardian angel will be with you tomorrow.....craig
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T, I am so glad you're going to the ER. Enough is enough already, Hon, you've got to get some help.
the Neuro can D@*% well be disturbed, as long as you get treated.

I am worried that the stress of tomorrows court appearance is making you worse.

I'll be thinking of you & praying for you.


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