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Are weird cravings sign of possible mineral deficiency?

I have a strange question about something that happens to me quite often.  Whenever I pass a construction site, am exposed to airborne concrete dust, or smell certain kinds of damp metal, I begin having the most overpowering cravings, chewing (sometimes hard) at the insides of my cheeks, or compulsively biting the sides of my tongue.

I spent 5 years (94-99) as a strict vegetarian / vegan, and have been eating mostly Lacto/Ovo with some poultry and seafood since 1998.  I have been anemic my whole life.

Could this strong, bizarre craving have something to do with my mineral deficiency, and can anyone suggest a possible regimen that may help it?  Thank you very much...
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13447134 tn?1431994716
See a doctor for a professional help.
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Wow. So many other people with the same issues. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant and I crave smells. I don't crave foods like most pregnant women. The smells of Lemon Cascade and wood stain are my worst cravings. I do woodworking as a hobby so I always have wood stainnon hand. I will go and open the can and smell it, even if not working on a project at the time. Anytime I'm in the grocers I will go to the dish detergent isle and open a box of the lemon cascade and take several deep breaths. I have been doing this longer than being pregnant, bit as my pregnancy has progressed the craving have gotten worse. I've also recent started using lemon scented Lysol wipes and have come to crave the smell of those as well. I will also eat ice multiple times a day. I know craving these smells can't be healthy but I honestly can not resist. The cravings get so bad sometimes. I am anemic, and have been on iron supplements for years but it has not stopped these cravings. Thankfully, aside from the ice, I have not felt the need to eat any of these. I also have OCD and wonder if that could have bearing on any of this.
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It started when I was 13 and my mom told me to clean the bathroom and I was using Comet cleanser to clean and the smell just took a hold on me so I decided to sniff the vapors and then I decided to eat some and it freaked me out because I just knew that I was going to die but it didn't kill me and I have been addicted ever since to Comet cleanser. I'm 37 now and it's gotten really bad.. I have to have at 15 cans of Comet cleanser and Ajax cleanser in my cabinet. I get a little high when I snort Comet or Ajax cleanser..it calms me down especially when I'm stressed out. And I have this need to dump the whole can out into the sink and refill it up because I love how it feels between my fingers and yes I do look under my friends or family members cabinets for Comet or Ajax cleanser so I can take it home with me. I used to pour some in my mouth and I would blow it out as if I were smoking a cigarette and fill the hallway with dust particles from the Comet or Ajax cleanser..such a rush. I've dumped a can all over my body while taking a shower and I rub it all over my face and lips..mmm..makes my mouth water. Im so addicted to Comet and Ajax cleanser
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I've had desire for the scent and texture of both of those products since and early age. But, also a desire clean.
As I got older I discovered Clorox Cleanup and desire that scent.
Nowadays, the desire comes and goes. I have found that it correlates, nowadays, when taking a certain medication.
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For about 2-3 years I have been very addicted to tires. I love the smell of them and I have continuously touched the part above the tire and licked the black dust off my hands. Please help me!!!!
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I've never had the desire to eat chalk, clay, or anything that people with pica crave.  I do however love the smell of fabric softener, the heat that comes from the dryer, the heater, computers, anything warm.  It almost if not makes my mouth water.  Should I be concerned?
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Im so relived knowing I'm not alone in this, as I've been chewing mothballs since age 15 and I'm 34. I'm now at the lowest low: they've discontinued the kind I like, so now I have them shipped to my home from online hardware stores. Sadly, I was really broken up when I thought i wouldn't be able to get my hands on the old fashioned kind again. In family dollar freaking out over this, and I realized then that I have to get my iron under better control because I know the cravings will stop...they have before and I was fine. But now, I'm chewing them 1 to 3 times a day...hiding from my children because I'm so afraid of anyone knowing about this ugly secret. As wierd and crazy as this seems, you guys made me feel a little normal for the 1st time in a long time. I wish everyone luck in overcoming this very wierd behavior we have.
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I have been hypothyroid my whole life, now I am in my 40"s and doing without my thryoid completely; I have also been anemic when I was a teen, but overcame that.  I grew up eating lots of wild game, I prefer meat and i crave veggies too, but when I got pregnant, I started craving Lemon scented Comet with Bleach, Dust from a gravel/ red clay road, over used motor oil, the wierd stuff.  My ob/gyn didnt think it was an issue so long as I didnt give in to the cravings... Well that didnt help me at all, in fact I still have the cravings more than ever.  Its pretty bad when u cant clean like you would like to because you know its too hard to resist eating the cleaning chemicals!. what kind of a specialist should we be seeing (a nutrionist> nutrional anaylsis?).
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so i looked the craving up that i am having and i am glad i found this site. i have been craving comet and sand like material for months. even washing power and soap. something about the smell. it smells really good and eatable. ive been hearing about the condition pica. i dont know how to stop craving it. i am pregnant now and the urge is even higher. what should i do?
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My daughter is 3 months old.  During my entire pregnancy I ate ice, craved dirt and chalk.  I still crave ice and eat it daily.  I stopped the craving for dirt and chalk, but picked up a strong craving for the smell of gasoline.  I find this very weird and wonder if I have an Iron Deficiency.  I spoke with my doctor during my pregnancy and he just told me to keep an eye on how much ice i was eating.  When I had my daughter and was in the hospital, they gave me iron tablets 2 times a day for the 5 days I was in there.
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I love smell of wet red clay when I water my pots. I also, eat white natural chalk, crunchy and soft easy to chew on, love the taste of it. I remember nibbling on board chalk at school but I think some bad chemicals mixed with drawing chalk.  Animals eat natural chalk too; must be some minerals deficiency.   I have not been eating chalk for very long time. About 3 years ago, I started to feel pain in my knees and what is interesting, after I started eating a little chalk every day, may be 2 and half months ago the pain was gone.  I have not even been exercising all this time, in contest that exercise usually helps the knee pain.  I don’t think it’s harmful a little natural chalk along with some fresh salad every day, to avoid constipation. I read all kind of stories one girl got her guts clogged from eating too much clay.  
Link to natural white chalk:
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I honestly am so glad I found this site. For the past couple of years I've been craving chalk! I love the way its smells and I get so tempted to eat it!If I get my hands on chalk I have to sniff it or crush it up and play in it. Same with cleaning products. Especially foaming bathroom cleaner
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I can't stop chewing pens and I don't know what to do about it!
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OMG!!! I just came back from Kohl's and loved smelling this Nine Co. handbag! I unzipped it, put my nose down and squeezed the bag to get a beautiful chemical smell!

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Hi All!
I realize that some of these posts are from a while ago, but thought I'd try to reach out.
I am casting for a documentary television program that explores strange cravings like the ones you guys are mentioning - cravings for chalk, wood, charcoal, paper, and all other non-food items.

We are hoping to find some people with cravings for non-food items that would be interested in sharing their stories and struggles with us. All participants will be provided with a professional medical and/or psychological consultations to help get to the root of, and conquer, your cravings.

If interested in participating in this documentary, please email me at ***@**** and I can provide you with more detailed information! Thanks!
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I really crave the taste of chewing ice also. I want to stay in the woods and inhale the ground so badly. I love the smell of wet concrete too and wet clay I just want to stay in the garage and smell the fumes also. I even love the taste of water cuz I can taste the minerals in it. I cant seem to get my fix from this I am always thinking about these things. I wish I could live in a cave cuz I love the smell this really *****!
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The sysodyne toothpaste has to be the mint flavor.
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I also love syndodyne tooth paste. I brush my teeth probably 8 times a day for the taste.  
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I have to smell pin sol every day. I crave it so bad. I get so happy when I smell it. It don't get high or anything. Don't want to.
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Sorry how do I watch this topic?
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For as long as I can remember I cannot stop chewing my pens. No matter how hard I try to keep them out of my mouth I cannot. I have broken teeth threw doing this over the years. I get a new pen and within a week it is a chewed up mess and in pieces. It is so embarrassing when someone comes over to my desk to borrow a pen and all I have is a bunch of chewed up plastic or even worse if they pick up a pen from he desk and it's all wet with my spit.

I don't know what to do. My iron levels are fine. I am a vegetarian but I supplement with B vitamins, zinc, and a host of other minerals. I need to stop this behavior but I don't know how.
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Wow, popular thread! I was just about to look up ice cravings regarding myself. I crave ice off and on real bad since I was younger. I know I was anemic when I was little, but I guess that had gone away... but maybe not. Pica, as mentioned in this thread is cravings for substances that have no nutritional value. Right before I started to look up ice cravings I stumbled upon this thread.. interesting. Anyways, it also says, "Pica can also be the result of a person who is suffering from a development disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder or other emotional problems."

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The urge to sniff "fumes" is because it is giving you some kind of high, like nicotine from smoking a cigarette. Bondo, pvc glue, Sanford markers in the metal cylinder, gasoline, alcohol, Tester's paint, mothballs, paint thinner, etc., destroy brain cells. If there is a connection with anemia, see a doctor. If you aren't anemic, you are addicted to the high. Either way, see a behavior modification therapist before you continue doing permanent damage to yourself, please.
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I also enjoy the smell of brand new toilet paper still in the package...I will puncture a medium-size hole and stick my nose directly in the hole and take deep breaths with great concentration.

I like buying the four-roll package cuz it's easy to hold and sniff. The hole will be right over the roll hole so my nose has room lol and I will squeeze the package for maximum smell and inhale deeply.

My mouth is watering thinking about it LOL.

Understand I DON'T eat it...just love that fresh new smell of toilet paper.
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I believe I am low in iron.  I chew ice all of the time but i also crave the scent of rubbing alcohol (especially wintergreen), moth balls, and sulfur.  I told my mid wife about it during the pregnancy with my 2nd child.  She said it was ok.  I know it isn't.  this has been going on for years and I fear my health is in danger as I smell the rubbing alcohol all the time.  I can't stop no matter how hard I try.  Please help!!!
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