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Feeling sick after eating

I recently have started feeling sick when I am eating and for a while after I am eating. I have no idea why does anyone have any ideas
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There are so many stomach related illnesses.  Lactose Intolerance is actually a common adult-onset issue that most people don't realize.  Food allergies are always the last thing that doctors look for, so I agree with some of the other posts, try changing certain things in your diet for a week and if you feel better you can self-diagnose easily.  One week cut out dairy, one week cut out gluten, one week cut out meat...  You will realize what the trigger is and learn how to adapt your life and live healthier.  Good luck!
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I've had the same problem for a long time too. I'm desperate to have this problem resolved.
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I think you're right in a sense but the thing is I got stressed at one point and it triggered this I'm fine now no stress nothing but I've still got it but I looked up some things and I found that its a good idea to have anti acid medicine before you eat for a while then it should re balance the acid your body creates before and after eating (for me I only got sick after my dinner
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have you considered that you may have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) this desease causes all of what you have said , maybe talk to your dr about IBS and see if they'll test you for it , good luck
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11428345 tn?1608744172
I was experiencing what a large number of you are experiencing. Stomach cramps, gas, bloating, acid reflux, nausea, hot flashes, and feeling terrible after eating what I considered normal meals. What I discovered may sound weird but in my case it seems to be true. Our bodies are changing. Simple as that. All the stuff you used to eat with no problem are just not suitable anymore. We are accelerating on a vibrational level and our DNA is slowly restructuring (12 strand DNA). When I read about this I was skeptical until I tested it. I read our bodies will need natural earth foods (vegies and fruits) as the bulk of our diet. We will begin rejecting heavy meats like beef and pork and sugars and fried food. Our diets will be primarily a liquid diet like soups and smoothies. I am a Texan and BBQ nut so this was not something I wanted to hear but the sickness became too much so I began making fruit and veggie smoothies. I would have one for breakfast sometimes lunch, and dinner. I didn't have any stomach problems and I was not hungry. I would put coconut oil and chia seeds in the smoothies and that would make me feel full. I even was able to stop wearing my jacket inside work because my body was producing heat and I wasn't cold. My energy was through the roof and my focus was great. I had this going for over a week. I would occasionally eat some light and clean meats like some grilled chicken breast and some fish and that was OK too, but when I ate some red meat it was the same pain and discomfort returning and I didn't feel right. The worst was when I ate fried chicken. My stomach acids were terrible, my head hurt, and the cramps were horrible. I couldn't get a natural smoothie in me soon enough. I don't know weather or not to feel good or bad about what I discovered. I love meat and heavy food but my body just isn't having it any more. I am back on the smoothies and light food because I really don't have a choice. I would suggest you all give it a try. get some nuts and hemp or coconut oil to add to your smoothies. get creative and have a little fun with it. I love those burgers and pastries like everyone else but the way you will feel will be well worth the sacrifice.
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Have you ever found out what was wrong..having a lot of the same symptoms..no one seems to be able to help
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This sounds like the best advice I have read yet! Eat better food, drink more water, and exercise. IOW, keep the body functioning with less chemicals.
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this sounds like  (and i'm just a patient so take with a grain of salt PLEASE.) pancreatitis. I have it (amongst other things. i'm really....ill) but this could be the culprit and USUALLY it's caught early (which would be your case most likely) and you won't end up like me with chronic pancreatitis but it could be that, stomach, liver...all of those can push on the stomache as well as make you feel bloated and ill but really any organ can do that to some degree. again it sounds like pancreas issues though so blood work from your doc could help a lot. they will need to check amylase and lipase levels (unless you're like me and you don't have a functional pancrease and are on enzymes which will make those readings consistently flat). good luck and don't fret too much but I would look in those directions (those organs listed) and that can be done with  one routine blood draw (several vials yes but one sitting)
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i was wondering if you have been able to identify the source of you sickness? i have had a lot of the same, in the past 8-9 months and none of the doctors physicians or surgeons, have no idea what is the issue.  
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I felt that way  for a long time. After my daughter was born (2 years ago), my body went through some massive changes. I had a horrible pregnancy and vomited every day right up till the end. I was glad when it was over, thinking that I would finally get back to normal (I was never sick or nauseous before I got pregnant). So, after giving birth, I couldn't handle anything in my stomach. Every time I ate, I would get really bad stomach pains and they would only calm down if I vomited. Docs said it was stress related, bla bla, but it did eventually calm down....Until the dizzy spells started to appear. I got many dizzy spells, felt nauseous, really tired and weak and bad headaches after I ate. Did blood tests, scans, xrays..you name it...and everyone said I was fine, that it had to be stress. I started doing some research and saw many people with these symptoms. I tried a gluten free diet for a while (which I thought would be impossible because I am a bread, pasta, cereal lover...and everything had gluten!!!). I started substituting pasta with salads, potatoes and rice, and biscuits and snacks with fruit and yoghurt. Believe me......it is really hard at the beginning but, it is doable. Anyways, I started my gluten free diet about 5 months ago, feel soooooo much better and LOST ABOUT 20 POUNDS! I occasionally have a small portion of bread or make some pancakes, but I notice that if I eat gluten 2 or 3 days in a row, I start feeling sick and nauseous and dizzy again. So, I simply try to avoid it. I did the allergy tests and they were not conclusive. I do not have celiac disease  though! I suggest you try going gluten free for about 2 weeks and see how you feel. Gluten intolerance may be very difficult to identify because symptoms often only occur hours or even days after eating it.

Hope this can help!
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Any and all food.  3 or 4 bites and I'm full, weak.  If I continue to eat I get nauseated.  After the weakness stops I'm hungry again.
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It sounds like you are having severe allergies, or a reaction to the food you are eating. Fruit is not what we are supposed to eat as humans, we are meat and mostly fish eaters. Try talipia fish very plain, and see how that goes. You may be one of those that cannot eat anything due to severe allergies. I would get to a doctor too swollen glands are not good, and can indicate cancer. I am praying for you.
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I am 11 year old girl aswell but I got swollen glands a few weeks ago and now I shake, have sore stomachs and I have been feeling sick everything I eat, I have tryed veggies, fruit..... Everything, and I am a little bit worried
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I am 11 year old girl aswell but I got swollen glands a few weeks ago and now I shake, have sore stomachs and I have been feeling sick everything I eat, I have tryed veggies, fruit..... Everything, and I am a little bit worried
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Hi Heavyn if you are still suffering I suggest you have Endoscopy(camera down yr throat, so can film inside stomach) I feel for you cos I went through similar experience feeling sick all the time after eating, and bringing food up for 1 and a half years. I was a virus and it woud go. In the end I got so desperate and couldn't cope I took an overdose, a cry for help!! It woke medical staff up and decided to look into it, and found out it was COELIAC DISEASE. It is when your bodys allergic to wheat, barley and oats. Its sad that I had to go to this extent to get any help though.
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Hello Uatemychalupa,  sorry to hear about what you're going through. I have identical symptoms with yours and I've had it for about a year.  I wonder if you have recovered and if so, what did you do?  If not, what are you doing to cope?  Will so appreciate your sharing
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Did you find a cure for your discomfort and gas after eating?  I have the same symptoms. Would appreciate your sharing.  
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sounds like a yeast over growth in your digestive track.  The bloating or gas is the CO2 produced by the yeast, same gas that makes cakes rise.  Yeast need sugar to grow.  Try giving up sugar, yeast, vinegar, fermented products for 1 week to kill off the yeast.
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sounds like a yeast over growth in your digestive track.  The bloating or gas is the CO2 produced by the yeast, same gas that makes cakes rise.  Yeast need sugar to grow.  Try giving up sugar, yeast, vinegar, fermented products for 1 week to kill off the yeast.
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Just saw another documentary about the foods we eat where they compared a football field to human evolution. In human evolution we have been known to eat meat from all types of animals, but the interesting part was the amount  of time humans have been known to eat other foods like grains, dairy, fruits and vegetables. It was about a centimeter, compared to an entire football field. Are we really omnivores after all? It is called the Perfect Human Diet. Maybe you should check it out. I Hope you figure it out, because, not knowing how to eat is the worst. It is my current struggle right now too.  
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Wow,for me I find I get sick after eating foods that I have eaten all my life.  It started with mushrooms and has just continued to grow.  What is really annoying is there is not one common food group, so far I can now no longer eat, mushrooms, cashews, peanuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, fresh apricots, nectarines, peaches, avocados, rocket lettuce, olives, cooked capsicum, capers, eggplant, feta cheese, quinoa, some bread, rolled oats, bananas,any seafood except fish and the list goes on.
However I have eaten all these things all my life and then suddenly one day I will have them, and get sick and   cannot eat them again.  I know this through eliminating them through trial after I have an attack.
My symptoms within half an hour of eating, pain and discomfort through my stomach, back, down my legs, up into my chest, getting very very very cold, nauseous, sometimes with vomiting for hous and other times just feeling sick.  The only way I can get relief is to lay on my bed and curl my legs up with pillows under the for support, trying to hold them curled up just causes more pain.  If I can manage to doze off to sleep the I can generally wake up a couple of hours later feeling better,very drained and tender but no longer  in the same pain.  If I am vomiting then it is a different situation.  I do not get diarrhoea or constipated/wind with it, but my stomach does get very bloated.
I am once again off to the gastroenterologist this afternoon looking for answers, my issue is becoming worse and more frequent and I am tired of feeling like a hypochondriac and sick all the time.  My job is stressful when I am on shift but my life is not, my home life and relationship is wonderful so it is not stress related.
Anybody else with similar circumstances or answers?
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Check your PH....and perhaps do some research on and alkaline diet.  YOU'LL BE AMAZED.  I have been admitted to the hospital on two occasion with out answers I then did some research, changed my diet, added aloe vera juice and done done done
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I found a girl online who had some rough stuff going on, she also found that it was allergies, she can only eat talipia fish, that is it. Or else she cannot use the bathroom she gets to the point where she will start throwing up. Look in to your background where does your family come from? What would they be eating if you were still there? Maybe you should start back at home wherever that may be... We are mostly migrants, so see what foods your past relatives would have eaten you may need to change everything about what you eat. We are what we eat is a very old saying, it's not Taco Bell! Stay away from the processed food, if you cannot pronounce it don't eat it! We do not realize that all of the food we purchase is covered in toxins, and processed so much it barley has nutrients left in it. It sounds like your body has had enough. Try organic raw food for awhile see how you feel. I eat meat, but I came from cattle ranchers you may not have that in your background. It can't hurt to find out. On Netflix they have quite a few movies that will make you re-think eating a lot of the stuff that most Americans eat everyday. Fat, sick, and nearly dead, etc.... Check them out!
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Allergies, allergies, allergies.... I did a diet called the candida diet, and it was basically a cleanse not really a diet at all but when I stopped it after 21 days I found that for the first time in my life I understood what I was like to have food allergies. We as humans are not supposed to nor have we ever in history, had access to processed food that contains SOOO many ingredients in one thing. I found I cannot eat white bread. I used to eat at the same sand which place 3 to 4 times a week. Now I can't eat there at all. I get sore throut and it gets itchy and swollen. My stomach hurts after eating a lot of the foods I used to eat before. I find that meats, vegetables, fruits, plus dairy are just about it, now. Some bread, but not a lot work for me. It sounds like everyone is eating a whole lot of things their body is rejecting. Best to you all, hope you figure out what works best for you.
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