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Teen Doesn't Eat-Never Hungry

I have a 15 year boy that has always been a picky eater.  Last year, I took him to the doctor for a physical and explained my concerns. She said as long as his weight is normal (it was in the low percentile for average) don't push food on him anymore.  To be honest, it was a relief not to argue over meals anymore.  I told him to eat when he wants, what he wants and take a daily multivitamin.  He's tall and very thin, to the point he is aware of it and tries to hide it under bulky clothing.  He has expressed he would love to gain weight, that I should buy protein drinks or anything high in calories.  My question is:  Is there a condition where someone is rarely hungry and has an aversion to most foods?  He says sometimes he gets hungry, then it passes and he's not hungry anymore.  He wants to change, but nothing looks good to eat.  I would like to add he does eat cereal and pizza with no problems and never gets tired of this diet.  He has been this way since about 2years old.  I can't seem to find anything on the internet except about anorexia, which doesn't seem right because he wants to gain weight.
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Hi I m 15+.My height is 6..Weght is like 55kg or something.I m not eating like earlier Days.I dont bother eating now also.I dont feel hungry at all.can someone help me from this sick and i have a cold also.because of my parents are telling to eat i m eating a little.can anyone tell me to get away from this sick. . .
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757137 tn?1347196453
To be a good mother you put wholesome food on the table. That is called dinner. We decide what is proper to eat - not children. And they can eat it or starve. Children never choose to starve. If you son eats badly it is because you have allowed him to. After all, who is it who buys the pizza?
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My son who is 11 and is ASD will choose to starve than eat foods he doesn't like however healthy and wholesome they are and he has been this way since he was born prematurely and being tube fed - not all children are the same. Being a "good" mother is not about what you feed your children but about understanding and supporting their needs - just count yourself lucky that you have children that conform to the norm
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My son is 15.  He has always been a picky eater.  To this day, he has never eaten a hot dog, hamburger, steak, chicken, fruit vegetable, etc.  He lives on cereal, pizza, (usually without the cheese), waffles (only homemade), goldfish, and pretzels.  Somehow, he is nearly 6' tall and weighs 175 lbs.  I sure don't know how.  The typical answer is that he'll grow out of it.  Well, we're still waiting.  Has anyone ever gotten an actual medical diagnosis?  There has to be a cause, and we can never get any kind of answer.
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My 13 year old son has the SAME PROBLEM!! We have done multiple blood tests, fecal tests, upper G.I endoscopy/biopsy... etc etc. The endoscopy/biopsy showed plaque on his esophogus (not sure cause- probably antibiotic use) but also showed lactose intolerance.He was given prevacid and told to use lactaid if/when eating milk products. The morning nausea has somewhat subsided but he STILL DOESN"T care to eat  but maybe once a day. He has a very slim frame his cheeks are sunken in and many times has dark circles under his eyes. I find it so interesting that many of you have also noted that they stay up late at night-my son also has trouble falling asleep. He has since he was a baby! I am at my wits end, he does not have anorexia-in the most common sense but wants to eat, wants to have an appetite.He just doesn't or if he does eat he gets nauseous. He went out to eat with his brother and dad and said he wanted to eat but the food looked disgusting.  I once made him eat a few almonds just to get something in his body and he threw them up! I am concerned about his physical and mental health. Any suggestions?
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ive noticed tht wen im around my gf and talking to her and stuff im like never hungry... shes always bugged how i never eat in front of her but its bc im never hungry when im with her or talking to her... is there a reason for this?
ive also noticed im never hungry wen i wake up i always hav to be up and running for about an hr b4 im hungry... is there a reason for either one of these?
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This is very interesting and comforting to read. My son is 18, 6' 5" tall and weighs 135lbs. He doesn't want to eat. He forces himself to eat and finds it hard to swallow food. The first meal of the day is the hardest for him to get down. He stays up until the early morning hours and is able to eat more then. He thinks it is phycological. He has OCD, but has controlled some of the repetitive behaviors throughout his life with his mind.
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