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Child not eating

my child is 2 yrs. old, She has gotten to where she will not eat anything she wants to eat junk but I will not let her. can there be something wrong? She has never eaten very well and she is very small. Everyone (including my husband) doesn't see it as an issue, but i do! Even if you offer her foods she use to eat for suppe she will make herself gag until the point she vomits. Please help!!!!
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My 2 year old niece is not a good eater. She was here visiting and I gave her Greek Goddess honey yogurt. She ate the entire thing. Try to give your daughter something like that, something high in fat that if she goes for periods without eating she will have some fat and something nutritional to hold her over.  Her issue with eating may have to do with you. I don't mean to say it is your fault by any means. It could just be a control issue with you.  You are the one worried and therefore trying to get her to eat. It brings her a lot of attention from you so it's working for her.  I definitely would not keep junk foods around and I would NEVER give her any artificial sweeteners. It causes so many health problems and cancer.  Sugar is not the issue, it's most likely not even food that is the issue. There is something else going on for her.  Again perhaps it's attention and having to do with you. Doctors have said for 50 years kids will eat when they are hungry.  Try snacks that high in fat and nutrients.  We are so afraid of fat, and kids her age need the right amount of fat, protein and carbs.  Junk in really limited quantities is fine.  Perhaps involving her in making the food might help.  
I really would not worry she will eat. Sounds like she has a really loving mother, how lucky for her.  Take care!
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I won't be much help, but my child is also 2. She does not want to eat. The only thing she will eat is junk food. She like's certain food's though. Maybe you should try to find out what food's he/she like's. Someone told me that my child probabley won't eat because she is filling up on junk food, candy, and juice. Try replacing the candy with chewy vitamin's, let the child pick one from your hand (it make's them feel in control of the situation). You can also try the koolaid in the round container's instead of individual packet's. It already has sugar in it. It's not much, you can tell it taste's horrible, But add a little more not much. Maybe even an artifitial sweetener might help, Just try some of these thing's and let me know how it goes,
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Maybe try not pushing the issue.  Don't let her have junk food, but don't try to get her to eat, wait until she gets hungry enough to ask for food and then offer her something healthy. If she won't accept it, tell her she can't have junk food and wait until she's willing to eat healthy food.  You probably shouldn't do it for more than a day though, as I'm not sure how long it would be safe.  There might be something wrong, but two year olds frequently eat very little, so I wouldn't worry unless waiting doesn't work.  
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