549849 tn?1214866859

Side effects from Chemotherapy for my OC

Greetings. I have just completed my first round of chemotherapy on June 19th. Taxol and Carboplatin were the drugs of choice. I have been told that my hair will fall out on Day 14. It is now Day 12. Nothing has happened. Is it inevitable that I will have hair loss and how, really, will it present itself? It has been described to me as a sudden tingling in the scalp and then it will 'happen.' It seems a little surreal to me. Also, can I drive if I am on these anticancer drugs? Or am I considered 'impaired' in some way, state or form? Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
32 Responses
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Hi, usually hair can start to fall out from the 14th day on.. mine was on day 23.. first it looked like a little hair and then more andmore..Yes you will lose your hair, but the good news it will grow back better...I hope you have cut your hair short... sometimes it is alittle uncomfotable.. for example I never wore a wig and I wore ball caps.. I have probably 30 or more from fancy, to baseball to silly... Its part of the  treatment...

It took me several days after chemo to drive.. but then I was fine..when were you diagnosed and at what stage... how are you feeling... ask any questions you need we are here to help.  I have been there done that and still wear the teal t shirt... my last chemo was Aug.. of last year.. and I just cut 3 inches off my hair...
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408448 tn?1286883821
My hair hung on a couple weeks longer than expected.  I thought I was going to avoid the bald look!!  I didn't.  It fell out in hand fulls on the desk at Social Security.  It is fun when it starts to come back, though.  Don't feel bad. You sure are not alone.  Love, Marie
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498596 tn?1210700259
My mother lost her hair the day before my sister wedding....she felt despair! So we went to buy a wig (actually a very expensive one, but for my mother I would do everything...), the hairdresser cut it according to her face and at the wedding NOBODY realized it was a wig. anyway they grew again in one month or so, even stronger than before!
Don't feel sad for that! you will have another appearance, but just for a while!

A hug, 10.000 km far from you!
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349465 tn?1289081764
The first time I noticed that my hair was falling out was on Day 13 after my first chemo treatment.  My scalp actually ached to the point at times it was painful, especially at night when I had to lay it on a pillow.  After six treatments, I still had a little hair. all of it never fell out.  There was not enough left that I could go without a hat, but it was there.  I am four months out from my last treatment and it is growing like crazy.  I have more gray hair than I had before.  Yours might come back a different color or texture.  

Bless you during your treatments. We are here for you to ask questions.  Most of us have had the same chemo treatments and have experienced many of the side effects.  Ask as soon as you have a question.
I will be praying for you.
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I began to lose my hair on day 14. My scalp began to hurt on day 13. It burned and was tender to the touch. I had my head shaved because the falling out was driving me nuts. I haven't lost any more hair (that I can tell). (I've had two more cycles since then.) I still have most of my eyebrows and some eyelashes. I just lost eyelashes last week. I have no hair on my arms, and sparse hair elsewhere. A friend said she lost all her hair, all over after her first chemo. Everyone seems to be different.
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549849 tn?1214866859
You girls rock! I feel a lot better already, finally speaking to somebody who is going through what I am. People try so hard to say the right things, don't they, but there is nothing like someone who has walked a mile in someone's shoes! I actually am one of the lucky ones. I am at the tail end of stage 1 apparently. I had the surgery (two huge malignant tumors on my ovaries)  - removal of fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus on May 28th. Initially they thought they got all the cancer but the pathology report showed otherwise and now I have to have 6 cycles of the Taxo/Carboplatin chemo. My sessions are 6 hours. How about each of you? I'd love to hear your stories.  Blessings to you all...and thanks for making me feel welcome. I didn't quite know what to expect when I stumbled on this site. Glynis
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Welcome (sigh) to the best group of women you could ever depend on!  My scalp started "tightening" up the 7th day after my first chemo.  I could actually feel the pores closing off!  I cut it short around the 10th day, and then it started coming out in clumps on the 12th day...geez, this is beginning to sound like a chapter from the Book of Genesis!  I was pulling it out and placing it in a waste basket...I was mesmerized by how it was coming out and didn't hurt!  So, being a 'take charge' kinda person I am, I had my head shaved.  I then took my electric razor to remove the stubble.  Yes, I cried when I first saw it shaved, but then I started thinking about all the money I was saving on hair products and hairdressers!  AND the most important part...no more bikini waxes!  No more shaving!  Luxury!

I never did the wig thing...too uncomfortable and too much maintenance for me.  I have about 20-30 scarves and hats!  I have really had fun with it!  There's nothing like the first shower with a bald head!  I bought some dangly earrings...stay away from the medium hoops though, I looked like Mr. Clean.  I took the makup class offered at the cancer center and started wearing more...then when I would have my hot flashes (oh joy) I would go without any head covering!  I consider it my badge of courage!

It's been 3 months since my last chemo, and my hair is about 3/4 inch long...gray and black, but mostly a really pretty gray.  I'm not going to color it any more...I am now asked if I want a senior citizen discount at most restaurants!  See, there's good in all things.  And, I go without a head covering now because it's so darn hot!  I'm all about MY comfort and not anyone else's...too cocky of me?

Dinny, you will want to go buy some Miralax...WONDERFUL stuff for preventing constipation...you cannot taste it at all and it is not harsh at all.  Prevention, prevention, prevention!!! The chemo will draw out most of the moisture in your body.  You will probably experience some very dry skin...sea salt and shea butter creams worked best for me.  My face became 'leathery', but that's because the hair on my face was gone also.  

Remember that we're here for you...to laugh, to cry, to help you through your pain, to be with you through positive and negative.  You can come here to vent, rant, rage...and never have to apologize.  Whenever you feel you have no strength, borrow some of ours.

Holding your hand now...Rhonda

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Welcome to the club no one wants to join..Take a look at my photos you will see me with natural straight red hair... and then me now with curly curly curly grey hair I just dyed... I kept my eyebrows and eyelashes and then 3 months out of chemo they fell out.. I just laughed I really thought it was funny..
Do whatever you feel you are up to..eat and 7 days after chemo you can drink a glass of win and celebrate life...
Each of my  sessions were also around 6 hours.. I have had 2 surgeries I am stage IV had a bowel resection but holding my own for today...
To leave a note for someone you click on their name and leave a note all can see.. if you want to leave a personal message click on message once you have brought up the person...
I hope you continue to feel well.. Ronni aka vegas2cr
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549849 tn?1214866859
Thanks, ladies. So, it seems, we are all different and I will just have to wait and see! Gosh, there is encouragement in numbers. Blessings Glynis
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282804 tn?1236833591
You have stumbled onto a great site.  As Teresa (?) said, I think all of us with cancer have had the carbo/taxol as it is pretty standard for first treatments.  

I cried more over my hair than having cancer. I don't think I even cried about that.  My scalp started to hurt and it came out in small strands here and there.  It was a little more each day.  At one point I had a small bald spot but the rest was still really long.  The next day when I bent over in the shower to run the condition through my hair, HUGE gobs of hair came out in my hands.  I crumbled to the floor in tears with that shower running over me and I don't know now how long I sat and cried like that in the shower.  Cory found me that way hours later.  HOWEVER, I found there were advantages and I learned a few things.  You can get dressed and out of the house really quick when you don't have to do your hair or shave anything.  It was my hair that made me look stupid in hats but without hair I look smashing. (I'll put my pic back up just for you). The cost of hair products, salon visits and razor blades could go to something else. You don't get to many chances to start your head over baby butt bald; without dyes or chemicals or the stuff the toxins in the air do to it.  My hair came back quickly after the carbo/taxol,  and it was bozo curly and no grey hair at all, but is sort of in a holding pattern now with these last chemos I have had to do.  That's okay, cause with longer hair I would have to give up my hats and I LOVE them. Please do look at my photos.  I have a "Hat Garden".

You are in surreal mode now, but you will come out of the twilight zonishness of it soon, although that can come & go too.  Let us know how things are going and remember you are NEVER alone with this.  We are ALL here for you.
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549849 tn?1214866859
You are so funny. I love (and need) to laugh. Thanks for putting a big ol' smile on my face.  My hubby just about fell off the chair with your Mr. Clean comment. :)  I think I am going to like this group - the one no one wants to join! Smiles, Glynis
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I lost my hair in little clumps that were barely noticable, then one day I had various bald spots in different areas of my head, then it was gone and I resorted to various wigs. Long straight hair one day and short curly hair the next. I felt an uncomfortable tingling sensation. Looking back I should have shaved my head before this happened, I thought that I would be lucky and I would keep my hair. I too, think I was more traumatized by my hair loss than by the cancer diagnoses itself.
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550219 tn?1214881512
Hi Dinny56
I to have just had my 1st round of Carbo/Taxol, after being diagnosed with endometrial cancer, (apparently I have a hybrid type, normally found in the ovaries), this is day 14 for me and I have had a sore/tingly head for a few days now, but I thought it was due to my pillow (Ive only been sleeping on this pillow for years, wonder how I thought that?)..
Well, this morning I noticed that my hair has just started to come out, if I wake up tomorrow with hair on my pillow, I am getting my husband to shave it all off.. not sure if Im going to go 'Au naturelle' or don a headscarfe.. could one of you lovely women please answer this for me, does the chemo treatment get worse the 2nd/3rd etc time around, as this 1st cycle was quite easy to cope with, I kept saying to my husband, 'I wonder if the hospital have given me the correct dose' as I havent had much in the way of side effects....I am really afraid that the chemo is cumulative...
Thanks in anticipation....
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549849 tn?1214866859
Hi Pommie_jan & All. I am wondering exactly the same thing. I, too, wasn't too bad after the 1st chemotherapy treatment other than fatigue for the first few days. I have had a few minor issues with constipation and a little tingling in my fingers but now, on my fourteenth day, I seem to be okay. I cannot say I even feel any tingling in the scalp. But, yes, I too wondered if the symptoms get worse as the treatments continue. How many treatments do you need, Pommie_Jan? Isn't this a great way to 'vent?' Regards and Blessings to everyone and for your collective journies. Glynis
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I finished chemo about 3 months ago.  I also cried more when the hair fell out - around day 14 - than when I was told I had Stage IIC endometroid ovarian cancer.  I never had head tingling.  I showered and when I went to brush it out - it started coming out in clumps.  I had it buzzed that day.  It is now a little over an inch long and some people now think it is my hair do of choice.  I admit that it is easy to deal with especially in the summer but I still want more length!

I also had IV/IP chemo with Taxol and Cisplatin.  I thought the first round was too easy too.  It did get harder after the second round.  The fourth and sixth round seemed the worst.  But - I can't believe how good I feel now - except for some minor neuropathy.  

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The second round seemed pretty good for me, the third round not so good. I'm much more tired. And listen to whoever suggested Miralax. I was so constipated after the second round I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. I started taking senocot (recommended by by cancer center) after the third round and was still constipated. Wound up taking miralax and senocot. My pcp recommended that I start taking miralax the night before my chemo and take a dose in the morning and in the evening. (I keep getting from the cancer center: most people get diarrhea)

But I have my final round (God willing) on Thursday.
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535247 tn?1215956219
I just had my 2nd round on Friday, and I felt much better this time than the 1st.  I've heard from the women who get treated the same day I do, that it gets worse as you go......ugh!
I still have some hair!  It was coming out around day 14 so I buzzed it & LOVED the new do!!  Everyone said I looked like Demi Moore in GI JANE!!!  But now thats its thinned out so much I must wear the wig/hat/scarf......oh well, I have heard that it comes in thicker/culier....I'm excited to see what I get!!!

Take care.......reading all these posts keeps me sane!  
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550219 tn?1214881512
Hi All
Thank you all for relaying your experiences, I am quite scared now about having my subsequent rounds of chemo, I thought Id got away with it tooooo lightly...
My surgeon said that I needed 6 cycles of chemo, but when I went to the hospital to have the chemo, they said I only needed 4... I let them know that I was worried about this, so not sure if Im having 4 or 6... my 2nd round is due next tuesday (providing my blood count is ok on friday)..
I too suffered with constipation and found that I had to take Coloyxl with senna tablets to relieve it, I know they say that chemo affects everyone differently, but reading all your comments, there is alot of similar experiences going on... my head is still quite sore to touch this morning, Im scared to have a shower incase my hair falls out in 'big gobs' (to quote Jan).. although I know it is starting to come out.
Manneca, good luck with your last round of chemo, I wished it were me..
One of the worst side effects I have had is, around the 3-6day mark, my feet and ankles really ached to the point of being painful, I couldnt sleep properly for 3nights, then decided to take some pain killers and had a decent nights sleep.
Glynis how many chemo cycles do you have to have? and yes, its really helping me being able to communicate with you all, and really feel like people on the other side of the world really care, and offer so much support, thank you..
Jan x
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549849 tn?1214866859
Well day 14 is here for me and so far I still have my hair. I can't believe it just suddenly happens. That seems so odd but I guess I will brace myself for the 'big tingle.' Yes, Jan, the constipation has been the worst for me but now I seem to be okay as long as I take the Colace and Senokot tabs daily. I, too, had that parasthesia in my legs and feet, but it really didn't seem to last. I have to have 6 cycles so my next one is July 10th - next Thursday. Yes, it's interesting to see all the similiarities of symptoms - fairly predictable I suppose in many cases. I like the GI Jane comparison, Kathy. I'm in a holding pattern right now until I know then I will see if I can assume that strong persona! Has anybody NOT lost their hair during chemo does anyone know? I am hoping. :):)  I keep checking my hair and it seems still 'well anchored.' Does it just 'let loose' .  Gosh...I must sound like a neurotic, vain thing. I guess once this happens, I can move on and then deal with it. Have a wonderful day, ladies and thanks for sharing and listening. Do you all have lots of support at home or is it hard for those around you to understand? I guess everyone  eventually gets used to it and the cancer diagnosis is not as shocking, huh? So many things to think about. Blessings to you all. Glynis
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I never had tingling -- I just woke up with hair all over my pillow --- the first time i went through it my hair grew back better -- the second time (first recurrence) it grew back patchy and now second recurrence the Doxil had it thin but still there -- unfortunately i kept the hair and the cancer -- any way --- funny story was the second time I thought I could wear my wig from the first time but my color changed so much I realized it wouldn't work at all -- so I glued my hair to my head with hairspray and went to work that way until my new wig came in -- you gotta laugh -- I literally glued it with hair spray -- didn't wash it and slept sitting up until the wig came in -- not necessary if you aren't going to work but what a hoot --- as long as I didn't touch it it stayed on my head -- -the wig came in, I took a shower and boom I was as bald as an egg (and my drain was really hairy) --- the part no one tells you about that is really icky is the loss of pubic hair and eyelashes and eyebrows -- get a good eyebrow pencil that is your color before the eyebrows go -- again, the silver lining is that you won't have to shave your legs for a while --not trying to be a wise guy, just trying to cheer you up ---
I had no idea how traumatic it was loosing my hair the first time until it happened -- don't worry, it will grow back
Good luck with your treatments -- and by the way, you can drive as long as you don't feel in control of your reflexes -- you don't want to hurt you or anyone else -- if your hemoglobin really gets low, don't drive because you get sluggish and it isn't safe
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550219 tn?1214881512
Hi Jeanne
My husband and I had a really good laugh about you glueing your hair on, how funny, I wouldnt have had the creative thinking or the guts to do that....

I am just debating whether to have a shower and let my hair just fall out, or just to bite the bullet and get my husband to shave my head, as I only have to give it a slight pull and it comes out in bunches... oh the dilemma !!!... I guess Im trying to hold onto it for as long as I can....

Take care everyone, have a great day...
Jan x
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535247 tn?1215956219
Bite the bullet and shave it!!!  I think theres something to say about taking matters in your own hands.  Dont let the cancer take it.....you take it!!!!

Good Luck!
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146692 tn?1314331773
I agree with Kathy, I did not want to shave my head, like others I thought I would never lose my thick head of hair..I waited and my scalp literaly hurt, but when it started to fall out, it fell out fast. I did not wear a wig, just bandana's, and then only if people were around, as I felt much better without it. To this day I still rub my head, just because I can.
I wish you good luck
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550219 tn?1214881512
Hi Kathy, butterflytc
Thanks for the advice, but I did bite the bullet and had my husband shave my head, I must admit though, I did have a few tears when I saw myself in the mirror, but am fine now..
Ive decided not to wear a wig, but bought a hat/cap, its still pretty obvious that I dont have any hair, but I thought so what !!, I went to the shopping plaza yesterday, and didnt feel as half uncomfortable as I thought I would.. hooray ! another hurdle over and done with..

Thanks again guys...
Jan x
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