789783 tn?1237052287

I'm so depressed and tired all the time

I'm 38 I'm having pain all the time in my lower back down my leg and in my abdomin its hard for me to poop lately....my dr says its the cyst thats on my right side that he found in an ultra sound and I'm borderline menopause, but all the pain is on my left side.  I can't even jog anymore cause if I do I can barely get out of bed the next day. he has me on the pill right now to see if the cyst goes away if not laprscopy....I'm so scared and confused.....I just want to feel better again I feel like a 90 yr old woman ...what should I do?
24 Responses
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How big is the cyst?  That's how I felt when I had a cyst, but mine was big enough that I was rushed to have it surgically removed.  It sounds like yours is putting pressure on nerves (back/leg pain) as well as on intestines (poop problem).  Increasing fiber will help with that.  I took FiberChoice, which is a candy-like chewable tablet (one in the morning and one at bedtime).  Pain killers (lightly used!) will help with the nerve pain.  One Advil a day (regular strength) got me through that problem.  I hope the cyst goes away for you!

Note:  My doctors initially said my cyst was on my right ovary but when I went in for surgery....SURPRISE....it was on my left ovary.  They might have the location incorrect.  I don't know how my doctors got it so wrong.
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789783 tn?1237052287
HEY!!!! Its 3.8....and I take advil like its candy...lol...it helps I'll try the FiberChoice Thanks for responding.....I'm so glad I found this sight and that I can actually get some answers and feel a little less stressed now to know other women are going through the same thing dr's always rush you off the phone or out of the offfice
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3.8 cm is "small enough" that I can see why the doctor wants to wait.  It's usually 5 cm and larger when they take a different attitude.  Mine was softball / grapefruit sized and still growing by the time they were rushing me to get into a hospital.  It's awful that something much smaller is giving you the pains/symptoms similar to my larger problem.  Although I was a dummy and took a long time to see a doctor.  I might have had a small one for a long time that started getting big by the time I saw a doctor.  After surgery, the doctor told my husband "I don't know how she went to the bathroom" (meaning the poop problem).  Apparently, what the cyst was doing to my intestines shocked even the doctor.   FiberChoice, that's how.

Try not to stress over it, because that just makes it worse!  You'll find a lot of company over here.  This is a common problem.  Being a girl.....guys just don't know how rough it really can be.
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789783 tn?1237052287
Wow  do you feel better after your surgery? My dr put me on birth control a week ago to see if that helps with the cyst   hate taking the pill but I'm just going to take it one day at a time and get on here :).... I'm really going to try to not to stress and not take it out on my boyfriend...LOL!!!! Thanks
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Yes, I feel MUCH better after surgery (other than the remaining soreness from the operation).  Now I cannot take FiberChoice or I'll be running to the bathroom too much.  In other words, I don't need bathroom assistance anymore.  No more backaches and leg pains, either, unless I sit in a bad position for too long (that would be my fault, not because of a cyst).  I did the pill thing to fix a cyst problem when I was 17.  You can get some long lasting benefits from the pill in terms of having your cycle nice and regular, less cramps, shorter/lighter periods, and it also is good for the ovaries by giving them a little rest.  So don't feel too badly about taking it "for medicinal purposes".  It's just temporary and if it saves you from needing surgery to remove that cyst, what's not to like?
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356929 tn?1246389756
     Oddly enough, it's rather common to feel pain from ovarian cysts on the opposite side. My pain, even though the cyst was small, was on the "correct" side, but I've heard more than one member say  that the pain was felt on the "other side'.. So, it's not that unusual.. Strange but true...

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789783 tn?1237052287
LOL!!!! Well Thats great that you feel better....I'm going to stick to the pill and see what happens and and maybe take a yoga class or something...have a nice day :)
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789783 tn?1237052287
Well thats good to know cause I started thinking something else wrong with me ....Thanks
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Has anyone with ovarian cysts had a problem with severe nausea and vomitting?  My daughter has been experiencing it for almost 2 months now along with severe fatigue and has been tested for pregnancy, which is negative.  Ultrasound revealed the ovarian cyst and I am wondering if that isn't causing the sickness.  

Any help would be appreciated.
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Yes I’m having muscle weakness and on and of nausea and pain two days now and just had a baby 10 weeks ago and they say just a cyst and see a gyno told me
796975 tn?1237460576
Hello ladies, you can call me DJ im 32 years, i had previous surgery last june 2007 they removed my uterus due to adenomyosis and my right fallopian due to hydrosalfinx , and now i found out i had ovariancyst measure 3.5x3.1x3.7 cm in diameter....it cause pain and poop problem and my ob already suggestted surgery  oophertomy although is still small but it cause pain on lower abdomin but most likely on my right side the i have pain now on my right leg(my ob dosnt know bout this)....gosh its really freaking me out...and now im scared for my upcoming surgery..and now my question do i must go with kind od surgery? ist safe? anyone? need your respones asap...
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The cyst is smaller than ones normally recommended for removal but they probably want to remove because of the symptoms/problems you are experiencing.  Could probably be removed via laparoscopic surgery (two week recovery period, outpatient or overnight hospital stay).  It's a common surgery.  It's "safe" yes, but it's still surgery and all surgery carries some kind of risk.  As long as you follow all pre-op and post-op instructions, are competely honest in answering doctor's/nurses questions, etc., you will do fine.  Read through all the messages here.  A lot of ladies here went through it successfully.
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Yes, cysts can cause those symptoms.  It's not the same for everyone.  Some get a lot of symptoms and some get no symptoms at all.
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The ultrasound found that the left ovary is normal size, 2.8cm x 1.8cm x 1.8cm while the right ovary is 5.5cm x 3.8cm x 4.9cm.   All the doctor wants to do it wait 3 months to see if the cyst/cysts disappear.  I'm not so sure that is the right decision.  My daughter  had on and off cramping pain, enough to use a heating pad, and her periods have become irregular.  The symptoms all pointed to her being pregnant, especially the fatigue and nausea/vomitting, but the ultrasound didn't find any signs of pregnancy.  I'm just wondering if the random vomitting and severe fatigue could be caused by the cyst, being that the right ovary is so much larger than the left, could be like the ovary sending messages to the brain of false pregnancy.

Any thoughts??
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I wish I had the answers for you, but I don't really understand what cysts do to us and why some symptoms are worse for some than for others or if this is "false pregnancy" or something else.  It sure sounds like a hormonal imbalance to me.  That 5.5cm one sounds large enough to be a candidate for surgery but if it's a simple cyst, the doctor may think otherwise.  Was your daughter prescribed anything (hormones / birth control pills) to encourage the cyst to go away?  I had a cyst when I was 17, and that is how I was treated, after going to the gyn for the very first time with a period that would never end.  I was cured within a month or two.
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She was put on birth control pills last month.  Now she tells me she's been having a discharge since all this mess started and the beginning of March it turned into a full blown period that has not stopped.  It amazes me that doctors can just sit back and wait with all the throwing up she's doing.  It's like, some days she's fine except her favorite foods make her nauseated.  Then, out of the blue, she starts throwing up on her way to work or just going shopping.  That sounds like me when I was pregnant!
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647175 tn?1250824026
I have the same problem.... I have had it for 3 1/2 yrs...... I am also on birth control to see if it will help! My cyst is gone but pain is still there and is terrible. I have had ever test you can think of besides a colonoscapy. ( Sorry cannot spell it) My doctor prescribed me sulindac. I take it once in the morning and once 1 hr. before bed time. Its a nsaid so you cannot mix with ibuprofen. I take extra strength Tylenol with it.Sulindac  helps me so much. If not I would be taking Tylenol like 12 times a day. Let me know if this helps.
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796975 tn?1237460576
Thanks ,laparoscopic was not advisable as per my OB due to i have many adhesion i already undergo adhesiolysis(im not sure of the spelling ^_^ ) so they want me to undergo Bilateral Oopherectomy this time. Gosh im really scared coz this is my sixth operation and i really dont know what will be the post operation reaction/result..and im afraid of my post menopausal im just 32 years of age now....?my Ob said after the removal of my both ovaries i will on my menopausal stage...?any info bout this?
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DJ, that's a lot like the surgery I just had....both ovaries removed along with the cyst in what I am now assuming is a laparotomy for you (same thing I had).  That is abdominal open surgery.  I gave another person  here the complete story of my surgery and hospital stay (it was a lot of typing!) last week, so if you search through my posts, you can get the story as well.  This kind of  surgery unfortunately involves a 6 week recovery at home and a  2 or 3 night hospital stay.

Others will have to explain what "surgical menopause" is like, which is what happens when you lose ovaries in surgery before having natural menopause.  I already completed natural menopause at age 46 (lost ovaries just prior to turning 49), so I don't feel any different.  There is a menopause community on this site as well that you may want to join.  

At age 32 I'm sure the doctors may suggest hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for a few years but that's optional and you'll have to discuss what to expect (and consider both the benefits and the risks) for either option.  Professional medical opinion keeps changing on this which doesn't help us in our own decision process.

I would think at 32 you're young enough to recover well no matter now many previous surgeries you've had and doctors will already know about your prior surgeries in preparing for this one.  Sudden menopause can mean hot flashes (cold/normal one minute, hot/sweaty like you've become a little furnace the next), difficulty sleeping through the night, and other things.  It also is not the same for everyone, mild for some and not so mild for others.  Menopause does ease over time if you can ride it out and taking hormones may only prolong the inevitable.....(once you quit them it's back to the menopause symptoms again is what I was told) until the process takes its course.  

HRT gets riskier the older you get (heart attack/stroke/cancer) and even riskier for smokers.  During my own menopause I opted to avoid them because of the breast cancer risk (I have a family history to consider).  Others will say HRT made them feel like their normal selves again and were willing to take the risk.  It's not an easy decision to make.
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796975 tn?1237460576
  Thanks a lot!!! It really helps....i will keep on posting im schedule for laparatory surgery by next week and i hope everything will be alright. now i know that im not alone!
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I just had a ultra sound done today and found out I have a 9 cm cyst.  Will not have a follow up till Friday:(  Kinda scared, I am 40 and all thoughts run thru my mind?  I have been feeling many different things that I now understand are probably related.  I think it has grown for the last 4 to 5 years unknowingly.
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1947409 tn?1328276551
I'm 19 and have similar symptoms. This cyst was found last Septemper when I had a internal ultrasound scan. They left it for 6 weeks and today I had another scan which showed it has got smaller.  She wants to leave it another 6 weeks but I can't wait much more, the pain is sometimes unbearable. I have on and off severe cramp, I'm depressed because I can't go running and feel tired all the time. I also get the pain you describe as down your leg. Mine goes down my inner thigh and sometimes I can't move my leg when it hits. I feel bloated and sick many times. I know how you feel , with the depression, it's so hard to deal with and the doctors don't seem to understand.
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hy all well cysts i  never thought any thing could cause so much pain in so many ways i have 20 cm cyst  on right overy found out when i decoverd i was two months pregnant i had been on the pill so was shocked i wasnt even going to do a test but i was trying to find out if it was menaporse coss putting wait on but other things happening  with my body so i took a test has i was getting sighs so anoyed because i kept telling the nurse and doctors that the sighns cant be due to stoping smoking plus the pill was a differant one to what i got used to and even with pariods being all over the place there still wouldnt look in to it ect now have to go through operation in hospital for a week and scared i tired bowles really bad pains putting loads waight on so fed up my life n familys have been turned upside down  
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hy all well cysts i  never thought any thing could cause so much pain in so many ways i have 20 cm cyst  on right overy found out when i decoverd i was two months pregnant i had been on the pill so was shocked i wasnt even going to do a test but i was trying to find out if it was menaporse coss putting wait on but other things happening  with my body so i took a test has i was getting sighs so anoyed because i kept telling the nurse and doctors that the sighns cant be due to stoping smoking plus the pill was a differant one to what i got used to and even with pariods being all over the place there still wouldnt look in to it ect now have to go through operation in hospital for a week and scared i tired bowles really bad pains putting loads waight on so fed up my life n familys have been turned upside down  
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What did u end up doing I’m having similar issues but mine is right sided had ultrasound
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