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Ruptured cyst, continued intervals of pain

Went to the ER 16 days ago for acute abdominal pain from my pelvic floor to my neck and the CT scan said ruptured ovarian cyst with extensive blood in the abdominal cavity.  Sent me home telling me they couldn't tell me how long it would take for the blood to reabsorb and that blood is an irritant so expect discomfort.  I had an ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound 9 days post ER visit and the results were exactly the same as on the CT scan -- same swollen left ovary and more visible cysts, many pockets of blood and fluid.  It has been 16 days and while I feel a lot better it still has me crying out and close to tears when I have anything in the bowel -- even gas -- and no, I'm not constipated.  Even having anything in my bladder has me in severe discomfort.  Doctor says that is just the remaining pockets of blood and fluid which will take time to dissipate.  I have no history of cysts, but have had bulging disks in my low back for years, which respond to my monthly cycles with increased or decreased pain.  There has never been any mention of endometriosis.  

Anyone have any advice on how long it takes for the blood and fluid to absorb?  Anyone have any pain management suggestions?  Excedrin migraine sometimes helps, but haven't found anything else.

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I have been searching the internet for anything which could relate to the pain I am experiencing & this seems to be very close. A sharp pain in the lower abdomen but the pain gets worse when I sit or lie down, the pain is also around my back & going into the top of my thigh.  I have had it 6 weeks now sometimes going but not completely for a couple of days. I have had blood tests but everything has come back clear so far.
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I am so grateful for this thread! I have been trying to find some sort of information on the aftermath of a hemorrhagic cyst and there is very little out there.

5 days ago I was in pain after having sex. I assumed he had just bumped my cervix, so figured I'd be feeling better by later in the evening and we'd be fine to leave for a movie. I missed part of the movie, spending 10 minutes in the theater bathroom just trying to make things happen. And then when things finally did happen, I felt worse. By the time I came home I could hardly walk. The pain in my abdomen (and by now, very bloated belly) was so bad that I was in the process of passing out when my husband got me to our couch. It became hard to breathe (and death to cough), and I had pain in my shoulders and chest which felt like hot skewers stabbing into and through me.

The following morning, I went to urgent care where I had the most amazing (female) doctors. They did an internal ultrasound and found a 3.7 cm cyst. Somehow, I felt better after the ultrasound. Like the wand relieved pressure, or something. Anyway,  the next day I followed up with my fertility doc and she confirmed that there was a hemorrhagic cyst, but it had already shrunk to 2.5 cm. I'm on my second round of Clomid so my doc wasn't too surprised that I had a cyst.

So I'm asking the question many of you guys have already asked: When could you have sex again? I'm only day 5 of recovery so I'm still having pain deep in my pelvis, leg pain, and so much fatigue. However, we have been TTC for 2 years so I would like to get the ball rolling again.
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Hi everyone,
I have started to have pain in my left lower abdomen for three days now. Initially it started as cramping then grew to pressure and sharp pains. The next day I was pretty much bound to the couch due to the cramping. I have been told that I have a couple cysts on my left ovary and so small nothing to worry about.
I see that the pain can last up to three weeks, therefore I really dont see the need to run to the MD unless something worsens. What are you all thinking about as far as having sex? I have tried to have sex two times since this pain and it is pretty unbearable. I just dont know how long to expect this to take to heal or even if rutptured cysts can cause pain during sex. It literally felt like he was hitting something, unable to advance. Anything would help please, and I do respect the maturity of this group.
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I am quite relieved to read the experiences of other women on here. I have had these symptoms for years without understanding what was happening.

Like many of you, they always came on sudden, right around the time when my period was to be expected. This time was the same, but WAY longer than any before. My period should have begun right around the time the pain started. It lasted for 3 days, climaxing in the most painful experience of my life. After hobbling over to the bathroom feeling like someone had just stabbed my voodoo doll mini-me in the bladder with a sharp needle, I attempted to pee thinking it was a reeeeeeeeeeally bad UTI but the intense pain prevented me from doing so.

I almost threw up due to the intense pain, but then fell into the tub, nearly fainting. With the little cognition I had left, I managed to pull myself out of the tub and open the door so someone might hear me over the bathroom fan and help get me to a doctor.

My boyfriend came in, hearing my agony and helped me drink some liquid, helped me relax in the bathtub and called a nurse using the 811 health line number here in Alberta.

The next hour was so much fun.

In the ER, I had very little issues with the doctors. They fairly quickly identified the likely cause of an ovarian cyst, and had me do some blood tests, urine tests and ultrasound. After waiting for a looong time (6 hours total) we learned I had a ruptured cyst, though they didn't say the size and I didn't know to ask.

It's been 3 days and they certainly didnt mention the fatigue I might experience or the upcoming pain as I absorbed liquid back into my body, but at least the voodoo stuff was over. This, I could manage.

Still haven't had my period, no bleeding at all which worries me a bit. I haven't read many accounts of women whose periods just didn't happen as a result so I'm not sure if im still waiting for mine or skipping till the next one or if there's another episode around the corner. If any of you have experienced a skipped period, please let me know. I hope this is a good sign some how.
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Thank you so much to everyone who shared their stories! I've been obsessively Googling cyst rupture for over a week now, and this thread is by far the best information I've found.

My own story is that I'm 27, and about 1.5 weeks ago, I woke up with moderate abdominal pain... which I do get every now and then with mild IBS, it felt more like I was just really backed up and/or had gas. I went to try and pass stool in the bathroom, and as soon as I pushed to get a bit out, it was like someone suddenly stabbed my lower stomach. I was rushing to pull my pants back up because I was doubling over, almost vomiting several times from the sheer intensity of it. I went back to my bed and tried to find a position that alleviated the pain (still assuming it was a really bad backup or something, but the pain was far worse than I'd ever experienced). Nothing worked. It was some of the most intense pain I had, but standing straight up was the worst. After about 30 minutes of crying, I woke my mother up - luckily I'm still living at home for free rent in exchange for helping her around the house! I would not have been able to drive in my condition.

After waiting another hour (because ER bills are so hefty), the pain slowly began to ebb enough where I could breathe normally but it was still very intense. About 3pm I decided this was too weird, and asked my mom to drive me to the ER. We've been told by several nurse friends that it's super important to have a buddy with you in hospitals, because it can get so busy that sometimes well meaning attendants can give you wrong medication, or otherwise give you less than stellar treatment.

After a CT scan to rule out appendicitis (which I'm still not happy with, because for two days they insisted they couldn't find my appendix! Then suddenly one of the doctors said they could see it and it looked normal... I'm still questioning it to be honest), I have an abdominal and internal/lower ab/vaginal ultrasound done. They couldn't find anything other than a decent amount of free fluid, so they concluded it was a ruptured ovarian cyst. After 3 days of being in the hospital (my liver enzymes were up too which they found weird, but later concluded I must be fine because I had no other symptoms), I was sent home... without pain medication, to boot! It was like pulling hairs to call my family doc several times, telling him that yes, after a week I was STILL in a lot of pain, because he insisted I should only have discomfort for 3-5 days. Thank you for everyone here who assured me otherwise.

The thing is, my pain was VERY generalized for almost a week. Felt like the whole lower abdominal and pelvic area. But now it's very much on my lower left side, right where charts say your left ovary is. I also get a lot of stinging and pain in the crease of my hip, and sometimes down that leg. It also migrates up to the left side of my chest sometimes. It very much comes and goes, but all in all it's getting better I believe.

I tried walking for about 30 minutes yesterday after getting stir crazy... and boy am I paying for it! My pain is back to more like when I first left the hospital. Really uncomfortable, periodic stabbing pains, enough to make me nauseated at times. Could also be because I moved some moderately heavy boxes for my mother up two flights of stairs (still worth it for free rent! Not that she thinks so, bless her heart).

Anyway, I will try and update here again in a week or two because these posts you all have made have helped me more than ANY of the doctors I saw, who could give me nothing more than "everyone is different", and "I don't know, keep monitoring it", and it made me very scared because I personally knew several people who had misdiagnosed abdominal pain and almost died because of it. I don't fancy myself a hypochondriac, but I know doctors don't can't always know what's best since they aren't feeling what you're feeling, and they're only human too. Knowing that what I'm going through is very much in line with what many other people have gone through is a weight off my shoulders.
This is exactly what happened to me over the last few days... Word for word. What happened to you after? Are you better?
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Just another thank you from a girl who has been searching Google for days for something that was the same as what I was dealing with! Your updates were helpful - as were all of the answers/comments that followed.
I just went through this, and am still not quite back to myself yet.
Five weeks ago ended up bouncing between ER and ob/gyn for a hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary. Having PCOS I am used to some discomfort with cysts, but this was unlike anything I've ever experienced - and I've had kidney stones and c-sections lol
I was just beginning to feel better- a week with no pain meds - and then a couple of days before my period began I was feeling stronger twinge of pain again.
Day one of my cycle and I am back on pain meds.
My follow up is two weeks away, Hoping that everything is better by then!
Thank you for sharing!!!
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Ruptured cysts don't normally require surgery. The pain can hang on for some time though. Hang in there ladies!
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On New Years Eve 2015 to New years day 2016 I was in the ER because I had blood in my stool. They ran tests and had a CT scan and they said the blood is just irritation in the colon and the CT scan showed I had a large cyst on my right ovary. Meanwhile I'm in severe pain. I follow up with my primary doctor and he refers me to a gastrologist. And they did a colonoscopy and an Endoscopy and both procedure results came back normal. Meanwhile it's been a couple months now since my ER visit and I'm still in severe pain but have no idea what is causing it. So I make an appointment for my gynecologist and while I'm waiting for my appointment I get really sick and go to the urgent care and they do another CT scan. On the results for the CT scan shows that I now have a ruptured ovarian cyst. I'm freaking out. I'm still in a lot of pain and have numerous symptoms, but my appointment is a week away. I'm not sure if I should go to the ER, and not sure if they could even help, or just wait for my appointment next week. Will I need surgery? And, if so, what kind of surgery will I have?
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I went to the ER and they told me I had a hemorrhagic cyst on my left ovary. It feels as if I'm pregnant (which I thought I was before the hospital). I have felt nauseous for the past 2 weeks now. The pain in my stomach has stopped but I still feel nauseous and tired all the time. Is this normal?
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At 26, during my 8wk ultrasound for first pregnancy, saw 2.5cm cyst on left ovary. OB wanted to wait 4 wks to see if cyst would halt in growth to continue on with pregnancy unabated. No luck. At 12 wks it had grown to larger than 4cm and weighed enough to float my ovary to the right side. Ovary dead. Had to have it removed during pregnancy so as not to effect uterus, etc. Flash forward 6 years...my periods are regular for the first time ever (late bloomer and had to take birth control to start at nearly 17) but sometimes coming every 3 weeks and every other month super super heavy. But never any signs or symptoms of PMS. Last Sunday night (April 24) I had excruciating pain in my lower abdomen, even tender to the touch on my right side. And my back had been in so much pain the week leading up to that but I attributed that to my life as a mom of 3 in NYC and carrying bags and kids, etc...anyway, pain was so intense and felt like I had just come out of abdominal surgery without pain killers. All night I had chills and felt achy, like the flu, but no nausea. Pain subsided over the next few day and period was really heavy. Insurance just changed so did PCP so no gyno at the moment and I will only go to ER if I have to. After all this reading, I'm assuming I too had a ruptured cyst? And that the discomfort and bloating I'm currently feeling is the liquid being reabsorbed? But my question then is this: when do I have to go to the ER and if I do, will they be able to help me while I wait for my doc appt with new doc at end of the month (May 25)?
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Question: WHICH PAIN medication do you use and works? My daughter has free liquid in MRI result, which is immediately brushed off as 'due to menstrual cycle', as if it could not have other origin or make pain (she suffers terrible cramps, nausea and emesis for months). Only Endone would help, but cannot be given due to side effects. Physical exercise makes it bad and all docs tell you to start moving more for the guts. Duh.
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The best relief I have found for the pain of endometriosis and ruptured cysts is Rheas Herbal Extractions Cramp Relief. It is available from Azure Standard. Aleve is a conventional otc that works ok. Really hope that helps your daughter. All your stories made me feel less alone curled up waiting for the pain to fade enough to get moving today. Thank you.
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Hi I am soo glad I found this thread! I am going to add my story:

I had strange stomach pain on the lower right had side of my abdomen for 7 days. I seriously thought appendicitis, I googled everything and it scared me to death. What was weird is I was experiencing leg pain, and when I pressed near my belly button, it hurt. I feared that I would get my appendix taken out, but not so. I arrived at the ER a few days ago 2/26/16 Friday night. Did an ultrasound, a pelvic exam, but NOT a ct scan. They didn't tell me anything for a few hours and I freaked when they hooked me up to an IV and they suggested that I get morphine. This is while I still had no idea what was going on. I feel like they were gonna wheel me in any second and get my appendix out. Long story short. Ruptured ovarian cyst. 1.5 cm. Nothing more. Gave my hydrocodone. While I appreciate the relief that I do not have to go into surgery, there were still so many daunting questions.

Today, 3/1/16 I see my ob/gyn. Well not mine, she was on vacation but a guy I wasn't familiar with. He was pleasant, and albeit maybe more helpful because I noted that I have been spotting for a couple months. And then I also told him that my periods have been really short the last few years, and farther apart, he suggest FSH testing. Cause something isn't right. My main concern was I did mention it to my original ob a few years ago, and she kinda brushed it off, me being young at the time probably didn't make her realize that most likely, I have been having problems for a while. Maybe if we caught this early, I wouldn't have gotten this cyst?? I don't want to place the blame but something is not right with me now. I just turned 30, planned on having kids, anyways.

While I appreciated the ob I saw. I still don't understand a lot about what is going on. He said I have a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, possibly the corpeus lutuem and he said blood and fluid in my pelvic area. I asked when I could return to exercising, and you know, other stuff. He said this weekend. Hmmm. I am still experiencing lots of pain, I am not sure if "this weekend" is gonna happen.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm still functional, I have been working, pretty lightly at my desk job. I just don't know what I should or shouldn't be doing, when am I gonna be ok again? I can't find too much about it online, and neither have a lot of women on here. I appreciate the stories I've read, women going back to normal in a month or so.  & I do not have another ultrasound scheduled.

And does anyone feel like there is air escaping down there? I didn’t mention it to him because it started happening the last few hours. Weird?! Also still bloated, but gas is coming out the right end, and I do have constipation. Any one else? Appetite is meh. Sometimes I’m hungry other times not.

Justwantrelief2-you say you had painful periods. Was this before or after your cyst ruptured? Mine is due in 6 days. Freaking out about having a period WITH a ruptured cyst. OMG.
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Last Friday i felt pain in the lower area of my Pelvic.after the 3 day the pain was so crucial i couldn't walk with bending over.Went to the ER with a 100 Fever the Pysician diagnosis me as having a Hernia sent me home without any pain Medication, few hours later i went back to the ER this time with a fever 103.6 they ran test had IV, antibiotics, blood test, admit me over night for Observation treated me for Diverticulitis which i do have,but clearly it's not the problem came home from the Hospital still in tremendous pain called made an appointment with my Gyn saw her yesterday she examined me and said she "THINK" a Cyst ruptured scheduled to do a D&C Monday. As of now it's been 8 days of pain. I googled how long do pain last after a ruptured Cyst and end up here reading everyone's post and So Similar to my experience hope someone can find a Solution because I'm miserable and thanks for Sharing
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How awful that a hysterectomy was recommended for a 3.3cm fibroid! But that is not surprising since hysterectomy is presented as a "cure all" by so many ob/gyns when they are very rarely necessary or even a good option!

Since your periods are so painful, do you possibly have endometriosis?
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Ladies - Our ovaries are SO important for every aspect of health our whole lives. They do NOT stop working after menopause. If you end up needing surgery for a large ovarian cyst that does not go away, it is best to have just the cyst removed (cystectomy) so you still have those vital hormones that cannot be replaced with drugs.
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Hi Ladies, I am so thankful that I found this thread. I have been going through the nightmare of not knowing what is wrong with me, and my story is pretty much similar to everyone that has gone to doctors, got diagnosed with UTI, kidneys stones and everything under the sun.  I started experiencing issues in December of last year. I felt a weird pressure on the left side of my abdomen and a fluttery sensation just on the left side of my lower abdomen. I also noticed lots of pain in my lower back, and lots of abdominal bloating no matter what I ate, what time I ate or just in general.   At first It thought of gallstones, then of appendicitis, kidney stones, liver problems but I never tied it to my ovaries.  Last year I did get an ultrasound and they discovered an ovarian cyst on my left ovary and also a fibroid in my uterus.  My periods are awfully painful.  I mean so painful that I had to call in to work a few times and stay in bed, with a  heating pads, on pain med. This started happening about two years ago, it was never this bad.  I also, was very irregular as a young girl so I assume that I was becoming regular and that my periods were supposed to hurt that bad.

It was on the 1st week of January, nearly after New Year's that I started experiencing massive pain on my left side (abdominal and radiating to lower back). I stayed home for a few days, had my period and moved along.  Well, the last week of January the same ailment returned with a vengeance and this time I could barely eat. I was so bloated I looked like I was 9 months pregnant. The pains was awful and I remained home, drinking fluids and thinking to God that I was going to die before my insurance benefits became effective on February 1st.  I made it through that week, only God knows how…I went to my primary care physician who got blood test ran and found blood in urine, anemia and a low level of Vitamin D (I am on Vitamin D now).  I told her about my fibroids and cysts but she didn't do much and just sent me home with nothing but a referral to my OBGYN.  My OBGYN was fully b booked so my next appointment is the 2nd week of March and I also have to go get ultrasounds again the same week before my appointment with OBGYN.

But to all this, I ended up going to ER second week of February after nearly 3 weeks of battling the bloating and the pain, knowing that i would not be able to get in with my OBGYN until March.  I had X-rays and they said I had a kidney stone. They sent me to CT Scan and the can showed the fibroid but no longer the cysts…that is when I was told by this doctor to mention this to my OBGYN and to see what she is going to do. He recommended a hysterectomy because the scan found a 3.3 cm fibroid.  I swear, I am so disgusted by how awful some physicians are.

Adding two and two together and by getting all the information that I can get online, most of my symptoms line up with an ovarian cyst rupture. I manage high levels and tolerate pain well, so that is why I brave it through. As of today, I have been feeling better, the swelling and my belly was down, but I was massing it yesterday and I think I went overboard so I am swollen and the pain on my side returned. My tummy is bloated again, so I will let it be for a few days and let it go.

As far as periods, I have had two periods and the most traumatic one was during the time that pain was most, I started bleeding more than typical, also a very sticky, clear liquid kept on coming out of me and I mentioned this to ER doctor and primary care physician and they acted as if it were normal for this to happen.  

What bothers me the most is the bloating, I do have a history of acid reflux/heartburn and that too doesn't help, the bloating is more painful, I had issues breathing because of it, I was anemic and fatigued and I guess that is also because we are losing blood during the periods and because of internal bleeding.  

I thank you for sharing your stories with me, sorry I wrote a book. Sometimes is hard for me to explain my symptoms to these doctors and they take advantage and brush me off, treat me like I am a lunatic and do not even listen to me. Why is it so hard to find a decent physician that cares? Why is our health system so awful? And why are we as women treated so badly by our healthcare specialists and medical staff workers? I know that there are exceptions, but in 2 years dealing with my ailment, I haven't found one decent health worker that offered me any sympathy, solution or an answer to my dilemma. I have been overmedicated, wrongly diagnosed and mistreated and I get discouraged. Sometimes I do not even want to go to my appointments because I feel like it is pointless. I feel helpless.

God bless you all.
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i am so glad i found this site.  I feel so better about what has been happening to me and not that im making the pain up.  This last Sunday I was out shopping and all of a sudden i had extreme pain in my pelvic area.  I have had this pain many times before and actually knew it well.  Previously i was told I had ovarian cysts and they have ruptured.  Well I barely made it out of the grocery store and to my car.  I called my husband and was going to have him pick me up but I told him it was so painful I did not think I could get out of the car.  I eventually drove home and the pain went on throughout the night.  My husband did want to take me to the hospital but eventually the pain seem to get alittle better.  As a background last year I around this time I had a Large bowel obstruction and my husband was worried this was what was happening again and not the cyst.  Well the next day I was still very sore and especially when I tried to go to the bathroom I would get extreme pain.  I called my family doctor and they wanted to see me right away. She ordered a CT Scan to rule out a blocked colon and referred me to a Gastroenterologist.  They called me yesterday and said that the pain was from a ruptured ovarian cyst and to follow up with my gynecologist.  I asked why I was still having pain when I go to the bathroom and when standing and walking.  She said it may be irritable bowel and brushed it off.  I finally called my gynecologist today to follow up and talk to her about the results because I"m still in alot of pain.  I have had a hysterectomy and they removed my right ovary years ago but left the left ovary because it did not have cyst.  But I have had problems every since.  I am going to talk to her and find out if this cyst was a hemorrhagic cyst.  I believe on one trips to the ER they did say this but my doctor never told me. My gynecologist doctor did tell me previously there was nothing they can do but put me on the pill or if the cyst gets big enought they can remove the cyst.  I now wish they had removed both ovaries.   I will keep you posted what the doctor says.I am glad to here about the bowel issues though.  I have had so many bowel problems and i am wondering if they are all related to the cysts i have and them rupturing.  
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I am also thankful to have found this site. I am one week in after having a cyst rupture and another one on the same ovary. I have had the same issues as everyone. I am having to take prescribed pain meds every 4 hours. Without them, I feel like I have the flu and have been beaten. I cannot do this for weeks as many of you have. I had a partial hysterectomy 5 years ago due to a fibroid tumor the size of a cantaloupe. I guess my question is...If I have to take pain meds every 4 hours for weeks, which cause major constipation and other health issues, is that really the best option knowing my left ovary has now had 3 cysts (one rupturing)? My doctor is willing to do surgery if I feel this is best for me. He has been wonderful and sympathizes with me knowing my history (delivering 3 babies, the partial hysterectomy, and now this)- so I am fortunate with support.

I just wonder if living on pain meds and in fear of the next rupture really outweighs just having the left ovary removed?
I am a principal out of work, mom of 3 active teenagers and I am stuck in bed missing life....Thanks for any thoughts or answers.  
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Thank you ladies for sharing your stories. This is the second time an ovarian cyst has ruptured on me, both during intercourse. :/ This time while having sex with my boyfriend I felt an aching pain seemed down there for about two mins, next thing I know I was bent over in excruciating pain, with cramps the size of the Grand canyon!! They were shooting through my butt to my stoamch. Back to back cramps for about 3 hours until I had to get up and walk to try and subside the cramps. I became very gassy which made it worse, I felt so bad before the gas I didn't even know that was possible. Before I could make it to the bathroom a cramp slowly and painfully moved from my butt up through my body and peaked at the top of my head, almost making me faint, getting me dizzy, and lightheaded. I fell on the toilet, and had the most painful bowel movement filled with cramps and my bladder filling with pressure as I peed, with a weak stream. The last time this happened it was similar pain with the cramps, so I knew an ovarian cyst had ruptured, nevertheless the pain has been a little more intense as it has been lingering now for almost two weeks. I felt like I was getting better day 13, and attempted to have sex again with no deep penetration. Needless to say my bf stuck me again and now more pain. Not as intense as before with the back to back cramps, but still anytime I have gas.. cramps come into my butt and I have pains like knots are being tied in my body. This is really horrible, and seems not to go away. I wish there was something better then just hearing from the doctor, "Get on birth control to avoid this from happening again, and let the fluids dissolve within your body." I'm really hoping this goes away by the time my period comes within 2 weeks, as that's the time I start the birth control. Please hold on if you're going through this, eventhough it is painful I have gone through it before and one day it will be over. As I read the other post I got encouraged, so I hope my story can help someone, especially if it occurred from having sex. SMH, for now I'm praying for the day the fluids dissolve for the pain to fully go away, and I'm looking forward to being back to normal. I suppose staying away from sex for at least 3 weeks, then ensuring the pain is completely gone for 3 days,  including no bloating, would be optimal so there's no reoccurance. Once I pass 3 days with no pain,  I'll see how everything goes.  Thanks for listening, and hang in there.
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I've been searching all day for someone who can tell me whats going on.  I had a sharp pain in lower right side for 4 days before finally going to the doctor who referred me out to my local a&e with suspected appendicitis.  I spent 24 hours in A&E and finally received the result of a CT scan - the doctor decided that I'd had a ovarian cyst rupture and that I had a small amount of free fluid in my abdomen.  I was kept in for another day and because the pain had begun to subside, they decided to send me home and advised that I take some pain killers (paracetamol and neurophen I they never mentioned how long this would last.    I'm at home today and although the pain is not the same as the initial pain I experienced, its coming and going particularly when I eat or when I have a bowel motion.  I go from feeling reasonably ok to feeling awful, I have a pain in my side that makes me feel like I am going to explode from the pressure.  Nobody explained any of this to me so I had assumed there was something else wrong with me because the pain had increased.   However, I will be seeing my gp  for some prescribed pain killers to help control what is really a debilitating pain.  I don't do sick, so this is quite difficult for me.    I'm glad I found this site - I don't feel totally insane now!
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I am sorry you are going through this! It is surprising how long the pain can last. Hoping yours abates soon and you can return to work and normal activities.
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After suffering for 2 weeks from a ruptured cyst, I was convinced there was something wrong with me.  My obgyn and family practitioner have both cleared me to go back to work now.  But there's no way!  (I'm a school teacher and on my feet all day.)  There is way too much pain and discomfort.  I was in the hospital for 2 days on IV antibiotics.  Docs said ct scan showed a ruptured cyst.  I was then diagnosed at my follow up visit with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.  So, here we are, 2 weeks later, still in pain (abdominal "heaviness" and pain all throughout my gut area) and still running a constant low grade fever.  I've had 2 follow up visits where I have had blood drawn and just a pelvic exam - no ultrasounds or anything.  Both docs have said "your white count looks much better; your body seems to be responding well to the antibiotics".  (I'm still on a round of 2 different ones they sent me home with from the hospital.)  BUT -- no one has been able to explain why I am in so much pain still and my fever won't go away.  The more I try to get up and "do", the worse I feel.  Even the constant vibrations from riding in a car set me off into major discomfort and achey pains.  (even feel it in my rectum)  It's hard to even stand or walk at times.  Sitting isn't very comfortable.  Lying down is the ONLY way I seem to find relief.  Reading these posts at least help give me some comfort that I'm not completely whacked out.  I just hate when I get looked at like --- "your lab results say you should be fine"…well, I'M NOT FINE.  And I really need to get back to work. I'm hoping that can happen in the near future???  I'm 45 years old, have had 2 cesarians, 1 etoptic pregnancy that ruptured, and I've had cysts burst before.  But this time the pain is almost identical to what I recall it being like trying to recover from a c-section and I didn't even have surgery.  Since I never feel any better the next day, I never know what to tell my colleagues at work -- how long will I be needing a sub?  I have no clue.  :(  But at least I now know that I'm not the only one on this planet who has experienced this.  
Thankful to have been able to read others experiences, but very sorry that others have had to experience this!
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My 15 year old daughter is going through the same thing that you did, minus the fever. She has been out of school for a month. The doctors cannot tell us how long this will last. Did you ever find any answers?
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Wow, you have really had a time of it...sounds like everything that could possibly have happened did happen! The DVT could also be the cause (or part of the cause) of the chest pain and breathlessness and that can last for some time after the clot resolves. I hope you are soon feeling much better!
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Thanks all, for your stories. Since the medicos don't know, we obviously must discuss it amongst ourselves to try to understand what's happening to us.
So, my story: friday night 8 weeks ago, in bed, midnight, no sleep because of feelings like an adrenaline hit and a strange, busy, crawling sensation  in my abdomen. This was weird, and went on until 5am. I felt shocky, fast heartbeat, and when I finally slept it was as if I was passing out after a trauma.
I woke 3 hours later with a painful, rigid abdomen. I could hardly pee, and couldn't move my bowels. It was as if my insides were paralyzed. This went on for 3 days, no bowel movements, no appetite. If I did eat, a very small amount made me feel ill. Ditto drinking, even water.
On the fourth day I went to the dr. She said "acute abdomen!" and sent me for a ct scan, thinking diverticulosis. She thouht my problem was constipation, but that's because she didn't listen. The scan showed a 5cm ruptured cyst, right side, and free fluid in the adnexa. I'm 54, so had to have it checked for malignancy. All good, and the dr happily told me my bowels didn't work because the cyst had been pressing on them! I pointed out that they DID work on friday, I felt the cyst rupture friday night, and they didn't work saturday. She looked pensive and muttered as if to herself "oh, it would cause irritation!"
So, I googled frozen bowel, which is what if felt like, and there it was - ileus. Paralyzed, or partially paralyzed intestines or bowel. And indeed, everything has only started to work properly again in the last week - 7 weeks after the rupture. My regular doctor confirmed that ileus after a cyst rupture was possible. I wonder if that is what's happening to some of the previous writers...

More was to come. I very slowly got a little better, then began to get sicker. More abdominal pain, and increasing malaise. After 2 weeks I became aware of a pain in my right hip. My bowels not working, I thought that was the problem, with referred pain. Feeling generally miserable, but without anything specific to tell the dr, I didn't bother looking for help. Waiting.
2 weeks more, feeling worse and worse, and I started to run a fever intermittently. Off to the ER, thinking the cyst remains had become infected - this was 5 weeks after the rupture. Another ct scan. 2 days later I got a call from a dr at ER to call me in, as a review of the ct scan showed a large area of peritoneal inflammation, and a 7cm DVT (deep vein thrombosis) in my pelvis, in the hypogastric vein. Triggered by the inflammation caused by the cyst rupture. So, ruptured cyst, ileus, pelvic DVT.
I've been back to ER with chest pain and breathlessness, but it doesn't seem to be anything to do with the DVT, or the enormous dose of anticoagulants I'm on now - the chest pain under my bottom right rib and around to my back, and breathlessness to the point of faintness, is suspected to be caused by fluid from the cyst that's worked it's way up to irritate my diaphragm. So 8 weeks after the rupture of a 5cm (2") ovarian cyst,  I'm still in pain from fluid in the abdominal cavity. The cyst is resolving - it's 3cm, 7 weeks after rupture.
The thing that bothers me: the doctors brush off a cyst, but it seems, anecdotally at least, that the irritation caused by the cyst contents in the abdominal cavity can cause real problems like paralysis or partial paralysis of the intestines or bowel, and, as in my case, enough inflammation to trigger a DVT.
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Welcome to the community. I am sorry you have dealt with recurring cysts and poor medical treatment. Have you tried various birth control pills to see if that keeps the cysts from forming? That works for some women.

Of course removing your female sex organs will ensure you have no more ovarian cysts but that is like "throwing out the baby with the bath water." It will cause a whole new set of health and quality of life issues. Numerous studies show that ovary removal or (hysterectomy induced ovarian failure) is associated with many increased health risks - heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, hip fracture, dementia, Parkinson's, cognitive and memory impairment, poor sleep quality, vision changes, skin changes, sexual dysfunction (loss of desire, arousal, response)...I think I captured them all!

Hysterectomy destroys anatomical and pelvic integrity due to the removal of the "hub" of the pelvis (uterus) and severing of ligaments / support structures hence a repositioning of bladder, bowel, and vagina as well as spine, hips, and rib cage. It is associated with increased risk of prolapse and "celes" - enterocele, rectocele, cystocele, urethrocele - as well as vaginal vault prolapse (a falling of the vagina without the uterus and uterine ligaments to keep the vagina upright.  

I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago and wish I had known just a small percentage of these facts. I NEVER would have allowed removal of any organs.
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I have been have problems for 5 years. Would get this unbelievable  pain and then have extreme bloating, pressure and frequent urination. During one episode I couldn't go 15 mins without having to urinate. Everyone said it was a UTI. I have Er trips, PCP visits, Urologist and two Gynecologist. When it all started happening I said it feels like something burst. Last week the same thing happened but the pain last for 14 hours before I talked myself into going to the ER. Where after getting the "Well no one else can figure it out why do you think we will now speech" the doctor ordered an ultra sound. They discovered a ruptured cyst on my left ovary and gave me pain meds and told me to follow up with my GYNO. Got into see her two days later. Do to a blood clotting problem I am on blood thinners, she is very concerned about this and suggesting I meet with a specialist and look like a complete hysterectomy is in my near future. I am a week past rupture and still in pain and very bloated, had all the same post symptoms mentioned extreme pain when having to use the rest room, pass gas etc.
Listen to your body don't give up only took me over 5 and well over 6 ruptures before it was diagnosed.
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Welcome to the community. Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry you went through this but glad the cyst resolved and you did not need surgery. Of course, most cysts do resolve on their own but unfortunately, too many women who undergo surgery lose their ovary(ies) versus just the cyst(s).
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This thread was so helpful to me, thank you to everyone for sharing your stories. I went through almost exactly what @mijacafe experienced through the beginning of her story.

I was suffering from lower back pain and general pelvic discomfort for a few days before I finally decided to go see a doctor for what I assumed was a UTI or kidney infection. After a urinalysis, blood work, and x-rays, the doctor diagnosed it as kidney stones (that were in the process of traveling to / through my bladder). I was prescribed an antibiotic (800mg /160mg Bactrum) and pain medication and was referred to a urologist for the next day. ps- Obligatory pregnancy test was negative even though I knew I wasn’t preggo.

I was vomiting after two doses of the Bactrum and the pain meds weren't helping. I saw the urologist the next day and had the same tests run (urinalyis, blood work, x-rays). The urologist was 90% sure the "stones" were actually just calcifications and totally normal but would have to run a CT scan to be certain.

CT scan came back negative for stones, the urologist discontinued the Bactrum, but the radiologist located a 4.5 cm cyst on my right ovary. I should note I had also started spotted a few days before that but just thought my period was being weird. The urologist told me to see my GYN as soon as I could, so the appt. was for the following Monday.

The pain meds (5 mg Hydrocodone / 325mg Acetaminophen) were barely helping the pain in my back, especially the right side, and it was shooting throughout my whole body. Over that weekend I started cramping really badly and was clotting and had a really heavy flow. The cramps were so intense at times I was almost in tears. My husband came to check on me at one point because I was vocally in pain.

The GYN did an ultrasound and confirmed the cyst was there and that it was a hemorrhagic cyst; the fluid or blood within the cyst had started to come out and into my blood stream. She described it was “hell” but was hopeful that a few days would be the solution, gave me stronger pain meds (10mg Toradol), and said to come back if I wasn’t better in a week. 

Those pain meds definitely helped, and time was the cure. I had what I would describe as a really heavy period for about three days, then light bleeding for about three days after that, total.

I started to feel like myself again about four days after seeing the gyno and the bleeding or period or ruptured cyst fluid was gone. The pain was manageable, but this was 12 or 13 days from when I initially started feeling what I thought was a UTI.

It was frustrating to be in pain and have to go from doctor, to specialist, to gyno to figure this out, but I hope that sharing my experience can help women who might be in a similar situation. Don’t be afraid to be empowered and tell the doctor you’d like these tests if you don’t think you’re receiving thorough treatment. Thank you again to everyone who share their stories, you really helped me know I wasn’t alone.
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