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Pain and medication

I was wondering, I have a primary care physician and a pain management specialist. Right before I got my visit for my pain management my PCP wrote me a prescription for hydrocodone APAP 10 500 with 5 refills. My pain specialist originally told me to just take what I had left from my PCP but take 2 at time if it helps. So i did so, couple days passed and I realized by me doing that i was going to run out sooner and insurance wont cover an early refill, so I called my pain specialist and he gave me a script for oxycodone 15 mg Q 120. Ok i thought this is fine. Now that means a total of 4 a day and sometimes I have to take a half or 5 a day again making me run out 1-5 days before the new script can be written. I asked the doc to wright me a script early but to put a date on it when it can get refilled because I was leaving town. He put it on the exact day the 30 days were up. And im going to be 4 days short. He was already upset that I was taking half or one extra a day so I said I would compensate by taking only 3 one day which I lied because he seems upset. So would I get in trouble if I went to my regular pharmacist and had them fill my hydrocodone Q 90 and only use what is needed then go to a different pharmacy and give them the oxy script and put away the hydros. What ramifications could this have? Otherwise I am going to have to buy on the black market. I have a disk perfusion and fluid missing between L4 and L5. I’ve been on pain medications for 5 years. So not only would my pain come back full force but I would have withdrawals.
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The pharmacist (regardless of WHO or WHERE you go...which I would NOT recommend changing pharmacies as u may be dropped from ur doc.)  getting back to pharmacist... will NOT fill ANY narcotic.s EARLY! Its all part of these ludicris laws that  unfortunate people who have ongoing CHRONIC PAIN such as myself... have to live with!!! As for your pain meds... it sounds as if you need to talk with your doctor NOT TO your doc but WITH...and ask him/her to increase bc you have been taking that extra. its imperative you have an open and honest relationship with your m.d (sounds like you have been) . but at least ur doc knows ur doc knows ur being honest!!! Will this prevent your md from dropping u in the future for some out landish ********???~!~ NO... so becareful  take as prescribed.... no more no less.  This is coming from someone (myself) who has been on extremely high doses of pain meds etc bc of all the health problems I have.....  I have learned the "do,s and donts" over the yrs... ive been on these meds since 2004  and know what I'm talkin about.  I d k how much u weigh or how tall u are... but those are major factors based on mg of med.s given!
goodluck~ hope this helps!
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The pharmacist (regardless of WHO or WHERE you go...which I would NOT recommend changing pharmacies as u may be dropped from ur doc.)  getting back to pharmacist... will NOT fill ANY narcotic.s EARLY! Its all part of these ludicris laws that  unfortunate people who have ongoing CHRONIC PAIN such as myself... have to live with!!! As for your pain meds... it sounds as if you need to talk with your doctor NOT TO your doc but WITH...and ask him/her to increase bc you have been taking that extra. its imperative you have an open and honest relationship with your m.d (sounds like you have been) . but at least ur doc knows ur doc knows ur being honest!!! Will this prevent your md from dropping u in the future for some out landish ********???~!~ NO... so becareful  take as prescribed.... no more no less.  This is coming from someone (myself) who has been on extremely high doses of pain meds etc bc of all the health problems I have.....  I have learned the "do,s and donts" over the yrs... ive been on these meds since 2004  and know what I'm talkin about.  I d k how much u weigh or how tall u are... but those are major factors based on mg of med.s given!
goodluck~ hope this helps!
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Um dont fill it! No pharmacy is going to fill the oxy right after the vicodin. If you try it you will get caught.  Is it really that hard to get a script refilled next month? I think you need to be honest with yourself about why you want both scrips. Saying you dont want to go to the pharmacy for two months is pretty lame.
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I have a question.  I have been on Percocet 10/325 for a good amount of time and have Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc Disease, and Osteoarthritis.  My body gets used to drugs in a short amount of time, no matter what the script is (antibiotics, pain meds, cough medicine, etc.)  I've been dealing with pneumonia since Thanksgiving.  I've been on 4 antibiotics.  This last trip to my doctor, I asked for a "Drug Holiday" from the Percocet because they don't help subside this god awful cough I have.  My husband is on Vicodin and gave me a 750.  I didn't cough for over 6 hours!  That was such a relief.  So, I asked him if he could temporarily switch me over.  I know the Vicodin is not as potent as the Percocet, but they do help the cough immensely.  

Now my question.  I have a written script from my doctor for the Percocet but have just filled the script for the Vicodin.  I want to fill the Percocet script and just put the pills away so I don't have to refill for an extra month on the Vicodin, plus if I alternate between the two staying within the 5 pills a day, it would grately help with the pain and the cough.  I mean only 5 pills , NOT 5 pills each.

My pharmacist is Walgreens.  He's not very nice at all and I'm always given the look like an addict even though I faithfully fill my script ON TIME each month, never early.  First of all, do you think another Walgreens would fill the Percocet even though I already have the Vicodin?  I just don't want to create any havoc, but I also would like not to have to refill for 2 months.  It's quite a pain to get a written script for Percocet because my doctor's office staff is horrible.  My doctor is amazing, but his staff, UGH!

He knows about both scripts too.  Also, I'm not sure if Percocet scripts have an expiration date on them, that is why I would like to fill it soon, so I can just put them away.

Any thoughts?  Thank you for your time. :-)
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its very simple here, your addicted to pain meds..... and are either enjoying the buzz or scared of withdrawls.... its seems you have an excuse for everything other than admiting you got the loratab because you are taking so many oxys and need something to fall back on when they run out..... the next step you have to do is admit that you are taking even more than you are saying because im sure thats also a lie i mean you already told us your a liar you lie to your own doctor to get more of the drug with the most commonly used excuse to get an early refil at that... leaving town...... if you ask me i would say you are selling the loratab to buy more oxy on the street, or trading them the drug world for pills is very common and ran the same way by so many differnt people they know what they have and know it sells on the street. you did say yourself about obtaining threw the black market basically telling us you know thats an opition and more than likely done that, the problem i notice is have you have been to any sort of rehab class or know anyone else thats has been to one?you are showing all the signs of a known addict first comes lies and lies about anything to get the drug.... in denial about it, has excuses for everything, the last thing would be stealing to get it... not at all saying you are stealing but in way your kinda stealing from the pharmacy, alot of people have gone threw the addiction of perscription pain killers, aside from all that, you have now violated every order that your doctor stated not to do.... and to make it worse...im sure he asked you as well before signing your contract do you understand all this..... I also get 180 10mlg norcos from my doctor per month i was started on 120 per month and was very honest with him i called after a few months and said to him i have been taking more then 1 every 6 hours i looked up and did research on the medicatin and it states i can take one every 4 hours if needed i called 3 weeks into my month and said i am going to run out tomorrow and told him the truth, i said i will have to wait another week to get it but if there was anyway to make the quanity more, and told him i could easily buy them on the streets... but would never do that, and thats why i am calling... but if he didnt think it was going to be good giving me more per month then i surley wouldnt do that and i would go one week out of the month with out if needed and would happily take a urine test to prove im not taking it  the last week he kinda laughed and said no its not a problem . i took my honesty to him and with no hesitation or app. he called in the next day when i ran out for 180 per month, instead of making me wait the week i got it when  needed i didnt lie or beat around the bush... be honest with your doctor and he will take care of you.... if you lie or try to find a way to obtain more drugs and stronger ones at that... good luck with having his trust or even having him help you at all.... you are making his name look bad just so you can get your high... the cheapest way because we all know its expensive to buy them on the streets. its people like you who make it hard for people who really need the meds to get..... its clear you have done somthing like this before because you knew a way to get around the system.... everyone who needs to fill it early uses the same excuse and that is that they are leaving town...... sorry not looking to be rude im just being honest...... every time someone says something in regards to what you are doing you have an excuse to why you did or why you needed to..... suffer for a few days take asprin and stay  bed because thats gonna be the way you are going to have to do it once you get caught..... and your pain cant be that bad if your getting hydro or just 15 mlg of oxy.... you will be in pain if you are getting... methadone, or 40 mlgs of oxy... or 60mlg of roxy..... you can man up for a few days and take one less instead of playing the system... cause once you get red flagged and cut off... your withdrawls will be the end of you esp if its from oxy and for years like youve said... good luck but remember cheaters never win.... hopefully you dont have to sit in jail for a stupid choice with medication..... i say all this because i seen a friend do all the stuff you are doing and saying he sat in jail for 6 months for being perscribed and going into the med center and getting another perscription for the same meds but made up an excuse to get it.... doctors will find out once you give them a reason to look.... and if your going to goin and talk to him about it... he will be pulling up your file and once he does it will all be right there in front of him for him to see..... good luck and take one less per day and you will be just fine... remember the 10 mlgs of your loratab is the drug and that isnt even really a pain killer it acts as one by telling your brain to basically not think about it.. yes in a way it is, but the 500 mlgs that is is mixed with is the aceto. which is like asprin maybe take some stronger asprin and take a few days out of your month and relax, im sure you need it and would like to relax...good luck and i hope it all worked out for you  
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Hello people I don't normally use these forums but I have a question,,,,I have a super nice doctor very understanding,,,I suffer with back pain due to car accident.Anyway my doctor gives me 60 lortab 10's a month my job is very physically demanding how do I ask him for 90?
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I am a Pain management anesthesiologist (MD) and came on to this site while looking for a Florida law siute against a pharmacy that was settled for about $50 million.
I I am really impressed by most of you who are giving very good, sound advise on the ethics of apin management.
As the office manager said in a previous comment, we can check on the PDMP and see what controlled substance prescription was filled and written by which doctor and the dates etc. So it is not worth your while trying to cheat the doctors.
Every 19 minutes some body is dying in the US from prescription medication over dose. All of you
think that it is not going to happen to you!
Take care.
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1798872 tn?1346164585
In florida anyway-filling ANY c/s script is on ALL SCRIPTS every dr.has it and use it,please i know this for a fact..  DANNY    Would advise not to do it,cash or not its recorded,be careful..............
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As a PMP office manager, I can tell you that by filling ANY narcotic that is not written by your pain management DR after you sign a contract is against the rules and you are subject to discharge. We pull the PDMP for every patient and if there are any prescriptions filled from other dr's then we do an automatic dc.
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3064220 tn?1340666285
i am new and wondering if i might have a problem after my hardware removal surgery this wednesday,my pcp gave me a 30 day supply of ultram on june 11 and my doctor knows i am having surgery,and my surgeon knows i am taking the ultram as well,but when the surgeon prescribes me percocet for my pain i am worried the pharmacy will give me a hard time because of the remaining 2 weeks of ultram. and there is know way in hell that will control my post op pain,last year i had the same surgery and it hurt!should i have my surgeon or doctor wite the pharmacy like a note because of all the new laws and stuff?
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356518 tn?1322263642
  I was not aware of this until recently but I heard a new patient outside my PMP discussing the fact that they would not accept him because he had a drug record. I do not know how this fits into the HIPPA laws but I believe Tuckamore would know. She is another community leader here.
As far as the Doctor not being able to write you narcotics because you have been red flagged, this is true.
You may want to ask him if he would be able to monitor you closely to build up trust. There is hope. Many have had problems such as getting medications from two different Doctor's and have been caught.
If he is not willing to ask him if he could refer you to someone who would.
Now I would like to address the issue of trading or selling medications. As you know his makes it so hard on those who need pain management.
I assume the trip to jail was a learned lesson so i will leave it.
I hope you do find some help:)
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Hope you guys can help,somewhat complicated. My MD says I have been red flagged for years. He sent me to pain management in 2004, I had to guit going due to the fact I went to jail ( trafficking ) not my pain management meds but meds from a surgeon that PM was aware of me optaining. I don,t know if they know bout this or not( my charge)  I didn,t really sell them anyway! This girl that worked at very reptable place where I live had been doing my hair for years and somtimes I would give her some or she would knock off some of the bill. She wore a wire on me to keep herself out of trouble. Now back to the future, my back has gotten alot worse in the past few years, had a really bad MRI 2 weeks ago. MD still won;t give me anything except ultram 2, 3times aday. He said I needed to be monitered and due to my liver problems put back on OC or Fenytl patch. that was what I was on before ( 100 mgs ) and 20,s. I,m concerned that since he referred me that they will know what all has been going on in the past few years! Even though MD said I did need somthing but he couldn,t write it. what do you guys think!!!
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Hi stevied70427,

This post is over a year old.  Would you please go to the top of the page and begin a "new" post and ask your question.  That way you will get a lot more answers than you will attaching it to someone else's post.

Thank you..........Sherry  :)
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1747829 tn?1311651047
Hi I've been going to a pain management doc in Louisiana for about a year since I've had 2 back surgeries I was also seeing a neuriligist for cluster headaches they both prescribed roxicodone one for 15 mgs and one for30. Now my pain mg doc says that I broke my co.tract . Will I be able to go to a diff pain management doc he says he can still treat me just not with narcotics which I need to control my pain what can I do please help
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Thanks Tuck, new at this.  I went to pain management and posted there.  Hope I did it right
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547368 tn?1440541785
Please begin a new post instead of attaching your questions on someone old thread. You'll obtain better responses.

Thank You,
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I don t have any left and this happens every month. Should I fill it vat thevsame pharmacy. In other words I should not tre to play games and go to another store to get extras.
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Thank you
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Repost as a new question. This is a very old post. You will get more responses that way. In my opinion your new script is meant to replace the old one since it was not lasting you. Call your doctor's office if you r not sure. If you don't have any meds left then go ahead and fill it to replace the other one.
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Hi, innate been on hydrocodone 10 325. My scripts have been for 9 per day ,so I was getting 270  a month and always running short by a eel. The doc would then give me a script for 10 a day = 70 then I would be able to get my refill from pharmacy I have one more refill left for 270 of course ran short this tme doc gave me a sciript for 300 9 per day max of 10 with one refill. I con know what to do should I get this filled at another pharmacy then go back to the old one and get my 270 or should I go to the pharmacy and explain what happened and fill the 300 one and scratch the 270 one . I am 66 on Medicare . I would appreciate any advice
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82861 tn?1333453911
Just a quick comment on your sex drive query.  Decreased or complete loss of sex drive is an unfortunate side effect of opiate therapy.  I have yet to read of any other medication that is effective in that regard.  I'm glad you brought it up since lack of sex drive is just one more problem we CP patients and our spouses/ significant others must learn to deal with.  It's also an important issue to consider when embarking on opiate therapy, and I have yet to hear of any doctor that brings up the issue.  They're more focused on addiction and abuse issues than anything else.

There are a few terms every opiate therapy patient and their families should be aware of.

Tolerance and physical dependence are normal with opiate therapy.  If you take opiates long term, you WILL go into withdrawal if they are suddenly withheld.  Withdrawal does not mean that patient is an addict.

Addiction is a psychological problem that involves craving for the euphoria of narcotics.  An addict will lie, cheat or steal to achieve that euphoria despite the negative consequences of the behavior.

Pseudo-addiction refers to a person who displays some of the behaviors of an addict, but the underlying reason for the behavior is due to the pain being undertreated.  You don't hear much about this because most people, including doctors, jump right to the addiction conclusion.

Hope that helps clarify things a bit better.  :-)
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1324871 tn?1288981706
Hi and I would also like to welcome you ! We do have some wonderful ,knowledgeable members here as you have already seen .The people here are also very ,caring as well .I thank God that I found this forum (thanks to google) as well .It is so hard to suffer with pain and the support I get from here makes it so-o much easier to cope . I can't give you any better advice than you have already gotten here but I just wanted to add my welcome .Congratulations on your marriage .I wish you and your bride a happy, long life together . Take care Melissa
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That's a VERY good choice to ONLY tell your wife!! Even other members of your family have NO business to know what meds you are taking!!!

By the way, I feel the same way about MH. I, TOO, found it by Googling about the Fentanyl Patches that I use.  SOOOO happy that I GOOGLED that day!!

Best of Luck and God Bless you...Sherry
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very well said, one thing i found out is tell no one you are on pain meds. I feel people judge you. That is my experience and will just tell my wife,

This is a great group, i found it by typing a question into google, they have GREAT PEOPLE with great answers. Some people will cheat and get info for there next appt to find ways to get meds and i think people know what i am saying, but overall its great.

God Bless

Jay ;)
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