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SEVERE Left Butt cheek pain!

I have started to experience severe left butt cheek pain. It does not radiate it is in the center of the cheek, It is not a pulled muscle and I do not have back or leg pain. Its just in one area (the center) HELP any ideas?
53 Responses
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535089 tn?1400673519
Hello Kandoit and welcome to the Pain Forum.

Pain in one side of the buttock that does not go away within twenty-four hours indicates a significant problem. The pain may be achy, sore, stiff, dull, tight, and throbbing or any combination of the above. You may experience an increase in pain when sitting or standing for a prolonged period. The pain may include a deep dull ache, and/or soreness in the buttock. At times, it may be sharp and severe. Simple tasks such as putting your socks on in the morning seem monumental. Sleep may be disturbed. Pain increases when arising from a seated position making it very difficult or even impossible to straighten up. Pain may radiate from the buttock into the posterior leg. Leg pain may be perceived as pain or numbness. Buttock pain is worse first thing in the morning and/or increases as the day goes on. Other symptoms may be present. Possible causes may include:
Misalignment of the pelvic joints more properly known as the sacroiliac joints is the primary culprit for buttock pain. Altered relationships between the tailbone (sacrum) and the pelvis (illium) in the body cause increased pressure and strain as well as loss of motion in the sacroiliac joints. Many patients mistakenly state, "My hip hurts" when in fact, it is the sacroiliac joint that becomes misaligned. These gliding joints are found in the pelvis and their function is to allow for movement and flexibility of the spine. When these gliding joints (facet joints) are affected by repeated trauma from excessive strenuous athletic activities, heredity, weakened or de-conditioned muscles, and the inevitable aging process, low back, buttock and/or leg pain is commonly experienced.

I hope this was somewhat helpful to you. Please take care and keep us informed as to the outcome of your discomfort.

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Thank you Mollierae! I have had pain in my buttock for several months.  The dimple on my back becomes so inflamed it hurts to gently rub a finger over it. I was thinking it was my hip... but it isn't on the hip. thanks again!
Have you asked about spina bifita occulta? You have a dimple on your back. They often don't tell you when it shows up on xrays because they say it 'shouldn't cause pain, ' but in some people it does cause issues. My kid has this and further imagining MRI showed additional problems. Maybe ask about it.
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Have had left buttocks pain for six months doctors can not find out the cause of the pain is when I stand for some time or walk can use any help given.
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Eh, that stinks. It's not sciatica?  That has been the case for me with one cheek hurting. If the sciatic nerve gets irritated, ouch.  I try to prevent with frequent stretching.  You also may have a joint problem.  That stinks doctors can't figure it out!  What have they done to investigate (I swear sometimes they just say they don't know without much effort to figure it out)?  What about either a chiropractor or physical therapist? I'd say a chiropractor may help you tremendously.  I also had medical massage for similar things and they 'released' areas that I didn't even know were tight.  It was medical in that my insurance covered it and it wasn't taxed like the 'feel good' massages are but that may be just what happens in my state and I don't know where you are. I've been to physical therapy where they also provided medical massage to areas to alleviate pain.  Six months is too long to be one cheeked!
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The muscle at the top left of my buttocks in the center by my tailbone is very sore could it be from me sitting on my walet
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I have lower back surgeries one on the5 of ok Oct And the other one on the 10 of oct but sconces they take out my dringech from back after 12hours of my surgery this big ball on my left butt cheek and I my left butt cheek is numb I don't feel nothing in told my doctors and they say is natural please help me with they a fusion on the two surgeries is like 6 to 8 crews on my lower back
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I'm  age 66, and I occasionally get a pain in my left buttock or mild sciatica after doing some unusual form of exercise, such as pushing someone in a wheelchair for several hours. It usually goes away within a week if I get rest and do simple yoga poses that strengthen the abdominal and especially the low back muscles, like lying on the floor and doing pelvic tilts, one-leg lifts, or lying on my stomach with outstretched arms and lifting one foot and opposite arm several times, repeating that two or three times a day, until I can lift both legs (with feet perpendicular to the floor)  and both arms at the same time several times, doing several reps of that once or twice a day.  Those exercises decrease the pain, but if pain is felt while doing them. use an ice pack first for 20 mins. until no pain is felt during the exercises.  Movement, for me, like walking, is better than no movement, to decrease the pain and stiffness.  I hope this helps.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Sorry your comment was missed. This is a very old thread and doesn't get the attention that a new "Post a Question"  would get.

I encourage you to begin your own new thread. I'm sorry you're having pain and hip problems. Please feel free to add additional information in your own thread/post.

I'll look forward to hearing more form you!

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This describes my pain exactly and I bet it has everything to do with my broken femur right leg 1 1/2 years ago. The pain is in my left butt. I have noticed it for about a month and for about a week I have a noticed limp in the right (prev. broken) leg. I'm a mess!!
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547368 tn?1440541785
Thank you sooo much for beginning a new thread. It's very appreciated. I did respond earlier to your new thread - I think it was last night.

Anyway If you have additional questions please feel free to ask. If you have SIJD the pain can be excruciating - and difficult to treat. I'll watch your thread for any comments or questions.

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Hi guys, I am 30 and have been experiencing pain in the Center bottom of my left butt cheek from over 2 years now. I think it all started when I fell on my back and this pain usually starts after my periods and it started to spread to my left leg, other symptoms: urge to pee, relief after peeing. Non of the docs understand, have a seen orthopaedic and gynaecologist but no result.
Can someone please suggest who to see and what exactly is this problem.
This is depressing and have been researching but not helpful at all.

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i have had two very severe and sharp pain attacks in my right buttock.   I can not move or hardly stand it when it has happened.  It occurs when I have got up from a low chair.  No radiation. Last about 15 minutes Today it's just sore.
It's a pain that is awful.
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This is my pain. Is there any suggestions for improving it or making it stronger so as not to slip out.
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I have sharp pain reoccurring in my left buttock for about 6 seconds, then it leaves for a minutes before returning. No pain elsewhere. It started 48 hours ago with the same pattern, going on day and night. Weird eh?
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8976007 tn?1413330650
this is such an old thread you may want to post a new question and you will get more responses
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I fell hard a few months ago I was running down my back yard and couldn't stop (down hill steep) finally hit a spot where I stopped and fell hard to the ground.  did not feel like I hurt anything.  I am 69, I only felt silly for how fast it happened.   a week or so later I felt  a little dull pain in my left Butt cheek and pushed in on the spot.  I thought I must have been bruised by the fall.  Now about 3 months later and the pain wakes me up every night . It is not a pain to make me cry or moan, just a constant dull bruise pain.  Nothing going down my leg like syatica  .  Isn't there any one who has had success in getting this to stop??????    I will let you all know if I have success .  
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How or where do u get this therapy prolotherapy I have that pain in left butt cheek been to therapy and had a deep tissue massage they said they feel tight little knots that r not rubbing out theirs like three they thought it was a nerve issue trying to get an mri what can get knotted up in your left butt cheek its deep and hurts to put on socks sit when getting up from a chair or bending over
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3112530 tn?1434032033
Food for thought....
Check out Piriformis syndrome. FIND A DOCTOR WHO KNOWS ABOUT THIS SYNDROME AND KNOWS HOW TO TREAT! The medical community is mixed on this syndrome because it is not something that is easily seen. It is a small muscle related to the sciatic nerve but ask more about this and get the medical community on board to treat and understand they symptoms. Many people suffer from this and many doctors do not know how to treat or do not have the education to recognize this syndrome.
RESEARCH, RESEARCH AND MORE RESEARCH! Teach these doctors that there is such a thing and to find a treatment besides drugs and surgery!
I received Botox injections for my pain issues. Read and educate yourself more about this syndrome but know all the facts before you approach your doctor!
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Hi I wondering if you can offer me some advice please, I woke up with really bad what I thought was sciatica 7mths ago I went to the doctors and they give me painkillers, I've never experienced pain like it in my leg before then seemed to move from my leg to my back. I have been on pain  killers ever since but nothing seems to be working, I have been putting up with it as best I can but now the pain has came back really bad again but in my leg and in my bum my leg muscles feel so tight I can bearly sit down or sleep or walk I just feel like crying as I havee had enough of it now. Many thanks Gillian.  
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Thank you for that it sounds just like what I have got I might even go to the doctors now cause sometimes the doctors do not take any notice
Thanking you ocne again
Cathy 2oldcrowes
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Thank you for that it sounds just like what I have got I might even go to the doctors now cause sometimes the doctors do not take any notice
Thanking you ocne again
Cathy 2oldcrowes
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I certainly appreciate your comments and shared symptoms.....I swear that this pain in my left "cheek" came on overnight, but would leave, etc....when it came to the point that the dull deep pain in which I too could pinpoint was unbearable, I went to the Dr....we did xray, nothing there.....so, couple of shots kinda like "Supartz" for the knee....great, takes pain away, but Chiro says, don't do shots...says masks the pain, etc.... welp, it is assumed that my pregnancies and especially that of my twins, did some kind of damage to the pelvic area as mentioned by many of you....I can't seem to get a diagnosis or plan of treatment other than shots for pain...that doesn't seem to be an acceptable view in my opinion...I'm a fix it kinda gal, not cover it up....any suggestions?? gah, I can't tell you what it feels like to know that I didn't make this whole "pain in my butt" thing up :)
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I am female.  Two days ago I exercised and felt good, even jumping on my mini-trampoline trying to get back into exercising.  Wow! I felt good afterward.  Later in the day I went grocery shopping, carrying in those awful plastic bags (I hate to make so many trips to the car so I carry in too much).  On the last trip and with too much weight on my right side, I felt slight pain in my right butt cheek.  I kind of dismissed it until trying to sleep at night...pain almost like I had been kicked in the butt...felt like a bone bruise.  Standing in the morning and walking hurt as bad as lying down, and it upset my stomach like I had to vomit, but didn't.  I decided to eat something and take some Ibuprofen.  It still hurt somewhat, but it was dulled.
Before sleeping last night I took more Ibuprofen and was able to sleep pretty much all night, but first thing this morning it was back and so was the feeling of sickness in my stomach.  Again, I ate something and swallowed 3 Ibuprofen and used something trans-dermal on my sore spot.  All of it helped, but it was still just dulled, not gone away.  This is day 2 having this problem.  Not sure if it was the exercise or those bags, but I've been hurt by those bags before...usually my shoulder or elbow extending...I bet many people have had problems because of those plastic bags...and just don't realize that those could be the reason.  After this, I plan to ask for paper sacks instead.  I plan to take some more Ibuprofen tonight...and pray the pain will eventually go away.  It doesn't feel like a muscle pull as I've had those before, and I was able to fix those with the exercises from "Egoscue".  Those exercises don't work this time.
Good luck to you all.  I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers...and if anything new happens, will report.  Thanks
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Had a cortisone shot in my left butt cheek about seven years ago and I keep getting severe cramps in my left butt cheek I can barely move and when it start cramping and can feel exactly where I was shot at
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wow thanks for all the info here you helped me out alot I had a severe groin pull wich made me walk funny for a while which i now think led to SIJ thanks again for the info    mike
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I too have this terrible pain but its in both cheeks.  seems worse when I sit or stand for long periods of time.  I have no loose vertibrea in my back.  I have had multiple surgeries and have rods and springs down my back completely.  Can my pelvis still be out and if so can it be put into alignment without munipulating my spine?
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