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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Ray---I put myself on the SCD (Specific Carb Diet) for about a year, which is grain-free and sugar-free, and lost too much weight (looked horrible/haggard)...but the intestinal issues (gurgling gas, burning etc.) did go away as a result of the SCD (not from the Xifaxin, though...the Xifaxin did not help in my case).  Sadly, the SCD did not help with the PATM nor the TMAU2, so maybe talking about a remaining bacteria that does not cause gurgling gas/burning but does cause PATM/TMAU2.

I also know my gut profile at that time from Metametrix (now called Genova) based on DNA anaylsis "PCR", and yes, there is a mix of the different bacteria (9 listed).  There is also a section where they would list bacteria that would be associated with disease, and I do not have any listed there, so I can rule those out (klebsiella, citrobacter, haemolytic e.coli, psuedomonas aeronomas, achromobacter, enterobacter, morganella, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, vibro, yersinia)...however, there are many many more bacteria that they do not have in their DNA database, which are potential culprits.

Based on my research, I have some suspects:  brucella, serratia marascens, and proteus.   These fit some of the sypmtoms and characteristics of what I have experienced.  A PCR-based (DNA) test of these may be of some value, but I don't know of any such tests.

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Did you consume any sugar/wheat/gluten foods during your rebuilding of your gut flora? Did you take some premium probiotics that would survive the stomach acid and make it to the small intestine without damage?

I have taking antibiotics in the past but never really supplemented my gut with healthy probiotics afterwards. I did'nt watch what I was eating at that time either that's why it didn't work for me. Doctor's say we should have balance of 80% good bacteria and 20% bad bacteria sort of like a well tuned engine.

If you have not gone the web to see the video on SIBO please go there and see it. It's an eye opener.
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...just want to add...not everyone who gets a SIBO diagnosis has TMAU2 and/or PATM...so it is a very unusual bacteria we are talking about here and//or some other extenuating circumstances (fungal or viral co-infection)..."it ain't going to be easy" to figure this one out but I'm not giving up...
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I am one of the PATMers with a diagnosis of SIBO (from Cedars-Sinai, using the gold-standard for diagnosis, the hydrogen breath test)...so the next question is:  what is the bacteria or bacterias that cause the SIBO?  Medical science does not know the answer to this.  I am hypothesizing that it is the same bacteria that causes Type 2 (acquired) TMAU, because I did not have TMAU 2 before the SIBO/PATM.  I know of one other individual who also has SIBO and TMAU and there could me more.

Freeland's approach to identifying the unique VOCs a PATMer has is a good approach, but at some point the question would be asked:  what is the bacteria (if indeed it is a bacteria) that causes that unique profile of VOCs?  I would like to get to the identifying the cause of this so we can annihilate this evil bacteria.

Ray, I took the Xifaximin course, but I did not take the second med you are taking that helps remove the detritus (apparently that came on the market in 2013 and I was treated in 2012)...I believe I also took VSL as the probiotic.  I hope you have more success than I did, maybe your bacterial profile is different and it will work for you!  I know you will keep us posted

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Wow...bettertimes you hit the nail right on the head with your comment about fogging up the windows when your inside a car, thats exactly what happens to me. My breath elevates in temperature and I start having PATM REACTIONS. I have not experienced this for two days since I been on medication.

Freeland sorry about getting involved with troll.
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i was wondering the same thing, but the doctor said it a way your body react to the high calcium..it allow the fungus to grow to prevent absorption of vitamin d and extra calcium in the small intestine but then the fungus has really penetrated me, one can tell by the blood on it. And also i gave the fungus to the doctors.

Parathyroid gland controls calcium in the body,so when it start to malfunction calcium and vitamin D gos abnormal

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