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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Definitely i was hoping to get xifaximin from my gastro, and frankly it would be super hard to get it without a dctor, im on sibo fb page and almost everyone is given that antibiotic, it goes straight to intestines.
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Hello kity,

Just want to get something of my chest, please do not take antibiotics without first consulting with your GP. I would never ask anybody to do anything without first doing the research or checking with a doctor....unlike what the troll said.

My beautiful wife of 23 years has supported me since I started to have PATM reactions, she didn't believe me at first but with time and examples she realized that it was true. I would say the single most important thing that kept us together was the love for Jesus.  You have to trust in God and have faith because science cannot cure us alone. God provides us the tools to overcome situations, we might not be cured today or next week or next year but we will get there.

It sounds like you have multiple medical issues and your situation sounds complicated but please watch the video I sent out and absorb all the information....research SIBO that's where most of our health problems initiate which can lead to a host of medical problems.

With this video, I found out why taking antibiotics and not following up with a good brand of probiotics will lead me back to having SIBO. This Doctor explains everything in very simple terms.

Please watch it and remember that having discipline throughout your healing processes is the key.
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My thyroid is also enlarged and it started at the same time my patm started **parathyroid gland is on the thyroid
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Dude, why are you trolling our forum and offending everyone unnecessarily?  Though I found your ideas absolutely ridiculous I did not bother you. I wanted you to post your ideas for everyone to read and not get into your way.
I refused to initially comment on your posts for two basic reasons:
1. You seriously need a translator or intentionally making it appear broken on some parts to disguise your identity.
2. Your ideas are just crazy. HYPERPARATHYROIDISM has nothing to do with PATM. Have you seen anyone complaining of kidney stones and weak bones in this forum? How do you connect calcium to patm? You got nothing but trash!

“I have degree " Bsc COMPUTER SCIENCE "

Now you’re programmer..lol? But then what’s that got to do with anything? Take note that there are several machines & utilities involved in the process. Second, it’s already programmed. It doesn’t need amateur programmers. The difficult part has absolutely nothing to do with understanding the programs.. it’s all got to do with understanding chemistry & physics itself.

“The machine is programmed to do what it supposed to .,,IT CANT NOT DETECT ANY PATM GAS.”

And it’s supposed to detect molecules.. that’s what it’s supposed to do. Everything are molecules. What did you expect patm gas to be? An alien molecule that doesn’t exist in the universe? You don’t know anything about that so I suggest keep quiet.

The list of ingredients you’ve just given contains almost nothing of medical value. Did you even care to look up before posting your garbage?

“but the PATM is not directly cause by the fungus

How do you connect fungus, a gland and patm? That’s a huge claim you just did there. How do you explain the lack of any symptoms of HYPERPARATHYROIDISMON any us? How do you explain people surviving over 40 years with no problem whatsoever except for patm? You have serious logical issues.

“*A giant fungus very big with blood stains on it”

Do you even know what you are saying? Do you know what fungus means? You should know the species name by now. What is it? You don’t because; first you don’t understand what you taking about to begin with and you created that silly imaginary story to back up your claims.. ..because you’re a troll.


LOL.. tell us. What are organs in the stomach have you learnt so far? And which school and country did they teach you that? Can you name one organ in the stomach?

“Have you ask yor self why mad person on the street  dont have patm ***they eat anyhow and are infected  with al kinds of bacteria ”

And how have you determined that everyone on the street aren’t patmer? Did you interview each one of them? Did you have a patm meter that you ran around the streets and checked every homeless person? Stop making things up to support ridiculous claims. I suggest you stop bothering everyone or just post your ideas and don’t offend others with your wacky outrages claims. We are trying to find a solution here; we don’t have time for trolls.
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How is your patm? It been 3~4 days since you started taking xifaximin

***Guys do the hyperparathyroidism test get cured enjoy  your life
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Have you ask yor self why mad person on the street  dont have patm ***they eat anyhow and are infected  with al kinds of bacteria

Only gland/organ  failure can cause this abnormal chemical in the body

NB. Our body is intelligent and it removing patm chemical  through our breath

NB. ONLY Fungus can make various unknown chemicals to digest food
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