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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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Hello there I scrolled through the responses on here and I have a similar issue people tend to cough around me, some even cover their noses when I walk by them, and before anyone starts saying it's in my head, it's not. Some of my past experiences include that one time in high school a girl in my classroom approached me after class and hinted "Hey I think you got some sort of super power...that makes people cough...." as she kindly put it or my teacher who requested a drug test from me cause, he though I was a drug addict to the point, he brought up my body odor in a meeting between student and teachers literally he said "the way you smell" as his reasonable suspicion of why he though I was a druggie, or the girl who refused to sit next to me when the new seating order was made and when asked why? she said "he smells bad" . I went to my local doctor I told him my stories and experiences and requested a TMAU test he never heard of this test but suggested I may have H pylori so I got tested and turns out he was right I did have it and SIBO as he told me(small intestinal bacteria overgrowth). He explained to me that the h pylori was giving off large amounts of ammonia in my breath and odor which could irritate the throat and noses of those around me, that made more sense then 'your crazy or, it's in your head" so I got some antibiotics and they did help but I feel the infection has returned and plan to go get tested again within the next month if possible. So if anyone here suffers from similar symptoms I recommend you go get a h pylori test done, if possible do what I did and discuss it over a routine physical exam.
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I've had the same problem and you're absolutely right about the Hpylori. I'm gald I didn't listen to people telling me it's all in my head. My family even told me I don't actually smell, and I suspect they're lying or maybe they got used to it just by living with me, because people immediately used to cough the moment I entered a room, and when I farted, God help you. Some people used to leave class occasionally to get a break from my odor. It was Hpylori after I did a stool and blood test. This is what happened after the diagnosis:

- I took antibiotics for 14 days and ulcer treatment for 90 days. I stopped the ulcer treatment after 25 days because it caused me horrible horrible side effects and I had to go to the emergency twice after having constipation twice for two weeks consecutively, which was cured by Lactovia tablets which contain probiotic culture that restores digestive health, somewhat. Doesn't cure Hpylori though. I did not have ulcers I don't know why the doctor even gave me this medicine. Don't take everything your doctor prescribes, take second opinions on everything. Sometimes they just want to sell. 90 days, 180 capsules, it was expensive.

- Bad breath and body odor symptoms receded for a week or two after finishing the antibiotics, but returned again. I was not eating healthy and had no idea that my diet even affected the bacterial infection. I decided to look for my own treatments without going to the doctor again. He just wants to sell me medicine anyway, he doesn't care how much I suffer or if I get cured at all. He also never mentioned my diet or how I should change it.

- I read that fermented milk or Kefir (referred to as Laban in the middle east) was the best way to fight it without medicine. After drinking it daily after lunch for about 3 months as well as eating yogurt for dinner (without sugar, and low-fat!), I noticed tremendous improvement. People still sometimes back away from me and I still sometimes smell bad but it's like once or twice a week not everyday every moment, and NOTHING like it used to be. At least I can have a conversation with someone and not feel that I'm killing them with deadly invisible gas. So my advice is, EAT AND DRINK LOTS OF PROBIOTIC RICH FERMENTED FOODS.

- I also read that fat and sugar are the main culprits at worsening this infection because they're the main nutritional elements for Hpylori growth. Limit your fat intake and STOP SUGAR completely. I only eat sugar when I can't help it like in bread where it's naturally made with it or in fruits and juice and I'm trying to stop even juice. A few times when I couldn't stop my sugar cravings the problem returned again and that's when I realized how much of an effect it plays. Sugar has ZERO health benefits. It's a socially accepted drug that we're all hooked on without realizing. STOP SUGAR AND LIMIT FAT INTAKE.

- They say Broccoli Sprouts are natural soldiers against Hpylori and I plan on adding them to my diet ASAP. I've noticed a lot of improvement so far and I plan on trying everything. Green tea also helps they say.
P.s. I did not mean to say that Hpylori doesn't cause ulcers, it does and it's proven by countless medical research. It's even linked immediately to the development of stomach cancer. But I did not tell him about any ulcer symptoms at all. For a year before that I was suffering only from body odor, bad breath, and digestive discomfort and bloating as well as excessive, frequent (a few times an hour, all day) gasses. I only started getting ulcer symptoms after I finished the antibiotics, and I cured them just by eating healthy and avoiding irritating food. Medicine is not always the solution, sometimes it makes it worse.
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I just showered and did not apply cologne or perfume or lotion. By that, I am confident that I am not stinky at that time. That day I showered at 7 AM then left my apartment at 7:45. So I think it would be impossible for me to develop a stench within 45 minutes. Also, I do not smell like fish so I think I do not have TMAU or fish odor syndrome.

Sometimes, whenever people would sneeze or cough or whatever they do when I'm around, I tell myself, "I wish this would happen to you so you know what I am feeling....*****.. ****..". Yes, I curse them people. I know it's wrong but I can't help it. People can be so insensitive sometimes. Even friends can be so insensitive. When you're in a public place like the theatre or a restaurant, my friends would complain out loud and there I am, pretending not hearing any of their rants. I know they talk about me when I'm not around. They started not contacting me--no calls, no text messages asking if I want to join them/go with them somewhere, no emails in myspace/friendster and the like. Nothing, nothing at all. Now what hurts me msot is that they hang out with my brother since then. I heard news they went to this place, that place, they were laughing, they enjoyed themselves. They l;ike the company of my sibling more than me.  And me? Ha!!! Alone at home. Talking to myself. My life's a waste.  
I live in San Francisco CA. Are there anyone living nearby???? It owuld be great to know or even meet people with the same problems. It would be a big boost to my confidence and esteem.
I wish someday doctors would finally set their eyes on this mysterious disorder we all are suffering. Maybe we can write to NBC, ABC and to all other news magazines on tv urging them to make a documentary/report and to telcast it nationwide.
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Yeah I know exactly how this feels... How are you now?
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Okay, everyone. Please go to page one of this thread and read all the posts by Infinitus. He/she has some very good thoughts and will also get you headed in the right direction. While there may be some cases of irritating others by what you wear, what you eat (do you eat a ton of garlic and smell like a garlic bulb?), how clean you are, smells and whatnot, that's not what most of this is about! It's simply one of the mysteries of life that people will rarely if ever talk about. It's much more taboo, than say, talking about UFOs. That's why your doctors will not be in a position to help you in most of cases. If they know what is happening, they aren't likely to admit it to you.

All of us carry an electrical energy field with us everywhere we go. Surely, everyone has heard stories about someone with such a magnetic personality or presence, that when they enter a room, everybody will look their way. Conversely, you may have experienced people with such a negative aura about them, that they just totally creep you out. The coughing by others comes about when your energy field, gets too close to someone else that has a different field from you (or maybe yours is just stronger). More so when you are very happy (or agitated) about something. They say opposites attract, but in these cases, it's more like positive and negative don't mix. It could just as easily be your positive energy that is bothering negative people, than the reverse. SO, PLEASE DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP ABOUT IT. It's certainly their issue, not yours! Don't let people stomp out your light. Misery loves company, forget that. And even if you are negative at the moment or in a seemingly unending rut, as the wonderful poem Desiderata states; "you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here."

Someone mentioned in the thread that they can make someone cough from 150 feet away. True. It some cases it simply comes from you thinking about them and thereby projecting your energy at them. Other times, the coughing and such just sort of starts closer to you and then just spreads out from there like a chain reaction. Once you know what is going on, you can sort of chuckle rather than cry about it. It's simply a part of life, that I suspect has been taking place since the beginning of time. Don't believe what I'm telling you? Just be observant and you will soon see.

If a person wanted to put a religious twist to this, you might say that good and evil don't mix. Spirit filled people may well just bow people over with their radiance causing others to forcefully reject it by coughing. I suppose the reverse could be true as well. But I digress. Please don't let me lose you with this train of thought.

What you eat and drink is important, but usually only in the sense that you want to have a healthy body. You want to be as physically fit as possible. Remember, healthy body, healthy mind, healthy energy. Get outdoors and enjoy the sun and nature. Meditate. Listen to uplifting music. Maybe get into yoga or some other healthy discipline. Do what feeds the spirit. In other words, you want to raise your vibrational level. It's good for you even if others might at times find it objectionable. Please Google about how to do this. There's many great sources out there.

Like you a lot of you, I suffer from this affliction and have most of my life. I've cried a river of tears and beat myself up about it for years. I've shut myself in a box and was depressed for the longest time. No longer. Things may never change for some of us, but now by this thread, you know you are not alone. The main thing is to just act normal, if there really is such a thing. As hard as it sounds, get on with your life. Remember, you have a right to be here. Take care, my friends. Godspeed.
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Energy field theory is a lot more interesting than the h pylori ammonia breath theory.
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The thing you have to realize is, others do not think it is as bad as we think. I used to think that everyone hates me because I am causing them to feel irritable, til I relaxed and talked to people,I found that alot liked me because of my personalities. Just like every social encounters, if you are relaxed and are comfortable with yourself, others will like you no matter what. For me, if i am relaxed, it does not seem to be as bad. Sorry to get sidetracked but I just want people to know that there is hope for us to be a little bit happy despite suffering from this. When I have a chance, I will still go see a doctor, maybe they don't know how to treat this, but i want to maybe see about getting something to help me deal with anxieties. I will also continue to search online about this. If anyone finds anything, please share with the rest of us here. Thanks

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Reactions always seem to be worst when im scared of in a defensive state.

Like a skunk
Agreed. It’s part of a histamine reaction in the body.
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I am suffering with same condition for past 7 years and contionusly monitoring the cause. I noticed that its not due to any gas or odour, but it is because of tiny cloth dust or cloth pollen around us. Whenever i wear a shirt in morning, i feel these cloth dust and cloth pollen and it causes heavy nose itching to me also. I feel absolutely comfortable when i remove my shirt.
I my office Elevator, i can see these dust or hair like clothe dust clearly coming out of my shirt/ body, as Elevator has mirror on all side with a good light from top.
This has ruined my life, but still finding some solution. People around me in the office are frustrated.
In my previous office, one of my friend sitting next to me told that he feel suffocated in my presence. He told this directly to me. I just gave him crying smile.
I feel this has relation to our blood circulation which causes our body to release heavy cloth dust or cloth pollen from our cloth, which in confined spaces causes allergic reaction to others.
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Its the microplastics in our diet.
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It's very fascinating that this is a worldwide phenomenon.

Russia, China, Ghana, America, all parts of the globe finds people afflicted by this.

That tells me that it is not related to diet, people in Russia eat completely different thinks from people in Africa, etc.

It must be mental, it has to be.

Are you someone who is on the anti-social side? Do you tend to shy away from other people?

I personally only affect my officemates when I have fear in my heart. Whether its fear of a deadline, fear of discipline from a superior. Ive been sitting here reading peoples comments and it made me feel really good to have others experience the same stuff I feel. My coworker right next to me didn't cough at all.

Then I read a comment of someone basically saying they were at wits end and were considering suicide. This made my heart skip a beat, and not 10 seconds later my coworker starts coughing really badly. I began joking with her about some nonsensical thing and she stopped coughing.

PATM seems to be related to your emotional state, your mental state. I suspect the diet changes and tests people are having done are just placebos. Going to a doctor who doesnt know what is wrong with you just makes your fear and anxiety worsen. STOP SEEING MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS.

Talk with a family member or friend.
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Yes, I  think so
I am from china  ,  In marth of this year , My colleague  say my have Odour , this make me very nervous ,From then on , I have 'PATM'
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Hello guys,

I am also having a similar symptom where my colleagues will cough at least once in two minutes when I entered the office. Some will not cough at first and takes some time before they do. This also happens anywhere the room is enclosed such as a seminar room or halls. Some people might suggest that may have been a prank, but who plays prank for 2 years plus. Anyway, when I silently holds my breath, it seems the coughing stops for while, as if I am breathing out irritants into the air.

It all started with a simple normal cough around January 2014 and as usual I just went to the clinic and receive the normal medication such as antibiotics and expectorant. However the cough continued, I kept going to the clinics until they provided higher and higher doses of antibiotics (such as Curam625 mg and once, 1 gram antibiotic). After 4 months taking the medications, it seems the cough wears off, but I notice that anyone talking with me will cough. I did an X ray and there were white spots detected. Its probably due to my smoking habits, the doctor said. About three months later, I stopped smoking at all and hoped that it will remove any kind of infection. Somehow the "other people coughing" continues.

In the morning I also will need to spit out thick phlegms which is yellowish or brownish at times. Occasionally I can see blood in the phlegm. The longer I waited and holding the sputum inside, the thicker and darker the colour it wiil be. At times, it was so thick I had to use a nebulizer with salt water to push them out. Even saline solution has no effect cause its so thick.

I pity my officemates who,out of 20;
2-4 will cough badly, I mean really bad like they are trying vomit out their internal organs or something

3-5 will cough like a normal cough

3-4 will seem to try clear their throat every minute and then

I have met with a number of respiratory expert who dismiss my case such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, acid reflux, post-nasal drip, and one even referred me to a psychiatrist listening to my story. I have been given/taken:

All with no affects.

I have done some procedures such as Bronchoscopy,ENT scope, Gastrosopy, spirometry and further tests such as Tuberculosis, H pylori, NTM, Fungal, hepatitis, HIV, all turned out negative. Doctors say I looked too healthy to be infected and shows no common symptoms of being affected by viral, bacterial or fungal infection. If I am having any kind of infection, I should be having loss of appetite, lots of fever, and most probably be dead by now since its almost three years since first detected. My x ray and ct scan also shows nothing significant except for a really small granular in the chest, and gastroscopy shows that I am having a minor hernia which is probably the cause of the sputum build up. Finally an expert gives me a clean bill of health stating I am as healthy as an ox. Its hard to prove to the experts that I am causing other people to cough since the experts are not affected or coughing during the appointment.

The sad thing is that, although my family, my friends, my coworkers are coughing badly, somehow I am not coughing or rarely does so. Except for the continuous build up of phlegm and sputum in the throat, I rarely cough as badly as others nearby myself.

I am starting to doubt my own insanity, and its really hard especially when seeing your colleagues and family members coughing when I am nearby them. I too have been distancing myself from social life and sleeps in different room from the wife and kids.

I am hoping that someone can tell me why this happened and how to cure it. If this happens for a another couple of years, I am starting to consider suicide as the last option.Hopefully this long note will serve as a guidance for anyone else encountering the same symptoms.
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I having the same experience. What if what we perceive to be wrong with us or a medical problem actually is a gift. What if we actually have some mental power or ability to affect things around us? If so we should start a group and get to know one another to get to the bottom of this. If we have this affect on people alone imagine what can happen if we pair up together. Just a thought.
Before reading this i was thinking the same thing @giftedones
It happens around me so often... first I started complaining... because I am a singer.. Then my ex thought I was making things up until he shadow me for a day... Just happen three times today and so I decided to look on the internet and see if it was happening to anyone else.... And Lordy behold
I'm very interested in your story.  Sounds like part of my story.  I only live with one person, who does not complain or flat out says I'm crazy.  When I ask my mom (who lives elsewhere, and coughs when I am near, if I activate her allergies).  She just says no, but covers her nose when I'm near.  So I must smell.  Ugh.  So i shower a lot, but it does not seem to matter.  Reading this makes me feel less alone.  I never though I would be suicidal, but once you lived a normal life and then you don't feel comfortable being around people.....  its hard.  
This is very hard and I too deal with all of the same symptoms as you guys. It makes me feel very alone but at the end of the day, the world is better with us in it. You mean a lot to the people around you. I have been working with a nutritionist who prescribed a cleansing tea and I am also eating more vegetables. I still deal with the symptoms and people coughing/sneezing around me but I am hopeful that it will go away. I think I developed it from years of poor diet and stress. Good luck to us all:)
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I experienced the same thing. I'm scared that this will be the fate of me. I have so many goals and dreams and I feel depression from this creeping up on me. I wish there was help
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ifeeldoomed correctly noticed that people yawn.
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Saw that to
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The most interesting thing is that people can cough when you talk to them on the phone. And even those who are close to the person on the other side of the connection.
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I think I was crazy when I start noticing it affecting people via the phone. It is as if it search out its victims as it use your body as the host.

I am 28 and having this problem for about 8 years now. I notice a few other symtoms,  it drain the energy of people around you make them sleepy.

It also gets more intence a day or so after ejaculation. It seem to operate as a two part entity as its attacking others as I know when its attacking others even before they start showing symtoms as it itch me a bit.

I think its ether a paracite or a demon or both. I notice as well it affect different people in different ways. My nephew will have pain in knees at nights but it seems to stop or reduce when I apply warm water from boiled garlic.

I would advise you guys to attamp some paracitic detox as I feel like a worm come up from my stomach at times to feed.

Please give your views and Ill give links to colon and paracitic detox websites.
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In Russia, too, there are people around which the surrounding people cough, sneeze, itch, sick. Doctors dismiss such "sick" and referred to a psychiatrist. In the Ukraine even made a TV show about one such woman. Then the show was organized medical check-up for her. A medical examination revealed nothing, she was sent to a psychiatrist, but she refused. I have a similar problem for 6 years. At first I didn't even notice, but then it went rampant around challenge, sneezing and scratching. I was in shock and didn't know what to do. Didn't even know how to explain to the doctors. And they laughed and were sent to a psychiatrist. Then I found in the Internet on Russian forums a lot of people with the same problems. A couple of people seem to have recovered, starting to live a healthy lifestyle. Me yet nothing helped, but I know about how bare to reduce the symptoms. The less I sweat, the better ventilated the room, the others easier. Sorry for my English, my native Russian translated Yandex.ru.
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very very same situation, but I am a Asian girl. I learned English try to find a way out from that disease. I have been suffered that for ten years, it's a long time for me. The only thing I can do is try to forget it, believe it will be cured itself someday. I think I could be a actor, because when I hear people who in the same situation I 'll cry. I'm crying right now. Nobody believe me when I told them. They thought I told lie for not go to school. That was a nightmare! If u're still there, we can share our experience。
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My symptoms are same. I jux saw your comment. Im from ghana in Africa, ive had this as far back as in junior high school. Im 26 now and a worker.  Now I cant take it any more.  I don't want to go out with friends nor even to the market, nor the shops or anyhere for that matter. I o need ly feel comfortable when im with myself.  I pick up all sorts of smells in places. Onion smells stick to my hands for a week even after so many washing. I think about quitting my job as it takes a lot of will to show up every day. I don't let people approach me.  Given that you posted about five years ago,  please let me know of any progress you have made. My mum is superstitious; thinks its somewhat spiritual.  If I don't find a solution soon I don't know what will become of me.
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Helpless Hopeful I live in Houston, TX also. Maybe you can tell my psychiatrist I'm not crazy. My psychiatrist is in a big hospital with a research center. Maybe we can convince them to make us guinea pigs.
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Hey guys, whats going on. Hope all is well. Few developments. First off, I've noted a handful of people I've come into close contact with becoming very ill. Or persistently coughing.

  Recently, I visited my roommates house, his mother sneezed and coughed in my presence. (In arkward moments like these I've learned to psychologically divert the attention away quickly). A few days later, he informed me that his mom was sick and that she contracted a fever and a flu...... It gets better.

  Now he's sick. Coughing throughout the day, spitting up blood and mucus. His best friend he introduced me to is also sick now.... I probably have the worst case of all in this forum.

  If you're speculative, be my guest, just know that I don't just make up this stuff in my spare time. I have formed tons of other "correlating theories", so if you're interested grab a spoon and dig in.

  Disclaimer: Everything I say have been tested and formed by
              my personal "correlating" evidence, I just
              put the pieces together as i experience it.
              Just as a patient tells his doctor his
              symptoms, there is no one whom I can
              approach with this, so I am my own experimentor.
              I destroy every writing on paper, it's funny, my
              roommate caught me tearing up paper lastnight and
              he thought it was love notes I wrote for my
              x-girlfriend. We had a horrible argument.
              Guess what it was about. Read on.

Theories: Someone around you is thinking about you (good or bad
          I do not know). This idea is said to be a Japanese
          belief. I've proven it numerous times.
          The person sneezing or coughing may be harboring
          strong emotions of anger, hate, or love toward you.
          For example sake, I was doing my math homework in my
          professors Literature class, he saw me and was
          obviously upset. When he turned away to continue
          his lecture, he coughed.

          The girl I broke up with lives next door to my
          dormroom. Everytime she she passes by she coughs.

          (Part of the reason we let it go was because I was
          painfully shy, I couldnt look at her, she's
          beautiful, whenever I talked to her I wouldn't look
          at her, whenever I would knock on her door I would
          run down the hall then wave to her. It was painful
          hearing her cough or sneeze around me, it hurt.
          The only time I'm not shy or dont care about the
          allergies thing is when I'm angry. Sometimes I
          would try to get angry).......back to the theories.

          There is this pretty girl in the back of my Math
          class that always coughs violently whenever
          I came in, I sit in front... I just learned that she
          likes me!!??

          Or quite simply, you don't smell too inviting. In my
          case, wearing and using fragrance-free products leaves
          you with an unpleasant smell when you start perspiring
          "some said I smelt like outside, or you stink".
          Using some aveeno fragrance-free products, someone
          said I smelt like feet.
          It may seem harsh, but I cherished it and stopped
          using it during the day, only at nighttime.
          Don't know companies would pay millions for genuine
          survey data.

          Perhaps you made a u-turn and started using fragranced
          products. Personally, using the right amount and
          smelling just right helped 10 times better. After
          years of praying for the right underarm deodorant,
          I found it a few months ago and plan to use it
          forever. It's called "Almay fragrance-free deodorant
          gel". This is definitely one is G_d sent. cause it's
          what i was crying out for.

          I'd also advise bathing with liquid "softsoaps" over
          conventional bars. Go to the store and smell all of
          them, buy some. That's right buy a fragranced, liquid
          "soft-soap". And your favorite smelling cream to
          compliment it, remember use it lightly, just enough.

          Strangely and most significant of all my finds, some
          people just look at me and start to sneeze or cough.
          Even from far away. I just don't know. Some kind of
          sphere around me or something. I just don't know.

          I use to live in a Caribbean island. When I was
          younger, me and my friend skipped school and went
          to the beach. You would always know you swam too
          far out when your waist down was entangled with
          sea-weed. So I turned around and tried walking
          towards the shore, suddenly I stepped on a black
          sea-egg, I swam to shore scared to death.

          While laying on the sand bed these black needle-like
          things were in my feet. I was too afraid to take
          them out. A rastafarian walking by stopped and helped
          me, and looked at me seriously and told me someone
          would have to **** on my feet for it to come out.
          I said nevermind. I shouted and detered them  
          from carrying me to the hospital. I was just too
          scared to go to their hospital.
          My friend helped me put on my shoes and we went
          home. I told no one, after a while it disappeared.
          Was I poisoned? Could this have affected me??

          Perhaps it could be that we have different physical
          energies, because of loneliness, and other feelings
          that triggers the mind to release these chemicals to
          protect us.
          When I was "shy" growing up, I noticed whenever I
          was in certain situations; my eyes would water, a
          year later it changed to my eyelids flickering, then
          having to swallow my spit, could this thing we have
          now be a defense mechanism that is given off when
          we we're threatened.

          Someone brought up the idea of it being caused by
          "Histamines", brilliant, brilliant find. I'm studying
          it right now. Certain foods give off or suppressed
          histamines. Good work.

          I was actually writing and editing this in a
          Mcdonalds. Once I turned around and just looked at
          this guy in his eyes, he coughed. I said "oh sh*t".
          Another guy passed by my seat and he coughed!!??
          I was already seated so there was no way he could've
          been affected by me.
          Bye guys. I leave this for a while, got exams coming
          up. Peace.



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You know how sometimes you hear stories of people getting approached by dangerous animals, and the animal just sniffs them and leaves them alone?

I think it's an evolutionary trait/defense mechanism.
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Basically any impurities in our blood is magnified 10 fold in an aura around us.
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Also, I am going to try eliminating gluten (I love bread) and sugar for the next week to see if this helps. I already take liquid chlorophyll, probiotics and fiber. I think that our stomachs are not breaking down food well and this is causing the smell and/or irritation issue. Also, then it affects us mentally because of the way people react around us and this can cause severe anxiety. Hope this helps:)
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Also, I am going to try eliminating gluten (I love bread) and sugar for the next week to see if this helps. I already take liquid chlorophyll, probiotics and fiber. I think that our stomachs are not breaking down food well and this is causing the smell and/or irritation issue. Also, then it affects us mentally because of the way people react around us and this can cause severe anxiety. Hope this helps:)
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I also agree with deathgod its a gift that we have that effects others by our mental and thought process. Its to the point i say "IT" as if what we have is being referred a person or thing . . if we give IT more energy by being in a paranoid state or mind thinking we smell bad or its going to happen than guess what . . we make it happen . everyone who has the same symptoms needs to come together and really come to a conclusion because its not fair for people to commit suicide for their own insecurrities especially when they have no idea why they are being inseccure  
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stop masturbating for 3-6 months and see the result! ill guarantee you just do it,and you will see..
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Nobody is mentioning the ejecting wiggly Fibers..glitter? People actually getn symptoms over the phone..you video call a friend and everyone around them is itching coughing and they could be 800 miles away **** sounds demonic we gotta have faith
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This comment is for everyone here. What if what you're experiencing is not a medical condition and has nothing to do with modern medicine? I'm a firm believer that energy plays a big role in our lives and that without realizing it you guys are putting off an energy that causes this. One thing we as humans do is speak about things only on the surface so we focus on the logical and what is tangible. But let's think about other things like are you angry often, depressed, harboring guilt or some ill feelings about someone or something that effects your thoughts everyday like something that happened in your childhood. You may be feeling such strong emotions and your attempts to try and hide it actually comes through your energy. People can feel that you are not real or authentic. These are places that demonic presences like to hide. They become a part of you and effect those around you. I suggest a few things, clean the energy around you. You do this by keeping your home and your car clean. Then use sage by lighting it and making sure it flows into every crevice of your home and car to include closets and under couches. Then open every window and door in your home to allow the negative energy to escape. I even open the front door. Then you should meditate daily before entering the world and make yoga a regular part of your life. Last, if you are harboring some ill will seek counseling so you don't have to pretend to be ok.
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so im not alone just started search google today smh.. ive been suffering this  4 years now its started when i reach 18 years old now im  22 and no life becaue of this ********
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I too have PATM and have been living with it for years. No one really coughs but most people sneeze, get itchy eyes, nose and blow their noses. When I have been on a plane for hours people have violent sneezing attacks throughout the whole flight.I think stress adds to it as I drink a lot in social situations and then I either don't care as much or I get relaxed enough that it does not happen but it sounds as if Sugar adds to this and alcohol has a lot of sugar in it. I am going to try avoiding all sugar and taking 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day.
I too have had thoughts of ending it all from PATM,drinking every day and living such an isolated life as I cannot even have a relationship.
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wow, same story here
wow, same story here
I really hope that you are doing better. I’ve had the airplane experience. It was total torture. One time it happened to my sister in law. She didn’t know that I was the problem. But I did. She didn’t get on a plane for years after that.
Anyway, the good news is that I figured out what the problem is. I have complete control of it now. I can’t eat any gluten or dairy. It is very difficult to get used to. And you have to be very diligent. But if you are, you can live a normal life again. Warning, most alcohol contains gluten and I get the worst reaction from it. Especially rey, scotch, whisky, béer.
I started the process with a mid cleanse and an elimination diet. And never reintroduced gluten or dairy. Please give it a try. It will take a while before you see a result. But it is totally worth it. You will know for sure within a month that you could live a normal life again. I wish you all the best. Life will get better.
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Possibly human dander? Just like pets we shed skin cells. In the hair it is dandruff. I noticed the same reaction sometimes. Made the connection to possible human dander (deadskin cells) when in the hospital after major surgery lacking a regular shower, my legs were itchy and I used a hair brush to scratch my leg like crazy! It looked like I had almost 1/2 inch of foamy loose skin on my leg with some looking like dust in the air. Now I am back to taking a shower 2 or 3 times a day and use lotion. This seems to be working for me. Hoe this helps.
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im suffering to the same problem. how did you overcome it. please help, im nearly about to commit suicide coz of this.
Have u ever seen small wiggly fibers?
Yes I get those wiggly fibers. Do u know the cause yet?

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