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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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Hi everyone; I just found this sight thru another site that I'm a member of; I too trigger coughs, allergies, sniffles and all kinds of reactions when I'm around people. My job requires a lot of contact with people so my day is a long drawn out nightmare. I've had body odor since I was young but I've managed to get it under control with diet and supplements but the sniffling and coughing, etc is making me miserable. I'm glad to find this sight and I hope we can all find a solution to this mystery.
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how can I get Chamile's email?
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go to this forum:

it's a continuation of this forum...
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Im so happy that I am not alone in this bullshyt.I never noticed it when I was in high school..I do know that I sweat alot and its easy for my skin to absorb odors. For instance if I pick up some change,I will smell like pennies until I wash my hands.I am 27 and I probably started noticing this when I first started college about ten years ago. I would notice people in class always coughing and sneezing near me, after a while I made the connection.I was at work one day and the trainer came to show me something and she almost coughed up a lung around me.I have panic attacks,and am always in fear of being around people.I make sure I dont go to the movies when its gonna be crowded,i avoid crowds at all costs.I know I dont smell, Ive tried every damn cologne in the world and nothing seems to stop the reactions others have.I know its not all people,but Im guessing its more than half.It really affects my life,if im in a grocery store line, if someone is a little to close to me I will get out of line as if I left something, just to spare them and myself the pain.I think it has something to do with our pores and some type of chemical it releases.I noticed that when my body temp. is higher the more response I will get from people.My qustion is, do people know where and why they are coughing? Do they know its us making them sneeze and cough? I have tried everything, I take a shower and 15 minutes later someone will be coughing, i truly hope someone knows what this is and will help.By the way im in miami.
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no i am not waiting for a result..

I just want you guys to wait every sec until april 3, becuase this cure will change for life.

I must say... this patm is a mother ****** disease....  
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How do you know it's because of overuse of soap? I don't think I use too much of soap, but maybe my skin is allergic or something

Looking forward to the cure...are you waiting for some test results until April 8th?

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