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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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go to this forum:

it's a continuation of this forum...
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I had a thought the other day when I was reading about pathogens.  I know this is going to sound crazy, but what if our bodies are creating some sort of pathogens that are released everytime we exhale.  I just wanted to hear what you guys thought.
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i have been suffring from the same disorder for the last 20 years. i always read this thread. and i am also from canada. if you would like to share ideas and work on getting solutions as a team, please write to me at ***@****. thank you. gurumath
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Eliminate gluten and dairy from your diet completely. It will work if you are vigilant. I have finally had a normal life for the past few years. My greatfulness gives me the strength to maintain this annoying diet.
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I too feel that I am the cause of others itching around me.  Any idea on what it is?  Have you been able to get rid of whatever it is? I noticed you posted this comment a year ago, any luck on figuring out what the cause is?  My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy when I tell him that I think everyone around me starts itching.  Is it all in my head?  Please help! Thanks.  
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You seem very thoughtful and level headed. I'm sure you will find an answer and relief from this curse in time. Please post any progress you make, I will check back periodically. Good Luck!
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I think it's better if we all stick to one board and do this chronologically... here's the continuation to this board.... http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/4415
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You are reading content posted in the People Allergic to Me (PATM) Community

Popular Resources
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