689528 tn?1364135841


How about we all introduce ourselves and maybe give some info about our babies.

Your name:
Baby's name:
Baby's birthday:
What you'd like to share:
24 Responses
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689528 tn?1364135841
Your name:  HEATHER
Baby's name:  BRADY
Baby's birthday: OCT 27
What you'd like to share:
Brady is a very happy baby. He has been smiling since birth!! Or close to it! LOL He loves interacting with us and other people! He's been developing well and we couldn't be happier! Sleeping through the night hasn't happened yet, but we are getting there. He has it timed nicely for when he does wake up, which helps! He had some troubles with tummy time but is starting to really like it lately.
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689528 tn?1364135841
The reason why I put EDD, or estimated due date is because it's said that a baby that's been born prematurely may possibly be delayed in their milestones or development. Just in case people were wondering.
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594189 tn?1386916607
Your name:  Lori
Baby's name:  Kathryn
Baby's birthday: 12/7/10
EDD: 12/13/10
She was induced because they thought she was going to be over 9lbs but she was 7lb4oz. She is a great baby. Sleeps like 6 hours at once in the night which is nice. She loves sitting up in her bumbo chair already but just small amounts of time.
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1186413 tn?1326730549
My name: Jodi
Baby's name: Olivia
Baby's birthday: 11/15/10
EDD:  11/13/10
Olivia is our first baby and we could not be happier.  She is going to be 11 weeks on Monday and is sleeping for 8 hours at night.  She was diagnosed with acid reflux at 2 weeks after our first scare of her choking which was so scary.  She is now on medication and unfortunatly at 7 weeks had to be taken off of breast milk due to the projectile spitting up.  With all that she is still a really happy baby and only cries when she's hungry.  She loves to "talk" and interact with myself and my husband.  It is so great seeing her now interact with her toys as well and starting to figure things out for herself.  I am going back to work next week which I am dreading.  
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492921 tn?1321289896
My Name: Brittny
Baby's Name: Kaelynn I call her K-bug
Baby's Birthday: 08/30/10
EDD: 09/02/10

K-bug is so alert and always has been. She wakes up cooing and singing to me. I walk in the room and am greeted with a big smile. She is such a joyful baby I don't know how I got so lucky. She's rolling over and sitting unsupported for a brief time. She has been a 8 hour a night baby from the beginning. She did go a few weeks to only 5 hours at a time when she was teething. She's got both bottom teeth in and starting the top two.  I never thought motherhood would be this rewarding and I would love this little being so much!
I am very thinkful I only work 2 four hour shifts a week and get to spend every day with my beautiful daughter.
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1066572 tn?1296240001
My name:  Kathy
Baby's name:  Stephen
Birthday:  1/9/11
EDD:  1/15/11

Stephen is our first child.  He is our miracle IVF baby (after ttc for years).  Since he was breech, we were scheduled for a c-sx on 1/11/11, but he decided he wanted to come earlier than that - so he arrived early Sunday morning after my water broke.  He's such a joy and a big boy - 9 lbs, 6 oz at birth and very healthy.  My biggest issue is only producing about 10-20 ml of breast milk at a time (or about 1/2 ounce) - obviously not enough for him.  I am breastfeeding, pumping, taking meds to try to stimulate me - not much improvement.  I am giving him supplemental feeds with formula (hooked up with a feeding tube in his mouth so he thinks it is coming from me) to keep him healthy.  Am looking forward to the day he smiles back at us and recognizes our faces.
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1330108 tn?1333677304
My little girl is Ellie she was born Jan 13, 2011 at 5lbs 9oz. Her due date was Feb 16, 2011. I began leaking fluid and had to be induced when she was 35 weeks 1 day gestation.

Ellie is a happy strong baby. She spent an extra 12hrs in the hospital longer than a full term baby. She is always happy never cries even for food. She is 15 days old and still mostly sleeps. She turns her head and opens her eyes to the sound of mommy and Daddy's voice and she can roll half way over.

Ellie also has GERD (reflex) and we are still working with the ped to fix it. She is elevated when sleeping which helps and sit up 10 straight after eating. But still pulls legs to tummy and grunts as if unhappy. Just started gas drops today to see if it will help her be more comfortable.

Ellie is BF and getting better at it I also pump and feed from the Playtex like breast type bottle. So far no nipple confusion thank goodness. They said give her till her due date to get strong enough to exclusively BF
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1194973 tn?1385503904
Your name: Clysta
Baby's name: Kylie or Bug
Baby's birthday: September 8th 2010
EDD: September 16th 2010

Kylie is our first baby and the light of our lives. She's always babbling to us and smiling at everything. She's working to sloowly cut in her teeth, so she eats everything in sight. She still can't roll over yet, but is really close. She can sit unsupported for brief amounts of time (I think the longest has been 3 minutes or so) and knows how to inch forward on her belly.
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590782 tn?1351704524
Your name:  Claudia
Baby's name:  Melissa
Baby's birthday:  Sept. 20
EDD: Oct. 4

Melissa is the best gift ever and we feel blessed to have her in our lives. She is daddy's girl and loves the attention. She enjoys being around people and greets them with a smile. She is not sleeping thru the night and it is tough for me because I work. I do both BF and formula. I pump at work but my supply is low so while I am at work my mom will do 1 bottle of formula. As soon as I get home she latches on and loves being at the breast. I think I will only BF 2 more months. She is doing well supporting her head, sitting and with tummy time. She will be getting her second set of shots this coming Friday...I wonder how much she weighs.
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1186413 tn?1326730549
I love how other babies have the nickname bug....I call Olivia that too!!!!
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1209036 tn?1299178657
Your name:  Cheryl
Baby's name:  Fynnigan
Baby's birthday:  Sept. 27/2010
EDD: Sept. 23/2010

Fynn is such a happy baby! We couldnt have gotten any luckier. He was born at 8 lbs exactly and now weighs 15.1 lbs and is 27 inches long. He talks all the time and loves to stand up. He is so strong that every time you try and sit him down he pushes himself up into a standing position. He loves tummy time and has wonderful neck control. He still isnt sleeping through the night completely but I dont mind, Im in know rush. He hasnt rolled over yet but he is slowly starting but push over to his side...all in good time I suppose. I cant believe how much love i have for this one little person. Me and my boyfriend are going to start trying in August for our second child...we want Fynn and his little brother or little sister (hopefully little sister!) to be close in age!
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676912 tn?1332812551
Your name: Sabrina
Baby's name: Aubryana
Baby's birthday: 12/7/2010
EDD: 12/9/2010
What you'd like to share: Aubryana is far from what I'm used to. She is the exact opposite of her brother from her skin/hair/eye color to her "attitude" as I call it. She's got dark hair, brown eyes, tanish skin, and definitely has an Italian temper, lol! She's seven weeks old and has been smiling, and "talking" to us for the last couple weeks, earlier than I can remember with my son. She rolled over the day she turned six weeks, I'm not sure yet if I'm gonna count it as her first, she's tried to do it again, but I don't think she gets it quite yet. Her brother's first was three days before he turned three months old, so she might follow in his footsteps and be early in hitting milestones too, but I hope she slows down just a little so mommy can enjoy her being a little baby.
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889551 tn?1416184483
Your name: Nicole
Baby's name: Lexi
Baby's birthday: 12/9/2010
EDD: 12/21/2010
What you'd like to share: Lexi was diagnosed with GER at 4 weeks. She also has a Cow's Milk and Soy Milk protein intollerance and is on Alimentum formula. When her tummy is feeling okay, she's a happy baby and loves playing and napping.
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1003723 tn?1306252350
Your Name: Brandi
Baby's Name: Julian
Baby's Birthday: September 25, 2010
EDD: September 26, 2010

Julian arrived on September 25, 2010 1 day before his due date, after the fact that I was induced on September 23, 2010, but after being in the hospital for 14 hours on Pitocin with no change of my cervix they decided to send me home and called it a "failed induction". But I couldn't be any more happier with how my second son arrived =0) Julian is now 19 weeks old and is very happy and LOVES to sit up with help, he HATES laying down unless being feed. Julian also stays up all day long and sleeps through the night. I LOVE both of my boys sooooo much and I couldn't be any happier.
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1278097 tn?1325611497
Your Name: Jacquie
Baby's Name: Isabelle grace nic name: Miss Bell or Izzy
Baby"s B-day: Dec 6
EDD; Dec 8

Isabelle is a happy little girl. She is my forth little wonder. She is exclusively breastfed because her sister was allergic to cow's milk protien and her brother still is allergic to milk protien, soy protien, egg, nuts, fish and bannanas. So we are hoping to avoid allergies but to be perfectly honest her siblings were exclusively breastfed too until their allergies began to take hold. My daughter Emily was on Nutramigen and my son Ethan was on Neocate formula. Here's to hoping Isabelle stays allergy free.
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1139597 tn?1292874871
Your name: Nikki
Baby's name: Michael Jr. (MJ)
Baby's birthday: Oct. 9, 2010
EDD: October 26, 2010
What you'd like to share:
My little boy is just the cutest thing at his 4 month check up he weighs 13lbs.  He is a tad bit small.  He has a 12 year old big sister that is a wonderful sitter.  Her birthday is Oct. 7th and now his is Oct. 9th.  So when shes turning 13, he will be turning 1.  LOL
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796506 tn?1370188305
Your name: NICKIE
Baby's name: MARLEY ANNE
Baby's birthday: OCTOBER 5, 2010
What you'd like to share:
I love my little girl, the last time she went to the dr (3 months) she was in the 90%th percentile and she is definitely mommy and daddy's little princess.
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1285651 tn?1319642429
Your name: Alicia
Baby's name: Madison Michelle & Taylor Vesey
Baby's birthday: December 26th 2010
EDD: February 9th  2011

I am the mother to two beautiful little girls. They were born prematurely at 32 weeks gestation due to Madison's growth which practically stopped. I delivered c-section and both babies came out kicking and screaming. Neither needed oxygen and were healthy but had to stay in the nicu for (Madison) 31 and (Taylor) 16 days since they needed help with feeding. Madison was born at 2.11 lbs and Taylor was 4,9 lbs. They are now 7 weeks old and are 5 lbs and 8 lbs. I couldn't be a happier mommy. These are our first children and probably our last. No health issues so far for either.
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1285651 tn?1319642429
Oooops I mean """Madison Michelle & Taylor Rae
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1210716 tn?1297620883
Your name: Pamela
Baby's name: Anna
Baby's birthday: Sept 15/2010 (The day after my birthday!)
EDD: Sept 18/2010
What you'd like to share: My daughter was born at 8 lbs 6 oz 21 1/4" and now at just under 5 months old she's a whopping 16 pounds and 26.5"! She has always been very active and alert, she loves to smile, play, and talk lots. We started on solids at 3.5 months old and she just went nuts. Her first food was avocado! She is still drinking breastmilk but has just recently started weaning herself off naturally.
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1270719 tn?1300220592
Your name: Lindsey
Baby's name: Marley Lynn
Baby's birthday: January 13, 2011
EDD: January 21, 2011

Marley was born via c-section on the 13th of Jan. She was 7lbs 10oz and 19.5in long. She is mine and DH first child and we love her so much. She's always been a very alert newborn, and even rolled the first time at the doctors office at her two week check up. She grins alot, mostly after a meal when she gets drowzy. The only issues I'm having is now I'm back at work, and it seems she's got her days and nights confused. She falls into good deep sleeps in the afternoon and evening, but when we put her down, usually around 10pm, she wakes up throughout the night.

Any suggestions?
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1309497 tn?1368318187
Your name: Brandi
Baby's name: Ashton Thomas & Carly Sofia
Baby's birthday: December 24, 2010
EDD: February 14, 2011

The twins were born on Christmas Eve as a complete shock at 32 weeks! There were zero complications with my entire pregnancy & both babies were never in danger. I just woke up Christmas Eve in labor & they were born via c-section that evening :) Because they were born early, both had to stay in the hospital until they were able to feed on their own. Ashton came home after 17 days and Carly came home at 22 days. They're almost 8 weeks old and both are thriving! Ashton is 8lbs 11oz now & Carly is 8lbs 9oz. I am so happy to have them both after trying forever to have kids! They're both healthy and I'm still in amazement that time has flown by and they're almost 2 months old!
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1158221 tn?1327972603
Your name: Amanda
Baby's name: Jacob (Jake) or as my nephew calls him "Buddy Booty"-Who Knows??!!
Baby's Birthday: January 6, 2011
EDD: December 28, 2010

Jake had a difficult delivery and after 30 hours of labor and 2 1/2 hours of intense pushing he was delivered with forceps.  He was healthy for the first 24 hours of life then he was taken to the NICU where he spent the next 6 days.  They claimed he had poor muscle tone (floppy baby) and they ran every test under the sun.  He was on antibiotics for 6 days but no infection was ever found.  He had a CT scan, MRI, EEG, blood culture, etc.  He was also having trouble breathing so they put him on oxygen.  It was a difficult 6 days but DH and I got through it and so did Jake.  He came home with a clean bill of health.  I still have to see a neurologist about the poor muscle tone but a lot of his strength looks perfectly normal according to the pediatrician.  

He is now 6+weeks and he makes me laugh everyday.  He just started smiling back (not just reflex) this week and I love that.  He is a bit colicky but that is starting to decrease as well.  He really doesn't like to be held when he is tired.  He loves his swing.  

The only complaint I have is the feeling like I am grounded to the house.  I do not know how to get out of the house while I am nursing every 2-3 hours.  He gives me absolutely no warning when he is ready to eat...he goes from happy baby to screaming uncontrollably.  Hopefully while I am off of work I will be able to get out more once he starts spacing his feedings a little further apart.  I love being a MOM and wouldn't trade any of this for anything in the world.  

Nice to meet all of you ladies.  I enjoy reading your stories.
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1215921 tn?1321568384
My name is Justine
Baby's name is Raymond Andrew
He was born 12/20/2010
EDD 1/4/2011
I was constantly experiencing cramps and contractions during pregnancy and come to find out it's because I had BV which can cause preterm labor and small birth weight and miscarriage in 2nd trimester. I swear I have a lazy OB... I got induced because I didn't want to be away from my other kids Christmas eve or day
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