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I'm Pregnant at 45.. happy excited terrified & scare to death!

I'm 45 years old and 5 1/2 weeks pregnant (Naturally).  My husband and I have been trying for 2 years a number of IUI's but no success so we just gave up.  I have 2 children from my 1st marrage (age 18 & 14).  I'm scare to death, don't know if I can do this all over again at my age.  My husband is 5 years younger and really wanted a child of our own.  He is so happy but he doesn't understand all the riskes being pregnant at 45.  I know most women my age will have a miscarriage.  And the birth defects rate is so high.  I work 2 jobs to make enough money to send my older son off to college in less than 2 months.  I have high blood pressure and low blood sugar. I'm tired all the time only getting 5 hours of sleep on most nights.  I keep praying and telling myself that if this is what God has in His plan for our family then I should not be afraid.  Are there any women out there who can related??  I need a support group.
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Hello everyone!  Congrats to all you new mommy to be.  Hang in there, you are all strong and beautiful women.  Just remember to take things slow and easy one day at a time.  
Here's an update on me and little boy... I'm 47 now and doing fine.  My little Ethan is 15 months @ 22.5 lb and in perfect health.  His is just the cutest little boy.  We love him so much.  My O.B insist I won't need anykinds of birth control saying it's impossible to get pregnant at my age.  But my husband and I are very nervous when it's close to that time of the month.  We hope the Dr. Is right that we won't get pregnant.  LOL my husband said he won't be able to handle me being pregnant again.  Take care and God Bless.
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I am 45 and I think I'm pregnant. I have no cycle, but I do have the bloating that is usually associated with it. I feel just like I did when I found out I was pregnant five years ago. However, I'm in perimenopause and can't be certain. I have to get a test today. My last cycle was 3/16/14 and my husband and I were intimate on 4/3/14. He is 57. Wow. He has three children 30, 15, 13 and I have two 22 and 16. Together we have a 4 y.o. Obviously, God has plans for us that are way outside my realm of possibility. Please keep us in your prayers. If I am pregnant I will have to keep it secret for quite some time to avoid negativity. My husband gets upset lately and can't sleep over small stresses so I will have to wait to tell him for a long while, too. Feeling a little alone, but it is better than the negative comments, etc., that I had five years ago at 40. People will really have a heyday with this one. I prefer to keep it to myself for as long as possible. Thank you for your prayers and allowing me to get this off my chest. I don't have anyone to talk to about this at this point in time.  :)
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I am also 44 and just found out that I am pregnant with my fourth child! I am only 5 weeks and scared to death too! My appt isn't until May 15:/ I have hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, and endometriosis. The dr told me that it would be almost impossible to get pregnant and if I did more than likely it would be in my tubes. Well it made it to the right place and I am soo worried! I have a 24, 19, and 13 year old... Reading these posts have helped some but I am still in shock!
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Hi lam Sharon l am 45 and just found out lam 4 weeks pregnant l have 4 children ages 14, 12, 5, 2. I finished breastfeeding in January l am so so shocked and very scared.  I have also had 3 c-sections any help, We are also Christians. God bless all you ladies.
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Yes I will do that just so I know what to prepare for I have not been to the doctors yet! I am going tomorrow. I cant get my head around it its all so surreal.  I hope you are well it is encouraging about the amount of women our age who are doing fine it  has helped reading these comments.
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Congratulations Nick! Find a very good "elderly pregnancy" doctor and a maternal fetal care clinic with the ability to do extensive testing. It will either ease your mind as its did for me or allow you to prepare for whatever you may need to prepare for.  That said I'm surprised at how many women our age area naturally pregnant and doing just fine. :)  good luck!
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Hi my name is Nicola I am 45 and have just found out I am pregnant with my sixth child I have a girl 23 and four boys 17 15 9 and 4.  I have  mixed emotions atm I am scared In case I miscarry and scared at the fact of having a baby at 46 as I will be before the baby arrives   I am 6 weeks so it is early days and all the things you read about older women having  children.  After reading all the comments it has given me an uplift God willing all will be well.  I hope you are well    
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Quick update. 27 weeks now baby and I are great. Tired a lot and he could sleep more lol but we're both very healthy and the whole family is super happy.
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ty. still reeling actually...  have only told a few people.  8 weeks nowlots of nausea.  my emotions are all over the board. can't sleep more than an hour.  breasts are so sore...  forgot how much I hated being pregnant atg three times lol. too late now. this is the farthest ive gotten yet with my husband....  this ones atrong... I can feel it...
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Congratulations! I'm 12 wks 3 days pregnant with identical twins! First pregnancy and I'm 41. Natural too. I often say if God brought u to it he will bring you through it. Relax and try and be present. All the best!
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Congratulations! I'm 12 wks 3 days pregnant with identical twins! First pregnancy and I'm 41. Natural too. I often say if God brought u to it he will bring you through it. Relax and try and be present. All the best!
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shocked stunned flipping out worried...  6 thrilled46! naturally...thank you for all the stories good and bad...  good are preferred!

my story...  I have 3 with my first husband. 22. 16 and 14. divorced several years ago and recinnected with furst boyfriend who was being divorce by his exwife (they have 5!) we fell back in love I was 41 and we started to try to have a baby. no luck. tumors, miscarriages, and then nothing for 3 years niw....  we gave up. now. suddenly. we are married happy  and had given up on that baby...  

pregnancy test /symptoms confirm it. he is thrilled, im terrified. see doctor next week.
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so nice to read some positive stories...I'm 45 and have just found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant with no 3.  I was in total shock and now I'm getting my head round it I desperately want it to survive first trimester & be healthy. I'm totally terrified about the statistics and risks,it's msking me sick with worry. it will be the longest couple of months....I'm trying hard to take it one day at a time. I have a 4yr old & a 21 month old at home.....don't give up on your dream to be mums.
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Hi there, im 43 and 11 weeks pregnant with my fiancĂ© of 28, all these numbers eh? That is just what it is,  numbers.  The only number that means anything is 2, you and baby. I'm keeping positive as you should and take each and every day as a blessing as what we are cooking is a little miracle!  When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Best of luck and chin up xxx
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Hi Like you it gets depressing reading negativity so I try not too.... I am 46 and like you at first was scared to say I really want a child and then to ask for help... I havent even told my sister as I will get do you know what the % of this and that is she wont say it but i know like many others they will be saying at her age....... well YEP at my age and il make a great mum too like all of you... how special would it be to say hey mum and dad wanted you here so much we planned for you to come

here is my story so far... (sorry if I go on and on)

I was using OPK on a regular basis &  I thought I wasn't ovulating as it kept coming back neg and due to my age I had to swallow my pride and go see the fertility specialist my doctor wanted me to see (wish I had of done it earlier) anyway the specialist calls me and said the blood tests are good im ovulating perfectly... (still not sure why they were coming back neg)

next step HSG OMG why didn't I read the part where women take sedatives before going I read bad cramps so im no sook by any means but holly molly....... even one of my contacts popped  out lol I was suppose to watch the screen and i thought i am in so much pain I cant face it... all i kept saying was suck it up im sure having a child is worse.. after 5 minutes it was all over with... when it finished he said all done the tubes are clear I said WHAT i went thru that for noting he said well actually sometimes they get sticky and yours were both stuck one more than the other

I am gathering that is why it was so painful, the balloon they use to hold the iodine in is what causes the pain and he needed to do that for them to open (that's what he told me its not the fluid itself) so if this works I will be one happy little camper ;-) or should i say mummy to be :)

Its now 3 weeks after the test and I am praying that is what I needed im trying not to get my hopes up and keep saying il be able to try next month

Im so tired of the last 3 days before my period & checking my underwear for blood or watching my temp stay high'and thinking could i? is this it??? only to be let down

they say don't stress hard not too when you see the clock ticking as I say to my partner if I try regularly every month then I can cope as I know Ive tried and its not meant to be.... when we don't I feel that time has slipped away that I will never get back and that is a waste he has two grown up children i have none

1 more day till aunt flow is due fingers crossed I get some good news... not that I tried much this month my partner wasn't well... as i said to him suck it up you have the rest of your life to get sick I really need to concentrate on the next 3 months as they say that's your highest chance of conceiving if they were stuck/blocked otherwise then  i look at IUI?

I hope more women in this age bracket would write positive stories and uplifting ones to inspire all of us that are trying good luck to everyone and hopefully your wishes along with mine come true this year for those who have suffered loses my thoughts are with you
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Thank you so much FancieT ... Congrats on your new baby coming soon in April !!!    Take good care of yourself and your little precious baby.  May God bless you and your family with all His best.
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Didn't realize that your post was from last year! Lol congratulations on your healthy baby I hope all is going well with you and your husband and little baby Ethan enjoy your new miracle!
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God bless you and I believe you were chosen to have another baby by God and he will bless talky and you hubby and your baby to be...you can do it...my two are 18 & 13 and we are having a baby in April. I was a single mom for 14 years and I made it so can you! Keep praying and you will be fine.
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Hi ladies.  I just turned 46 and my husband and I decided we'd like to try for another baby.  We have 3 kids, 27, 19,16.  But after reading so many negative comments and the slim chance of conceiving, high chance of miscarriage and birth deformities, have felt very discouraged and a little depressed. Just today I had an appointment with a new on/gyn (moved to another state) and debated for days whether to even mention it to her that we'd like to try for another baby, for fear she would basically laugh at me. But I did and surprisingly she was very positive about it.  Of course she did tell me the statistics but said she has lots of patients well into their 40's having babies. She specializes in high risk pregnancies.  It was her suggestion to do blood work and an ultrasound to check everything out to see if everything was working properly for a potential pregnancy.  Also, said are things we can do to improve chances.  Though I am not getting my hopes up not knowing what my blood work will show, I am also feeling a lot more positive about it.  And to think I basically just picked her out of the phone book.  Glad I chose her.  Now will wait for ultrasound next month and news of blood work.  Love reading over 40 pregnancy success stories.  Hope to be one! :)
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Thank you so much.  Baby Ethan is now 7 months and doing well.  Take care and God bless.
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Congrats!!!  Hang in there... So you are about 16 weeks right?  Pls take care of yourself and the little one.  Stay relax & try not to do too much .  I know it's hard on your body.  I had a really hard time but was able to hold on til 35 weeks.  My little boy is 7 months now & is doing well.   God bless you and your little one.
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Congrat To all with successfully get pregnant after your 45. I am so happy for you all as I know there is so much out there same age wanted to have a baby.
And I am almost coming 46 in a few months.
Sadly I was also trying real hard to get my first baby, which i guess, the god hasn't granted me yet...
I went ivf twice and failed, now am on TMC trying natural.
I was depress and heart broken again as I tested yesterday it was negative. TMC told me to hang in there as long as my period DIDNT come it still has chance.probably still early to test on day 28. Some people need longer time to get result. So I am now fingers crossed Hoping and praying it hard that little bean still there and stick sick
Exhausted of this emotional roller coaster for so many years.
When can I get it? I want to be a mummy...
Any remedies what you all are eating, eg food fruits and vit?
I have taken melatonin and dhea till big o . I also take TMC medication including heap of vit.

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I totally agree. HE will protect and watch over you. I am also 45 and first time pregnant. Have struggled with infertility for many years. Had 4 m/cs and just came off the adoption list after 3 yrs...and Surprise. I also have only one tube because of a previous eptopic. This is definately our "miracle" baby!! Good Luck to you and Congratulations. ( I am 13 wks 2day)
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