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554628 tn?1362777919

Back Pain and Baby Movements

ok so our forum has been just too quiet lately... lol so i am just posting this to see how everyone is doing we are pretty much all half way there, it's flown by for me, baby is moving a ton and i have horrible back aches and pain in my back (lower back only) so how is everyone else doing with their pregnancy????
12 Responses
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593530 tn?1263847957
;-)  Mine was doing the same thing at first.  I think it was because he was putting his hand on there to heavy.  I had to show him how lightly I was placing my hand on my belly so he would lighten up.  That's when he finally felt it!
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554628 tn?1362777919
lucky ... lol that's awesome can't wait til my bf can feel him lol hopefully soon. but i think everytime he puts his hand on my belly or ne thing she stops haha
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593530 tn?1263847957
Okay, cancel that last post...BF felt him kicking last night!!
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593530 tn?1263847957
OMGsh my baby was kicking like a maniac last night!  I could actually feel it with my hand as well as from the inside!  He'd stop everytime my bf would try though.
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593530 tn?1263847957
My lower back only starts to hurt if I'm on my feet a lot during the day.  My tailbone has also been hurting for about two months.  I have no clue what that's about or what causes that?  It almost feels like my tailbone is bruised, but I haven't been in any kind of position/situation for that to happen?

Our baby boy has also been kicking like crazy!  I've felt him on my finger tips a couple times, but he still is not kicking hard enough for his Daddy to feel him  :-(  I can't wait and neither can he!
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562884 tn?1279632334
LOL YUM Chocolate milk! I swear I just bought a gallon, think I'll go get some! :)
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572254 tn?1297189358
hkenny- i was also breech haha but never had any probs.
I havint had any cravings what so ever :( i dont really eat much to be honest, and im with you on being so tiredin the day and cant sleep a wink at night,i can be awake by 4am and not be able to get to sleep.
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I to have had back pain, it seems to be closer to the neck and my neck is really sore too. I have a bad hip ( from being born breech!!)  and its really gotten bad during this pregnancy, my chiroprator is hoping a vaginal delivery will fix my hip issue all together! I have a very hard time sleeping, getting to sleep and staying asleep. I have taken to 4am snacking....not something I haver done before and of course if i wake up i HAVE to PEE!! I cant seem to get comforable at all. The thing is i am soooooo tired during the day!  I have started to feel her kick, so far its just little ones here and there. My hubbys hand was on my belly and she kicked and he didnt feel it, but i wonder if she knew it was her daddy!  I seriously cant believe we are almost all at 20 weeks. Time sure flies. It had been great to be able to chat with you guys while going though the same things. I cant wait till MAY!!

krushing- bring on the chocolate milk! i have been addicted since about 8 weeks.
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572254 tn?1297189358
haha i cant believe we all have bad backs! ive always had a bad back, think ive just got bad posture and i drive alot, but my back is ok during the day just kills when i go to sleep, and i always sleep on my back, i think its called the siatic nerve which is the problem :(
oh and movements are amazing just recently started to feel them just before 18weeks! feels like a proper kick or flip so wierd!

Glad everyone is good though :) cant believe were all nearly half way through, it has definatly flown by:) 15days till gender scan woop!! im done for xmas shopping and wrapping thankgod, i did start early though.
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554628 tn?1362777919
well my lil girl is doing summer sauts (sp) especially when i'm trying to sleep lol my bf can't feel baby either, he tries but no success yet. my new cravings are very very weird, hot wings, slim jims, and boiled peanuts haha i am proud of myself i actually finished all my christmas shopping and have them all wrapped yay.
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143123 tn?1274300825
The back is killing me and I am now not able to sleep on my stomach...which is killing me.  I toss back and forth from left to right all night.  Not to mention all of the potty breaks and snacks I have to endure in the middle of the night.  I have a growing boy who is hungry at weird hours, lol!!!  And my new craving is chocolate milk and caramello's...I know BAD BAD BAD!!!!  I could live without the candy bars, but I HAVE to have my chocolate milk.

Christmas is next week and I don't have a single gift wrapped, nor do I have all of the groceries for the food that I am preparing for our family gatherings and office party.  I'm so behind, so I must log off and try and get some stuff done.
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562884 tn?1279632334
I was just complaining to Hubby last night that my lower back, and flank area was so achey! And then I laughed thinking WOW the worst is yet to come! LOL  She is moving like crazy as well, I though last night Dh would have been able to feel her, his arm was across my lower abdomen, and I guess was crowding her and she kicked 3 hard times, but not hard enough for him though cuz he didn't feel it. I said give it time a few more weeks maybe, he is so impatiently waiting! It's getting more intense and more distict! It's so exciting!

I think all the forums are on the slow side, everyone must be finishing up X-mas to-dos!
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