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1287017 tn?1537898943

Horrible Heartache!!!!! Please Lend Support


I have been a member of this site for a few years. I have mostly been a member for the TTC community. I am here today for the relationship side of things.

A little background: I got married to my soon to be ex-husband November 14, 2008. Everything was great so I thought. Things weren't as great as it seems or how i wanted them to be. Thought maybe having a child would help him grow up and realize what he was losing by acting the way he was. Thank God we never succeeded in getting pregnant. I came to the realization that the person I married was not the same person that I fell in love with. I know that people change and relationships evolve, they have to. But when someone that you thought you knew does a complete 180, red flags go up.

Speed up to my current situation. Husband and I are in the process of splitting up. I have tried to be fair and get the filing underway, but he is not working with me. I just know that I am not going to put my life on hold because he doesn't want to cooperate. Needless to say, I have met an amazing man. Nothing as far as a relationship happen until my husband decided to leave to test me to see if I would beg for him back. I was already done trying to save my marriage about a year ago. This all happened starting the end of May 2012.

Well speed up, Man A (Not releasing his name as of yet) and I have a wonderful relationship. I have never met anyone that has allowed me to truly let my guard down and is truly happy in seeing me happy. He is settled, not into playing games, loving, caring, hard-worker and has an amazing zest for life. Its very safe to say that we fell in love with each other very quickly. I am in need of support because, a fews back when he was recently divorced and trying to still support his son, he took a job in the finance department of a company. Well one of those situations of wrong place at the wrong time. He over-heard these 2 guys talking about stuff, but really had no reason to believe it was anything more than talking. Turns out, those 2 guys were heavily involved in trying to scam millions of dollars from different companies. When all of this came out, he was implicated. Since he worked in the finance department, he must have been involved. Farthest thing from the truth. He took a plea because they would have tried and sentence him along with the 2 main people ( 1 received 30 yrs and the other 20 yrs ). He didnt want to risk his future and missing out on that many yrs with his son. Completely understandable. He received almost 3 yrs. He is surrendering himself to the minimum security camp today.

I feel like my heart is being ripped out and nobody, but him cares. I get told that I am stupid for wanting to still be with him, for allowing myself to fall in love so quickly after separating from my not even ex yet ( but I told you that situation), that he doesn't deserve me and I don't deserve him. All I know is I love him and I am looking for support and advice. I am new to the being a girlfriend to an inmate. How long with it take until I get used to falling asleep without him or until my heart doesn't hurt anymore? I have never felt this much pain before, not even for my failed marriage.
29 Responses
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In spite of all that's been said - EveryOne here wishes the best for You  -  This much I know is true!!
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1287017 tn?1537898943
I'm DONE!!!!

The support I was looking for was just the I don't know how it feels but how are you. Or something. Clearly I was wrong to think I could at least get that along side being fed all the opinions that I'm making a mistake.

Oh and for the record, I never said he was a hero. I was using the being away from each other as an example. Pretty sure I made that perfectly clear.

Thanks for the I'm in denial, making mistakes, no way this and no way that, calling him less of a gentleman ( that was my fave).

I just know if this were another person's journal, I know I would have handled giving my advice and opinion way differently and more damn sympathy because the writer is obviously hurting really bad.  

Yeah. I think that's all
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"I was looking for support in dealing with someone that is in federal white collar prison. Not what now has become an attack on me and my character and this relationship."  I really think you are confusing concern with being attacked.  You asked for advice and support.....I think you got that.  

It's unfortunate you have regrets about posting here.  I am not sure what you thought would happen, but when you tell most people about the situation you are in on an OPEN forum they will be responding out of concern mostly in my opinion.    

Well, you need to find women who are sitting EXACTLY in your position who can give you the full 411 about how to cope and deal with this situation or even talk with a therapist.  I am sure there are organizations that aren't asking for a fee that you can join......investigate this.  Even if they were asking for a fee, like the website RockRose suggested, it still would be worth it to me to pay the fee and you know you would get EXACTLY what you need.....the EXACT "support" you are truly craving.

BTW:  I am MARRIED to a military man and I have the luxury to see him anytime I like.  I would never put my husband equal to a man serving time in prison.  A military man is no prisoner NOR do I ever feel like I am in prison when my husband is away.  

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973741 tn?1342342773
Well, all I or anyone can do is wish you luck and tell you that it will be wonderful if things work out for you.  I'm very practical about relationships.  I don't believe the feeling of 'love' is the only thing we should base a relationship on.  

But clearly----  the practical side of things is not interesting to you.  That's okay.  This is your life.

So, in answer to your question---  no.  I've never been in love with a man sent away to prison for three years.  I have no idea how anyone could possibly feel attached to that situation or want to attach themselves to it for the sake of a new romance.  I'm practical.  That wouldn't work for my lifestyle.  But I don't judge you for saying that it works for yours.  good luck and as I said----  I hope it works out for you in the end.  
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No need to regret Your post just cuz You didn't hear what You wanted to hear!!
What I hear You saying is that You did not find the "validation" You were looking for!! It seems You came on wanting support of YOUR view.... and not REALLY the advice or perception of others!!

I HUGELY disagree that anyone has "attacked" You, or, that anyone has "forced their opinion down Your throat"  Rather I see that others are "concerned" for the position You are in and that You reject any suggestion that You may be making a mistake.  That being said, You are entitled to Your opinion - BUT - it doesn't seem to me that You came here looking for "advice" but came looking for VALIDATION - which, speaking for myself - I CANNOT give You that!!

The ONLY other thing I have to say is:  

MILITARY MEN are heroes, Prisoners ARE NOT.  They are truely NOT the same!!
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1287017 tn?1537898943
I say I look at it like military, because of the waiting for emails or phone calls. Difference is one I get approved I can go see him which I know is a luxury military wives don't have. And he is not away defending our freedom. But truthfully, I have found more support from my friends that are military wives. They themselves have said they sometimes feel like they are in "prison" when their spouse is away fighting.

I have been on that site and have read numerous articles from there. I just wish that in order to get the most from the support group you didn't have to pay anything. That *****.

I guess I shouldn't have asked for advice. I have come to the conclusion that most don't understand and won't/can't ever understand. I don't really understand why. The heart is a funny thing and love is just that, crazy. I have been told to listen to my head more so than my heart on this journal. Well they have never been so in tune with each other before.

He told me a month in of the situation and told me that he would not blame me if I moved on and he actually encouraged me to do so. To his surprise, I don't want to.

I will say that yes I agree that a new relationship should not have started until my divorce is final. Completely agreed on that. I was not looking for anything serious when I knew that I was going to be divorced. I went out with friends, talk to different guys, nothing sexual or anything, just getting to know what else is out there for when I did start looking. I met my current man and no matter how hard i fought it, there was something different. I kept wanting to talk to him, get to know him more, build something with him. I started going up to a bar on certain nights because him and his brother and friends like to play poker there just so I could see him and say hi. This relationship developed very quickly so I can see how some can say there is no way this relationship is strong, or that there is no way we could love each other or just plain don't get it.

No to answer the last post.

Thanks for your opinion. Not in denial, but I can see why you would think so. I actually do now regret posting this on this forum. I was looking for support in dealing with someone that is in federal white collar prison. Not what now has become an attack on me and my character and this relationship. If you can't understand it or don't understand it, ok. But there is fine line between giving advice and forcing an opinion down some ones throat. The best way to get to someone is by speaking to them with respect and a level of understanding. Especially when there is a huge level of emotions involved.
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RockRose ALWAYS Rocks!!  We should ALL listen when She contributes to these forums!!

DellaKemp:  There is Denial in ALL things!!   but THIS is denial in the extreme!! As regards Your 1st Marriage:  People DO NOT do a "complete 180 degree change".  The "change" is in YOU becoming "aware".  I would suggest there were "red flags" at the "get go" that You CHOSE to ignore ( insert deny!!)
I truely believe You are doing this YET AGAIN!!
You would behoove YourSelf to question why You are SO desparate to be "in love" that You keep subjecting YourSelf to "unfullfilling" relationships??  It takes COURAGE to read the signals!!

My advice:  
You REALLY need to look inside YourSelf to Understand, Realize WHY You "attract" to Relationships in which You need to sacrifice YourSelf!!  Maybe therapy is in order??
Good Luck
I Truely Hope You Find Your Way to Realize Your Own Self Worth!!
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Absolutely RockRose.  

RockRose has provided EXCELLENT info.  I just took a quick peek at the site and it is VERY informative and eye-opening.  

All the best.
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13167 tn?1327194124
This is probably the best support group you could find - wives and girlfriends of prisoners.  

Interestingly,  the welcoming article specifically says that if you have to sugar up this relationship by calling it "like the military",  you haven't yet stepped into the brave truth of the matter.  It is,  the opening article says,  nothing like that.

I am amazed at the bravery,  and candor of these women,  and think you will benefit greatly from reading through this site and staring down your own reflection in the mirror through them.  This support group might be just the face slap of reality that we here can't manage to convey,  because in fact,  you do not understand what you're getting yourself in to.

I urge you to join this support group,  or at the very least read the articles and opinions that are on the website available to those who haven't joined as members yet.

Best wishes.

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1287017 tn?1537898943
I understand what I am getting into as much as I can. He was upfront with me from the get go. I chose to be in this situation.

I do look at it as military situation. I love him and I will wait for him.
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1700643 tn?1464846682
u want advice from someone who has been in the situation of someone being in prison and there partner having to deal with it.I WILL TELL U!I got to c it up close and personal for over6years with my mom.She was w/this man7+yrs b4he went to prison.It was AWFUL.Its exactly like you r locked up with them.I was13when he went in.I lost the mom I had.She changed and Ive known other women who did the same waiting.U will become very depressed,u will end up making ur whole life about doing stuff for him.Scheduling ur life around visits,phone calls,getting packages together,writing them and so much more.U love him o.k. but even my mom will tell u NO DONT DO THIS.U dnt even realize he will not be the man ur n love with when he gets out after3yrs.U will be living HIS LIFE&BE LIVING ON THE REAL WORLD PHYSICALLY BUT MENTALLY U WILL BE IN PRISON.U will probably end up resenting him regaurdless of how in love u r.U need to move on.If its meant to be it will be but dating someone a short time then waiting for them for 3yrs is silly.U deserve to have a real life whether ur single or date others eventually.Ur not married to him,no kids with him.Dont put ur life on hold.And please dont say u wont be doing that because trust me U WILL.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Well, I think you are going to have to approach this then like you would with a new boyfriend that went off to war or something like that.  You are forced to be seperated and that is just the circumstance that  can't be changed.  I would write him letters and visit occasionally.  Hon, I think what I would love to ask of you is that you don't stop living your life while he is gone.  Stay open to doing things with friends and family, explore your hobbies, dive into work, etc.  

I know that I always wish that I could control life.  It always ticks me off and makes me sad when I can't.  Realizing that I don't know how things will turn out and I need to be open to the twists and turns life takes me helps.  Be open to the fact that you can't control this and time will tell what is meant to be.  You can still go on and live life----  maybe a year from now you will meet someone you want to go on a date with.  I personally just think you should be open minded to this type of 'unknown' of what the next three years has in store for you rather than trying to control it.

But no doubt it hurts to have someone we want to be with taken away for whatever the reason.  You really don't have to make any decision about anything right now.  You can keep in contact with him and still live your life to the fullest and as time goes on, it may become more clear what direction to take.  peace
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1287017 tn?1537898943
I appreciate the responses. I understand how the situation looks and yes with me still having an active marriage license, not the best timing. But I also know that we both fought it. Once I made the decision to get divorced, that's when we decided to just hang out. Grew from that. Doesn't make him any less of a gentlemen.

I know I have a long road ahead of me, but I also am the type of person that I am not going to not do something because it's going to be harder than normal. I was mainly looking for advice on how to handle dealing with him being away from me not advice on how my relationships should be.
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In my opinion the MAIN focus isn't whether the bf is innocent or not as we aren't lawyers involved in his case.  

Della, I wish you all the best with figuring this out because this is a very diffcult place to be in.  

You can by all means start your own forum to connect with actual people dealing or have dealt with this situation.  There might even be organizations in your community that can help you as well.  

I think all the women here who have responded offered very sound advice.  Maybe there are things you didn't want to hear or were looking for, but nevertheless it was advice and points of view.  Take what you can use or want to use.

Good luck dear.  

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He's innocent--I just know it.I've heard of cases like this before.He should get off and have no record against him--I have studied law at UNI but didn't finish my degree.There is no justice here it seems.The DA will push for a harsh sentence just like the DPP here in Australia so they can get another star added to their name.This is so unfair.
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Dear, we are trying to support you.  In my opinion, support doesn't mean telling someone what he/she wants to hear; it is telling him/her something he/she NEEDS to hear.  In your initial post you stated you were looking for support and advice.  Plus, I have been through a divorce myself.  Never had a relationship with someone in prison though.  

I think everyone who has posted are older women including myself that have lived life long enough to know bad patterns and good patterns of a situation.  Not to say your situation might not have the desired outcome that you want, but the odds are sure stacked against you.  If I may take the liberty and say that we DON'T want you to end up in a bad spot you can't get out of or ruin your life related to a terrible or bad choice you made.

Even if this guy wasn't in the situation he was in I still wouldn't recommend you jumping so quickly into another relationship.  I wasn't just concerned about this man A's legal woes, but also the fact that he has no qualms about getting involved with a married woman.  A real gentleman would have told you "I will wait until your divorce is final before I pursue you" or something along those lines.  I do understand that you have been disconnected from your husband a year before you started divorce proceedings......same thing happened to me, but you MUST take the time to thoroughly close and end this married life before you start your single life.  TRUST ME dear.  To Add:  this man has a son and ex-wife too, trust me that has another dynamic all of its own and then he was just recently divorced.  

As far as whether he is guilty or not.......well, it's all about presentation and convincing in a courtroom and not so much the truth in my opinion...which laywer can do that the best will win.  

"He took a plea because they would have tried and sentence him along with the 2 main people ( 1 received 30 yrs and the other 20 yrs ). He didnt want to risk his future and missing out on that many yrs with his son."  Dear, dear, dear......people who are innocent don't accept a plea of a lesser degree.....they do when they know they are guilty and want less time or a lighter sentence.  Innocent people just don't do this.  At least, I have NEVER heard or seen an innocent person do this.  I can't really comment or make any judgement about whether he is innocent or guilty.  I do know innocent people have gotten the "shaft" in regards to penal/legal systems. Lawyers can say alot, but keep in mind it might NOT be the 100% truth in the end.  Expunging someone's record is NOT something that is easily done, UNLESS they were found to be COMPLETELY innocent in the end of course.  Perhaps he has the OPPORTUNITY to have this done after 2 years of serving his sentence and even then I DOUBT this will be anything easily done or even done.  

"He has a job waiting for him when he gets out. The same job he just took a leave of absence from." ..... That remains to be seen; can't really comment on that.  

"I also have a lawyer for my DWI and without knowing all the specifics of the case, he pretty much said the same thing that I have been told. Another reason I don't understand the system and why I think it is really flawed."  .......I believe any system involving judgement on a human being from another human being is "flawed."   Plus, this DWI lawyer DOESN'T have privy or know all the particulars or specifics to your bf's case, so he really can't make any sound judgement about what will happen.  

You can by all means start your own forum to connect with actual people dealing or have dealt with this situation.  There might even be organizations in your community that can help you as well.  

I guess I am looking at this more from a mother's or older woman's point of view.  I just hate to see a young woman making this or that decision with her life when I know it can and should be better.  I have lived and seen so many unfortunate situations and consequences related to poor or unhealthy choices people have made in their life.  

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13167 tn?1327194124
I think your idea of talking to the lawyer again is a good idea,  Della.  In Texas (where I live too) you can't get a crime expunged that you've been convicted of.  And certainly not a felony.

If he's been sentenced to prison - for ANY length of time - he's been convicted.

Crimes that can be expunged are misdemeanors,  and then only if you get deferred adjudication or deferred prosecution.  In those cases,  the judge decides to withhold a conviction for a matter of time,  while the accused pleas "no contest" and submits to a probationary period with terms like no subsequent arrests,  no alcohol,  attend classes,  etc.  Upon the completion of the probationary period the accused has to wait two years from the date of the commission of the crime to begin the expunction process,  which can take up to 6 months.

I think you need real clarity before you proceed - you're not operating with correct information,  in my opinion.  Sorry that I actually have had to learn the details of the expunction process.  :(
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973741 tn?1342342773
I'm sorry as I knew you wouldn't like my advice  It wasn't meant to hurt you.  

In all---  and complete honesty----  my advice would completely the same to you if he weren't going to prison but simply taking a job in a city an hour away.  Okay, it would be the same if nothing was going to take him away from you.

All I can do is wish you luck.  Honestly, I HAVE been in the situation of having a bad relationship fall apart and then thinking I was so in love with a new person . . .  only to find out that I wasn't thinking clearly.  THAT I can relate to.  

Either way, you are going to be on your own.  What you do with your time --- the next three years worth is up to you.  You can not date anyone else and patiently wait until he gets out.  OR you can live life saying "maybe things will work out when he is free to be a regular guy I can date".  You have no choice in the matter that you WILL be without him for three years.  

That is something to be sad about as you obviously care for him.  It doesn't matter if I or anyone feels you should be so desperate for this man at this point or not----  regardless of that, you will go through sadness and mourning as he is incarcerated.  But nothing at all will change it.  Just don't marry him while he is in prison.  Wait until he gets out and you can try to date again.  

good luck.  Nothing can take away your sadness or feelings----  those have mnothing to do with what is in your best interest in terms of speed to get into another relationship.  good l uck and peace
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1287017 tn?1537898943
Thanks. I have been. I want to say that's what it was. I also have a lawyer for my DWI and without knowing all the specifics of the case, he pretty much said the same thing that I have been told. Another reason I don't understand the system and why I think it is really flawed.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I just want to be clear about something.  I only said what I said because, due to some personal experiences, I have a VERY different viewpoint of the justice system than I used to.  

I would have said the exact same thing Tink said not long ago.  I just wanted to explain, for general purposes, why an innocent person WOULD plead guilty to something they didn't do...because if a plea isn't taken, and they lose in trial (it happens)..all bets are off, and they usually get the max sentence.  For some people, they have to think logically, and it's way too big a gamble.    

I am not making any comment about if Della's BF did or didn't do the crime.  My advice still stands, that it just isn't a healthy situation to enter.

Della...you may want to double check what the lawyer told you.  If a person pleads guilty and actually does jail time, I can't see how their record could be expunged, unless it was a "sentence without verdict" type of deal.  I still can't imagine, with jail time being involved that he would be eligible for that.  Just double check it.

Very best to you.
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1287017 tn?1537898943
Was hoping to find some ladies that have ben through the same thing as far as being with someone who is in prison and just to be that support. Maybe I just need to start a forum/community for this if it hasn't already been one
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It sounds as though You know what You want.  I'm not sure I understand what Your question is here but I wish You luck with this.
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1287017 tn?1537898943
Thank you for posting about the justice system. It was the best option for him. Why be sentenced along side 2 people who got 20 and 30 years. I would take the plea. I know I would.
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1287017 tn?1537898943
You had mentioned some stuff in your post so some of this in answer to your post, but to everyone as well.

I don't expect anyone to truly understand what I am going through. All of my close friends that knows me and my ex, knows that even though we were married, we really weren't. I haven't been in a relationship in over a year. I had a roommate and a mortgage. I should have filed back then, I just didn't for whatever reason. I did my thing, he did his thing. I was not hurt when the decision was finally made to split for good. I was so relieved and happy to get out of this marriage. All of it was an act and all I was doing was fooling myself. I was really hurt back then when I was the only one trying any and everything to make it work with someone that wasn't worth it. I have had time to grieve that relationship. A year plus to be exact. I was not looking for any relationships or casual dating or anything, but I also didn't close myself off to that possibility.  He just happened. I fought it because of the current situation. There are just somethings that you can't deny and this is one of them. We have mutual friends and they could sense it. They even told us that we love each other before we admitted it to each other. I don't know how else to make anyone understand.

As far as his case, he is innocent. He worked(works) for a huge restaurant chain in their corporate office and the CFO testified on his behalf saying that their is no way that he would ever actively participate or benefit from the charges being help against him. He has a job waiting for him when he gets out. The same job he just took a leave of absence from. I have worked corporate and restaurants. They don't tolerate that at all. Also, he can get it removed from his record about 2 years after his release. Lawyer said so. He shouldn't have received any time and I know its hard for people to see this and understand that sometimes, people that are innocent get bad reps.

I used to think that whirlwind romances were a crock of ****. That nobody fell in love so quickly. I believe that now. I kinda started to believe it before he came into my life because my soon to be ex in-laws were the same way. 3 dates and then my  ex mother and father inlaw were married. Not even together for a year and my ex sister in law and her hubby were married. It does happen, but most don't realize it until it happens to them or someone close to them.

I do appreciate the warnings I guess from yall. He is an open book with me. I knew what I was getting into with him. Unlike my ex, he never hid anything from me.
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