1275375 tn?1273089745

Wake up every hour - why??


I'm having an issue with very light sleeping, i take two Zopiclone (7mg in total) each night which resolves insomnia/not being able to fall asleep but find that after only two or three hours i wake up again. Usually if i go to the bathroom/get up and then lay back down i can nod straight back off but then, lo, an hour later i'm awake again. This process repeats throughout the night so that by the time i 'wake' and have to get up i feel shattered.

I'm averaging 4-5 small /hour long sleep sessions each night between 12pm and 9am. I get around 7hours sleep but wake up feeling wrecked because none of it is continous sleep. At first i assumed it was just noise disturbance disrupting me, however after documenting the pattern i realised that my waking is automatic and has very little to do with my surroundings/outside noise. Also it should be noted that i am having REM sleep because i have very vivid dreams and sometimes nightmares - however once again these don't seem to be the reason i am waking up.

I have tried to reduce my caffeine intake in the afternoon/not drink it in the evening but this hasn't helped either.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions why i might wake so frequently?

21 Responses
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1307086 tn?1285143616
Have you ever looked into Sleep Apnea being a cause. My situation is frighteningly like yours. Actually it is a relief to hear someone else talk about it because nobody ever seems to understand how f'ed up it is. Sometimes I can grab an actual 3 hours straight, but that is it. I got diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, have an advanced version of the machine (a v-pap not a c-pap), and was told my case was especially difficult to treat. Hence the apnea is treated but the sleep is no better. BUT don't worry about my outcome, I know a bunch of people who have been treated for Apnea successfully.
If any of this doesn't make sense, write me... we'll talk
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I have the exact same problem I think. I have been diagnosed with sleep apnoea as well, use a C-Pap and have been told it's treating my apnoea but I'm still waking every single hour at exactly the same time on the hour. It's exhausting...the strangest thing is the timing. If I wake at 1.02, I'll waken at 2.02, 3.02, 4.02 etc, if it's 1.32 or 1.52, or 1.23 then it's exactly 1 hour later on the minute.
1275375 tn?1273089745

Thanks for the advice - i have looked into Apnea based on what you said however i don't think that my symptoms marry the disorder. You are right though, messed up/fragmented sleep is much worse than people give credit for. Sorry to read you have an untreatable form of Apnea, i think my problem is plain old Insomnia and according to my new research/the apnea info.... it could be because i use sleeping pills. (which may cause a form of apnea after prolonged use)
Thanks for the tip.
All the best.

(PS - if you do wish to PM to discuss this further then dont hesitate, although having read the symptoms and causes i'm almost 99% sure it isn't apnea that i suffer from - friendly ear here all the same if u wish to talk)
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Please look at my post at the bottom.  I am going crazy
2019747 tn?1328543746
My symptoms are exactly the same.I don't have sleep apnea, I just don't sleep.Wake up every 1 to 2 hours.This goes on all night.I get 3 hour straight if I take ambien.Did you find out what your problem was.Need help.
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I'm having the same problem.
No matter how tired I am and how easily I fall asleep, I just cannot make it through the night without waking up every hour or so. I all but stopped drinking caffeine about 3 weeks ago.
I've had this problem before. It happens when I stop smoking pot and cigs. (I'm pretty sure it's more related to the pot, but thought I should also mention the cigs.) When I'm on "smoke mode," I do not experience the vivid dreams that I've been having for the past couple of weeks, but I do sleep right through the night.
I've been taking melatonin for a couple of months, and am considering upping the dosage.
Please post any results or discoveries and I will do the same. If nothing else, know that you're not alone. I know the frustration you are feeling!
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Oh wow, thank you.  Your symptoms sound almost exactly the same as my friends.  This has been going on for two years now for him & it's breaking him down & driving him crazy at the same time.  Neither one of us have heard of any sleeping disorder like this.  I'm sure he'll be glad to know that he's not alone & maybe I can get him to this link & hopefully talk to someone about it.  Not sure if he's tried what you have with the cigs & weed but guessing he's pretty much tried everything he can think of, oh, except sleeping pills.  He's afraid if he tried them that he'd still wake up every hour but feeling more groggy & crappier that he already does.  Today I suggested trying Trazodone.  When I was taking them they would knock me out for a good 8 hours & I didn't wake up with the groggy sleeping pill hangover that most sleeping pill cause.  Plus, it was nearly impossible to wake me up once I was out.  The only catch is that you can only get them with a proscription which means a visit to the doctor which I don't know if he'll be willing.  In the last two years I only know of two times that he's been able to sleep at least 3 to 4 hours straight thru.  The first time was when he took a Vicodin for pain & thou it made him sick as a dog & he won't take any again, it did manage to put him out for I think it was 2 hours followed by another 3 to 4 hours.  I hadn't seen him that happy in a long time.  I hope you are seeing some improvement.Good luck..
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i thought i was alone its nuts waking up every hour never feeling rested. Im going to see a doctor.
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This is another vote for sleep apnea. Until you find yourself getting the rest you need, you are going to become even more anxious about sleeping. I think that getting yourself checked for sleep apnea is one of the best ways (though it will oftentimes take a night in the hospital) but it would help you rule out issues altogether.
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9048101 tn?1401379981
..I can't tell you guys how relieved I am knowing I'm not alone in this..My doctor has me on 3 sleeping pills and I pop melatonin and camomile tea...I wake up like clockwork...every 1-2 hours...I take a few benzodiazapines (family of xanax, ativan, klonopin, restoril, valium..) and after complaining to a handful of doctors over the years, one of them told me that those benzos have been known to interrupt stages 4 - 5 of sleep. I dream like crazy! ***I've come to expect that furrow in my doctor's brow as I tell her 'that med's not working.". Of course it's not ever a good sign when your physician looks hella confused, then stairs at your chart..."huh.."
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Same here and I do NOT have apnea.
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I have the same problem since i got pregnant my second child.anyone has solved the problem?really miss my straight sleep
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I have the same thing! No matter if I exercise or not, drink AM coffee or not, am hurting or not, I sleep for 2 hours, then pee, then sleep for another 2 hours. After that I am up every 45 minutes or so till I drag myself out of bed at 8 am.  I get 7 hours of sleep, but it is fragmented so I never feel rested and cant function at my computer. Head feels heavy and my eyes look like I have not slept in weeks. I have all the natural stuff. Solus, gaba, 5 htp, theanine, phosaphatalsyren, none of it helps any more.  I tried Trazadone and it almost killed me. Halcion does nothing. Ambien makes me sleep for 2.5 hours, then up for hours after that.  Anyone have an answer?  I have tried going out into the sun and staying off the computer. I have a screen that blocks the blue light too.
Helpful - 2
Same disturbed sleep cycles here, no apnea. I'm also over on blaming coffee, computer, sun, ..., tried natural stuff also, none of them helped. I was on a normal benzo for 4 years (I've also made to successfully put it down for a few months). Doctor asked me to move to xanax XR, because the normal dose didn't make me fall asleep. Since then, I wake up every hour, and have problems fall asleep again. This is hell of a new issue I have to deal with. I had only fall asleep problems, now I have stay asleep problems also. I seriously think drugs not always working the way the doctors think.
Its good to read that I'm not the only one.
Maybe my life isn't satisfying to stay asleep? How is yours? How are you now Molly?
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OMG I have Sleep Apnea and I wake up every 1.5-2 hours it is beginning to drive me crazy HELP!!
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Do you have a cPap machine?
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Last night it was: Go to sleep 10pm, wake up 11pm, wake up 12am, wake up 2am, wake up 4am.. wake up 7am (get up). I woke up much more than that at least 5 times I can kinf of remember, probably more I dont. I actually have dreams about noises and wake up and it's my breathing/snoring. Always have a dry mouth too... it's 2pm now and I'm falling asleep at my desk. I dont take sleeping pills I dont have trouble falling asleep, I think its more the snoring / waking myself up :-(  What's the best thing I can do to get a good nights sleep?
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Yours, my dear, it's sleep apnea.
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Yes, cut out all the caffeine and alcohol. It will definitely help.
Take healthy diet and do exercise daily it will improve your sleep quality and good for your health also. You can take better meds like Ambien with you doctors advice if needed.
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For some people it could be hormone related, thyroid, testosterone/oestrogen or adrenal glands are good place to start looking as alternatives to sleep apnea. I've noticed a pattern linked to my monthly cycle and have had different treatments related to thyroid and testosterone level problems. I too, wake up every hour or two, even with 7mg Zopiclone and half the month with severe night sweats. I realize this might not apply to everyone here but hopefully it can help some looking for other answers. Good night and stay sane folks :)
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Does anyone know of a treatment?
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Its nice to know I'm not the only one dealing with this problem. No matter how tired I am, what I eat, drink or do, no matter what Rxs I take or how hard I work, I can't seem to sleep through the night. I wake up every hour. Usually I can smoke a cigarette and take a leak then go back to sleep for an hour but sometimes I can't fall back asleep at all. Its definitely not sleep apnea. As nice as it is to know I'm not alone, it would be nicer to find a treatment. My wife thought I was nuts until I found I'm not the only one.
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I also have the same thing, but I have a question for you all - are any of you low on vitamin B12? One of the symptoms is sleep disorder. My level is quite low (pernicious anemia low) and I was wondering if it's related.
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I have a clogged nostril that caused the exact symptoms..Sometimes you accidentally close the functional nostril while pressing your head on the pillow, leaving yourself completely out of air. Medicines wont help you out here, so try to engineer your sleeping posture to prevent this..and try not to sleep on your back
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Same Issue:   Mine started 2 1/2 weeks ago.   It first started with waking up at 3 am, then twice, and has progressively gotten worse to nearly ever hour now.  I have taken temaezpan twice but does nothing.  Unisom is also ineffective.  I also wake up with heart beating fast and somewhat warm.   Sometimes I remember waking up during a dream, good or bad.  It feels like my body is purposely waking me for some reason.  I don't think it's sleep apnea because my girlfriend says I make no noises in bed, other than normal breathing.   I changed 3 things weeks before the sleeping issue started...I stopped taking many Life Extension Foundation supplements, changed my diet to low carb and cut out all sweets, sugars, fried foods.  I eat a much healthier diet.   The other thing that changed was less exercise due to plantar fasciitis in the left foot.   I see a sleep doctor next week.
Same Issue:   Mine started 2 1/2 weeks ago.   It first started with waking up at 3 am, then twice, and has progressively gotten worse to nearly ever hour now.  I have taken temaezpan twice but does nothing.  Unisom is also ineffective.  I also wake up with heart beating fast and somewhat warm.   Sometimes I remember waking up during a dream, good or bad.  It feels like my body is purposely waking me for some reason.  I don't think it's sleep apnea because my girlfriend says I make no noises in bed, other than normal breathing.   I changed 3 things weeks before the sleeping issue started...I stopped taking many Life Extension Foundation supplements, changed my diet to low carb and cut out all sweets, sugars, fried foods.  I eat a much healthier diet.   The other thing that changed was less exercise due to plantar fasciitis in the left foot.   I see a sleep doctor next week.
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Did you take an SSRI like Prozac or other antidepressant in the past? This can sometimes be a symptom of a protracted antidepressant withdrawal that can go on for quite a while after you stopped the drug, even if you have no other noticeable symptoms. I wonder how many people who responded developed this problem within a few months of quitting an antidepressant? I really hope it has resolved for you.

Other possibilities that I know of are low estrogen/progesterone, and hyperthyroidism. I really hope you have since gotten better!
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Also wanted to add--if anyone reads this who is currently on an any type of psychiatric medication, and you are wanting to stop--please, please, do NOT stop your drug cold turkey--this is more dangerous than you even know, and often what causes prolonged withdrawals (along with too-fast tapers). I would plead with you to taper extremely slowly--usually much more slowly than even your doctor will recommend--and only under a doctor's supervision.
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Same thing here. Only with one more terrible addition that makes it true hell. I won't go into detail about that here as you don't have that. I was just wondering. Could you try running before sleep? Like 30min - 1h run? I have many many methods I use that help.
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If you are exhausted in the morning, and notice dry mouth, it may well be sleep apnea, as test can be done and using a CPAP machine will make you feel in the morning like a new born.
If you notice you can't breath by the nose (stuffed nose), it may be a medical condition (or perhaps your nostrils were damaged by a turbinate surgery).  It may help to sleep with the trunk/head raised, don't eat after 6 PM, reduce drinking milk.
If you breath normally by the nose, there may be an underlying stress/anxiety from some life situation. Not much to do but to try fixing that issue.
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I've been waking up every hour on the hour, down to the minute,  for a little over a year
I have restless leg syndrome, I've read that this is a major factor with insomnia
However, seeing these posts, we all have roughly the same symptoms and even the same treatments and results from said treatments.
Something else must be the cause, I'm  just not seeing it
It would also be helpful to see some resent posts, most of these here are 6 years old
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They've all left forever. You can start your own thread though.
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