168348 tn?1379357075

~*~* POLL: How are we doing .. 1 is Bad ... 10 is Great! ...... go for it here post away........

I am an 8 in the thyroid dept and about a 5 in the ankle tendonitis/arthritis dept.

30 Responses
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209384 tn?1231168306
My endo is a really good one, I just haven't been with her very long, so she hasn't seen me very often.  Think when you go to a dr they need to take a photo of you to put on their chart so that maybe they will remember you more.  Am going to see her tomorrow and may take her one so that when she starts thinking I have a skinny disease all she has to do its look at the picture. =}{

I had that bald problem with Graves.  Only had to shave my legs and armpits about 2X month!  That was sooooo cool.  Also the only time the nether region have been hair free!  LOLOLOL  Now I have hair growing on my eyelids!  BLUCK!  God has a really funny sense of humor, don't ya think?

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Hi, Dac--

I am so glad that I cracked you up! More than once, laughing at my "baldness" has helped me feel better about my frustrating situation. The idea that laughter encourages your brain to produce more beta-endorphins, which then make you feel a little cheerier, sure seems to work for me. I am just glad that I could share the chuckle with a fellow sufferer.

About your adrenal thing: I am at the beginning of an experiment, suggested by my endo, to test his hunch that I have an adrenal thing, too, on top of my hypothyroidism. I am truly blessed by having the help of an endocrinologist who is a really, really GOOD thinker--maybe better than your doc, from what you say. Someone recently commented to me that endocrinology does not involve many procedures; what it really involves is hard, careful thinking. It is too bad that there are not more endos who are good at the thinking part than what there seem to be.

I can understand what you mean about saying that you would call yourself a funny looking sight if it wasn't so depressing. We have to laugh at everything we possibly can, but we all have our limits.

God bless you, too, and take care,
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209384 tn?1231168306
It's not the Mad Hatter.  Just a chicken in a tinfoil hat!  LOL
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209384 tn?1231168306
Jenny, you crack me up!  I'm not exactly in the middle of thyroid right now.  Levels are now normal for first time in almost 8 years.  YEAH!

What I am in the middle of is some kind of adrenal thing.  Explanation of that is:  my endo thinks I have Addison's or adrenal insufficiencies.  Have studied up on this a lot and realize my endo has noooooooo idea what I look like any more and need to go remind the woman!  I, I think I have Cushing's Disease.  I could be the walking bill board for Cushing's!  Moon face, huge stomach, legs too small to go with big stomach.  Would tell you I was a funny looking sight if it wasn't so depressing...boohooohoooohooooo. :(~

To everyone else.  You HAVE to hang on to that weird sense of humor to go through this!  Could not find the humor in this until I found this forum!  When every one around you thinks you are fat, lazy, and crazy it is hard to find the humor in it for long.  But thanks to this site I can now LMBO at all these things no one else gets.

Having this site to go to on a good day--10.  Having this site to go to on a bad day--20!

God bless you all!!!
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251991 tn?1239296030
Thyroid- 5, some swelling, I guess or it might be in my head.
Energy-5, I need more!
Memory-3 still have CRS.
Feet-1 they hurt so bad!
Dentist Wed.- 2 ,Not really looking forward to that
Surgery- 1,Still scared to call and set up the preop.
Weight Gain- O boy I know I am gaining weight here lately, no energy and half handicap
Neuropathy Issues-5
Got on here to read everything-10 WOW
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Your comments made me realize that I left out two categories when answering the "How are we doing?" question:
Humor: 10, and grateful for it. I agree with Kipland; humor is a large part of what has seen me through. The few times I could not find any reason at all to laugh have been the times when I knew that I was truly suffering. Most of the time, I can use humor as a way to cope, including humor about my thyroid problem. For example:
Hair migration department: 10 and then some. When I started taking Levothroid, I was crossing my fingers like crazy that I would not have any hair loss. I am quite tall for a woman, and I think that my height is startling enough. I really did not want one more obvious oddity, such as a half-bald head, to show to the world. Well, guess what? Since my thyroid gland began to make its struggles really obvious, I have had a startling amount of hair loss, and I mean really startling, but ... ready for the punch line? The hair loss is in an area of my body where it does not matter at all. Every so often, when I have no clothes on, I look down at my semi-baldness and just laugh and laugh.

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Rohit, there is no male/female difference in TSH levels and what is optimal for a person. The only difference, and I really envy you, is that you do not need to balance a need for supplemental estrogen with a need for levothyroxine (of which Levoxyl is one brand; I should toss in that fact as insurance against making you feel puzzled). The two drugs are not always easy to balance. On the other hand, getting back to feeling well is not easy for any of us who struggle with hypothyroidism, whether we are guys or whether we are gals. I wish you all the best of outcomes as you go up the Levoxyl dosage scale.

As for DLA and MJ, I am speechless. I am pretty good at major home improvement projects; that is not the part that leaves me speechless. It is the idea that you can be in a major battle with your thyroid gland and still have the energy to plumb, lay tile, and so forth. If I can get myself to my desk job every day with a reasonable amount of energy, I think I am doing exceptionally well...or I used to think so. Now you two are making me look like a sissy. ;o)

Here is my response to the poll question (and Cheryl, I enjoy the way you keep the poll questions coming):
General energy & well-being: 10 for the third day in a row--amazing.
Comfort level with taking fludrocortisone (for two weeks now) for a possible case (a highly sneaky case, if it's there) of adrenal insufficiency: 6, and easing up the comfort scale steadily.
Sleep: 3 and frustrated about it--what would I do without Ambien?
Friendship: 10-plus, and what would I do without it, too?!

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185634 tn?1257071139
Even though I'm sorry that you feel so lousy, I was happy to see an "8" on your humor.  I swear, sometimes that's what gets me through all of this.  Try to keep that number up there, and keep posting out here.  There are a lot of people out here who have goofy senses of humor and will give you lots of chuckles, and help you bring that number up if it starts falling.  

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267147 tn?1189755836
Thyroid department - 0 - no treatment yet.

Pain in my feet, hips and knees department - 1 - excruciating.

Panic attack department - 2 - absolutely stricken and wondering how I will pay for treatment.

Fatigue department - 1 - I manage to get out of bed to go to the bathroom.

Swelling in my face department - 2 - I can see out of my eyes today because they're not swelled shut.

Sore throat department - 3 - I can swallow but breathing is noisy and voice is deep.

Hair migration department - 3 - hair seems to be relocating from top of my head to the tip of my chin.  Might be better if I was a guy.

Attitude - 3 - Crummy.  Thought this would be fixed easily with a tablet every day but looks like I have a lot to learn.

Sense of humor Department - 8 - there is just something about this that is so unbelievable that I half expect to see the Mad Hatter or the Cheshire Cat go floating by...

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12758 tn?1201219680
thyroid - energy level stinks...could be the b12 issue (pernicious anemia)...achey joints not toooo bad...so..hmm about a 7

the stupid URI...still hitting hard...both ears stopped up now...coughing...sneezing...this is the 3rd day on the Zpack...grrrr ...so about a 3 in that dept

swelling in the feet and legs down...looks normal now...of course that means LOTS of trips to the john LOL...but can't have everything! don't have the results of the echo cardiogram yet...Wednesday when I see my PCP....guess everything is ok...nobody gasped during the testing...nobody called me the next day and said we need to see you right away...:) so that part is at least a 9

just realized that I have to have blood drawn 2 times on Wednesday! sheeesh...once for the endo at 8:30 (appt on Friday) and once at the PCP appt at 12:30....not good, not good at all...
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Where my Thyroid is concerned, I think I'm a 7.  Most of the time I feel pretty good, but when I get that feeling just sitting there that feels for all the world like a heart attack, it's hard to get the gumption to do anything except taking a closer walk with Jesus.

As soon as I get to quit my retail job when I graduate my MA classes, everything will be a lot less stressful and I'm expecting life to be a 10!
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In addition to my last post. My doctor said i still have room for improvement in TSH so as per him i would feel better soon that was encouraging but let's see . He changed my Levoxyl from75mcg to 100mcg . I am male would make any difference in TSH level or it still  be in range 1.0
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7 in Thyroid dept (Fatigue is the main issue in thyroid ) 08/29/07 Test Result  TSH 2.9 FT4 1.6.
Neuropthy dept i am in 5 ( still have burning sensation/tingling in feet )

Muscles and bone pain/cramp  in 5 not sure what dept to put on.
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209405 tn?1189755821
Graves Disease 10 with antidepressant and xanax for good sleep.

Skin clearing up at an 8. (Btw, I think Proactive really works for me. I really resisted it because of all the infommercials and celebrity cult but people I actually knew were using the products and it worked for them. Also, my skin might have cleared from better sleep. I don't know for sure.)

Positive mental attitude and energy 10.

Concentration and focus 7 - probably was a 2
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Graves' Disease - 8 to 9 and 10 on a good day

Wish I was back to a - 15

I loved it!
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237249 tn?1211290398
What a good thread.... glad to see I am not in misery all by myself sometimes. LOL

So, for today, I would say overall I am a 8. Thyroid dept prob more like a 5 or 6 .... lots of pressure on my neck today, and last night. Can't wait to be done with this! ugh! Then there is the emotional side of things (thyroid related as well) and today I am struggling... I think down in the dumpy 4's on emotions today. However, I refuse to get all weepy and stuff so I will hold my chin up and just smile.

HUGS to you guys!
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209384 tn?1231168306
Well, thanks for the offer.  Will be expecting to see you in Oklahoma by tomorrow morning for the help!  LOLOL  Faucets?  No problem.  Did them not that long ago.  The only thing I have trouble with there are the drain plugs that you have to hook up.  They do tend to drive me nuts, but so far don't have them in this house.  Just use the ones with plugs! HA

Never layed tile before, so this will be a first.  My mom was suppose to help me, she did her whole master bath, back splash, counter top floor, jacuzzi, and around the shower.  SHE rocks!  Anyway, she is on extended vacation so will just be me and my trowel!

Ever done something like lightly pain around a flower or leaf?  Really cool look.  You can also use artificial flowers dipped instead of bag or something.  Have fun!
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149081 tn?1242397832
too much brain fog to answer - all i can think of is where is that darned chicken!???
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11852 tn?1216841443
Call me if you need help with the tiling, vanity, or installing the toilet.  But not the faucets....hate to do faucets.  I'm doing a faux technique in my friends bathroom....maybe the Woolsie, or the  Walmart plastic sack method...a grayish lavender in the main color.
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220331 tn?1199842519
Thyroid - about a nine I think!
Root Canal - about a 2...OUCH!!!  
Everything else - about a 5


btw...Way to go DLA!  I am redoing my third bedroom into a scrapbook room but that room is very minor.  But Bathrooms and Kitchens!!!!  They Rock! ...and kick your butt sometimes so take care of yourself!
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209384 tn?1231168306
Forgot to mention, am in the middle of redoing my whole master bath!  Unfortunately painting is still a ways down the line.  Putting up back-splash tile is next on my list.
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209384 tn?1231168306
Thyroid 9, everything sucks, but still have a twisted sense of humor, so that's worth.....2 maybe?  Yeah, 2.  Still have flu, have some other auto immune disease yet to be dx, Aunt Flo is back for second time this month, and horrible acne have one of the cysts coming back on my face.  Purdy, huh?  Still haven't gotten my washing machine fixed after 2 weeks, so attitude not real great.  But am still alive and b_____n' so maybe add 2 more.  Ok, so brings the count to thyroid 9 and everything else 4.

KNOCK me out until it's over.
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211563 tn?1189994510
Thyroid/energy: 9
Hairloss: 5
Everything else: 10.  

Perspective is everything and everything is relative.  I don't consider myself a pessimist... but I am a realist and I think it is fair to say I am hopeful, but not optimistic.  I think something in my life is a bummer or I'm so unlucky, then I hear a story about someone's mom being so sick (my mom's pathology was certainly something I'm thankful for!), or someone's husband treating them poorly (mine doesn't beat me and even better, he's nice to me, tolerant, supportive and a great dad), or worse... and then I realize I have it pretty darn good.

Hope I didn't get too philosophical.  

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201897 tn?1245842334
Mentally, about a 3.  Leaving for MA on Tuesday and have too much to do before then.  Feeling cranky, depressed, anxious, and blah.  I'm really dreading the show coming up next week.  Also dreading the GI exams scheduled 3 days after I get back.

Health-wise, about a 5.  Tired today and having GI discomfort.  The tired part is my own darned fault.  Because of GI issues the past few days, I haven't been taking my supplements.  Can definitely tell the difference.

Wake me up when it's all over.
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